The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 01, 1918, Image 1

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How much will you gfvsT You are
not asked for gn a t th h «s hut wa t
Bava there is net one o f our roads
lu t will iaatot on giving aoawthing.
Just another thought suggested by
an article to tort week's Outlook by ita
editor, from which we have
quoted. It waa ae longer
gga than toe writer’« birthday near
the middle o f the last century that
Protestant Christianity began to ro­
ulis* that religion meant something
more than going to church to save
one’s own soul, and that to do what
toe Obod Samaritan did ia binding i
the wounds and ministering to the
needs of ths unfortunate is to follow
the Master more closely ♦*—» to go
to church never so regulrriy and pray]
aovar «o earnestly. ' & *
■M B
t jr V
to the
Oct. IS haw
I N tort half af
o f Ha
ìlia a e f H a « -
• Ä Tta* au the 16th day of Oetobaf,
101«, a petition for the recali o f
Archie Philip, county commissioner,
trsa «led hi the «toe* gf the county
o f « m per emit stow Osi. %’ S
fee. 0 a penalty s f 6 par e s « will
to to all unpaid tiixae o f that year
m August 26, will have beth au the teat aa well aa tha aaeoud
. - t ,
1 atson in the half.
Ito. Lauto-puto:« S i to
That said petition did aet set out
Here ia an item from last week’s
issue o f the Port Orferd Tribune
which will be rood with much interest
by Judge Watson's friends who sup­
posed he was still a benedict:
Judge Jas. Watson and Gao. Hob-
inson, accompanied by their wives,
toe signers ae that the county clerk
able to cheek tvH petition
Hat to determine
e f «aid potito
road isn't anything to brag at
, but ninstoon hundred yours ago
was a mars trail aad tha tangía
to »o m
r Onto
caves baside the ravine
l ,,,,,, ypgo£p0 aad t ffffj” * ef
which K ran was infested by high-
trquent taxes, h
Harod had just eomptoted
on the land gras
to the Cues
Bay Wagea Bea _____ m
yean _______ j j jeh o f rebuilding ths Tsaeple at
Ou part o f these lands, under varying Jerusalem and 40,000 laborera wars
laws, the interest aad penalties, which out of a jeh. It is supposed that some
o f these men turned to freebooting on
Upeles •
the emu men tim id, wffl go to ths Ilia Jariche read aa the reediest means
annil mmd navi
rliatvi^B mheve e f getting a living.
« v l l v O l f I v * i t t f V008U
v llju V ilV t ff
Qne o f tha man these bandits at-
waa a lonely traveller, who aa
1 going down to Jericho fall
thieve«, who attacked him, reb­
aso bed him of Ma puna, h a « him and
wIB be within stripped Mm, leaving Mm sorely
af Coes la a a ljt wounded beside the lonely trad,
ha paid Among those who pascad that way
Men afterward was a priest to the
af too aoqp af Aaron, but ho
•uly voerod away aad passed by on
to Sun- (the otittr side aa he
the suffering
Later came one o f too
attendant« of tha tribe of Lari,
M h M on p a « th*
aa groaning by ths road«
Than cobm riding alen; on« of the
mittee which will handle the drive far
opleed Samaritans from the Roman
ton Associated War Charities cam­
provine« o f Galilea, one of the mixed
paign during toa week Hen 11 to 1«,
from the intermarri­
awt k it evening and apportioned the
age of the Jewish captives with their
0SWW, which this district is to miao,
Babylonian captors hand reds o f years
«n on e tha various school districts.
While tha par capito «neta ia smne-
fth á'
o f Coos Ceua-
Taxpayars’ Lengua, au too 10th
tow i f October, 101», upon Ms
IN * '
e f C om
That at 4 pT m , October tí, » 1 0 , the
petition noijÿ'
^vitli tí)
affidavits, with » o f t»? i
niBfoo vc wot rum, •V’ ****
the rtrer la y Nor*
l t o * « «* 0 p. m. October 00,1010,
Archie Philip, « a p t]
fllad a petition directs
■-* - -a
w in s
estos o f the
(0W «u s Uto*
is n s n w i
A M et« O ct 01, 1010.
Acton# apea'toe written epfuieu ef
Wetriet Attorney Jehu F , —
names could be
0 c
ed from toe e
titioo 10 names «rare found to be upon
the pethh» twice, making a total o f
«1 names eHmiaatod from toe said
original petition, loavag a total ef
10TP signatures thereon.
A « at »:« p. m. Oct. P*. 1010,
I to* toJary. aa# paamd
was a young man to the
early twentiaa whim hanse was «
O s father, WOBam Nor-
up hare this morning. The
will 1)1 i i CoquilU but tlkt
inm oniai are awaiting the
arrival o f relativas trm
Henry Baagateckan, n y rta ry e f toe
County Taxpayers League, filed aa ad­
ditional petition with 61 signers. \
.That an Oct. 17, 1018, District At-
toraey John P. Hall filed a written
opinion here and attached hereto
marked Exhibit “C ." to the effect that
if m en than a n petition whs filed
a gain « the n m party they could net
be ceoeiderad aa a whole; t o « they
could not file a part e f a petition one
day aad a p a « another day; t h « the;
should all be contained In one petition
and filed « the same tone.
Baaed upon the foregoing facts and
opinions ef the District Attorney, I
October 26, 191&
L. W. Oddy. Coquille, Oregon. ^ .
Dear Sir: In the matter af the
withdrawal of th a fl
tition for the recall, will aay that I
have been unable to ftod any author
ities on this point. But it is a gen
«m l rule e f law and procedure that
petitioners have tha right to withdraw
their nemos from aay petition if
so before any otodal action has
taken thereon. Under this rale H is
my opinion t h « any
signed the recall petition has a right
to withdraw Ms name fra*
Hen « any tiaas before too election is
ordered by you, they would sot have
Will Make Né
Gao. P. Laird, republican candidate
for sheriff to this county, was a Sen­
tinel caller Tuesday morning. Owing
to the prevailing Spanish influenza ho
a « to attempt a personal
ig th# voters, which might
ae easily result to spreading the dl-
and will confine himself to fear-
with his friends and
lifs M rs comfortable and homelike
back of battle lines for our American
soldiers. There the Y. M. C. A - the
Knights o f Coluntbua and the Salva­
tion army worker* are bringing bits
of joy into the sodden quarters of
our heroic boys from Coquille and
thouaanda o f other towns in this coun­
try and riving them glimpses of heav­
en in the midst of war’s pandemonium.
In how many ways these ministers
of mercy are helping our boys we have
not spaM horn to tall, but .they are
doing for your son or husband or
brother just what you would want to
do for thorn if you were there, and
Wash after neat we people of the
United States who can ramala safely
and happily at home because our boys
have made a wall of Are ever there
Here ia a Coos Bay Times bulletin,
which wai
TimHn»—Compiate Isolati on o f Gor­
man? as a raaoH of Ut* desertion and
surrender of her silica la commented
upon hare as outstanding- feature of
latest developments.
Effect of this
isolation on her armies is regarded
as bringing end of the war very near
although warning ia raised that the
Gorman army and navy are still in
The general tenor o f comment indi­
cates belief that Germany must soon­
er or later aecept virtually any terms
the Allies will impose.
. ------.
The following Times bulletin waa
received by the Sentinel at 8 o’elorir*
this afternoon:
Amersterdam—Germany la rsftort-
ed to have recognised the Prague gen-
asiary declaration.
. Homo—the number o f prisoners
taken by Allies is saM to bo about
700,000. Negotiations between Allies
and Austria Hungary for an armistice
and now under way.
Lyndon—British are ion three sides
Lener«, whose departure lor
the Benson Polytechnic at Portland >f Valenciennes and dosing in on it.
'we noted last week, evidently was not They have 1,600 prisoners.
born to ho a soldier. This is the third
Th« Epidemie «t the Bay.
time be has been in the U. 0. service.
^Qt j,#
Mias Jane Allen, Coos county’s pub­
m a two a
lic health nurse, chatted with the Sen­
instructions to return tinel scribe a few arinutee day before
if ha could add—^not a cubit to Mai yesterday. She told us, and wo be-
•tataro—tort 10 pounds to Ms weight
tha newspapers there conveyed
to the a a « sixty days.
Whan ha tho stone Information, t h « there had
to be examined the doctors were bom six deaths from Spanish influ- ■
whether to aecapt Mm, but
within 40 hours at Marshfield tha
lungs, heart, eyas and «ara an first of tha week, though ia soma cases
eg 100 par cent, it seemed aense-
simply the la «
___ to refuse him just because he
draw which carried away victims of
dMn^ carry *^*4 a 1 « o f ucaleas
«b a r complications.
; so ha was «aceptad and his
We wore interested in the story Mieo
protracted effort to get iato the aerv
a wan coffering from
to he
1 living at a
Arid hotel aad taking hi*
forwarded te Washington. Quick aa a restaurant then, whose
* flash came the order, “ Discharge
was a constant menace to the health
the underweight man.“ probably be­
of all with whom he.earn* in contact.
cause it !i not expected tant many
W h « to do with Mm was a question
Which it took some time to decide; but
he was finally, brought over to Co-
quill* and token out to the county
farm when one ef the new cottages
greeted a couple of years ago has
been transformed into a tuberculosis
hospital and Mrs. Ma raters installed
as a nurse.
Miss Allen say*, there era three tu­
berculosis patients in this comity on
the waiting list for the Bute Hospital
zt Salem which is now full to overflow­
ing. Bo the move to establish a eoun-
call a apodal alaetion ef the recall ef
Archie Philip, county commission.
L. W. Oddy, County Clerk.
"Exhibit A” waa published in toe
Sentinel two weeks ago. The follow
tog is “ Exhibit B :N
The World War’s Final Events
—Italians Take 700,000
>; Austrians. W ry
mass in the county are to be isolated
to aa not to endanger those with whom
they come in contact
Nurses are almost impossible to es­
curo far the sick now, especially as
most of them are of the age which
cessas to be-especially susceptible to
to# prevailing influenae. Only a few
lays ago while Mricy Hospital at
North Bend waa crowded to capacity,
cavan nurses ware down with the in­
fluenae and had to be cared for thom-
mlves instead of helping others. This,
of course, necessitated a call for vol-
Th« County
For the United War Charities Co­
quille is /»k ed for only $0800, or but
little more than sixty cents apiece.
When the country « large is asked
for 11.60 per capita, wv aught to quick­
ly over subscribe the small contribu­
tion asked of us. Maryhfield's quota
is 07,000, North Bend’s 08600, Powers’
•1700, Bandon's 82,000 aad Myrtle
Point’s $2,000.