rit to a few of W ait I «ra d ia Sam’s luixi i la Os- oi government ths Phthf I a Jolt ra it did at that < iflV J. Thrift amt the I Laite of Ove- • w i ttaOora ha li Caatral G*, a i t rw «h t > sdhhaaa IM ml- > N a t m lait I taras John «M k 'i (u W .M 1 by A. J. by I t P J. B E. B Norton. V L. H. Hasard by T. J. Trift by A l i ■ Mr. Hasard dbdinad o t ths ! Us Too Th •t O. A. O, to ths 1 Coast of this Mats of a sWMty, wi LÜJsqrist will hs I ' ta Us comteunity and W.O. t e t e rt Brash crash. Ho I ta that rietaty U wildcats.—Gold Bsa L. A. Lüjaqrtat W. B. Aysr, far f is way to i sala af ths Ktaaay traete a i tiw Bay far teaashy Cass ssaatgr. wtitar sait la sMB peodtag, 1 , whkh stasi ba flaysasf a f t a that « I s saa tabs ylas* and that la ths tajoaetira yrssssdlagi la Ji This is ths lnj ad largely ra ths af ths validity af ths benk- prcrcetHags U si thrown oat af What f . B. Waite’s attori will tains to M ar whra that Matter la to basata. af sofas Is the test fr a « Co- mbs J. A. Coûta t stessi sani of inosn W. Lavora ahd C hart« M. Carding, of this city, George M. La |i « « !» « to ha a sad a gnat addjttaa to ths na and Louis Lorraine B o «, fn ths Bay, want out together with a af that part Of Mr. Stephans from B o a t« county who. is a sort o f brethor-te-law, bar g recently Married a C om county girt, Mtas Bndabaagh. 'They go to the ■won Polytechnic at Portland a stay, and will itairao his after two Months* spostai training ths now mill as soon « it s tiara expect to taka the trip aero Ur. sad Mrs. B. H. Boras ham Jart Pisasnt indications are that the flgbt- a i t a l i wort of ths birth af a tag will vary likely ba orar before toy to thatr daughter, Mrs. 8. X. a « young Mon arrivo at the front— Strale, o f Stuart’s Draft, Virginia, a prospect act exactly pirating to is their test granddaughter, Mrs. children beta« boys. Peal T. Basera; ta« la a still at North Baa fire which dssteoyad ths l ham hi fans, asma tamo « Work af Pi I ï ? æ i*. .•*. Sture Knowlton’ M. D, «je , M i. M < M n. J. A Jacks« M l k st letu rtey aim a la i far Memos, Ors* foB ete»g a taligram * * * • "• ■ ta «,M o n that U n . Jwtomeb falhar « m dyia f the to serva four ; m m r H. M. CK.V Mira Jane ran a in Cera i •rtaBed report a f wark fa r thè ay and about, although Mr. Johnson r t July, August and Septomber, from has not felt Mka getting down town. hich wn glaaa tha followtag items e f Wa ham hoard af treats noi far In July aha tarastigated 82 cassa of ham s a « nona ham. They wars not iberculoais, among erbora wura fi haary enough, Lavorar, to do any dratha; in Augnai she investigatod 88 a, and thara were thrra dea ths; grant damage bat sorted as a warning that the fodder ought to ba in the silo. in Saptanbar thara was ora danti 87 pattante raarataed on Oet 1. Brad Baker brought in a bunch of tas AUon mede il» visito and ▼alley Wad- ad ta 448 peopio in July; in A ngrat t e e 18 « visite aad talked ta 1470 da. In Saptambar sta Meda 114 a and talked te 1266 people. R. J. Sacrata ry. by Mr. Msrri- Mr. Norton thoreupon ra of W. H. ManraO bo- timed the fora the ca to atako U We taUera Mara a n vary law read the i ers af the Sentinel living ta this Ju- to SB any J p ifm f Hsteiet who era not desirous af or orasists f i t Judge John & Cohn promoted Morrtaon, J. E . N< i and L. H. Haa- to ths Supreme bench. Tba greatest and. J L v ; ,•/ obstacle ta tbs way o f his «lection ta It was aQ arar in IB minutra, the fact that hie nans Is not printed quite different frani the aid days I the ballet but moat ta written ta. tbe wet and dry tg h t entered into The place to write it is'about raw every city «testi)«, and adjenuum t c f tartar af the way down the first tba mucus to the court me« bad to team o f tteh ballot Just where the ba Made to «cwnramodate the crowds. Bet of stats candid« tea ends aad tafare tits county ticket begins By taking it whoa voting to find o f the candidate for to fin the vacancy at the Mgr by aid by the death o f Prank A. toes, and writing fa; "X John * *• ‘ranch of tha U. 8. 8. Cota,” there every voter will to Artay n favor not only an Judge I 1. Hotels Most ta aitta Coke but wa taUera on the people Of Ipospitals. They cannot ta ths state by promoting the election of Ittay have people who w a suffering the bast fitted candidate for that pool- from Influence, such tick people must immediately ta sent ot hospitals or the hotel will not ta permitted to continue taking guests either ta rooms or ta the dinning reara. 2. Hotel lobbies will not continue to ta congregating places. A ll chain must be removed from hotel lobbies. 8. Soft drink places, ice craam par lors, hotels or restaurants will- not be permitted to sorramny drinks except in paper cups. Until such time as pa per cups can ta «cured, n special of ficer, who will probably be a woman, will be stationed at each restaurant and cafe to see that all the cups, ms, etc., am properly sterilised by boiling 4. It is especially urged that hand shaking ta riven up until tta ing of tta danger of tta present epi demic of inftuenxa. It la a convenient way to transfer tho germs of infiuen za and people ought to stop it for their i sake as well as for tta sake of Ike community. Don’t shake hands. 6. Those rules are tta result of tta combined agreement of tta civil and military authorities of »nd North Bend. 6. Lieut. Samuel Good lick appointed district surgeon and will sa in carrying cot tea | c ssary health arrangements in addi tion to tta duties of of the medical military work of this district. Mast Write la N u m . ABSTRACTS For rateato Atatirate o f^THte TITLE OUAKANTEE A ABBÎBAÇT CMSPANY to looking after aaaraameoto andpaymetauf taxes. Paone Osculile OSes HENRY 8ENG8TACKKN, Manager * U1 » O nly T w e e ty D ollars A p a rt. Tta cara o f 8. 8- Cathcart against tta Port o f Cora Bay aad tta rity of Marshfield has t a « triad a second timo te tta Circuit Court taro this weak. Tho first time Cathcart got a verdict o f $470 tor damage to his prop erty rarasd by tta SB Made by tta reversed this verdict ra to tta City cf Marshfield aad rant tho woe b tor a new trial, This resulted in a verdict for tta pfatettf for $660 and coats against tta Port Commissi« c f C m Bay and a nonsuit as to tha city of Marshfield. Tta two furies having come within «80 af aach other ra to tta sward of dama gw thè dada must ta roniidorad a fair —»« is Acqulteed. o f tta state against B. Chapman, of Powers, tor Miring ta- ; __ te Ms poesassiop went to tta jury Just before worn to day. Ia this caw H. A. Thomas tes tified that T. B. Morraa rant out for whiskey that w « cached between Myr tle Pefat and Powers a te that Chap man went up with him. T j , “,., ’ As to this case wo heard a aaan tern had Wrtrasd to all tta evidence, re mark that ta hod knows of man be ing hung « testimony no stranger than that T ta Jury, however, re turned a verdict of "not guilty.” J L F a t h io n ( J M 23^ ' Authority F # f Ntmrly 50 Yumrtt J. ÛrCAMPBHJL h 2nd Ora te Ora \9% •B those poetitene ta has Extended Flue D a y». m MBk k 's • ? w w ■ • mm w ~_H p . Ward received iron of tta Northwest Division of tta Bed Crass conveys tta in ferm ati« that Issiriug to ram to tta beys in tara until Nerarahar 80th to nudi toatrad oi tta 16th as rat wash. AB tame tor teg mast, however, ha ararate tta local Bed Croea 1 Hosiery Week at the LADIES BAZAAR Thoee who have never bought KN OX KNIT STOCK INGS fo r Boys and Girls, try them. : Write in Us nBBMBttheGen ersi Election Nov. 5th. arm Ctil a V* ■ L. fri1