fat the pro- i ^ be In the tetare. vjn:; t j* ptm, Mh projects in «7.000 is ,> * • * .Í4kfk ; r r jm to fit Urn grand jury o f the i J ■ • J V y V fly IT 1 917,900 o f tast project, »iifrxAj' U' Är- fli j territorio*, ] assumption 1 procedure of this evacuation conditions of an should be left to the judgment of the military advisers and that ths actual standard of power on both aides in ths Add has to form ths basis for will* with and to AH tee, la to the o f lodge Watson, whose only fault ia tele matter wae in not lotting the public knew what was being Of course, it was an absolute im position ot^the people o f Cpoe to expend unautherised tends to tea it o f 999,48198 on the Sunset mad, a road whfeh ee ter as its value to the people is eon- sot entitled to ene-fhurth that turn; bat the people at the Bay make a Mg notes and so «Octal i to antagonise terns if he esa K- So the money wee spent •Owi»i sou no* only uuivi toe fenepel ruad tend Of Cow eounty is today for the coating year ter e f that over-expenditure, roads meet wait for til that beautiful driveway at C m Bay is petd for. Wing chiefly, wa suppose, to ax- rt Of referred to the people a Is schools, one to be located at Ash- i Southern Oregon, and the other at soma city in i Oregon, to be chosen by the Board of Regent*. No 9 will be erected until after the cloee of the war. to Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill says: "Next to winning of the war, the most important problem b e fore the people of Oregon is the establishment of sufficient normal schools to t M ! an adequate supply of teachers for our slsmentary schools.” It Is the sols work of the normal school to prepare, edu cate and train teachers. In the but analysis, the teacher is the school. What consideration could be more important, more far reaching? The teacher’s mistakes are all serious; they mark the child far Ufa, We want our children during their developing, impres sionable yean in the hands of competent teachers. May we have your co-operation? X VOTE JM X TBS NOVEMBER S, IMS Pass ths Gsad Word Along. Space furnished by H. 0. Anderson ha«« boss •JE Over the Top $12*00. The Coquill« dUtrfct went over the top In the Fourth Liberty Loon cam project to expend at that town’s behest. Certainly North paign last Saturday with H U M to Band baa estahHahed a valid ctaim to tho good, or a total subscription of $92,980. Tho total number o f eub- the title e f road hog, «-title which, „ Marshfield is entitled to eher« with **•’ Under war conditions it is being found impossible to keep thOs state •eeammaat, and the penal, charitable and educational institutions o f the state running without spending a good doll more money than before prises took so many Jumps. So the state tax commission has placed the following I i I* nO rvcnvva .,1 h_ m w (tton «aw om nib uy in m f coun* Hie German man navy to CM * lllmlwumtm lutlh nllD O fttt WUB TTroTmtiM w ith to n of penes, the dispatched t< torpedoing of nical reasons, being reach every stag»* * * As a fun' the __ _________ «presentation of the people .1» the Ger man Empire has not bepn endowed with an influence of the ion dees not provide for a concurrence of the people in dedalona of peso# and war. have just now undergone a fundamental . j on delinquent t u n , ovur the wnt e f tetarUst tee county is pey- iag on is new about «29,000 in tho county oral tend which cog ha need to tc up tto dcAdte tee grand Jury tesad in the read fund. Then, too, Ü the eounty court, we ua- prsssslid to expend tends for reed kn pro veniente tele year to tee Knit that w H be lees ef the fact that the road treasury was empty, with the view that after this n t r labor would bo so icireo that no new work could be undertaken until after the war; and that only a part of next year’s road taxes could be expended then, ee that the kale could be easily filled at that time. Still, we do sot imagine that before the grand jury made this report the members of ths H u t knew to what extant they had spent taxes yet to Certificate of Necaosity fo r Increase in B uts Tax Lery for 1910. (Issued under authority of .Chapter 15«i Laws of 1917.) ttb, tho undersighed, constituting ths State Tax Commission of Oregon, hemhy certify that in our opinion it 1*0,000 is necessary to lory an amount of States taxes for the fiscal year o f 1919 ___ _____ w _ largur by 9940,000.90 than the amount district has just caua limited by the Constitution of Ore- the way la which the Angl« Yoakam, Frank G. Wilaon, 990. 8. P. Co., 81 subscribers, $2,600 Fred Mast, $60. J. C. W a ts«, $60. K. L. Kelley, $60. J. R. Benham, $90. Melvin Haytor, $60. Edwin Ellingson, $100. Li out, B anoy R. Hodgin, 9100. C. S. McCulloch, $60. ArthuT Brown, 960. , , Marcus L. Brown, $60. G « . B. Glenn, $60. Lillies C. M ach «, $100. W. C. Chaa«, $80. Ines R. Chas«, $60. David Liljeroth, Beaver Hill, $100. W. R. Spade. $60. H. R. Teal, $60. C. R. McCurdy, $100. Elisabeth Grtfiln, $60. Don FOB SALB—A barrel to Hydro-Car- bonito roto paint at 80c a gallon. At Sentinel office. FOR SALK—my 90 acres, one milo west of Coquillc, joining Tyrrell’» place on tho north. R. D. Sanford, Ashhuid, Oregon. 41tf accordance with the wtahas (principle) of the roprasenta- tion of the people baaed on equal, uni venal, secret, direct franchiae. The leaders of the groat parties of the Reichstag are memben of this government In the future no government can taka or continue In office without possessing the con fidence of a majority of the Reichstag. The responsibility of the Chancellor of the empire to the representation of the people is being legally developed and safeguarded. The first act of the now government has been to lay before the Reichstag a bill to alter the constitution of the empire so that the oonaant of the representation of the peo ple ia required for decision on war and peace. The permanence of the new system is, however, guar- vast majority stands behind these reforms and demand tneir energetic continuance. The question of ths President, with whom ha and the governments associated against Germany is therefore an swered in a clear, unequivocal manner by the statement that the offer of peace and an armistice has come from a govern ment which is free from any arbitrary and irresponsible in fluence, is supported by the approval of an overwhelming majority of the German people. SOLF. Sieht i militas sate were reten to by tho Grand Jury lest Friday «realas. The Myrtle Point City Council went the limit by passing s resolution pro hibiting si! public gatherings for nine- ’.■to Coquills, indict. S gun at anothar, bo t o Oct. 21. pi «edad not ’ -Ä to Ray Stewart, to tea - fiflifnDornooa, -»-Al a | indicted t- S» , a otohr- ^ •' ^ S í t l e to tee «Uta vo. Frank ar la - »« the W cae« -|n» Wasbrin was dtseiisesd by Uw dla- MfTiM ro u u for forgery, tee isdsadent was die- £ T r okTbTy7««*urto to rtoaltag a bi teargto oa Motion to the district at cycle frow a Mealier boy at Marsh torney. field. I In the caes to V. O. Pratt, to Marsh field, (adietad en a «karge to etaaHag of having Intoxicating ttqaor In Ms wae arraigned Oct. 19, id guilty and wae esa pay a fine to 92890. An indictaaeat W«9 an ungemto party charged with e ato llar « t e w . CoquUle, where she & Chapatea, to F term , was la- ployed in hete the dictad for a similar offene«; was ar- la test the only project on which raignto on Monday, Ost. $1. • $ ttoaaaonnt provided In tee bend prop- »“ H Ä feU Alonso B. 1 W. B. and Daisy Doyla, 9200. W. H. Bunch. 990. ^ ; Bergmann Shoe W. T. Forbca, 990. C. A. Holverstott, $100. Chaa. N. Wigant, $60. Caroline Lorena, 9100. Martin L. Albert D i«, 9100. Awarded Geld Modal P. P. L E. Saa Fiaadae* 1915 J. F. Johnson, 960 • J. T . t F . A . - * ---- ------ j sporumen and Sitka Sprue« C ol , 114 eabecribera, M °0. - \ Goa. 8. Robisen, 9100. CtatoBe-Baaden read,' where only 92,929JS to the appropriate» to 94»,- • U pQ Tear Fact Dry V « Th« to e OIL «toy. It It Me» teat, tito« la aka a hah M fi' sfi. W sM M eü.äaiS ■rtt •■Kl