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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1918)
FOOD PRODUCTION '■■Vm UBRW Q CLASS 306XYES HIGHER PRICED FISH / Pleasure Seekers WASTE OF FOOD FISH tato. 1 WILL OK SATURDAY, TB* MTB DAT O r OCTOBER. MU. at that the Cans- has '•tad t a (t a tr.ta take in two week* from the data o f tho first publication of this notice, to-wit: tra m the W k day e f October, M IA Dated at Coquille, C om County, Oregon, this S tri day at October, A. D.. M IA jf ’i f y L. W. Oddy. Coaaty Ctark. By Myrtle KnowRoa. «Its #-* Deputy IT You them t* r alleys, billiard end pool NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Candy en that front ■Mem Tte. cigars Notim ie haiehy given that the on- and detegneA by atom a t the. County Court for C om County. Oregon, hM bem defy appointed Administrator at VO TE bidder for cash ia bond all the right, title and'tat m et of tha asid »fondant in end to the Mod real property, to-wit: A ll the right, title ead interest of a said defendaat ia aad to tho West twenty-five toot of the nerth half of tat numbered tim e in Meek tare in the »rigiriti town of City, according to tho plat thereof oa ilo in the odtao of tho Coaaty Ctark ef County. Oregon, aad situate hi C om Coaaty, Oregon, id onta being sudo subject to redemption fas th* ssonnw provided by NO ft.; ■j r ’ / ! : A National Shock Absorbe He get m m t,w - > ■ _ .J p , ' ; ’ !■; ■ ■ V Coqoille, Oregon Has opened on the r C om er o f Front and Hall Street o t i He has a large variety o f goods as he hss purchased the Tupper stock and added Some new as well as old. A New Line of Dishes and Tableware Hoes, Rakes, Axes, Hand Saws, Wash Tubs and . Boards. Iron Bedsteads, Sanitary Couches, Sani tary Springs, new, from $6.50 to $20 each. 100 dozen Fruit Jars, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Camp Stoves, Pipe, Elbows. Large variety of Tools— Saws, Squares, Hammers, Etc. • . » 1 !L k -> v n W a & W .d k l 1 k J jL J . J w ' SS 2. • ' t *4 L _ Party Line - Conversations The Government now operates our telephone system, and party line, subscribers are requested to make their telephone conversations as short as the business in hand v ili perm it t "J 0 .i Staying in on conversations or prolonged conversa tions involves delays to business important io the Gov ernm ent y a L ® " V, ’ Coon & THE ONE IN D U STR Y IN ■ H I COQUILLE I My s ;* * M Ip m V Í23 toe la P in t National B D. Harley, Prop. m w m t t i m n t i ................. *J. A A. J. SHERWOOD kttmtm at u « e • Need Changiog? r,. ts I I-' 2 / r PHONE NQ. 1103 TO GET QUICK QUICK u w n • I First National Bank COQUILLE LAUNDRY ri . ' t ■'( Sfi K 5 . » • ¿ í II J. J. STANLEY nrnat Endicott ie parchae for the company, with af- » Myrtle Point ta w«D m j ■ BB Do you any period in which our country has beep subjected to so many anxious moments aa during the past tw o y e a n T Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking System ae a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquility o f businees and banking during tense months ? I f you appreciate what this new nation-wide > syt>«m has been doing for you, you can support it and add to its strength by promptly becoming one of our depositors. end that all persons baring claims Professional Carls X f M aï •id, M U. W .W .O age, ’ e f C om Coaaty, Oi SUMMONS aired to p la the Circuit Court of tho State e f in the a rs eti« of •ad with Oregea for the Coaaty at G N t te the i Martha A. Larue, Plaintiff, ned et the eBee of A. J. ead ^i pewful ana Je^^ltc^l Man l i Trouble. te Coquüte, C om Coaaty, . • John B. Larue, Defendant » ground as if he had within six mouths from tha dato of Suit in Equity fer Divereo. thi* notice. To John A Larue, the ebon wont let WeA wnw Dated thto îlo t day of October. M IA if ondanti m cl 8 m L A. Le whom, la the name at the state of Oregon: And m he spate, the hnhd with the of the Retate e f John You ere hereby notiiod that you ar* knife daftly clipped tha insigáis from 0*7 «M8 required to appear a World. complaint tied against yen fat tha “YouTa kastodr ba arid. «YonYe above «title d suit within six • private now! Get back hi the ranks with the rest o f thaml" Aad ho Of District Read raaiHag for Read fram «tata o f th* ln t pnMimtian e f Am ■ ** __IS.X.I— •_ R W WBi WltOlD (M dropped the »pullarfan Prenotan falto District No. 1« e f C om Coaaty, NOTICE TO, CREDITORS. from the Mth dny ef th* back e f the track among the other o f Or egea. her, M IA the eaam being the data of Notie« ie here * shea that tha Nettae ie hereby givea that, i Matgaad hat hoaa daiy appaiata a to a petition duly rignod by tim o the first pabtieatlon at this And if you'fail to appear end ae tho Coaaty Coert o f tho Btaao af Oro- u lu li!m sad tags) votara of . pea in and far the Ceaaty e f District No. 16 at C om County, Oro* rar « ar bates tho let day at Nev- linktrmtor of th* «ta to of Jfoeeph r, MM, the some being the last i, and died ia tha odtao o f the Coon M. Nye, J r, deoaaead, aad all per- Clark of mid County, oa tho lnt day e f tha Mme prescribed in tito ■ having claim* ecelnrt tho said t at October, IM A a District Road indar at puh Iantina. the plnfaitiff will app^y to th* Court for tho rabef dp. ito era haraby required to o f asid district will he a, with tha proper voucher! nd day at November, A. D., mandad fai bar complaint, a aueaCbct six wiantha from the data of IM A at the hour o f Oao O'clock ia statement of which ia as follows: tioo te the nadereignod aa aueh That tha etarriage contract hen afternoon at aaid day at the ■tor et the taw offices of I . J. listing between the hi said Stanley ia the T in t National Bank District, to «a b le tha resident tax plaintiff and tha defendant benda be eet aside and bald for buBdiag fat tho City ef Coquilta, C om taren aad legal votare of asid Coaaty, Oregon. District to a mom Mo end organise, aad naught, and for such other end fur ead ptace to voto aad ther relief s» to tha Court may a special and oddMoan! tax for Service of this summons is ; and tha said may atae transact suca ether lawful by publication in pursuance of as or der mad* by th* Hon. Jamas Watson, a» the legal Judge at the County Court within and may f Dated this 6th day e f Octobor, IMS. for th* County of C om and State of NOTICE This wheel was Iota thirty yoare Oregon, datad September 16, 191% di Jamae Watson, Notko te hereby given, thst Dean agn by tha light ahip tender, General recting that service thereof ba mad« 40t8 County Judge. Wright, which had takon advantage A Brown, Con tractor by publication of said summona in at a high Ode and freshet, to go ap their contract for the tha Coquilta Valley Sentinel, a of tho NOTICE tha river to ptace harbor lights. It of n pórtico paper published at tea City of Co- proved to bo waaafe even with twen Sunoot Bey Roed through Of District Road meeting tar Road quille, In aaid C om County, Orman, le County ty-two foot e f water, they loot thair District No. 1» e f C om C om *, State rank for n portad af* Bin propallor, and faltad to dad it though has filad hia Oertidmte of tha of Oregon. , . of tho Contract, tha ■earfbid for weeks. I Notice ie hereby givw that, porsa- C# HL: Barrow any pareo*, flrm or Corporation •at to n petition doly signed by three Tho price at brass at that tfano who •M7 Attorney fer plaintiff. havtag objacttana to fita to tha aad legal votare e f Roed this a valuable dad. Tha Smith» tanca of anid work, muy dio tho District No. 11 ef C om County, Ore have refused two thousand dallara sad ia tho office of the County Clark with- gon, and filed in tho aOm of tho Coun ka from tha dato of tho ty Clerk f t mid County, on tito lot hold it for «SMQ which eaaa they foal cartata of receiving.—Cooa Bay dret pablication e f this notice, to-wit: day of Octobor, M IA a District Sued from tha tfth doy of Octobor, 1918. of arid district will ba held J J. A. RICHMOND Datad ai Coquilta, C om County, on tha Sad day of November, A. D., » PHYSICIAN aa i SURGROU Oregon, this 8Srd dny e f October, A M IA at the hour at Oao O'clock in Baadon H as a W ife Bentcr. U ta the afternoon o f said day at tho Coquilta, Ore. A certain Banden c itta « ta report- L. W. Oddy, McKinley School House, ia sold Rond 21«. * County Clork. District, to «nabla tha resident tax By Myrtta Knowlton, of said Road 41tS * Deputy W . C. CHASE District to aaoemhte aad organic«, aad at said tima aad placa to vote and 4TT0BNRY-AT-LAW 8HBRIFT8 SALE OT RKAL PROI»- levy n special aad additional tax far poses: and the aaid mestine RRTY ON RXBCUTION. transact such other lawful Nottoa le horaby gtvm that ondar m the legal votara thereat DR. Q. W . LESLIE id by virteo e f aa Exocutim and Ondar e f Beta toeaad out of tha Cir- th ta íth d S r f S f i W t Coert e f the Stato of Oregoa for Jaamo Watson, tho Coaaty of C om am the ldtk dny ef Octobor, IM A hi a cartata eauM la i Court psàdlng wberein Dora A Willard la piateti*, aad Orna A Wil Nones or CITY CAUCUS. lard le dof tadaat, beiag eaM No. «SU Notie* is harehy gtvea tim ts mu ; DR. C. W . ENDICOTT ♦ of tha anii Court M wfll be held tn the council «tem i of th* d tp HaO. la the City of < left Sunday fer «ra t » V I Beak B’M’g rheue ♦ ha WIM eater the «Mploy of Kelly Lumber company ia the asap- ♦ Mata 11, OequOle, Oregon. « pnay atare. Horry U w í D m fa jd - 307