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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1918)
. Sa N P r íA » AND United the Groceries *- hare a fo r pore. v < m i r s s y s s ’^ - s r ’ . i day. , the That fer t®. Fretto groceries > aa» ¡BT fm end Mr. with Me fat nd Mrs. W. for*" o f Looking in on sYOUHS FOE A U n tie Point I h o visit hsktiado, Hugh Goodman, and T sm . a, a . a. Is »: « fila will be open in Coquille be examined for the >ross tin m s n f * d into the fight. He epent $100 « the chance but is of thf opinion Ids eye will blickboll him, • •• • • • * • '« « • • i f # * » • § • * • • • • • • • * an 1 ho fools that he is out of hick- it is bettor to la ve paar « Billie 2, me boy, you got wen w aattoi yanked in the CoqaHle district by the tost Liberty Lean. $12,000 to the ■od and store hi sight BtDie L when 1 read the gloHua tw in ft the Into papers that Mr. Ha*- ard toft us on their way home from i h . the camp grounds Sunday, I eontinued toy prayer for you, that I hare bora 07 w — praying morning, noon and night and bet ween timee. Slam yon stood up in They have about ton tona to haul dad Berlin that August day in 1814, drew are haring fina Made and weather to your little old cheeee knife end told v "! year brother barbarians, “ I will lead do K M Jaa. Cotton erne suddenly taken you to victory," I prayed and gave quite 111 tost Saturday bat to about thanks in ths same breath. My God, Billie, is not the "made in Germany" O. X. now. »yd 1. se therm ■■ and Lester Mays* kind. My God stood with Elijah on i—'Jl.-. #aaw ir I i TiiMilag M I or KOWDUTg lUftKHIJ - Ira 01 Mt. Carmel on that day when those • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lloyd’s ear. Lester will go MU blatant four hundred and fifty pro from there. He expects to spend the phets o f Baal who thought they were winter in California. Lloyd will rist greater than the Almighty, who rules Ms mother and Muter While outside the heavens and earth and the des and expects to bring M t statar he« tine* of mankind, got what waa com with Mm the last o f the week fo r a ing to them, and don't forget it, Billie, the same modidn* ia coming to you. When I v u a bey I was taught by tha «hartar e> tech km that, “ God ia a spirit, infinite, eternal, unchange able in his being, wisdom, power, holi B f j f l l COUNTY COURT OP t ness, justness, goodnecs and truth." STATE OP OHKON FOB That is the God on whoa« I hank, and COOS COUNTY by that token I know the damnation In the B atter o f the Adoption that came to Ahab and J¿rebel, to .the and Change ad Mama o f a Minor Ch prophets of Baal, to Herod, to Judas Iscariot, to Annanias and Sapphire, to Nero, to sQ the other traitors of man kind from those days, and before, to this, is to be visited an y en -. I know that the damnation of the curse of mankind is on you and your kind, to be heaped on you by all generations. J. D. Laird took his eon, to Dr. Hamilton's hospital nt CoqniBo. It is axgMtod that Ksn- nsth wig hare to be operated on for Saturday, O ctober 27 Saturday, N ovem ber Saturday, N ovem ber 9 Saturday, N ovem ber 16 pay* the EiUht ' H ÉfiÉÉrRight Pisce* y, N ovem ber 2 3 Saturday, N ovem ber 3 0 Saturday, D ecem ber 7 Righto! Your words express your mes sage, your paper reflects your good taste. Select your stationery from our large as sortment o f styles and finishes—in white tints-*for ladies and gentlemen. % > 3 5 c to $1 Csnw psáJsftss Cards Pound Papers Writing Tablets and, of < V - \ - ■ m a s u l n - u u m m r s p if a 2 5 c to 7 5 c 3 5 e to 7 5 e : 1 0 c to S 8 t ' à lO e t o 3 8 c e. ie —t m n s | i-L warn* I, u e i.f;e FUHRMAN’S PHARMACÏ - « T The Choice e i ÍÁ M n ___ w n . sc ------- la s t wno la w Msawfsrtnrsrs end tisdtogi A -B . C A M P B E L L . Saturday, D ecem ber 14 One-half block north of City Hall on Hall street trip to Coquille via Myrtle Point and Coquill« road, ss I topped a Mil and looked out over the CequiU* valley and m w the small clearings where farms were being cut out o f the brash lands and m w the vast acreage *f brush yet untouchvu, * realised for the first tia s the manning o f Paul's definition of faith. “Faith ia the substance of thing* hoped for, the evidence of thinga^aot seen.” In those small clearings I m w the “ substance of things hoped for’’ when the Co- quille valley would bo cleared of the brush aad the boundaries o f the clear ings extend out to the boundaries of the farms; than would bo the “evi dence of things not Aon.” Last week on Wednesday going homo over the same road, from the samo hill I saw the valley with enlarged clear- inga, so larg* now you see farms stretching from foothills to foothills; in other places large fields a n cut out to ths odga of the brush toads. Those cleared lend* o f today a n not only the "substance o f things hoped for and the evidence o f things not in years part; but as ons sees the valley today those cleared lands, then enlarged fields won from the bruah lands still stand aa ths “sub stance o f things hoped fog and the evidence of things unseen" as hs sees with the eye of faith the things to hs iptiahed in ths making of farms in the next twenty and mere years, through tell and fir*. Every straggle of man against ths’ wilderness v f na-^ claaaad of entile are practically a quar ter to a half dollar higher than * week ago. The demand is strong and prices are tanging right nt the higher quotations. We quote the market as follows: Prims steers $12.00-13.00; good to choice steers »11.00-12.00; me dium to good steers $9.75-11.00; fair So medium steers $ftJ6-#J6; common to fair steers $0.00-8.00; choice cows A heifers $800-900; medium to good cows * heifers $0.00-7.25; fair to me dium cows A heifers $5.00-8.00; can non $8.00-4.00; bulls $5.00-700; catres $9.00-1200; stockerv and feeden $ 0 . 00 - 0 00 . 760 hogs counted in the hog alleys overnight which adds to the nlrasdy demoralised condition o f the market, while trading is fairly brisk prices era 16 to 26 cents below yesterday's mar ket. Qi ft If »17.76-17. mixed $17.86- 17.60; rough h eart« $18.76-1648; pigs $14.60-16.60; baft $17.60-17.76. $1200*18.00; fair to medium lambe $9.00-1140; yearlings $10.00-11.00$ wethers $9.00-19.00; ew e. $640-940. ing ta law. (ttgned) Bea E. Ston (Signed) Berth. Clara a Conway, if found within the State Jl -'ragon; if not so found, then to to published in the Coquillo Valley Sen tinel, a newspaper printed in said County, sad State, for three succes sive weeks and a copy thereof sent, postage prepaid, to said Thomas S. Conway at Jnnoau. Alaska. Dated this 9th day o f O ct, 1918. (Signed) James Watoon, Att‘7 tm ^ titim w s, » ¿ J r - ' 40'* Coos Coi Wo, Bon one, the ftg duly nada with his fast on ths uf “ the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not .ran.“ m * JyV A f • Those who de w r a t T " * ': Chart* know of H id », Wool A H otel, and' o f things *r B vk , i n t r a . o f thing: Tbs Declaration ad -¡a iS S iS ra ¿litote . . Subscribed aad sworn to bsfara me thto, the 34th day o f September. Geo. Watidaa, * » - / ft S#?* • *r‘"f ■ to: ..jL â