The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 25, 1918, Image 1

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    Concise Report R o w in g County has
Been Run $40,600 In Debt This
Year-W here Money W en t
ttTSr nïïTrf^ÔÏ
"U H must doni wKh the military
■ m U H «ad U m monarchial autocrata
of German, bow , « U H I * likely to
“ Department of «U to, October *8, baro to «tool wttk U mbb lata* in ro-
r*rd to U m international obligations
"Havin* received U m e o i « » aad
explicit as «noneco of the Goman
Of course, the report dooo not indi­
cate whore the expenditures have
{been made that have ran the county
lin the hole, the only information
j along that line furniehed boiac the
]• statement of the f ‘ iiomHliiioo on the
1 bond fund projects and the total ex*
jpenditurso from the general read
Ifund. Nothing appears in this re*
port as to whore the «177,006.38 of
general road funds have been spent
this year, and such a statement could
have been made only by giving tbd
figures in the roadmaster's offles in
considerable' detail.
This eHy has ex is ted its drat loos
due to the war this week, in the death
of Was. H. Jensen, whs died nt Camp
Lewis from Spanish intasata
informaUon came hi t letter lest
night to A l Crouch frees his sen, Clint,
who is also in that camp.
“ BUI,” as he was familiarly known
to everyone, cams to tkb section
something over a year ago, aad was
employed by L. P. Branstetter for
«79.77 aad the
of 1167,1611»,
tloned the sum of «47471.71, trans­
ferred to this amount $1,00(100, mak­
ing n total of $4«,679.7«, and the ex­
penditures thereon of «41,718.94, leav­
ing a balance of «410.41. To Pro­
ject No. 4, there was apportioned the
sum of «49,441.48, end ths expendÇ
tures thereon were «2^10.69, leaving
a balance of «4647400; to Project No.
K, the apportionment was «61,0*1.26,
aad a transfer to this account of «12,-
000 making a total of «724*646, end
the expend Hares thereon wore «87,-
61149, leaving an over-draft of «15,-
The total cash received frees said
strenuous a day aa Friday in hia ease.
bond sale amounted to «S74,411.26,
This piling out at 6 In the morning
together with the cash transferred of
because the clock says H is six is go­
«14400 making a total credit of «M8.
ing to stop for everybody though
after Saturday morning, far the docks
said funds, being «376,760.48, leav­
ing a balance on hand of «849948, to­
gether with the special bond fund
transferred from the bond fund of
«3482.26, lose expenditures of «644.46.
leaving on hand in the road bond fund,
from aB sources «11,0274*.
road fund it nig
pears that there
during tbs year «177,00448, and the
8 b o’dotk in the m<
total receipts amounting to «79480.22,
after daylight then, ins
making an overdraft of «97,126.10.
an hour before ns it is
That the transfer to Project Noe.
other hand quitting tim
S and 6 for «*40040 aad «1*400.00
respectively were from the general
road fond.
Bill wee one of the meet faithful
members of the Coquille Cose Guard
before hie call aad was popular with
ell the company. He was well liked
Another peint that should not bo by everyone end hie peasing comae as
overlooked is that the present de­ e distinct leas to ell who knew him.
ficiency of «97,1*0.10 in ths general
road fund is not one that will he mads
this year by the collection of U m
«84478.60 das that fund' from the
last half of the taxes of 1*17. Por
the Southern Oregon end Kinney
taxes make a considerable part of the
1714 par cant of the taxes of last
year which remain to be collected, and
no human being knows bow boo they
will be pakL Meet of that «84,675.60
will 1 m a long time in coming in, but
meantime the warranto are coating
the county only six per cent interest,
while tbs taxes áre earning IX par
cant. So it pays the county to carry
that debt.
Aa to whore the money the county
court has expanded on road account
in oxeaos of the cash on hand, or the
total net defich of «40.tMS.10 aa stat­
No the Sentinel hasn’t heard taut
ed by the grand Jury, has gene, there
U m county committee did anything of
the sort, aad after fully investi gating
the matter w* are assured that the
M6.274.10, and' due on Project No. S,
«430.41. That there to but «114*74«,
remaining on hand in said read bond
fund to apply on these Projects, or,
in other words, a not deficit in the
Bond Bond Fund of «27,887.64.
That the general rend fund shows
an over-draft o f «97,124.10 which will
thereon am genuine; bad I believe that
their poetoOce addressee sad resi­
dences are correctly stated and that
ikeyM k qualified as registered elec­
G. M. Walker. *
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day o f August 11«.
H. J. Packle, Notary Public.
My commission expiree Feb. 1«,
and certainly illustrates the careless
ness with which pétitions have boon
A petition from South Slough was
verified by a similar form of affidavit,
except that the year waa correctly
OtMjr’a Record u Clark.
banks, that rate no ice. Money from
ConlogtM’s eaaap to deposited in Co-
quills banka. And if H were true that
Coquilie enterprises wore financed by
Portland capital or Bcndon enter­
prises by Ban Francisco capital, that
would bo no reason why Portland or
Son Francisco people should come here
and solicit in the Coquilie valley.
450.00 derived from the last half of
the taxes now duo aad payable. This
will toara a ata deficit in the General
Bead Fund o f «1*47640, or, a total
not deficit in ths two funds a# «40,-
048,14, had tatarata an ths n-ta.
This manipulation of the funds
against the wishes e f the people of
Coos County, as axpraassd at said
in the vicinty cf the Übel
indicates that your sub-
scription haa «xpired and
no nnore papera can be
gait, ander the rtdw
t the War Industries 'Board
• unleos you pay in adyanee.
of •
The Sentinel, although not affiliated
with the party whoso candidate for re-
election as county clerk Mr. L. W.
Oddy to, feeb like testifying to his
competency, efficiency and uniform
courtesy in that position. The work
there to wed attended to promptly and
accurately aad hia office assistants are
accurate and painstaking.
Ws are
unable to see haw the office of county
clerk, with which so large n percent­
age of the people of ths county have