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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1918)
sear ; j-.j ■ v V y* :h * é * m ' few Advertising bo )uet Court , IS cento m io , Nam e » of i sheet B*cJ£dt aJ£ r$ n U intentionally wo to M l It Is as m ud the duty ef the ocw- I unser to eat tom as it to the duty ef the Uxmm |top«ude«um eire. Vote “yee" on the hUl to do away with news Dauer publication of tho de linquent tax list and “no" on every I on the ballot this fall. knows e good deal more about tho nutter, than you do, aad that if you knew all the circumstances it is possi ble you might heartily approve ef what he hoe done. It ie only n week age we reed in the Outlook—which al ways snessss when Roosevelt takes snuff—a very severe criticism at the President, both editorially aad la cor respondence, for using hie influence to prevent a declaration ef war by this F ir % & g. of the air land. Bat the President's aaewur to this U that ha «wild not foal A liberty to suggest a cessation of im i to tho governments of Balfthim, Franco and ltaljr ao loot ao tho armies of tho con trol powers aro an thair soil. Dr. Bolf replies by suggesting that tho Proaidant coll a mixed commtoeion to make arrangements for tho Gorman and Auatrian armioa to evacuate the territory they occupy in thoee nations. If tho Gormans aro willing to get oat of any territory they have sent their am iss into, it is mighty poor way to indicats such a willingness to go on barning towns and removing In habitants from those countries to sub ject thorn to involuntary servitude in Germany. Bulgaria showed how easy it is to make peace with the entente allies by consenting to unconditional surrender; and that is the road the Buns will have to travel. , Build Oar shipfcul OREGON COQUILLE American family is a ceded in sa the »,000100 tons of foodstuffs will he required by overseas den during the coming year, it is most portent The new home earda now being printed and will he in ¿ Just received a new shipment of 4 ‘.Hit ; 3$? ' * Stoves and Ranges factor la reaching the beams of the state, th e new card will bear the official emblem sad will set forth hi detail the definite conservation duties ef each family aad member thereof. Bach family which is pledged to « strict obeorvonee of tho new conser vation program will raeotve one of thee# carde, which are to be hung in the home. It is important that ev ery member of every family should reeliee the importance of his or her individuel support of the Food Ad ministration and rightly observe ev ery tenet ef the new conservation pro gram as set forth on this card.” The Food Administration's first “home cord” was distributed during the week of O ct 28th, 1917, Just a year previous to tho coming drive. All these old cords are to be taken down and destroyed, and by Sunday night, Nov. S, State Conser vation Chairman, Arthur M. Churchill, In charge of tho campaign hopes to has« a new card hanging in every Oregon they pro supported heartily by the people at home) is for tho Buns to throw up their hands and quit. Even then we should have to ooenpy enough of tho country to make euro they would comply with our tonne, which, os indicated now, will bo for them to turn over their fleet arsenals end mu nition plants, return the money, ms- from Belgium, Franc j , Poland and Sorbin, pay for rebuilding what they have destroyed in those countries and for tho ships their submarines have sunk. If* a ‘big contract they will have to fill and the only guarantee likely to be accepted is that the Atoeri- enn forces and thou of the allied na tions shall occupy the principal forti fied towns of Germany until they shall have paid to the uttermost. They will have to repudiate their own war debts too, in order to be able to fill this bill. And even then they never will or can get what is coming to them for plung ing tho world into such a war and the unutterable cruelties and fiendinsh- nets of which they have been guilty. were touched during the month at Jiily America will only ask compensation ti».n K-n hitherto »«yon toe water in for tho lives of her people murdered over twelve months from American on the high sees and the ships we have shipyards," says n Pood Administra lost, but wo intend to stand by and tion Bulletin. Wo Joyfully celebrated see the peoples at the European na- ear Fourth at July this year by adding tloni that she has devastated ninety-five ships to our growing fleet. have their hunted hornet and factories end citiss restored. MAKE THE BULB PERMANENT. Wouldn’t it be e good idea for the War department or the Poetoffieo de building partment to make the rule against congregating in the lobby of tho post- nitiona. office permanent T If the parents at "It to not stone the additi young girls won’t forbid their loiter ber at merchant vessels I ing there some constituted authority now hue that brings inereai should say them nay. sibility to the housewife to Both COAL and WOOD Burners are included in this la rfe stock o f stove® which we invite you to call and inspect. (tar Prie» An light Coquille Hardware Co. ■ *■ S $..■ • ; f i| r v if j L '. v , y* ' ' . *' id * >w >..1 m eg . u - urüujjl -i - - G-E Motors in the Dairy For milking, cream separating and churning, electric motor driven machinery is the dairy man’s best aid. A single motor will furnish clean, safe “always ready power fior fl number of machines. !^ y Oregon Phone Power Co 71 Satisfying Chew! —the beet chewing plug in the world- .a you O w at thè Bay a Moderna labortr, who would net bay a Liberty Loaa bond, was fired or perhape we ohould rather say reeigned. Be was saosrn a rail painted. red, orbito aad bine wdth thè tottmattoa that if he ffidat tu- veet be weold get a free ride. Wkat le to be done with thè rich stockers who refuso to back thè boyu.wbo ara R I giviitg their Uvee over there with dal- lare bere at home to a guastimi aot yet decidod; hot it ia posatole to moke tossa aa aawilliitg tb stay sud fase thè music se Mr. Hermandes was. They deal bave to toveet, if toer ara ua- Chewing Plug and worth ¡r PEYTON BRAND - Your L.abel Say?