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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1918)
Shoe ! a e e ‘ I ; ; it i t v ..y ■/{ i s s s a J tji ml BBS m it OD Dye evacuation and the conditions of an annistice are m atter» which must be left to the judgment and advice o f the mili tary adviaera o f the government o f the United States and the president feels it his duty to say that no arrangement can be accepted, by the government o f the United Statee which doe» not 'provide satisfactory safeguards and guar- » 1 — o f -the maintenance o f the present military suprem acy o f thenrm iee o f the United States and the allies in the field. He feels confident that he can safely assume that this will also be the judgment and decision o f the allied fo v - “ A t the very time that the German government ap- proaches the’ government o f the United States with pro posals of peace, its submarines a rt engaged in sinking pas senger ships a t sea, and not the ships alone, but the very boats in which their passengers and crews seek to make their way to aafety; and in their present enforced with drawal from Flanders and France the German armies are pursuing a course of wanton destruction which has always been regarded as in direct violation o f the rules and prac tices of civilized warfare. Cities and villages, if not des troyed, are being stripped-of all they contain not only, but expected to agree to a cessation o f arm» while acts o f in humanity. spoliation and desolation are being continued which they justly look upon with horror anfl with burning ,: iaet chairmen will ho urged today it o bo août out from I to Hat U » non-subscribers istricta and aubmH. the list arters. '« m u will , ' j, : ■■ i .... ;• J deaM«The president wfll make a separate reply to the and imperial government qf Austria-Hungary.” ich Villages. awn p rie* Men's shirts; wraps o f various aorta; hats; shoes; waists; boohs, eehooi and fiction ; etc., etc. The Honor Guard has been at no accumulated a goodly sum for War Work. ; j® \ * Got what you need and hsip ou t J Wo wish to replenkh our supply o f goods, so anyone who can contribute please bring goods to shop or call Misa Troadgold at F. Belloni’s, phone 144. Mias Troadgold now Usa charge o f the business, since Miss Kelley’s - v “ It is necosssry also, in order that there may be no pos sibility of misunderstanding, that the president should very solemnly call the attention of the government o f Germany to the language and plain intent of one of the term s o f peace which the German government has now accepted. It is contained in the address of the president delivered at Mount Vernon on the Fourth of July last. It (p as follow s: « T h e destruction of every arbitrary power anywhere that can separately, secretly, and of its singje choice dis turb the peace o f the weridj or if it cannot bie presently des troyed, at least its reduction to virtual impotency.’ “The power which has hitherto controlled the German nation is o f the sort here described. .It is within the choice of the German nation to alter it. M B SB glSBBa “The president’s words ju st quoted naturally consti tute a condition precedent to peace, if peace is to come by the action of the German people themselves. / “The president feels bound to say that the,whole pro- PUROS will in his judgment, depend guarantees gnd the satisfactory character of which can be given in this fundamental matter, It is indis- pop««««, that the governments associated against Germany should know beyond a peradventure with whom they are >w old cuatoms ion fo r thorn no ly o f the letters e from Fraaee, m them es- .11 the farm ers illages which wmunity oen- long or short all close neigh- *dy lives on his or — ell- Ages gather this way •oving bands o f ciable to live together that it would no doubt seam aw fully lonesome if ev ery fam ily had to go out and live on its own acres, even if it were lots more convenient to live there all the time and heap the teams and wagon and to the village. The n u m b« e f theee villages is somewhat amusing. On the beet maps o f France, except in the wooded and mountainous sections, there will he shown from fifty to a hundred o f these village# in every ten miles square. Just think o f a hundred ham lets o f this sort in the distance from Myrtle Point a mile and a half below Coquille and five miles out from the river each way; or two hundred with in five miles o f the CoquiUe-Marsh- fleld rood right and le ft royal (cleans white shoe*)-.-.......... - Satinola Paste (for finishing)............ E w n li io 15c .15* F R E E — O ne 15c can o f Jct*Oil w ith every dollar's w orth of Shoe Finishes* H. O. Anderson • « Furniture and Hardware Oct. 11—Jennie W eborg, form erly Jennie Kruger, c a d ------ W oborg, her husband, vs. Annie L. W alker, form er ly Annie Kruger, Carl U W alker, her husband; Hans Kruger and Marion Kruger, bis w ife; and Max Krugor, unmarried. O ct 11— Harrison H artley vs. R. F. OUmore, Elizabeth J . Gilmore, Rebec ca Haines, S. R. Haines, Mary K. Haines, Joseph Albortson, M. A . A l bertson, Martha Ann Albortson, -James H. Haines, the heirs sad un known heirs of Henry Haines, deceas ed; W ! D. Newton as receiver o f the Coquille Mill and Mercantile Co., at at. O ct 14— In the matter o f the Peti tion o f Chandler Investment Co. for reduction of assessm ent O ct 14— In the m a tt« o f the pe tition o f Coos Bay Hotel Co. tor »A duction o f assessm ent LL-r -il. O ct 14— to the m atter o f the pe tition o f D. T. Flynn fo r redaction of , Y y i • •" y • Coquille, Oregon FOUND— Gent's Gold W atch on See- ond S treet about Oct. 4. Owner can secete same by paying fo r ta » ad and proving ownership. F. L. Pfnfcirmd, ( iOtl GOOD TEAM o f mules fo r sale. 1 W eight 2 1 0 0 ». Heavy hack and harness trown in. Address L. T. Smith, Coquille. v , FOR S A L E - -C ano« by J. H. Oefding. W ANTED TO BUY—A o m power motor. J. H. Oerding. Oct. 14— In the matter o f the peti tion o f L. F. Price and Wm. Grimes Tor reduction o f assessment. Oct. 14— In the matter o f the peti- tion o f W illiam Grimes fo r reduction AH those petitions are an appeal from the action o f the Board e f Equalization. O ct 15— R osetta Granby vs. H iram Coming Over to Coquille. . Mr. and Mrs. George Clinhenbeard who were recently married in North Bind, have taken the W ateoa ranch about a mile from CoquHls on the old Coco Bay wagon road, where they will make their home. They plan to move immediately from the Bay. Mr. Clinkoaberd is a member o f the CUnkenbeofd fam ily o f South Coes river, pioneers, in the art o f successful farm ing in Coos county, and Mrs. Clinkenbeard was Miss Carrie Stevens before her marriage in September.— Coos Bey Times. Standard Doesn’ t Sell Sunday. The Oregon State Council e f De fense has requested that no devilary o f gasoline, engine distillate or other pe troleum products be made on Sunday and aa a result the Standard Oil Com pany, October 20th, and thereafter un- til Yurther notice, all o f their distri buting stations in the State at Oregon, including their automobile service sta tions, will bs closed on^Sunday. No - As in the case o f the recent an nouncement regai ding the sale o f gas oline and engine distillate on week days only between the hours o f « a. m. and » p. m, this latest request by the State Council o f Defense is made fo r the purpose o f conserving man power. It is expeetd that all users o f petroleum products will patriotical ly co-operate in making this impor tant war measure effective. i Probate Court Notes. Fred Bolloni has been appointed ad m inistrator o f the estate o f Joseph M. Nye Jr. The estate consists o f 1880 m reel property and $02.70 o f per sonal. The apprrvis. rs are J. E. Paulson, T. J. Thrift and J. S. Bar ton. The heirs are Joseph Nye, aged 8 years and Sarah Margaret Nye, aged 2 years. x G a te s G e t« E v en w ith H er. “ A fter today, central is not going to be anyone’s alarm clock ." This la the «M ftatum o f E. W. Gatos, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATION», as they cannot reach the acat of the disease. Catarrh » a local dtecs»«, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cur* it you must taks aa internal remedy H airs Catarrh Medi ci ne is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces o f the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicina was preseli had by one o f the best physicians la this country for years It la com posed o f some o f the best tonics known, combined with some o f the best blood