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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1918)
k* .L .B u r , htriniti I ha* inat t to u M to be the AND ■m fsm ily. formerly na-# . c f Marshfield, hava moved to Myrtle Fatati They Sv* to For Fresh Groceries I am Headquarters* =YOURS FOR A SQUARE DEAL— W. H. LYONS -. * t ■ iw&SJæ Your I ¡'il1' A dose of Rexall Liver Salts before breakfast ev ery morning * v ’ ’ ' • —cleanses the system like a Carls bad treatment —gives you new |ife»\im and vigor REXALL UVER SALTS Mr. ed Per kina’ Oregon State that ho delivery •- The Liberty Lass to thank the people or Myrtle Point and vicinity for the liberal way ia which they subscribed for the Fourth Liberty Loan, there being very few sla ck «» in tha community. * The little granddaughter o f Joe William« died Monday noon and was laid to raat To»*day. Mr. Spshay, the electrician, is now rapairing T on BarklowYcar. tf* "L. Barry returaad from Cali fornia Wadnesday. Boot is spending his vaca tion on his farm at has**. He it liv ing ia Strihgtown. . ' J >■ A stork visited Norman McDonald’* an* at Broedbsnt and toft a nine end » half pound bey; they named him Bobert Lyle. ‘ ; : ‘ Mr*. George Davenport ia *t Clark*’* hoapHal with two sick babies. L Lundy U gaining her and win leave Richardson* nd go to San Francisco and visit her relatives. ' y V jA Mim Jan# Alton, Urn public health nurse, was in town Thursday. Gladys Carter and Vivian Annin have J o t com* home from Wil mette University. D m schools were cloMd on Account o f the Spknish Inflc i McCartney toft Thursday af ternoon for Gravsl F*rd sta r* she win visit a few day*. eter Lae toft here Friday after- far Marshfield, from there he will go to Portland. Bev. Mr. Aadersou, Vivian A nder- 1 . - ^ ^ •**•» Schneider, Mr. end Mrs. I « T .u . » __ ., Ford and Raymond Void were buckle- l 11” * ,V e* J f* intataww ni/iking I reCOnSgOAF wBAw VOSA AB® SAAB ,*AAA, W ^ blew in the »U M M . Th* boat wa? Standard Oil C o . has orders to com ply with this request and beginning Sunday, O ctober 20th, and thereafter until further notice, aH our distributing stations in the state o f Oregon, including our auto mobile service stations, will be dosed on Sunday. No HES sale or delivery o f any kind will be made on Sunday.1 ^ ■ As in the case o f our previous advertisement re- ■ garding the sale o f gasoline and engine distillate ■ only between the hours o f 6 a. m. and 6 p. m .-o n week days only-this request is made for the pur Mgj? y£ , pose o f conserving man power and we know that our batons will patriotically co-operate in making this immediate war measure e f I ! V V < California ■tone, the being duly sworn my such for himself and herself, that the foregoing peti tion is true as they verily believe. (Signed) Ben E. Stone. (Signed) Bertha Clare Stone. went a major operation tost Saturday nm and sworn to before me at Dr. Pemberton’, «wpHal. He i s ' 24th day o f September, recovering nicely. 1818. ' • . . fed' Griffin, who h u bean working ■ # --»!»-» f - v - . u the h Geo. Watkins, method* the little Jante stooped to ffifo fj doAA not bclicTA th# (Seal) Notary PubHe for My commission expires Nov. 1st, Mr « j M - r * O r i« - o f tvU |w»d D*f*ctiv* Children’s Horn*. That eebel’s candidato will be able to bent Archie PhiMp. li 'to hsdto ’ I0#t ItebHshing a Dependcw are agreeable, pleasant, effervescent, gently laxa tive—cleansing the inteatfcal tract with the c H ^ v ^ p ^ o îv ^ Ï beneficial and grataful e ffe c t Clarence Biehnrds had Us tonsil. ■ _ - ■ . \ IT . . I T h. Delinquent t u notice bill to a Pi * by jb ill to be 1er. The wM T a i .. ■ «. . f against that bill are toe earn who are M ». «i. o. Arrington returnea nome i » - j ___ j j « MondAy from Ifartffcfitld where she « C - w »• '• th irty piecee of til 30c and $0c mm products be ^ r t o a t cam* to llv* with tham last , buntiaf ^ 1W 0‘ u » * * child- IN TMB COUNTY COURT OF THE STATB OF OREGON FOB COOS COUNTY. In th* Matter at the Adoption end Change at Name at a Miner Child, Meleeon Clare Conway. Order. Now on this day is presented the petition o f Ben E. Stone end Bertha Clare Stono^ his wife, both inhabitants I H H - - À i Ä ta r « IN THE COUNTY COUNT OF THE S i - G lady. S M . and Mia. Maina 1 m fi 4 a m m STATE OF OREGON FOB Trein left town Friday for am. . . | vslw O n u U H v l B O y t vOA p r iC A l t tOO lO W , Th* m u who ha. been in the newapa- - COOS COUNTY vWt- ,p — b—to—. t e d d - d — ----------- In th* Matter o f th* Adoption of|«i» u*ht»r o f th* lu t i jmmmm i at a Minor Child, Mid child being od thp eg* of 7 8. T j . D—k .r —d w if., of AGil.ivl. to kaow‘ 8* * — • yean, by a former marriage with one •leena Clara Conway. « rtd « M « U , M - d . W .I B U b d U . U U . I U « . « To th* H u . th* County Court at Thomas 8. Conway, who to th* natur ation; he sould be given his al father at said child, and changing Coos County, Oregon: Mrs. A. T. A rant left Sunday for between a hemp or a cotton ro, The undersigned, your petitioners, the name o f said child to Meleena MarahfleW where she will take treat-1 necktie. B. A. Ba respectfully show that they are hus- Clare Stone. and That the father e f said ehild has Ijend end wife a Mim V an Arant returned Monday njLrjirj| « . ■ , not consented to said adoption or sto and count; from Marshfield where she has been I On JfCtn to staying for some time. I The Marshfield Record, whtek was That your petitioner, Bertha Chun chafigo of name ta writing. It to therefore Ordered that Decem Miss Neill* Mast was a Bandon vis-1 **» first W advocate a recall e f the «ne ia th* natural mother at n H ot Sunday. Coos count eoorty, new that a recall daughter. Maleen* Clara Conway, who ber 7th, 1918, at the County Court room In the Ceunty Court House in is ed* the age o f seras Mrs. George Hermann made a bust- j is on has this to any about it: th* City e f Coquflle, C om County, j # . , Conway, from ntas trip to CoquiUe Saturday. ------------ I As stated in ms divorced in Aug. 1916, Oragea, at the hoar of 10 o’clock A. M. e f said daV be and it ia hereby ap is her natural fath E ast F ork Item s. j little clique behind the recall That said child resides with your pointed u the time and place of hear p u iip Walto^and Mary Laird went to Co- and they sought to fair to medium lamb* 89.00-11.00: petitioners in said P ortland M arket R ep ort. ing o f said It is farther ordered that e copy of Portland. Ora. Oct. 14, 1918.—The yearling* »10.00-11.00; wether» »9.00- quill* Monday for their daughter, cause they could not 10.00; awe*, »6.60-9.00. Bonnie, who is attending high school This nowspa said petition and this order be per trai and custody of, and mainly sap- arrivala of catti* and calva* at tb* « » a lly served upon th* «»id Thomas there and will spend the Spanish In- beginning, if all of the members ef ported by your petitioner, North Portland Union Stock Tarda fluense vacation at home. I the county court w on removed, it Claw Stone, sine* August, 191«. That S. Conway, If found within th* State wor* 1800 hand. Thar* la a batter Georg* Flanagan, of I would be all right, as, if any wrong nsrs are able and willing Jl Oregon; if not so found, then to be foaling in the catti* diviaion today, Marshfield, bought a small bunch of had bom dona all were liabl* and to properly educato, bring ap and sup- publish«! in the CoquUte Valley Sen- trading ia goad and price* have an, a hews paper printed in said cattle in Brewster Valley. Welter should go. Th* poettloa at the. The p#A said child and desire to adopt upward tendency. Quotations: Prims Laird helped him drive them to Record was that no single individual County and State, for th ru eucces- u r u their own and to have her name atoara, »18.00-18.00; goad to chotea j Marshfield. I should be pM ^ out.1' a copy thereof cent, ^ ‘ Materni» Clara Stone, and atoara »11.00-12.00; medium to good I The Matoer family intend to move It. still thinks that. Th* honest M r, Bertha Clard Stone postage prepaid to said Thomas S. steers »9.76-11.00; fair to m«llura Conway at Juneau, Alaska. to Myrtle Point for the winter. conviction ef Th* Beeord ip that Jim hereby expreuly consents to steers »8.26-9.26; common to fair The Brewster Valley school com-1 Watson, more than aay one aiamtisr Dated this 9th day o f O ct, 1918. ■ »option and change o f mum atoers »6.00-8.00; chotea cow* A heif That the orearat ni*** « f C (Signed) A Monday, W. Ham Bunch of the board should go. A t tb* seas* ers »8.00-9.00; medium to good cows scher. He areal home on the stage I time the l e s i i l contended *U 'along and P u t Office address o f said A heifer. $8.00-7.26; fair to medium State o f Oragou Tueeday mqrning an n Spanish Influ- the intonate Would not let Jim Wat- u S. Conway, Is Junes?, Alasi cows A heifers »6.00-8.00; cunera C om County ensn vacation. Th* D on school has son go, if they could possibly prevent Wherefore om petitioners pray that »8.00-4.00; bulls »5.00-7.00; caves $9- th# same kind o f a vacation. lit I hereby certify that I have com- they be allowsd to adopt said ehild a* 00-12.00; Stockers A feeders »8.00-8.00. It ia expected the Perrys win be I The ring leaden behind th* move- th and that W r a t m he With a libarsi run o f 2400 bogs on logging ia the Bast Fork soon! . _ I meat sent oat petition* eslUng for the «*» ■ Meleena Clare Conway, tbs market today th* market shows a Th* spiel on propoaed constitutional recall o f ell three members and, at t* , ^ “ra Stone. That l^ A K they are tone copies e f such originals decline of 16 to 26 cu ts, a larga num and e f the whole thereof. fits end measures by three the last moment, used only on* po and pince be fixed tor the bearing tl ber of stock bogs ara coming end the uf the Board o f Regents o f tition—that aimed at Archie FUBp, patitam and that nettes thereof be Doted tMe 9th day o f O ct, 1918 average weight of all the hegt falls Normal schools, is not going to ia- The unfairaaas ef this ia too eppnr- g iv u said Thsm u B. Conway, acoord- tag to law. thc voters of the state to make ent to need arguing »boot, <*Ml> County Clerk. tiens ara; Prime m in d 817J6-18.00; «rfthmam lvm hy voting for two Ardrie P hil», he* toad* th* host (Signid) Bertha Clara Stone, Pat». heavies »18.90-17.00; pigs $16.00-16.- now and tost ia Just one toll mlny™* had. If he is m o v e d by the rJ ^ 'l 08; hulk »17.76-18.00i _ o f the board I there wiO be no on* left from th* Bay O u . Watkins, A tt’y for 2900 sheep and lambs arrived ever My. “ The Normal Board h u voted. »M* •»* Marshfield and North Bond *“ a» Marshfield, Ora, Sunday. Trading hi the aheap sBeya that 1 f the law fa taactod will be without rspr msntathm. is alow but priesa sera holding steady •g two additional normal A large aumber at f i m who signed as quoted: Prime lambe »18AO-12JO; H wifi not nmiertake th J th e im nfi f ttitii u dM a* n t a the _„ ■ >f COQUUE VJUIEY so m a THE OREGON FARMER For one year in advance $1.65 B J; i V." i - i , * ,1 I th -. . sat - 131 | * ;j Ï »s« àk&ÈzÉ&mÊÊÊM i* * " §m - Jr; , j 1, 1 « 1