The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 18, 1918, Image 1

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    •111 to
F. Hall tota
Ownty O es* L. W, Oddy te
“ » requeet for u opiato to ragard
to eeonectkm with tto
II of
. of vital
which it wffl
aro toa
d tto
street and 'two
® ifW | tM. pVM W
B. * . J o to ««, too said that while to
ú i vSr >' did not want toe office again, to would
H if « « o m otoe could to
such 00
dal dub,
of the city
be peroneilod to toko up too
They aro A . T. Morris sa, C. T.
» ■ Lento and B. H. Moot. 1
“ Replying to years of tto l«to ins*,
regard to tto retoU petition of A r­
ito PUHp. county commissioner, will
any that if h is tto intention of tto
parties to Mo moro patii
«ho same party, you 001
aa u whole. In my
cannot file o port of o petition one
day end o part another. They should
all be coateiaed to o m petition
filed ot «00 timo.
“Section 18, Article > óf too Con­
iti tutloa of Omged, provides ttot:
wblic officer in O m g « to
subject, M Herein provided, to recall
hr the to(tol rotare of the state or of
tto electoral district of widch to to
There may to required
fire por coat, but tot mor«, of tto
«L sto otesu mho voted la his
of days’
>r to call
is i
■ - ‘ • y tto statai*
emtM. ~
■ay, however, ttot ct
■d «ho totter o f
oh to sap sot od to to poid by tto
itod States g owiumwit, account
for about ins half of this or some
«70,000, white tto Southern Pacific to
far a largo amount,
la too firat placo too tax
of that road wanted to puy its
tto special team hi a »umber of
dtotrtoto which it
t in sad attoud tto eoueus next
■soda at 8 )k*t- to tto pity ton.
’ ;*
P a ts L id om T igh t
T to W
Dr. Jas.
county health officer, le­
a rd e » ttot all public gatherings
o f Spanish M o e a w h o iT ^ d
the county. This affects
IQ H O T I w v w lv w «
of toot Mud cutting out tt
pool balk, Bod Croe«
fitted by tto courts that too special
d taxes wore valid the railroad
rimastiti that to an
rebuilding df tto
which win probably last far yean, oaa to pay ttoir taxes, tees too poachy
^ t hardly
o r d ^ to expected to
lek tod already attached.
dd. act to permitted to do this,
aa It wm tato tone to organ
tor, aad ao one per cent o month to
peace as H did for war aad the
l o i r * * * * * * * * thrfr Unp* id Ul<" ®f
and nortowa France will
Of tto 800000 olrsody «olteeted to
be a
tto loot half of toe 1017 taxes the
Certainly Coquito peo
county’s shore to «10,800.
d o * beard as welcome a
whistle of the J o h n «» »H I will to
when littto over o week banco it <
tto old force back to work with a
W U l Gw Otrt N o t
W eek.
Two moro culto hove b o « mode ft
mea to report to the local military
board tore within 8 days of Oct. 81.
The following orato go out to Fort
McArthur, near Sea Di
¡sorgo Quail, North 1
lenry E, Handehildt,
Prank Will Hubler, North
McKinley Mertey, Pot
»rd Ward,
Stacy Edward
Coy Smith. M
Gilbert 8chriefor, Myrtle
Cus Carteos, Lakeside.
The following wHl go to Port Star
us near Astoria:
Ward Vivian Young. Two-Mite.
_ i
a tryeting place it had I
wy people of both eexs
oded it had t o « every
a year aad a half, or s ia «
train schedule has been in <
m (trained there wore 1
« dm sidewalk in tee of 1
toga « dm south side of
but It has b o « only whsu
Cnroe o f Answered Prayer.
The now train schedule on the
branch line from Eugene down to
Power», which we outlined last weak,
doesn’t suit tto Bay people a bit, end
they now wish they hadn’t started
ttot talk about o night train. Indeed,
they ore getting petition* signed, re­
questing ttot the present time table
Whether that
will avail to prevent tto now plea for
ef labor aad fuel worked
out by General Paaoaugor Agent J.
M. Seott remains to bo aeon.
of too supremo court to
itttto domandine hie roean by
pie. They shall cot forth in
«pM petition the roosono for sold de-
i. If to toaU offer h i» resigna
it toan to accepted And taka of
eu the' day it to offered, aad tto
ney shall to Ailed aa may to pro­
vided by law. If he toall
within five days a f t « tto petition to
filed, o special 1
Ì od to to told within twenty day«’
Is that tto election HHT?
ays after tto five days
P o f tto
ttot it will
h il.................
of tto petition«
mss with which
secured. £'■
r District
Attorney L. A. Liljoqvtot to take
charge of his cess, end that mesne
tfiat the scrap will bo a Ujsly o m and
► hots will bo overlooked.
Now ttot Archie Philip to in the
limelight to to very muck gratified to
hove his picture appear in such good
on the • front pageo of the
doily papers— along with those of
Wilson, King Albert and
Gov. Withycomhe.
..... — 11 « w——»-om
. '*.
---------;— ! 1 • Em 1 . *
During the post week J. L. Smith,
oounty agriculturist, has t o « trying
tar s a c whether it would to possible to
have a corn show this fall by getting
sam p)« of this sot ’ s corn crop, where­
to could Aud them aad to already
too a surprising display « exhibition
ot his office—t '
oars of a goad
tee, all of which
at a eon atow. Mr. Smith
would like to have every farmer who
to town look these «
er and sac tf to h an ’t inwethtag to
tom. There are t
there of six to a
ft «f.
be gdted within
t t o ¿8 of the
the manaei
o act come under the general law.
As to «hocking tto signatures, will
my it is not necessary that tto naams
of all the rotors be on the registration
list tt, you tom satisfactory proof
ttot tto petitions» who signed tto
petition am toni Ado. reoidwta of tto
county end «titled to veto. Will say,
, that in a y opinion them
should to afldovits made by 000 or
to tto effect that sack
and all of the signatures on the pe­
tition am genuine and that they am
legal voters in tto county. I would ao
advtao tto parties who «u sed tto pe­
tition to to filed ttot before any ac­
tion can to taken that tt la nococai
ttot those affidavits to attached to
the petition.”
W ith
O p t a la
Last Monday tto Sentinel had a o il
from Captain Coot, who to in command
of the soldier taggers end railroad
builders who have Just t o « sent to
Beaver Hill section to make railroad
1 now logging
Them worn 170 mm ta
at that date and Camp
No. 3 hod recently tom opened away
west of the Contague Comp and high
up « the kill beyond it aad some dis­
tance southwest of Preuss.
The Captain talked very interest­
ingly about spruce production hem
and tto ways ta which it w m being
found possible to utilise a larger and
larger per cent of the timber by care­
ful cutting. Indeed, to states that
whom the average aeroplane stock at
the start w m only IS psr emt of the
product, that by selecting only tto
fttat trees tt too tow found possible
to utilise 00 par cent of the timber
So in tto »ills , with increased ax-
irteace and better facilities the
Donut of cut up lumber ready fee
a aeroplane factory has increased
at ah. almost untoltevablo rate. Ho
says tto average product of .G10 Van­
couver mill la now 1,ltd),000 fast par
day whom 800,000 feet used to to con­
sidered a wonderful day’s work. Tto
R V material used at that plant now
amounts to 0 carloads a day. The
quality of tto spruce product ttot has
passed inspection gsd been n e t out
by too mills of the Pacific northwest is
attested by the fact toot front neither
of the tone nations we hove tom
supplying With this stash— England,
Prance and holy—1ms them ever
corns a single ooofplaint ta regard to
what we have sent them. And how
much wo hove sent overseas con beet
understood by his statement toot
tome of them tom received whet
they deem- sufficient to supply them
end of the war, with ttoptagle
W a small quantity of too
Rived spruce ho myc is only need at
the start, the mills now cutting M
nearly with the grata m it could to
.0 ' . > .
Port OrfonT cedar is also being used
In considerable quantity for aeroplane
construction, its only drawbrack being
Mo slightly graeter weight.
Of the planes th sms »Ives too Cop-
tain f i s quite
about •
now bombing piano whom manufac-
_ tly togMtf It too
engines of 1700 torse pewsr and ta
capable of a sustained flight of 1000
•lies. ft carries two tone of bombs,
Ight men, four auehtae guns, with
bundance of ammunition and fuel
and supplies for a flight of that dis­
tance. Aa to just what would hap­
pen if the war should to suddenly
brought to a close Captain Cox mid
that all government work ta tto
camps aad mills would instant­
ly cease—and it w m to learn the lat­
est news from Europe that to earns ta.
But them ta aa doubt that the con­
Only two of tto «2 petitions filed in
this coos comply with tto rnquiro-
of tto law sa stated by Judge
■ad. those am tto ones from
South Inlet end ~t «aside. As they
stand tto other forty petitions am. ®f
no mom force than tf tto list of algn-
wen copied from tto casualty
beta in tto Portland daily papers.
In compliance, with Judge Hall's
iggeetion tto County Clerk has
lifted Mr. Sengstacken who filed tto
petitioM what it is necessary to
to givo them validity, and K reams
to to seen tow many ef tto circulators
will be willing to make the necaa
affidavits. Mr. Philip says ttot they
cantata numerous names of deed
and of mm who have left tto cm
id that other aomee am illegibly
tom om lota of
tag old county warrants that 'have
Of coarse, if two of three of the pe­
callod aad m longer beer tator-
tition pushers got cold foot sad fail
The amount of callod
hove not yet t o « pmeaaated for to coom acmes, it will spoil tto whole
ttjweoomry to begin
Is betwesn «0,000
tto week ell over again, as tto 1088
0; sad some of tto toiden
to amko a kick when they
to the petit lose
that they have held them mowtto ho­
tkey ceased to toar ta­
quest ef the air and the use of air­
ships for carrying passengers aad
freight has been advanced many yearn
by what has torn done along that Urn
in the prosecution of tto war— per­
haps a half a century m some otoerv-
■ believe.
In Jail Here New.
Henry Royer, a Bandon man, 78
yearn of ago, sms brought up here
Wednesday end examined m to hie
sanity. He w m ordered committed to
the hospital at Salem, and will go
out m soon as o guard come« for him
from that institution.
He slipped
away from the officer hem on his way
up to tto court bouse and got down to
Willard street before to w m appre-
ncted again.
Pay B. Smith, a man 0 yearn of
ago, w m brought over hem o couple of
days ego by CoMUblo Goodman, of
go Of violation of
the espionage act, and held for the
U. 8. Marshal at Portlaad. He tos
ta jail before.
t it o fact ttot «80,000
om conectad « tto lost
«SO of 1017, Mr. D ta-
1 wfll have «81,000 of
rnd about «10000 of
Belt; of
r**d dlstriet wurraato to
of ttot total before to to
gtae to pay county wurraato fmm it
* am* r*r’ he wffl to able
Judge (teto is 1
fai 1 « D ays.
Tto Assessor's form is besy now in
eking m t the tax rolls end it ta « •
poetad to
will tfc«i learn just how
far ell
" #" « f t t a " " * " * * * "
108 8 * «108.
a 19
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