The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 11, 1918, Image 1

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J .U .
Him If Found
i nr*|*to>
M U*
» and toU M
il» that 1»
C o m
Idea of a
' V. • ¿'.1
la O m ]
H tato a rotali
nt «boro la aa M R or
vn erboro a show llko tto oat poi
for tao paat throe yoars caa be
Tto mattor od ben » .Con Show
could to told noxtmonth was tono la­
to by tto CoMOMratal O ri» WodaMday
poly a t o t a
This BMaaa i
.t o t ta ostar
t t M M imr oaUa yard to tha
a good oroord noxt Wodnoo-
unty or a to «t TO par m at A la
day, wh*o tho mattar orili be flnally
tho first ad
decided, J. A. Lomb and F. G. Leali*
’ and picht >bitta.
to peroenally invito
kW if K
« f a ll ta to
ai thè
Mt hall aaxt Wotaeetay at 8 p.' aa
TU* ta tto aama coauektoa which
rtarted tto eatbvislasm last year, ra-
___ mltinr ia -what many coneidw thè
•venilig wer» f ^
I t o Coen
poetad to onto* ot
p. m., ta ampio time to i
tion« wit*
1» t*
. t
•boot • o’rio e h .fif
r Tv.Tr, » . -
Tho timo at
m North Bond, aad that of tbo i
I domo» woo to harO boon p
tho Cognflb folks, hot tho
wad too short, so that hi this de­
p o t only tho TrtHgstiia woo
t aro 'tow
to tto de-
As to additional traiaa ia this «m a­
ty Mr. Scott was of tho opinion timi
wo W old hato a second trala a day
from Eoceno mentioned, and it may be
that they will aaoot at Coquito as bow .
This would trun— ado to people corn­
ine «te r toro to eagyt, arriving tort
say shoot ateo and rotondile to the
Bay about 4 at now. Nótbiac daflatte
too boon determined ss to any t f
ttorn aitodaltt, the visit of ttoat of­
ficials doom toro totee for the por-
pooo of adusine with too people of
this situation and obtaiaiac toft
tion on which to haao tho now
The Portland dailiee that wo will
eot down toro under tho now aim
ment will to the second edition pr
about midnight instami of tho
or d ty edition at now, and ma 1
aro rather hastily thrown tocottor by
W ?P. Walkor, groad maater of th*
lodgo, aad B. B. Storron.
„ M á_
---- otary, pot on too tastaita-
oat o f Um :
fbr tto L O. O. V, lodgo,
which Mr. Wernleh said thl* i
fc .te a i
Home. Mr*. Bato
it pooolhlo to got definite
of tto Botalroh aooociation *t
oa tbs installation of am
MarobfioM, aided by th* North Bond
there, aa has toon reported te «ho Bay lodgo of Bobetoto, pot ofe tto ta-
th l«
lL a a s t
^3 a
W»m WMK, fi»
DII» ^ W i lvnO
(tion worfc for th* wooMn’s auxil­
Utero will to o «’ to to furti
ie n .
‘ ' "
'• *' V J
uta to
FeUowing tto carenan isa of tho
of I
tato they
ber which will before
•By hy a
he coming out of the
•t tto club toas*. Tto Odd Feí­
of Benvsr Slough
simo timo teok tho lodgo
Hafl, adjourning aftor the
tagn e to tav* ttoir store
o f tito baaquot aad tton rotorntag te
to the
atetad until, Just before tto trata loft
at 4:30 a. a .
4 v <
Otar folks got homo Just a fte» six,
bat without any appetito for an early
Samtay morning breakfast.
' ________________
Wouldn’t Pay Six Bita
band wo will probably ret them f<
or fire boors earlier, and lots m
people will resobre thorn before "the
day a W ? j8
Tho Bay doitos bare tho hardoM
problem to solvo, as they can only
catch tho afternoon mail at 1 o'clock
with a half finished papor,
o f the matter of the previene doy’*
issa* to AH op with. Next « ■
though, when the Jitneys b#*ih to
over our new hiphway that difficulty
wUl bo
T h rift F ar
T. J. Thrift io mal
vaa as a democratic
re (tentative in the
with tho hearty
tug from tho labori
thooe employed in
and ship yarda, bis chancos for win-
nine appear to bo oxraüent Ho lo a
careful, level by tad, buotaosa man,
and bis familiarity with public affatto
coined by amay yearn’
U ataa W ar Warfc D rive
Nov. I l t* Nov. 18 will be thè v
t ir thè tata* ter fonda for tto Ualtod
War Waefc, T . M. C. A., Knighta of
tamtam. eie. Tto amount askod for
thd oovoa organications ia 178 mi
Ito * would to rnquirto is prepa rati on.
, J. B. Norton suda a suggestion
m h h will probably to sarrio» oat aad
■ !•»■* W » that tto corn aad potato ex-
iiihlto to shown in the Laird building
will bo a i
to ato
at aU tho
, time and maney.
sen to that tto
X.' J. Hol voratori.
It «Ò I arrtoo la
aad a number
r i»
formerly ooouptad by H. 0. Andanos;
that tto onte—1 exhibit ho plated oa
the hafeony ed that room and that tto
bakory otta od the building bo '
for a rent room. AB th|a io, od
A fter o Mooth’i
ril got t ig ottor Mi
Ifta n to p e r
tawed bills, shutbp tto dags, and at­
to rumor* of German
tended Ip wkat other business canto
or a f the abdication od tho
■ \W -
Ho brought down tto boos*
The now dog ordinance, which ra­
too of applauoa.
pes Is all former ordinances of that
As to the Fourth Liberty Lota, ad­
nature, makes it unlawful for anyone
vise Sentinel readers that the names
to allow *W> dog to run at largo, tto
Subscribers have already boon
penalty for vietetkm being a fine of
tod and that noxt nook tto same*
from om «tw e n ty dollars. It ia tto
boo* who hare not sobocribto will
marshal's duty to collect whatever
to listed with the amounts they ought
ranine* he may find running loose,
to subscribe to this loan.
WUl bo
advertise them for solo and if no om
homo Saturday evening.—L. J. Cary.
obte makes a data for ttonr Recorder
John Lawrence is ordered to bid them
Board Cats Store Buildings.
ta tor1 the city and then instruct Mar-
Tho principal change in valuations
out of thrir
ate by the Board of K^iaHaatloa
Which has Just concluded tU sessions
Miller and Barrow
hare eras a cut of 80 par cent in tho wanted to fine tto owners of loose
of bn proved property,
from «80 to «60, but tto above
that le.on'store buildings. This ag­ mentioned fin* was adopted.
gregates a reduction e l
tn Borrow urea tto only councilman to
tto valuation of sack building* in all vote against tea ordinance. Mr. Man­
tto cities of the county, tho cut being sell, ta voting for it, said ho had al­
w orn tvM jw h ffi,
ready voted for 17 dog ordinances and
th e valuation od opruooto tto dto- tto only result he ever sow item any
iet between tore and the ocean which o f t e a « woe that om of tto soven-
now being logged was raised to
cost tto city «800.
«ISO o thousand, on tacronaa od M
r. there hoe gum up a sigh
Tto highest rate m Port Or- Of relief from practically tho entire
ford cedar is I f per thousand and on town over tto first day’s successful
fir aboat «1.60.
o f those poets, when yon-
tarrisy there was hardly a dog to to
on the streets. Marshal Miller
to keep th* taw enforced to
th* tettav.
To make sura that the county court
did aot overlook the matter o f appra-
That motoor in tto northwestern prtattag another1 «10,000 ta tto bod-
sky last night must have torn s mag- *•* this year for a Coquill* bridgp.
Mayor Johnson appointed tto strata
poetaci*, even if a
it occurred at 10:80 campar- committee, comisting af W. H. Man-
C W. Gardner aad C. R. Harrow,
pttaoly fiter poopla witaaoodd it. Tto
boat account of it wo hate hoard was to wait on tto court, ia conjunction
a committee from the Commer­
by Clyflo Qagu, who was a o v Broad-
boat o » p e ' toad to Poworo, whan R cial Chib. Should tto war end within
up there with Dr. tea next few months It might bo pos­
third year’s appropriation would tton
have boon mad* before tto bridge was
Th* caucus to nomine to a mayor,
thro* councilmen and a recorder to to
toted on at tto general election Nov.
6, was fixed for Tuaaoay, Oct. 22, at 8
p. m. ¿at tto city hall ', a & ?' •
Those t*ro eyesore*—th* skeleton*
of the Martin and Olson buildings on
Front street which were so nearly
in tto St. Patrick’s «toy Are,
in for aldormanic consideration.
Both owners have been given 80 days ■“
in which to tear tto framework oat
and if they neglect to do k tto city
wiH have tto work done and charge
the expense up against the property.
Not only are thooe old shells holding
the insurance rates up in that sec­
tion of Front street, but they might
prove dangerous during a high wind.
Tto five committee was empowered to
order ttoir removal if the owners did
not attend to it.
- - n
that tea
for root and freight would amount to thought k tto headlight of orntber
lVUO and little likelihood that
flashing towards thorn from a
•cold Im secured even then, tto torn ta tto rood. Clyde rays tto me­
teor was brilliantly white,~Hk* an are
idra oms atandonod.
to Iste of lb* booths & M. Nostri light, sari almost aa largo os tto full
that tto store show win!-
WM* to Was gaxtag at if,
to decorated for tto occasion however, k burned oat before ranching
gftor tto manner of the ia- tto earth sari turned a dull rod lib* •
1 displays ta tto booths here­ light that had boon turned off. ‘ In in­
tofore, and tto adoption of this sug­ tensity tto light ru m bled"a search­
gestion will bo urgid on all battante light «o r * than anything rise.
couple of ladioi who sow it from th*
In his tglks favoring tto holding of street crossing at T. J. Thrift’s cor-
a rafew this year, County Agriculturist
y it seemed so near aa they
stated that ttor* ara
turned around whoa it flashed oat that
30» siloa ta tho oon.r, doe ia a largo they thought k must bo falling ta
degree* to tto interest aroused ta corn tto northwest part of town. Aa to
and silag* by the Ccquillo Corn Show
tto motoor could be heard, as
and that
welTas seen, there ia a difference of
chloral dollars to <to fanners and
people are t o
of tto county, and logically fldent it mtat down a roaring.
to the entire bastarse Ufa. Ho also
stated that to had attended assay corn
Layette» oa Exhibition.
shows ta other potto of tto stata and
Saturday afternoon, Oct. 19,
nowhere rio* had to found tit* bust-
men taking any part whatso­ botwoOn 8 and 6 p. m. there will to
ever 1» tto show.
th e attendance on exhibition in'tho basement of the
n i m ail and there was aot the in­ Federated church tto layette* pre­
pond by tto Coguilta Honor Guard
terest nor benefit to all «
he Coquille for Belgian relief. The young1 ladies
have been working for two or three
annual avant-
I to prepare the»#
To tovo something definite to work
which consists of about two
on, i committee consisting of E. ,K.
articles of baby wearing ap-
Johnson, C. T. Skoals and L. J.
and tto public is invited to
appointed to investigate tho r
tto rooak of Jtoir tabors before
sibiUty of securing holla, to conri le?
Ways and monna and all corn show k la shipped. Refreshments
•tato before noxt Wednesday when tto tag Of tea, solus and sweet cider will
meeting for a final decision will ho bo served dating th* afternoon by tto
Honor Guard for tto mhall sum of 19
Tto Sentina! ta its endeavors to get
tto list on a cash ta
to i
by tto consolidation of
address to which tto pa
it was that of one of tho
old M M , it WM enough of o piker to
a debt of six bits for a pa-
W< can’t afford to poos up the C on
whlch It had racoivod and used
«vpn for ono yoor during war
without notifying no that it w n -not
This reminds us of tto cor- times. Lot’s all toost and make too
over ot tto Bay which bat 1918 show tto toot yet.
so for avadad tto payment of several
What Uto Nation
rii m court jndg
hy tho simple oxpedtaat of
In tto Civica class nt High f
« day this week Prof. Tuttle
H appears, whoa tto Joto Smith coi
tto ciase, which oat
and ito praporty is of tto people moi
hy tho John Smith
il or tto Stato
attaa ito ranponaibilitips for tho pay- And thon to want od to
it of Ha obligations
government did for the poo-,
for proparty that H app
pie. Ono of tea pupils who had tor
It ia for tto sato of Just such text hook open hot not ta Mr. Tattle’s
as this that o newspaper Is sight, pictod out tto
always glad to adopt <
o f tto
e OocndOe district will ho
«TjtaO sa a por capita boato
i v a tto Bod Ormo fa doiag moro for
Pea ttor*
tto boy* over tb*r* Umettano a
atoly a aamU par esnt of tto posai« ta
lattone, aad W la ano to which
f ir m
• duty to
for tto
Foor-Minnte Men at th« Thoatrc
The four-minute men to speak at
tto Machon tester next woek era:
S. D. Pulford. Monday night, Oct 14
J. L. Smith, Tuesday night, Oct. lo.
Dr. James Richmond, Wednesday
rV -r&
night, Oct 16th.
J. J. Stanley, Thursday night, Oct.
17th, '
Roland A. Wornich, Friday night.
Oct 18th.
On Saturday night Oct. 19th, patri­
otic songs by tto High School Quar­
tet will take tto place o f the usual
foqr-mipute speech.
Tomorrow night Saturday. Oct.
12th, instead of tto usual four-minute
patriotic songs will ha ren­
dered by tto Rod Cross Chorus, tad
by Mr. Frank G. Leslie.
T .body should come sod tour
wtriotk speechee and songs and
at tto oaaw time om a goad motion '
picture show.—C. R. Borrow, Chair-
aan, Four-Minute Mon.
Wo aro sura ^ ormone will bo In­
terested in seeing those layettes which
the girls have worked so faithfully to
snake under th* able direction of Mía­
nos L. P. Rranototter and E. H
Both Doctors Take Exam.
Dr. V. L. Hamilton and Dr. Jam
ithmead wont oat to Vancouver Bar­
ra d » toot Wednesday morning la tto
letter** car, and took tto examination
Phases at Age of 94
for admission to tee army medical
Mrs, Lively, who had toon living oat
■tag tto last of th* week. ot tto County Infirmary for tto post
Dr. Hamilton, who applied far enh
18 years or more, died last Friday
ta the army ta August, expacto
ranrad ago of- M
to receive a rail to Jota th* colors and
I service 400 k place
go ovarooao within a month, but Dr.
St 3:30. and were
does not know yet whet)
by Rev. James E. Condor.
to will nasata to n or to called to Th* lot own mit was ta tto county oma-
ago from 011-
A lfalfa Hay and Oat Hay at THE
! '
... ........ .
H to rat a «M atto» ttaa ytar
ta i “oboli bave a Corn Star
L t tfe .