The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 04, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Hakes dish washing easy. Cleans pots, pans
and ! other kitchen utensils without using >
strong soaps. Lye or Ammonia. Instantly
" deans enamel wars, tin, steel, aluminum.
Cleans bath tubs and basins. A new use
found for it every day.
After using rinse the cloth in warm water
and hang to dry.
. V-
Probate Court Notes.
Last Monday George Arntjen was
a p i / i j j n v v t i 8 td * H si* 1 8 wi ^tvO s o T ync? vSvdtL m
of Helen Maaky, late of Bandoli. The
eeUte consist* of real property of the
ee tin e ted vaine of
On Monday
E. Huling, of
Myrtle Point, wee appointed execute*
of the e * M of 0. A. Huling, deeeaa
S t In thie eetate there ie real prop,
erty eeùn eted to bo worth $2,096,
end pereonal property valued at $2500.
The legatee* end devisaba are Mery E.
e n a A in ie ^
Thi bonfire sodai given by -the C.
E. & Saturday night wee a decided
•access with about 20 Of the soldier
boye present to help us make marry.
All reportad an excellent evening. Af­
ter partaking of roast weiniee sad
marehmaQpws every one jcined in
singing eongs, then visiting until time
of departure. Meetings like this draw
as aesrer in fellowship and good will.
Wa hopo to have many such during
e jh s la le 4 « A ^ A M
— W i L a
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