rv-*-- * V t T - ” - “""— v ’--> OREGON coqunxE a new shipment of ; and WOOD invite pea to call and inspect. Her* ia Coquille the boat /^ = iW ll For milking, cream separating ■ h / ^ V ^ - 4 and churning, electric motor driven machinery is the dairy- man’s beet aid. A single motor will furnish dean« safe “ always ready’ * power for a number o f machyes. Oregon Power Co. Christina« package* for 2,500,000 ar more American aoldiera «h o «U1 be to Franca during the holiday season this yaw will ha delivered under qn ar rangement with the Bed Cross, an- nouaced by the war department. In order to control the flood e f gifts that woald othmwiea make thehand- Ung of than im practice«*, the do- pertment has decided that only ona parcel « ill be accepted for each man. AO package* meat b* mailed before November ft , as weeks will he re quired to get them across the Atlan tic and to tbs various places in T*i««*s «here man aro stationed. a u d it