Ai National f ock Absorber Do you remember any period in which our country has been subjected to ao assay anxious moments as during the past two yea n 1 Can there be any doubt tin t confidence in the Rtdem l Reserve Banking System as a national shock absorber has contributed largely to th e ' tranquility o f business and banking during these tense months ? I f you appreciate what this new nation-wide ay&>. cm has been doing for I you, you can support it and ita ^ »oiT th by Sve-rCM promptly becoming one Of ----- - our depositors. First National Bank Coquille, Oregon Has opened on the Comer of Front apd Hall Street He has a large variety o f goods as he has purchased the Tapper stock and added some new as well as old. A New Line of Dishes and Tableware Hoes, Rakes, Axes, Hand Saws, Wash Tubs and Beards. Into Bedsteads, Sanitary Couches, Sani tary Springs, new, from $8L60 to $20 each. 100 duiMi Fruit Jars, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Camp Stoves, Pipe, Elbows. Large variety o f Tools—Saws, Squares, Hammers, Etc. PHONE N O . 1103 TO GET QUICK QUICK A W O R D to the W I S E W h e n y o u n e e d n eat, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte rh e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C ir c u la r s o r o th e r a d v e rtisin g m a tte r, The Coqnille Valley Seatiae! is r e a d y to fill th e b ill W e a lso have a large stock o f Business Cards, Fine Pa pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give yon something neat for your office stationery SENTINEL PRINTING QUA&|¥T PRINTING Call by Number i . A . RICHM OND RTSIC1AN u i SURGEON. ♦ Z Good telephone service depends not only on the tel ephone equipment and the skill and intelligence o f the telephone employes but also upon the co-oper ation o f the '£% TELEPHONE USERS Always Call by Number Speak Slowly and Distinctly Coot & Curry DR. C. W . END1COTT ♦ ONE IN D U STRY IN COQUILLE v 3. J. ST A N L E Y LAU N D R Y