The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 04, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mrs. G. G.
à trip to the S itte
Mr. and Mrs. Rslph
distillate be limited
and 6 p. m.
Mr. and -Mrs. C. C. Carter and
Shirtoy, motored to Ccquilto Sunti
Mr. aad Mre. Alfred Leng and baby
ere guasto at thè Ptoraea berne laat
• ì.
«fSi |
Mr. K. A. Anni*, wbv has basa quite
stok witk btood poison in hiA fa st fer
me timo, was down towa Me
tot tb t first time since Ma Ulne
Edwin C arter went to Corvaltis
day to attood thè Oregon A grkuhural
Dr. J. L. Man
oraing fer Saa
is to kave a physical
Uncto Tommy Barklow loft
icst w att for Bcnd, Oregon, where he
mot Mr. Van Dyke. Together they
ait to Newberg where they will held
revival servicele
Mr. Levi feunch is visiting la Myrtto
Creek thia week.
Mre. Tom Summortia sud
Lucile, and Hattto Carter, of
Ford, were in town Tueedsy.
Mm. Harnish aad daaghtor
wtg, of Gravai Ford, vieitod in town
For Fresh Pi tl.V '-t
I am Headquarters
¡V » ' ; t?
Teeth, Hair,
Hand*, Ck>
—all kinds tor
- a ll^ p u rp o s e s , a t
—all prices
over —
hours only. | p
■ -
This request is made for the purpose of conserving man-
|1 power, and we know & st our patrons will
cooperate with the Fuel Administration to v ,
k3E ¡pj' I
this important war measure.
” r
b ru sh e s h e re
TV 1
comply with this
d Oil Company
request and beginning October First all of our stations
and delivery facilities will serve the public between these
V -
Tooth Brushes-.--........ 15c to 50c
Heir “ ' . ... . . . . . 5 0 c to 16.00
„..lO fito LOO
50c to 1.60
- r.ï ï
Clothes M .............. ...5 0 o to 2.00
...............25c to LOO
Do Bad Teeth
X r E S, h t lea d lB f
I authorities. Their
■■■war is baaed on
pears of study and on
I i
IV :i
M b'y
spend a few days s t the Fair. From
R. Medlock,
there be will go to CorvrJHs
a t the M. I .
i will attend the Oregon .
r. F. G. Drake returned Tuesday
evening from Portland where he hae
e«k attending the an­
nual conference of the M. E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lundy toft Wed-
nday morning for Boseburg
Mr Lundy toft Mss. Lundy,
M I* Gladya M ijftn «ad M itt
in the eveing. F ran there Mrs.
Lundy will go to Ashland for her Perni« Root «od Jake Moomsw are at-
tendine aekool a t Myrtle P oint
Mrs. Jooepk Badahaagh t t d family
Theron K sltnsr toft last
hare n o ted to Myrtle Point for the
Csrvallis where he will go to :
children to atfcad echoot this w itter.
Earl W illiane was hone from Prat-
Mrs. A. R. Marcsrney, fora
ias Hasel Lee, sail small sob , of land oa a furlough orar Sunday.
The Sehrooder hrothera h ate y tt-
Honolulu, arrived here Wednesday for
i expended visit with relatives aad chaaed U6 aeree of land in Sheet«
• * * **v
Frank Burkholder and Jack M art
Mrs. Mahal Mask left J e tt Friday
for Eugene where ehe expects to s t­ were a t Norway fittin g Sunday.
Mr. aad Mra. Tice Wegener end
aid school.
Mrs. Leslie Ross, formerly Mias family, of Broadbent, ware virittng a t
Jennie Black, arrived here Friday ov Joe L atfe Sunday.
M itt Leona Fish, of F at Elk; wae
fer an extended visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Black, vial ting on FSehtrap the flzyt of the
tout Root expect« to go to France week.
Hall’s Creek presento a lively ap­
Mrs. Steward and daughter, Melba, pearance with two eamps healing air
and eon, Darrell, Mrs. Brown and plane timber, the lower pae back of
Mr. M uaford’s using a caterpillar
daughter, Lottie, toft Saturday n
ing for Portland. They will auke with two traitors and is gtvtog worn
there, where Mr. Steward to many of tbs fanners.
has a job in the shipyards.
Wednesday afternoon Miss Nelli«
Beet, of Arago, aad Mr. Victor WMt-
of low*, wore united In marriage
by Rev. Charles Barklow. A number
of invited guests were present. The
««Pie received many beautiful rifts
■ The year-old child of Mr. Sad Mrs.
A. Endicott pa seed away last Satur­
Dr. Clarke spent Thursday ift Co­
quill«, there being no other doctor
th en .
/ MM
Mrs. Georgs Mullen was ex Hod to
the bedside of her daughter in Pow­
ers, who was very HI.
R. A. Annin is again confined to his
bed, his foot being still in a bed con­
The Myrtto Point Branch of the
American Red Croea and its auxil-
iartoe shipped thirteen hundred and
forty three pounds of clothing for the
Belgian Relief in Franee^this week.
Mrs. Jenkins and daughter, Dare
tLy, of Pendleton, arrived hero Taaa-
day evening fer a visit with their rela­
tive«, Mra. Haling and family.
Dr. Pemberton to moving into hie
iw hospital where the J. A. Black
family resided.
The ladies, who wore gathering ho­
m i e r the linen drive Wednesday
ware very ‘successful.
C. C. Carter leeryee for Portland
•tarday with a shipment of hogs aad
Four calves wi* • «toeing a t
Dr. Clark« has bought the Harrison tain Glade ranch, t o t tm r t t t e
*mo back af the Pearce garage and time they wera found, throe
wfll move into it soon.
river, one an the bank a tittle
“Grandpa” Jenkins, of Marshfield, down and m en ;than half nato
to ta thie d ty fee a tow days' visit bear tra tta clean by. Of the tl
riti» relatives
. A
r iv S ttM
m m m m
¿ i
War Emergency Course and Certificate
r ;;
Oregon Normal School
w ir
* ju o u 9 i ox iw v n iy w n n o q u im u d j w e
. Th« OOUTM w « begin with e^h
ria tta torme ß ammtoetog Mew. M, 1918; F e ^ S , 1919; and April 12,
aient to the Tesohare’ T*
totion valid to tttth la Urn
This Course wUl be open to those who have had two year, or
efi U gh wheel week er ito equivataut inri mho ara a t toast
lt-00; medians to geed steers »9.75-
1100; fair to medium steers »8.26
•Jfij choke eews pad heifers $ 8 . 00 -
••09; w sdlam to goat cows and heifers
W-0O-T-«; fa ir to medium cow. a»J
heifers, »6.00-6.00; canners $8 00-4.00;
hulls »6.00-7.00; calves $9-00-12.00;
•tte k e tt and feeders $8.00-8.00.
MO begs arrived In the hog division
e t t t night, Menday’d receipt« amount
ed to SOW head. Trading ie very sc
medium mixed $19.26-19.60; rough
heavies $1*60-18.75; pigs »
*7.00; bulk »19.60-19.86.
There wae a nominal ran of sheep
and lambs ever night. The tomb end
of tte trade Ja Inclined to show weak
m m but the mutton end ie hol.l.n*
» * M il4 j2 r £ k T > medium tombs
$9*0-11.00; yearlings, $ 10 . 00-11 00 ;
wethers $9.00-10*0; «wee, $0.60-9 00.
N. Y.
«?.tin ir.