The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 27, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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¿n*t Let Than
\War Warte
When U m United Stete« enterte
U»e grant war the Tonne Women'i
Christian Association wan. aa always
working among woman.
With th*
call to new duties Ita member« dit
not abandon their old reeponslblUtles
The War Work CoancU waa formte
aa an emergency meaaure to taks
car« of th« woman who were «tanghi
la «orte of the snss«« of war, in et at
(Prepared by the United States Deport­
ment of i g M I i u a )
Although creamery butter has al-
most entirely displaced farm-made
bolter in the market« of the United
•tetee, more than half the butter pro­
duced Is still made on farms. The
h rt that this butter cannot compete
«accessfully with the creamery prod-
•ct la that mote o f I f brings a pdte
trice and la consumed In Tillages or
gmall towns, or la shipped to renovat-
Ing factories far treatment and sells
aa a relatively low-grade product It
la possible, bowrrer, greatly to Im-
trore th« quality of farm butter by
employlBg in its production standard
practices and greater care than la or­
cere of them through many year« oi
Pen ce. The railed actl Titles decide«
upon by the War Work Council fol
low closely tke note« of the differ
•at communities of tha country, le o
rotaries trained In th « method« oi
th« organisation ware ««n t
broadcast. They were instructed to
report to th« National Board of the
Young Women's ^ Christian Asaociu
tlons In New York th« llnae of work
which could be best followed in the
▼actons loealttt««. Thane secretaries
dinarily expended.
To produce good butter It Is neeee-
•ary to begin with a good, teeen-flav-
ored milk. In some sections of th«
Country it la customary to ripen and
Tha time for our message to the
boys has come again. The Fourth
Liberty Loan la to be our response
to this wounded soldier’s challenge.
into farms ana only rate« crops to 1
«••d her people half the year, Fraaoe.'
with «Tery man In uniform, and
hr. .
Marly half h e* fields orarrun by ”
armies, does «ran tern.
With her grata fields extended by
millions of scree o f new lend, Ameri- ¡ ’ ■“ J
oa la responding to the call end allied
hunger will nerar h i aa ally to Oor- T “ 1”
many. Billions of dollars of Ameri- * * * *
ca's huge war loans' are coming bank
grain and «took.
The fanner, for hie future honor
and standing In the nation, must ate
that every penny o f this sum he can
•pare la reinvested la war loans.
Tha Fourth Liberty Loan, now upon
us, calls tar but a portion of what
America mute spend In wer efforts tt
the next few months. It must be seta
scribed promptly end overwhelmingly,
That "the man who Is not for us is
against ue" Is as true now as when
It waa written centuries ego.
If TOU buy a fifty dollar bond
when you COULD BUY a five bun-
fired dollar bond, you are not doing
your full duty as an American.
110 ]lft ,
... .
• "
■ _ _ _ _
I . . *
| n *
«m t la
1 Hun. h
1 prance
h it be«
A r« we going to tak« hold In tha
good old American way’ ”
We har« not had to go through
hardships,—oars here been an «aster
part W « bar« known little of sacri­
fice or depuration. Compared with
th« offering of our boy«, w « hare
lone nothing aa y « t And now, b«re
I« tha challenge sound«d to us.
The good «Id American way la an
that la aakad o f as. What la that
Ton must frani« tha answer, moth­
ers end stetere of the w est Tours
ta an Important part la tha reply
which tha nation will make to tke
boys oreraeaa. There Is not. ona of
os who would-not spare her eon If
she could—yee, eren spare some
ether mother’s son the pain and
hardship he mute hear. Wa are not
saked to do that We could not.
(Maone tar participation In It. Thte
le tha day when bat to hear Its cell
Is to tasere Ita heutioet support.
September Mth le the date set tar
MV concerted reply through the
Fourth Liberty Loan. Let us take
You Can Stop These
Casualties Quickly
inue to crumple up before the nines
elth only n few of the million and n
self Americans «war the*« te UM. And
five million more on the way. New« at
the over-eubeertption of the ftourth
Liberty Loan will shake Onrmen m e
rale again.
Fourth Likert} Loon afa <
•dricable, because It requires a blgh
churning temperature, which injures
the quality o t the butter end muses a
considerable toes o f butterfat in the
buttermilk. It is also liable to reeuit
In too much water In the butter. For
those reasons only the churning of
cream will be considered. It la Just
as essential to obtain cream under
such conditions that It will be of
equally good quality as the milk.
Cream may be separated from the
milk by grarity or by a centrifugal
separator. O rarity separation may be
tccompUahed by the shallow-pan, the
deep-setting, or the water-dilution
method. The first two bare been ex-
tenslTely used end ere still In use
where Tery few cows ere milked. In
the first method the milk la pieced In
mallow pens end net In n cool piece
for about M hours, usually In a cellar
sr a spring house, and sometime« In
cold water, to permit the cream to
rise. During that time the surface, as
a rule. Is exposed to the air and fre­
quently the cream absorb« or derelope
objectionable flavors. The skim milk
resulting from the removal of the
cream by this method usually contains
0.5 to 1.5 per cent of butterfat; that
la, one-eighth to one-third of all the
butterfht In the whole milk. It Is fre­
quently eoor also; Its raise for calf
feeding Is Injured, and Its urn In the
household limited.
By the deep setting method the milk
as soon as drawn from the cow le
pieced in • “shotgun" can, white» Is
placed In cold water, preferably Ice
water, fur 12 hows. Because of the
quick cooling to n low temperature
the cream rises more quickly and com­
pletely then In the shallow-pen meth­
od and Is skimmed before Its fresh,
sweet flaror has been lost The re­
sulting skim milk may contain aa low
aa 0.2 per cent of butterfat though
their reporte. The appalling sise e f
tha uadertaklng was reseated to tha
War Work Council. Systematisation
of tha work waa the first step. Ote
at the multitudinous phases certain
Unas of werk were re reeled.
France Plan« to Prevent Boo;.,
in Prices.
Feed Minister le Inclined Tewan
Monthly Rationing Sehern«— Po­
tatoes Plentiful.
Tart*.—U> Victor Boret, the Frenet.
food minister. It la aald will bring I k -
fore the cabinet Important measure-
f«>r preventing the Increase In mem
price* nnd In the cornering of sup-
plies. The Ammlxsion that he sent
to London, It Is understood, has re­
ported unfavorably on the Introduc­
tion. for the present at least of U r
Bn.'llsb meat card.
The French bread card baa given
go-rfl results and the food minister Ur
dines toward the monthly meat card
wl.lch for 19 days will entitle th<
holder to two end • half ounces oi
me:it, for elgbt days four and a
half ounces of tripe, rabbit or fowl, and
for four days six ounces of cold meet.
He points out that the Trench herd«
have suffered much more than the Eng­
lish. there being larger supplies ol
fish and froten meat In England then
In fis s c a M. Boret adds that there
•re plenty o f potatoes, that be la try­
ing td Increase the catch of fish, and
that larger quantities o f macaroni In
If* various forme win be available.
Parisians who sometimes find thte
their baker supplies them with bread
o f a darker flour than usual are ad
vised In a note Issued by the food min­
istry not to make this a reason for
buying at another shop. Tha varia­
tion In tha color Is due to the fact
that same o f the wheat imported from
the United States Is far reason« of
tonnage economy not refined to the
Lieut. Bdllh Smith, the first woman
ever given a bona fide commission In
tbe United States army, has taken up
her duties as a contract surgeon at
Port McPherson. Lieutenant Smith
Is • graduate of the Ohio University
Sebool o f Medicine and studied for
several years abroad, being for e time
associated with E. Oustsvzlnke, tbe
vorld-famous obstetrician and gyne-
the I
That Might Help Sam«.
11 v -, Maid (shout to leave)—“ Might I eek
use for a recommend, ma’am?“ Mistress
ter- —“But, Mary, what could I truthfully
hit my that would help you to get another
j p lacer Midd—“ Just say that I know
essay o f your family secrete, ma’am.“