The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, September 06, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Glean Watson, who enlisted from
Harney county, is the early spring of
191?, and v u recently honorably dis­
charged on account o f a long attack of
rheumatic favor, la visiting his broth­
er, Kara Watson, and fam ily. Ha in­
tends go. to Southern California soon.
Grant Harry has been visiting bis
brother, Neva Harry, and other rela-
three in Brewster Valley. His young­
est son, Hubert, enlisted in the N avy
two years ago and is new in Siberia.
That was a hot ftre does to M ercy’s
place last week.
Dr. Ivan L. Schofield, o f Marshfield,
Mrs. Schofield and children, his son-
in-law, Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Harvey,
were camping fo r a week up in the
canyon. They returned home Monday.
Fred Baker, who with Henry Chari-
ton has a contract fellin g and buck­
ing timber on Middle Creek made *
trip to his home in Brewster Valley
Thursday with his new one ton M ax­
well truck. He has secured the con­
tract fo r hauling the cream that goes
to the Coquille Creamery from the
Eabt Fork and other sectors of this
pert o f the county, to commence Oct.
The Geographic asagaxine for June'
contains an address on Prussianisra
by Robert Lansing, secretary o f state,
that gives more evidence o f the mo­
tives o f the German barbarians. He
shows that the object and purpose o f
Billie 2 and his kind in starting the
war was world dominion.
He says,
“ world dominion was ti.o supreme ob­
je c t” He quotes a German barbar-
ian professor who said, “ Our mission
is to absorb the world into ourselves.”
Billie 2 planned “ to absorb the world
into ourselves” by eating it alive. He
quotes a Germany preacher, “ It may
sound prund, my friends, but we are
conscious that It is. also in all humble­
ness that we say it: ‘The German soul
Is God’s soul, it shall and w ill rule
over mankind.’ " I am glad O a t “ made
in Germany” preacher has told us
about the “ soul” o f the German god,
for now we know that the soul o f
the “ made in Germany” god is the
soul o f hell. Billie 2, me boy, you
are welcome to the soul and the dwell­
ing place o f your G<ffi.
.preacher, a regular doctor o f divinity,
as saying, “ V erily the Bible is our
book. It eras given and assigned to
us and in it we read the original text
destiney, which proclaims .to
mankind salvation or disaster, as we
will it.” That made in Germany D.
D. stands fo r and means doctor o f
devils, and he seems to have a home
trade. In the same magazine is an
article by the editor, Gilbert N. Gros-
venor, on Germany’s dream o f world
domination. He shows and proves by
the writings o f the Germans themsel­
ves that the war was planned and
started fo r one purpose, that purpose,
highway robbery. He quotes from a
speech Billie 2 made in 1912. That
the sole aim and object o f the war was
to rob and plunder. India was to be
conquered by the end o f 1918. Can­
ada, Australia, South America, all the
world, was to have Billie 2 tell them
when to get up in the morning. W e
have thought that Germans were in­
telligent folks.
Now we know that
Germany is the original home o f the
Coquill« Unite Commended.
robbers* roost. The fighl is on now
The Sentinel is in receipt o f the fal­
to wipe out not only the roosting place
lowing letter from A. K. Peck written
but the robl>ers.
R. A . Easton.
yesterday at M yrtle Point:
September 9,10,11
Decorated 42-piece set
18-carat gold-band 42-piece 12.50
Pink Spray 42-piece set - 11.00
Special sets of either the gold spray or
th e plain white can be made np to suit.
Fordson Farm Tractor
the Coo* & Curry County Fair
at M yrtle Point
Does Y o u r Subscription Date Need Chaagiag?
M y dear Editor:— On behalf o f the
committee from the Marshfield Home
Guard Companies, who arranged for
the celebration Labor Day, I would
ask-you fo r space in your paper to
thank Coquille fo r the representation
made by the Home Guard Company
and by thè Honor Guard Company of
your city. Through some unfortunate
over-sight the very pleasing part that
tbs Honor Guard Company took in the
review was not featured in the Marsh­
field papers. However, we want to
assure you that we appreciated very
much the appearance o f the Honor
Goards in the Review and realise that
they contributed vary greatly to the
success o f the day. In fact we have
heard more favorable comment in re­
gard to that Unit than has boon given
to any other unit, with the possible
exception o f the Bandon Home Guard
Company. It b fa ir to say further
that some of the members o f the
Home Guard Company very much re­
gretted that more o f the Honor Guard
Girla did not remain over fo r the Mili­
tary Ball in the evening, although we
The Reason Given.
Editor Sentinel: I am often asked
when there will be more of the W. C.
T. U. Red Cross work; to which I re­
ply with great regret that the work
is indefinitely postponed for the rea­
son that the’ Coquille union is at pres­
ent in a state o f coma. So few o f the
members found time to come that it
was decided to call no more meetings.
Many o f the Coquille ladies outside
the union helped with the work end
material, and several out o f town gave
valuable assistance. Two good-oisod
boxes o f supplies were sent On esch
occasion n letter was received- from
the W. C. T. U. headquarters in Port­
land expressing warm thankc to all
who co-opcrate.
In her last letter
Mrs. Swope, state president, writes,
“ There is need
— Frances E. Eperson, Former local
Two Weddings at Brewster.
Rev. J, A . McVeigh reports tha fol­
lowing marriagos during the past
week, both at Ms residence in the Me-
get home after the Coos Bay Limited Lcod building:
Friday, Aug. 80, Stanley Griffin and
w a it through.
Colonel Bowen spoke very favorably Emily Cutlip, both o f Marshfield.
Tuesday, Sept. 8, Randall C. Oliver
o f the work o f tha Coquille Company
and especially o f the work o f Captain end Rose Meek, both o f Allegany.
Young, but it is not our place to com­
It is entirely safe to predict a very
pare tite work o f the various Compan­
ies that participated in the Review, light vote at the city election next
Thursday, though the reflnlt cannot be
except to any that they all did vary
supposed to be in doubt
well and we thank them fo r their
presence and participation in the Re­
view. W e surely hope that we may
have another Review on the Bay next
LOST— Between Camas Valley and
Sumner, vip Fairview route, No. t A
Autographic Kodak in Black Loath
er Case. Finder please notify Rose
Meade, Marshfield, O ra, Lloyd Ho­
tel. Reward.
F A R M W A N T E D —On lease, prefera­
bly furnished. J. R. Pound, R »,
Lebanon, Ore.
T E A M FOR SA LE — Good big, young
Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m.
team, harnes and wagon, t r w ill sell
Morning service 11 a. m. Subject,
horses without harness or wagon os
“ < Christ in You.”
w ill consider a trade of a Ford car
Rev. D. v f. Watters
in good repair. Inquire at Sentinel
A . McVeigh,
FOR SA LE — Heavy team, steady and
reliable. Bargain. Good cow wanted.
Church of Christ.
Harold S. Tuttle, Coquille.
(Christian Church)
Lord’s Day Services.
FOR R E N T — Best stand fo r bakery in
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Coauille. Also a fine store room.
Preaching at 11:00 a. m.
Brfck building. Opposite postofflee.
Junior Christian Endeavor at 4:80
Best location. 'Inquire Leo. J. Cary
or Jas. W. Laird.
TH REE IN C H W AG O N — and also
one extra set o f high whoels for
sale or trade. Phone 818. W. W.
Rhule, Coquille, Ore.
FOB R E N T— A good room with con­
necting bath and fire when needed.
Apply at the Sentinel office.
W. L. Straub, Minister.
FO R S A L E the best and cheapest va­
cant lot in the city o f Coquille.
Speak quick i f you want it. A t the
Sentinel office.
Marriage licenses.
Church o f God.
A t old Butler store every Sunday.
Sunday School at 16 a. m.
Preaching at I I a. m. and 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome is extended to aO.
F. H. VanLydegraf, Elder. ,
ions, who were arrested on charges
o f intoxication« and was o f the home­
made variety.
N? Johnson and Hans Hansen, the
two men arrested with Egenoff, failed
to appear and their bail o f »10 each
was forfeited.
W. H. Rice, arrested Monday on a
charge o f having liquor in his pos­
session, also failed to appear and hit
bond, o f $18, has been forfeited.—
Coos Bay Times.
Aug. 80— George Clinkenbeard and
Carrie M. Stevens, both o f Marshfield.
They were married Sunday, Sept. 1,
by Rev. H. T. Atkinson at the resi­
dence o f the bride.
Aug. 80— Stanley Griffin and E.
Blanche Cutlip, both o f Marshfield.
Aug. 31— Charles V ale and Anna
Para da, both o f Marshfield.
were married the same day by Rev.
Father McDevitt at St. Dominica’s
church in Marshfield.
Aug. 31— Thomas Lea ton and Mary
Landers, both o f Eastside.
Sept. 8— Randall Connor Oliver and
Rosa Ling Meek, both o f Coos county.
8ept. 8— Douglas Anderson and Au­
gusta Micklen, both o f Marshfield.
They were married the same day by
Justice Edward H. Joehnk at his o f­
fice in Marshfield.
Sept. 3— Charles Tilton and Luvina
Franklin, both o f Marshfield. They
were marriel the next day By Justice
Edward H. Joehnk at his office.
Prohat« Court Notes.
A petition was filed in the Probate
Court here Aug. 81st fo r the appoint­
ment o f a guardian fo r Alton B.
Covell, Lathera Covoll, and Byron
Enoch Coveil, o f the Bandon neigh­
New Casse ia Circuit Court.
Aug. 81— Florence M. Williams vs.
Wm. Williams. Suit fo r divorce.
Aug. 31-iF. A. Spencer and G. W.
Shelley, as Spencer A Shelley vs.
John Robbins and Chester Robbins.
Sept. 6— Martha A. Larue vs. John
dooent seem to have affected the fruit B. Larue. Suit fo r divorce.
crop in any degree, except that the
Plenty o f old newspapers now in
“ set” was much larger on account of
there being no heavy rains during the stock at the Sentinel office and they
blooming season.
Those Jefferson tre still selling at a nickel n bandle.
plums that Mrs. Ora X. Maury has
just placed on our desk were certainly
1 ranches than any w e have seen be
fore this year, and their flavor is un­
surpassed, too.
Bergmann Shoe
There la more Catarrh In Able section
o f tha country than all other « n a i l
put tofaUiar. and tor years It waa »up
to ba incurable. Doctor» praaertbod
ramadiaa. and by eonatantly (allins
to cur* with local traatmant. pronounced
It Incurable. Catarrh la a local disease,
greatly Influenced by conatltotional con­
ditions and therefore requires conetltu-
tional treatment. Hall’a Catarrh Medi­
cine. manufactured by F. J. Chaney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is a constitutional
remedy. Is taken Internally and met»
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
o f tbs System. On# Bundled Dollars re­
ward la offered for say oasa that Hall »
Catarrh Medicine tails to curs. Send tor