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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1918)
the Condition Coquille WIH S om B o In-Reser voir Nearly Empty Thai b Forty-Oao More S m s to Go. A m n e Be y e n , o f tho M ilitary Board, m ; i ho hao juat received a call fo r 41 man from the now regis- tranta o f laat Juno, who are to g o oat within the lira days beginning Aug. 26. Th eir names he is directed not to divulge fo r five days. T h e d oes o f 1918 in this county bas boon practi cally all o iasi inad and o f the I N W a te f was the main eonskisration at the regu lar council m eeting Mon- day evaning and from the report o f the w ater superintendent it is painful- hr evident that Coquille’i w ater sup- ply is becoming w oefu lly short. M r. Goodman said that Dutch John is em pty and the reservoir on the h ill only about k a li (fu ll. Ha had noti- fled the laundry that they must pump water from tho river fo r their boilers and Mr. M orrison has had a pump in- stalled this week fo r the operation o f his ice plant and fo r the laundry. Tuesday all water consumers wera, notified that irrigation and sprinkling must stop, and according to the coun- e il’s instructions, M r. Goodman a t the sam e^im e notified the patrons livin g «cross the river that they must not uae city w ater fo r their stock or the physically qualified fo r m ilitary s a - vie#. fM* more w e rt hold fo r ip t r iil lim ited service, six a n a t w ork fo r the or o f mankind; we he vs come to build bos p ita li end homos and asylums fo r ths helpless, the m alform ed, the crip ples, the insane and the feeble-m ind ed. But wo haven’t goaa out into-the highways and byways aad the hedges to find a ll those who aood especial care and treatm ent in these institu tions established fo r t U r w elfare, and so many suffer gravions handi caps their lives long fo r lack o f â lit tle tim ely attention. listening a little w hile to Mias Janas A llen , the mpresentativ i o f the State Anti-Tuberculosis A ssociation, whose vis it fo r tw o or throe months in this last year in purchasing the little Rod Crons Christmas seals. She detailed very in terestingly a v is it she made a little w hile ago to a fam ily down on South Slough where th e n is a hoy paralysed from his w aist down, who can only m ove by d raggin g him self over the floor by his hands, and to another fam ily in which five children have died at tuberculosis and the sixth Is apparently fated to succumb tp that w hite plague. Miss A llen took the stage from Marshfield a part o f the w ay and wan to go eight m iles fa ttie r by rowboat, but tho boats w o n a ll aw ay an fish la g trip s with th oir owners. And she fin a lly got a U ft oa a one seated car go in g to Baadon, and had to stand on tho FRANK STEALS A BICYCLE ABOUT THE HONOR GUARD Last Friday night at M abkA rid Faink, or Frank, as wo would call it la English, found W arren Doe, the 10-year-old see o f the superintendent o f tho Smith M ilk there, riding a brand now bicycle. Frank baked i f he aright taka it fo r a ride. W arren had no tim e, he had to hurry, he said. But Frank grabbed the wheel, threw W ar ren o ff and mounted it h im sd f and rods aw ay. A t B ridge ha sold tae wheel fq r 810; bat Marshal Brown, at got fo r the bike. By the w ay the young owner isn’t goin g to bog his fath er fo r spmiding money. H e had a route fo r the Sat urday Evening Pont and earned Uie money him self to buy the bicycle. Frank waived exam ination aad was held to the grand ju ry in $8600 bail on the charge o f highway robbery. He says he wants to enlist in the N avy and have sn et'ier chance to make a man o f him odf. Even there his German name would be against him, and he has had the m isfortune to grow up with strong inclinations to spend money but a decided aversion to earning i t H i wiH probably spend the days until late this fa ll in the ju- venile ward in charge o f Turnkey W ard. Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gago says he had some difficulty in locating W as- brin who passed through here Satur day; but that M r. Culver, o f Bridge, suggested that the boy come down to M yrtlo Point with him to find a place to stay that night and he readily con sented. He thinks the boy k m ental ly weak. But the work Mias A llan is m tet an xious to do k to g e t Coos county to em ploy a public health nurse to visit a ll the schook in the county, examine the children and see how many of t) ran are suffering from neglect o f treatm ent essential to thoir future usefulness and w ell being as men and woman o f the com ing generation. Stoch a nurse w ill receive a salary o f $100 a month and h alf as much m ore fo r travelin g expense«, and i t k the opinion o f the mom bars o f tho County Court that she would save much more than her salary, in addition to bring o f incalc ukbte benefit to tho rising generation. A t present Coos county k spending $$2,000 a year to aid the sick and poor and provide widows’ pensions where there are dependent children. Even visitin g eaaoe o f the latter sort yearly to learn whether the BMs Opened Yesterday children wore longer needing public The County Court has opened all assistance often saves considerable the bids received fo r the various road money. Indeed, w e hear that it was projects advertised last month. recently discovered that a woman who F o r the Powers bridge the bids were ss follow s: side ruble property, while h a children Moon * Gidley, Marshfield, »14,809 were a ll earning money, was still Curtis * Gardner, Portland, 18,008.60 draw ing a county pension. But i f E. D. Plepe, Oak Grove, . . . . 13,990 ia only a single case a year a child There were nineteen conditions lim that m igh. otherwise become a life itin g the Moon * Gidley bid; the long public ch aige k seat oat to a others were not conditioned. Ths court state institution aad so hotped as to expects to award the contract tom or beeom* self-supporting, it can readily row. bo seen how large a balance the coun F or the Koataek Slough project ty would eventually find on the credit Doan A Brown waro the only bidders. side o f the lodger. They would furnish the gravel and Aside from any money considera put it on the toad at $6 per cubic tions, though, we owe R to our human yard, or furnish the gravel and leave derelicts to do the beat w e can f a the rest fo r the county at $3 a yard. them and make their lives as com fort F or the Bunker H ill project the fo l able, as happy and as useful as poeri- low ing bids wera s a t : ble, and the w ork that can be done by Moon a Gidley, $160 per cubic yard a public health nuns in our schools k fo r earth excavation, »3.08 per cubic something w e should be ssore than yard fo r concrete and $1.68 per square w illin g Jo pay tar. yard fo r ssacadam. This nude their W e understand that the a tea b ert of total bid aggregate $28,807.28. Dean f f Brawn, earth excavation the County Court a rt in fa vor at ap pointing such an official; and froa i »1.4* p a cubic yard, *3.06 fo r con what Mias A llen tells us w e sre con crete, »1.27 fo r macadam and TO cents vinced that th k very competent and fo r excavating tar macadam. Total, efficient lady by the thne she com $18,8$*.!». pletes h a health survey at Ceos eooni ty w ill have aroused a sentiment la The 18 young men, who le ft fo r over what the expense would be If the Cump Frem ont last Tuesday morning, work was ordered done by the city. w ere accorded the first public recep ----------------------- Sodden Death of Mrs. Abbey, tion given any o f the selective service men in Coos county since the d ra ft Naney L riu g « Abbey, o f Jamestown, law has been in operation. The fnuc- Kansas, died here very suddenly at tion was held in the basement o f the a o'clock W ednesday afternoon a t the „»¡¿ c n e e <rf her daughter, M rs. C. A . Methodist church Monday noon, the first and moat sa tisfyin g part o f the U cLong on Spurgeon H ill. She was program being the dinner provided by 76 ; t > n o f ago and was se crippled the ladies o f the Red Cros#. It was fey rheumatism as to be alm ost help- but her doeth was due to heart an excellent m eal, served by ladies f auore aDd waa entirely unexpected, gprbed in the uniform o f the “ angels o f m ercy” and it made a decided hit she le ft her home in Kansas last fa ll with the boys. « n(j had been visitin g daughters a t Los This fsed fo r the departing men o f Angeles and Eugene before arrivin g the National A rm y is something that here in June. has been discussed fo r months but it Mrs. A bbey was a native o f Ohio was the members o f ths Red Cross ^ ta survived by tw o sons and three who took ths in itiative and establish daughters, her husband having died ed a precedent which it is hoped w ill about three year’s ago. 1 r be follow ed whenever a new class is called to the colors. form er home a t Jamestown, w h en one The hoard o f instruction, required o f her sons resides, fo r interm ent, and by Provest-M arshal Crowder, has ust went out on this morning’s train. been appointed by Assessor J. P . B ey ers, its members being A . T. M orri son, chairman; Mrs. L. P. Branstet- ter, M rs. W . 0 , Brandon, R. E. Baker, C. R. Barrow and H. O. Anderson. Mrs. Brandon was unable to be pres ent last Monday, but the other mem -'S u n d a y, August 18, the Honor bers o f the board made fine talks to Guard grls o f CoquUlo a w going to the men, Mrs. Branstetter’s being es- run a ,b ig excursion to Bandon, fo r pacially touching and appropriate. Mr. which event they have chartered the Anderson’* subject dealt w ith the hy steam er Dispatch. Everybody is in gienic rules o f arm y life , w hile Mr. vited to go with thorn, toko their Baker told o f “ W hy we are at w ar lunches end spend the day on the with Germ any.” Mr. M orrison and beach. The Dtspach w ill leave here at 6:80 a. m. and start on the return trip a t 6:80 p. m. Tickets, $1.10 round trip ; children 80 cents. P a rt of the proceeds w ill be donated to relief work in Belgium . ccpt fo r a short distance. Good progress is also bring made on the Coos C ity bridge over Isthmus In let, which w ill connect this road with the main thoroughfare on the west side o f the In le t M r. Klockars, one at the contractors, thinks this bridge can bo completed ia a month i f they are not delayed in gettin g iron. court expects to see it in condition fo r travel by October. A connection w ill also bo made, the court decided, between the fine gra vel led road now running six and a h alf milea up D anld’c creek m d the new road at Sumner, thus a ffird in g a good outlet fo r the numerous ranches on that creek. T rio w ill require the con struction o f about four new m iles o f road. Henderson, form er city engineors, the council refused to spend the $2600 or 113000 which such a dam would have cost a t th at time. M r. M orrison ¡» s t ill o f the opinion that such a storage dam would relieve the annual scare o f no w ater in Co quille during the dry season and that it would be much more practicable to have the storage, even if it cost $6000 than to attem pt to run a pipe line from the North Fork or from Brews - M r. Morriaon eulogized the water superintendent, Lee Goodman, as the man who knew more about Coquille’s w ater system than any one in town, and declared that in h k opinion Mr. Goodman had done everything possi ble to make the supply last. “ Ten hot days would reduce the quota fo r each fam ily to about a bucketful a day,” was the w ay in which M r. Morrison expressed h k opinion o f the serious ness o f the situation. F ire C hief Anderson also spoke in fa vor o f a storage dam. A s nothing along that line can be done this summer to relieve the pres ent stringency, the council took no action o f any kind that evening, but they are studying the proposition and it k a safe prediction that before an other dry season rolls around Coquills w ill be better supplied with w ater than ever before. A request by O rval Smith fo r pei- mission to cut down tw o or three trees in the city park so that a tennis court could be k id out thaw was referred to the street committee with power to there, last Friday, aged 86 years, three months and 24 days. She had been seriously ill fo r seven months. Ths funeral services were held at the M ethodist church here at 10 o’clock Sunday morning In charge o f Arthur Ellingscn, with a ■ amen by th i pastor o f the M ethoJkt church, Rev. David W aters. The interm ent was in tho Masonic cem etery. Maud W illiam son was born in M k- souri A p ril 8, 1888. She removed to Seattle, W ash., in 1008 and was m ar ried to Thomas H ull a t that place in 1008. They removed to Riverton in 1009 where they have since resided. Six children have been born o f this union, o f whom five survive, Ma bel, Edith, W illiam , F rits and How ard, ranging ia aga from nine to three yeara. Mrs. Hull k also survived by her mother and a sister livin g in the state o f W ashington, a brother and sister in C. A . Gage, who w ill operate the Kansas and a brother in the trenches new theatre when it k opened, called in Franca. The sym pathy a t a host o f friends to the council’s attention the d iffer - rose out to this sadly stricken fam ily, end especially to the orphaned child ren a t an age when they moat need a mother’ s love and ears. A t six o'clock Monday evening the G irk ' Honor Guard to the number o f tw enty-five w ent out on the Fairview read to the neighborhood at the county farm and filled over a doxen gunny sacks with d igitalis fo r the Red Cross hospitals in Europe. Then they en joyed their evening lunch o f coffee and sandwiches they had brought with them all the m ore fo r the wholesome exercise they had enjoyed in doing the work. They take this method o f ex pressing th eir thanks to the gentlemen who supplied the cars to transport the g irk out there and back again and to Mrs. W . C. Chase fo r acting as chap erone. F or the d igitalis previously picked by the g irk , amounting to about sixty pound* a fte r drying, and shipped to C orvallis, the secretary k in re ceipt o f the follow in g acknowledgment from Adolph Ziefle, Dean o f the School o f Pharm acy a t O. A . C.: M y dear M iss Curry— This k to ad vise you that your shipment o f d igi- to lk leaves was received in very good condition. W ill you please express my gratitude to the Honor Guard g irk , and advise thorn that their d igi talis w ill soon be shipped to some eastern point where it w ill be used fo r our p atriotic young men in the service. It k g ra tify in g to me to know that the g irk hsve taken aa interest in th k work, and I trust they w ill be a b k to send more d igitalis leaves in the fu ture. Thanking you, I am, very re spectfully, A . Ziefle, Dean, School o f Pharmacy. form fo r their country. The eighteen who w ere prei Monday w ere: John H. Purdy, Coquille. Joseph E. Oland, Gravel Ford. A llen T. Roberte, Ten M ile. Mack W esley Gant, Gravel Ford, Guy jCutlip, Coos River. Jesse R. Cochran, Parkersburg.' A x el R. Erickson, Marshfield. * H arvey K. H artley, Broedbent. Rudolph Niem e, Ten M ile. George Clausen, Coquille. Anton Abrahamsen, Marshfield. R. F. M iller, Coquille. Andrew D riesta, Marshfield. H arry Houser, Broadbcnt. Erm y Smith, M yrtle Point. Pan) Jacobsen, transfer. Antonio Scaleo, transfer. W illiam Fredericluon, tran sfer from Louisiana. Go To National Encampment. W alter Sinclair, Commander o f the 3. A . R. Post, tells us he has made out certificates fo r the follow in g members i f the Post, who are planning to go to the National Encampment at P ort- land next week: I W. H. Lytton and w ife, W . A . Custer and w ife, W alter Sinclair and w ife, Joseph W sltorm ire. Also the follow in g members o f the Women's R elief Corps Mesdamea Bell, Burgess and Lockwood and Mrs. Abbie K elley, whose late husband was a Spanish W ar veteran. Hitting the Hans Again. T h k mornings’ bulletin from the Bay states that the A lik e went o v a the top at 5 o’clock this m orning and attacked the German positions sooth- east o f Amiens. Under General Sir Douglas H aig in this offensive are the Fourth British A m y and the F ifth Freneh A m y . It k said that th is attack k evidently intended to wipe out the German salient at M ontdidler, where the German line running went* erly from the Soissons neighborhood turns northward, and w ill menace the whole German fron t from Rheims to W hile tho Honor Guard G irls make Ypres. it a rule not to ask fo r donations o f money f a th eir treasury, they w ill be Tl.ere is mourning in Recall circles glad to get soap, talcum powder, sa fe at the Bay over the disappearances o f ty pint and such sundries for the lay one o f the Recall petitions containing ettes they are soaking tor B elgian 400 signatures, which R cost somebody obtain. babies. O f course, only good grades $40 o f such articles can be used. .to