« le PAGE M H I H fr . About Feopìe , Invents In the City ai County. «rasm a Mrs. T e llin g at to tiw Port- will ge is largo Mrs. M. L. Todd, of Fishtrap, was n caller Tuesday morning. Mrs. F. E. McKenna came over fr « . the Bay last evening for a visit. op«rtloM. Tueoday is iniitnr j&tatùmrrg Th* beeket di,u>0T tost Sunday * u I S S r S «— ■* n to, • -»“ .r* Kyn1’ Hoa. C. R. Barrow was over at the ___ _ n,, the river where a scow m r 0,1,1 *Ba M*rjnnola woro W « « » - Bay yesterday on legal business. beinr !■—-Lrif with t—» w brought in lt9rmca tnnijht «■ “ Should the r ^ - ^ u T ./S h Church«, of Coquill« U nite!" No Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wernich ir M u p u n u o . meeting Saturday night. Sunday ia turned from the Boy Mr. and M n. Ow. A. Robinson and to be the big day of the meeting. morning. J. E. Norton, wife and daughter, o f Bible aebool at ten and preaching at Mrs. S. V. Epperson went down to I Coquill«, Cooe county, who are on a eleven. Sermon: “ How to Observe the Bandon Tuesday morning to otta touring trip through the country, Lord'» Supper.” Young people’s aoet- tho W. C. T. U. were delayed by a break down on the f c , mt ««yen. Brother MeU will Cedar Fork road and «topped here .p w i At eight Evangelist Organ Frida* night for repair*. The party will deliver hie greet aermon on “The will ge ae tor seuth as San Francisco. True Beaia of Chriatinn Union.” —Gold Beach Reporter. Meetings ell next weak, every night ------------------------ st eight. Sunday, August 11, an all To Have Another Street Deace. day service ia planned with a big ba»- ___ A nother street was decided tot dinner, end thd soldiers stationed t jo n by the Home Guard lest Monday hare have been invited as guests, evening. This dance win be held on Come with your baskets well filled and Saturday of next week, the 10th inet, «»ip entertain. • and will be staged on the s2fco block Many ouUide pupila, who expect to as was tho Red Cross beoefit dance attend the city high school here, be- |,rt WMg. ginning next month, would like to find The proceeds for the next dance are homes where they can do something to for the benefit of tho Homo Guardi”*™ their board—especially among tronsury, although the men have two the girls. Others went to rent rooms or throe matters of a public nature I *°r U«ht housekeeping. People who under consideration to which they <*» accommodate them are requested wish to contribute liberally. One is to communicate with Superintendent Infantry a# F h fc SöflbB Ugietrnnta of the cines of nay ha accepted ae volun- this call but no registrant 1918 can bo invol- of the cUaa of J untarily inducted until nil availablo registrante of tho d ase of June 1917 in nay Local Board have been ex­ hausted. Qualified registrante should be urged to pressât theaseelvea for voluntary induction. Whon regis­ trante voluntarily present themselves ©miri XrtirlM Knowlton’s Drag Store Mima Erma Hall, of Whittier, GaL, The ( is visiting her sister; Mrs. Walter their si Laird, of Brewster Valley. the P n Oscar Bunch cut his grain with Lar- tion op sen Lawhofn’s binder. by Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Laird and daughters re- lowed b turned Friday from Vallejo county, the flag Cal. They do not know when nor year eh where Iran will be sent for training A 4 j from Mare Island, but they do know businesi he is well and hearty and gaining in was gi weight. Myrtle Coonwliko hens and chickens. There live pa; is on« leas c o m to oat thorn at Moun- Bread a tela Glade ranch. was foi A family from near Band on ware Mrs. Os camping for a night and «lay enjoying a paper the scenery of the East Fork. on the b The campers st the Club grounds prove h ere gone. Last Saturday night the The I young people o f tho camp lod by- Mrs. and the Hasard sang war songs at Mountain for the Glade. They sang with n will that bell, pn help« to keep the “ Hoaw Fire« Burn- vice pre ing.” When Mrs. Lena OUliford Ford Mrs. Ch was killed in England by one o f Billie trensner 2’» bomba, the stilling of her voice did Harriot, not silence the song. For it wee stated Drake, 1 a few weeks ago in tho Christian En- Guerin, deevor World that the song is sung in Mm. Coi six languages. Billie 2, you who are e Flower destroyer of homo fires, cannot quench Work; 1 our home fires; for to all mankind, ex- Enforeei cept e Billlo 2 German, a Turk, a sav- Publieit] bad offered th»masivo» for tide a service as foilowa: , George Feed, Bridge. Clifford C. Fai rehilos, Powere. Harry Hall, Powjrs. Atlas W e. Hoyt, Eastaidc. Ches. H. Williams, Portland. Uneta Barn’s ermy or n ev, eer*ca. : Harry J. Smith, North Bend. Harry B. Tostar H. M. Shew, M. D„ Eye, Ear, Now I ____ ^ to . J designate the polling place, therein. Thos. C. Store and Throat specialist, will be et Bax-1 »¡„ng go as to convince the unintated of I Without additional legislation the Osear Grover ter Hotel Coquille, Wednesday, Aug- L . „ » m y of his aeeaeee, we do not I counties have a right to make their list 7 th. “ Glasses Fitted.” 2®t2 |know, but many of thoee present came I election precincts coterminous. In The following special service re­ Mr. end Mrc. T. J. Thrift went up | away Arm in the opinion that Frank is |m*ny instances the boundaries of cruits will go out Thursday, August to Portland yesterday morning end 16, to attend a modern auto school at from thore they will go to Oswogo to Spokane, Washington: visit their daughter, Mrs. D. Brooks Otto L. Davis Hogan, end aoe the new granddaugh­ George Hoyndericks ter. John B. Murray A detachment of 16 men of the Sig­ Wm. J. Blake nal Corps, Spruce division, came in on Lon Stemmcrman last night’s train end this morning “ It is true, ae set forth in the com­ went down to Bandon where they will munication from the county clerk, that Some Rejected— Other« Going be employed in the Geo. W. Moore there is no taw directing the city re­ The following five men, who went corder to submit n certified copy of out among the 81 in tho last July cell the ballet to tho county clerk: H is in this county, were not found physt- Harry B. Toxtor this morning enliat, , ~ T . . . ed for the mechanical co a rse st the\buU