The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, August 02, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Juvenile C em rt-F eee and Expensas o f Officers, Jurors, W it­
nesses etc. ................ ......... i , ..............................................................
Circuit Cenrt— Salary o f Bailiff, Reporters, Jurors, W itness«*,
Special Couaael; Meals, etc.
......... .............. ...................
Cenaty C o a r t -S a la r y o f Judge, Commissioners, and Stenograph­
er; Office « a d Traveling Expanses, etc........................................
Sheriff’s Office— Salaries, Office IfTtpmii aad
( lock’s Office— Salaries, Office Expense aad Equipment, etc.
Treasurer's Office Salariss, Office Expense aad Equipment, etc.
Assessor's Office— Salaries, Office Expense and Equipment etc.,
School Superintend ant Salary o f B upt, Supervisors, Board o f
Examiners, Supplies, Traveling Expenses, e tc............ .........
District Attorney— E n forcin g Criminal Laws, Stenographer, O f-
Cash on Hand December 81st, 1917, (General Road and District
Order )■>............................................................. ....................................
Rec’d from 8. P. R. R. Co. account overhead c ro s s in g ....................
Rac’d from Sale o f part e f Kord C a r................. ....................................
Rac’d from Sale o f P ilin g ........................................................................
Rac’d from G. W. Harry— Donation...................
Rac’d from J. D. Clinton—D onation.................
Rec’d from R. N. McCarthy account Damages
Rac’d Transfer from General Fund...................
Rac’d Transfer from Bond Project No. 2 .........
O V E R D R A F T June 80th, 1018................. ..........
8 , 000.00
nble Swiss* Gets French and
German Money, but
In Prison,
■ (Prepared by the United State* Depart,
ment o f Agriculture.)
A fter separation, the cream shopld
be placed immediately In cold water
and stirred occasionally from the bot­
tom with a stirring rod until the tem­
perature Is below 00 degrees Fahren­
heit at least, and preferably below 00
degrees Fahrenheit.
Fresh cream
! should never be mixed with cream
| from previous shimmings until It has
been thoroughly cooled, as the sddltlon
842.10 able favors from both, and dually o f warm cream raises the temperature
6,617.60 landed In the meshes o f ÆwlwTlaw. o f the older cream and hastens sour­
Lugtnbubl was one o f twm ty-one de­ ing. W ater Is a much better cooling
A p a E k I M T I I M nfn
• * * e e # e * • % e a • » » » e a e -e • e s ^ e • • e « • * e e'e e e e
agent thnn air, because it Is a bet­
106,688.26 fendants |n 'a celebrated espionage
t droner— F e w o f Coroner, Physicians, Jurors, W itnesses ...........
case Just concluded in a local court. ter conductor o f beat and ta capable o f
S ed er e f Weighty aad Measures— Salary aad ff-ir m s is ...........
With one exception all were found absorbing greater quantities o f heat.
Paid on County. Road W arranto (General and D istrict OM er
Health Officer— Salary and E x p e n s e s .................................................
guilty, Including Luglnbuhl. Sentence In cooling, the beat results are obtain-
8 88,629.38 was deferred.
Jail— Board o f Prisoners, Repairs, Supplies, etc...............................
8 prd when ice water Is used. A dairy
Paid Interest on Road B opds................................................ __________
Luglnbuhl was anxious to buy wool fariney In a section where natural Ice
Coaaty Ia S rau ry — Salaries and W ages, Provisions, etc.................
Paid Express on Cancelled Coupons........................................ .........
waste in France. He wanted to sell Is produced should have an Ice hnnae
Other Indigenta— R elief Furnished, Investigating, e t c ...........
T iansfer to Bond Fund P roject No. 2 ...................................................
6,766.76 It In Germany where he could get an and should All It each winter. I f well
water alone Is used, It Is necessary to
Transfer to Bond Fund P roject No. 6 . ............... .................................
1,676.46 Immense price fo r It. T o get the wool
oat o f France Lnglnbahl had to obtain change It several times a day. For
Transfer to Special Road Fund Distrit No. 1 «...................
permission from the French authori­ that reason the cooling tank should be
ties. He got into touch with French between the well and the .stock tank,
$3 4 1 3 8
8106,638.26 agents and spies doing business In so that all water pumped fo r the stock
Swttserland, who afterward were his I Misses through It. A spring or a stream
codefendanto In the trial, and upon hie o f cold water Is very satisfactory« be­
$1317.29 promise that b e would make a trip cause It performs the w ort continu­
36310.00 Into Germany, And out certain things ously without attention.
the French spies were anxious to know
Cooling tanks o j various types may
and report back, he would obtain per­ l*e obtained frontdairy-supply houses
mission to take the wool out o f France. or may be made on the farm. A satis­
factory wooden tank may be made o f
Teld Germans o f Deal.
T o sell the wool in Germany Login- two-inch planed cypress boards proper­
78134 buhl mgde hto trip into the kaiser's ly bolted together, painted, on the out­
domain, as promised, but be did more side and oiled on the inside.
887,027.29 than he had promised. He told Ger­ crete m ake! ■ most serviceable tank
man officials all about the deal he had which can he constructed by anyone
State o f Oregon
County o f Coos
I, T. M. Dimmick, do hereby certify that the foregoin g is a true and made with the French spies, where­ accustomed to working with that ma­
terial. A very simple and cheap cool­
correct statement o f the amounts received, and paid out and remaining on upon the Germans were kind enough
to write a report which Luglqbuhl took | ing tank may be made also from
hand, to the County Treasury o f said County, fo r the six months ending on
back to Swttserland and handed over two or more vinegar barrels—one for
the 80th day o f June*1918. '
to his French friends, who paid him each cream can. Whatever the style
Witness aty hand this 19th day o f July, A . D., 1918.
$860 for It. Lnglnbahl at that time o f tank, the pipe canveying the water
already had In his pocket the hand­ to It should be large enough to carry'
T. M. Dimmick,
some profit he had made dh the sale the full stream from the pump. Upon
County Treasurer.
o f French wool In Germany. What entering, the Inlet pipe should be car­
the Germans had paid him for doable- ried to within a few Inches o f the bot­
crossing the French wss*not disclosed tom by means o f an ell and a short
piece o f pipe, so that the cold water
during the trial.
It took, eight days to try the case. may be conducted to the bottom, thus
Monrgeot, a French officer, was the forcing the warmer water at the
principal defendant In aheentla. He top through the outlet pipe. The out­
had escaped before he could be arrffit- let pipe should be at the end o f the
ed. The Judge In pronouncing the ver­ tank opposite the Inlet pipe, o f a) ght-
dict o f guilty said Monrgeot had ly larger diameter, and ao high that
broken the word o f honor given by the water will be nearly at the tops at
an officer when he escaped from a hos­ the cans. Lock nuts and sheet pac'
He was found guilty o f havt tng may be used to make tight Joints
where pipes enter and leave the tank.
County Treasurer during the months
Cream cans should stand on cleats In
the tank, ao that water may circulate
9 432734
fense, according to 8wtes law.
In order to afford protection from
the heat, a cooling tank should hava a
Had Many Activities.
His principal crime was treason tight cover and be placed hi the dairy
13 00 30
committed against the Swiss republic. house or under a shed, where it win be
B e observed the movement o f Swiss protected from the hot winds and di­
troops near the French border and rect rays o f the sun. If water does
kept the French army command pool­
ed about them.
He hired men to
County e f Ceos
watch the transportation o f cattle. He
tried to poison cattle In railroad trains
by patting poison in the cars. He or­
ganised a conspiracy to foment a strike
In the aluminum works at Chippie,
which were sending goods to Germany,
and tried to destroy the electrical plant
at Waidahnt
By Funds to hands o f County Treasurer applicable to the Pay­
Three o f his tools were French­
ment o f W arranto..........*..................................................................
men, who also succeeded In eluding
By Estimated Unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment o f
the Swiss law. It was discovered at
o f County Warranto
the trial that these men made It their
business to buy factories that were
B y C. A . Gage, Deputy.
Total Reaourcaa............. ..........................................
selling to Germany. T h ey, bought the
State o f Oregon
County o f C oot
factories with French money and made
I, L. W . Oddy, County d a r k o f the County o f Coos, State o f Oregop,
an Immense profit for themselves by
d , hereby certify that the foregoin g is a true and correct statement o f the
A new quick-acting thermometer,
number and am ount e f the claims allowed by the County Court o f said Coun­ claimed to take ten measurements a
ty fo r the six months ending on the 80th day o f June, 1918, on w hat account second, depends on tAe varying elec­
the same w ere allowed, and the amount o f warranto drawn, aad the amount trical resistance o f a very fine wire o f
o f warranto outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records 66 ports o f platinum and 8S o f iridium.
land. The court condemned him se­
The wire can be used up to 1360 de­
o f my office and to m y officjpl custody.
verely. Among the rther defendants
grees C. and a galvanometer connect­
were a Swim army sergeant and an
ed to a circuit Indicates the reelstanee
army policeman.
Both were found
and the temperature. The Instrument aid servants murdered by the Hans guilty o f taking French money for
Is especially adapted for measuring was the trying ordeal expert «need by furnishing information about arffiy
the temperature changes In the cylin­ Dr. Antoinette d'Artagnan, a French movements.
ders e f steam ar explosion engines.
woman doctor, now In the United
The whole o f Switzerland seems to
States. She to the last o f that name bo a hotbed o f spies. Espionage trials
to France. She has been wounded and are going on almost continuously In
The first and aaly bearing camphor gassed, receiving medals from King many o f the cities,
Germans, Aus­
plantation o f any alse to this country Albert o f Belgium and General Petela. trians and Italians pro implicated as
to located at SatsUma, Fla., says Pop Her chateau was within thro* miles o f well as the Swiss themselves.
utor Science Monthly.
It contains the Belgian border when the Germans public Is usually excluded from these Taking Temperature o f Wash Water.
over 0300 acres o f camphor trees earn* and destroyed everything, In­ trials because Swttserland wants to
which tost year yielded over 10,000 cluding rare works o f art, tapestries, avoid ss much as possible being drown not flow continuously through the tank
pounds o f erode e a r n e r . This year paintings and everything they could into the raialflcattoos e f spydom It may be advisable to Insulate the
It to expected the yield will be many toy their hands on. Nothing now re­ which might Jeopardise the neutrality tank, as an Insulated tank uses less lee
and requires lees frequent changing
times this amount. Florida has sev­ mains bnt n pile o f stones to m art
o f water than an ordinary one. Tanks
eral other plantations, which will this once beautiful castle. She heps*
o f that type may be purchased at a
•sea coma Into bearing. '
to recover her health In this country,
reasonable cost, or the Insulation may
tar from the scenes o f horror that
to pnt on at borne.
T o Insulate a
return to help the American wamma Woman W ho Befriended Soldier Re- tank at the lowest possible cost, six
eeivoe 110300 laeuranee When
laches o f dry excelsior, shavings, or
doctors to Franca.
sawdust, tightly pecked on the sides,
Man le Killed.
bottom, and coror o f the tank, will
Nevada. Mo.— Mrs. & H. Mallet, serve the porpoMffii kept dry.
! “WOPS,” “ B0HUNKS,”
owner o f a small heme bakery hero,
On many farms ft Is customary to
ETC* BANNED ! has received word from the war de­ churn only tw o or three times a week.
i ■
partment she will receive 610300 In­ Where this to the case the cream from
surance on the life o f Thomas H. each separation should be kept to
| Camp Gordon, Atlanta. Qa.— |
i "W ops," "dagoes," "bohunka" i . Price, a soldier who recently died from the cooling tank until about 12 honra
\ and similar names may not j; the accidental discharge o f a guh before tbe churning-
In order that
aboard a transport
| hereafter be applied to non- j
the cream may ripen uniformly. It
. Price came hero several years age, 111 should be placed to one receptacle,
aad penniless. Mrs. Mellet took Mm thoroughly mixed, and warmed slowly
| Camp Gordon.
General Sage i
i has loaned an order requiring J. to her boose, nursed aad cared for to e temperature o f from 66 to 75 de­
grees Fahrenheit
Frequent stirrings
with the stirring rod and the nee e f a
thermometer are necessary to Insure
tempera taro
1 779.09
Semi-Annual Summary Statement