The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, August 02, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Purest. Groceries
For Fre$h Groceries
I am
A New, Soft, Snowpwhite Dentifrice
That Makes You Glad to Brash Your Teeth
—it looks go good
—t a a t e a g o good
—feels so good, and
leaves the mouth
so cool and clean
have bees freed
cretiene which make th*
That's why yaw
and yWar breakfast taste
K lea set
represents the meet up-to-date op-
adds from developing la th* mouth.
Begin enjoying the cool, clean Klenso fueling
and th* wonderful deansing effect today.
T W E N T Y -F I V E
C O qO ttX K , ORKCiON
Farm Lands
H ow T o
D evelop
Good Teeth
Every one interested in
these lands is requested to
call on me for information
about them.
Special Rates to
Home Seekers
John A . Jackson
l o v e d . a r e M p o c l s l lj r
M M p a rtió* o í th» o ír. T har» IS
M w s r ta cur» aotarrhal «aaiarao,
S » t i eoootH m loosl n o i f c ;
i*l D -araao» Io «M o r d br s s ls -
1 r o e S e * o e ram blth«
« or Im-
• &
wne an Meal day fee *
pienk and tha fanner* and thmr
friends gathered t o f t #
Norway last Saturday fo r « P^o*6;
A program consisting o f speaking and
singing was prepared. Those taking
part in th* program were: Rev. Heb­
erts, o f Bandon; th* Myrtle Point Glee
Club, which rondarod several salse-
tiona greatly appreciated by a ll; Earl*
Smith, who recited “ Mon— W tntod
Men;” State Dairy Inspector Mickle,
and State Senator W alter ft. * * * * *
who gav* stirring addrssaaa.
Clark# gav# two roodinga which war*
received with greet applause. Haary
Schroeder sang a s<do, “ I Hear You
Calling M o." which was well received
and as an encore he and Mr. and Mrs.
Annin and Mrs. Pem berton reap* ^
with a quartette, “Th# Man Behind A*
Hammer and tha Plow ." Mrs. Pom
terton sang aa a solo, “ I Know <
Place Where the Sun Shine# Lika
Gold." This solo was enjoyed by nfi.
Mias Lolo Ray sang a solo ala«, This
program was largely th* work o f h f t
Lee Ray to whom much credit ie
Th# Homo Guards are making good
progress in their drills now that they
have their guns.
Tha small daughter at Mr.
Mrs. Lester Dement ran into a truck
at the alley near th* poetoffice, cutting
a gash on her head.
She is doing
nicely now.
v ,
Loo spent th* woek end with
hfl-fo folks.
The Golden Rule Bakery has moved
into th* building form erly occupied by
Mr. Crtbb’s hardware store.
Arthur Brown, o f near McKinley,
was in town on business Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Xekley Guerin fr o th*
happy parents o f a baby girl born
July 81.
Mias Hilda Carter went to Gravel
Ford Wednesday for a visit with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T . G.
Lucille Miller returned home from
Coquille Wednesday where she has
been visiting her uncle, Frank Miller.
B. A. Annin is in Reodaport on bus!
ness this. week.
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Leech, who have
been visiting their son and fam ily in
Coquille, returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. Jo* Lett and children, o f Ara-
go, are visiting Mrs. Max Dement this
Mason W ilcox was A town on bust
ness Thursday.
C. C. Carter returned from Portland
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. T. G. Summerlin, o f Gravel
Ford, was in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Clayton and
fam ily, Minnie Shook and Joa Sum
merlin, o f Gravel Ford, were in M yr­
tle Point Wednesday.
A very pretty wedding occurred
nesr McKinley at the home o f Mr. and
McKinley Notes.
Mrs. C. O. King on July 28th at 2:30
board mooting Monday
p. m. when their daughter, Miss May,
became the brid* o f Mr. William W afternoon it waa decided to install a
Mast. The brid* looked vary pretty gravity water system fo r th* school.
H. K. Hansen has employment at
in a gown o f blue and whit* silk, while
the groom wore th* usual suit of th* McCarthy camp and expects to
black. They were accompanied to the move his fam ily into th* vacant bouse
altar by Mias Mildred Mast, as bride* on Alva Brown’s lower place.
Th* Chase fam ily, also th* Goulds,
maid, and Mr. Percy King, aa grooms
man, and little M yrtle Mast, as ring- from Coquille, spent th* day Sunday
bearer. Rev. Thomas Barklow spoke visiting at Mrs. Anna W ilcox’s house.
Married at th* home o f the bride’s
th* words uniting the two hearts into
on*. A fter the ceremoqyv and con parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. King,
gratulatioos, refreshments were serv Sunday afternoon, «May to William
ed, Consisting o f ice cream and cake. Mast, Rev. Thoa. Barklow officiating.
The young couple received many beau­ Only, th* iaunediate fam ilies were
present at th* ceremony. But in the
tiful and useful present*.
Mrs. Mast will spend their honeymoon evening the whole population o f Mc­
at Alpine and Portland. They expect Kinley took part in the entertainment
to be gone about ten days. Mr. Percy which was in the form o f a little
King went w)th them to drive their charivari
Mrs. Francis Drake and daughter-
car. A fter the middle o f August they
will be at home to thoir friends at Lea, Edna, Visited friends at McKinley last
Mrs. Dennis McCarthy and children,
Seven carloads o f cattle were ship­
ped to Portland Saturday.
Those also Miss Marguerite Stack returned
shipping cattle were Max Dement, to their home in Marshfield after a
Taylor Dement, Ray and Clare De­ throe weeks’ outing at th* McCarthy
ment, C. C. Carter and Mike Summer­ camp. •
Gordon Shepherd and w ife spent
Lyle Nosier, who is working in the Saturday at Coquille visiting Mrs.
mill at Coquille, was in town Thurs­ Shepherd’s fmthsr, Alvin Summerlin,
who is very ill at the Coquille Hospi­
William Berry went to Broadbent tal.
Mark and Carleton Brown had busi­
on business Wednesday.
H. H. W ilson, agent o f the Pacific ness in Marshfield Saturday and Sun­
Monumental Works o f Marshfield, waa day.
Pauline and Genevieve Chase are
in town Thursday.
Francis Smith had his tonsils and visiting Mabel W ilcox this week.
Mrs. W. H. Bunch, W alter, Irma
adenoids removed Friday.
The local Red Cross shipped 25 suits and Minnie, spent Saturday evening
o f pajamas and 72 pair of socks Wed- with Arthur^Brown’s fam ily.
Mrs. Wm. Forbes received word this
Miss Lela Wyland left Tuesday «reek that her brother, Earl Bennett,
morning for Portland where she will had reached the other side o f th*
ocean safely, He enlisted as motor -
resume her work.
A crowd o f twenty-two picniced at man last falL
Bandon Sunday^
Miss Bridget McCarthy, sister of
Mrs. J. A. Black, who has been vie Dennis and Rich, is visiting them at
iting her mother, Mrs. Spencer, at the camp for the present.
Gardiner, returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. E. N. Harry, cook at the Mc­
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Guerin and Alice Carthy camp, cam* down from Brew­
left for Crater Lake Thursday morn ster Sunday to commence work.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Henry
In g., They went by auto. They will
visit Mrs. -Guerin's mother, who lives Charlton and Georg* Bakor spent Sat­
urday and Sunday at Bandon.
near Ashland, before returning.
J. D. Carl, o f Arago, was In lo g »
Mr. Draper, the piano tuner, spent
Thursday. -
some time at McKinley this weak put­
Miss Jane Allen, public health ting new life into piano* in the com­
nurse,, who is in Coos county, is stay­ munity.
ing in town this week. She will be
in the county about two months.
heads, E n velop es,
Circulars or other advertising
matter, Tto CoquIHo Valley Sentinel is
W c also
hare a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa
pars and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can
give you something neat for your office station ery
toned to th* i
brought about by repeated and whole­
sale violation o f the game law. He
has appealed tha ca|e.— Port Orfonl
Probate Com« Notes.
Mr*. I m h W illiam* and »on, A r­
thur, who ha* b*en in th* hospital at
Myrtle Point, wore removed Saturday
ovor to his grandfather Lett*. for s
(n r days before coming heom with
him to Norway.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Schroader ae-
nmafianM by Stanley Haltor, and
M isa. Gladys Meyer*, are camping
July 81 W . J. Conrad, o f Marsh
field, was appointed administrator of
tha estate in Coos county of Walter
H. Phillip*, deceased, o f Oconto, W is­
consin. Ho left 86,000 o f real estate
her* i*J»d the appraiser* are John C.
Kendall, Herbert A Murphy and E. I.
Chandler. The heirs at law, legatees
and devisees number 21.
On Monday at this weok Ralph R.
o f th* Bandon neighborhood,
Arthcie Newton left Saturday to re-
spond to the call to Fort McDowell, was appointed guardian o f Helen
Son Francisco, Cal.
The calling o f Bethel and Carlton Bethel, minors.
the boy* around us and their speedy de­
parture brings tb s realisation o f this
awful war bom* to our hearts sacra
keenly than ever.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hatter and child­
ren le ft Tuesday o f last wank in thetr
Awarded Gold Medal
car fo r a visit to relative* at Roeeburg
and vicinity.
Masters V irgil and P. P. t f
Norman car* fo r the ranch in the
and nearest waterproof
Bergmann Shoe
fo r L oggers, Cruisers,
otsiesn and Workers.
Keep Y a w Foot Dry Urn Th*
W ator-Proef She* OIL
ferred the seriousness o f tha Job. A ll
the earn* we thank tha parties for
removing the danger.
Last Sunday a very pleasant time
was had at Mr. and Mrs. Was. StaufTs
rauch, tha follow ing being proooat:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder an*
fam ily, Mrs. Emily Schroeder, Undos
Joe and Uriah Root, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mumford and little daughter,
day. He will b* accompanied by Ms
sister, Mrs. Caley Robison, who wiQ
remain about a couple o f wooka bo­
for* returning. Mr. Root will remain
at home until his call cornea from
Unde Sam. Th* kindest wishes fo l­
low him from all his many friends.
Ethan Wimer is erecting a largo
barn on his Fishtrap ranch. Th* old
bam and an old house are being torn
down and will b* utilised in the con­
struction o f the new one on the same
*ite, which will make a neat annesr-
Notice is hereby given that by vir­
tue o f an exocution and order o f sale
issued out o f th* C ircuit Court o f the
State o f Oregon fo r Lane County on
the 18th day at July. 1918, ha a suit
wherein on th* 20th day o f February,
1918, th* plaintiff, Th* F irst National
Bank at Eugene. Oregon, n national
banking aaoociation, rqpovered judg-
t against th* defendants A . H.
Himkson and Mabel C. Hinkson for the
o f Nineteen Thousand One Hun­
dred Sixty-six end 66-100 Dollars with
interest thereon from the 20th day of
Fobruary, 1918; at th* rate o f eight
annum, and- Twelve Hun­
dred Dollars attorney** fens, and the
further sum o f F fty-nine Dollars costs
and disbursements, and tho further
o f Four Hundred Ninety-six and
06-100 Dollars, which judgment waa
enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s
office o f said Court in said County on
the 20th day o f Fobruary, 1918, and
•aid execution to me directed com ­
manding me in the name o f the State
o f Oregon in order to satisfy said
judgment, attorneys fees, costs, ac­
cruing costs to sell the follow ing des­
cribed real property, to-w it:
The North h alf o f the Northwest
quarter, and th* Southwest quarter of
th# Northwest quarter o f Section 32
In Township 26 South Range 9 West
o f tho W illam ette Mreidlan in Coos
County, State o f Oregon.
Now, Therefore, in the name o f the
State o f Oregon, and in compliance
with said execution and order o f sale
and in order to satisfy said judgment,
attorney*’ fees, eoets and accruing
costa, I will on Saturday, the 24th day
o f August, 1918, at the hour of 1
o’clock P. M. on said day, at th* front
door o f the County Court House in
Coquille, Coos County, Orogn, offer
for sale and sell fo r cash, subject to
redemption, all the right title and in-
at the defendants 4 . H. Hink-
•on, Mabel C-.H inkson, United States
National Bank o f Eugene, S. P. Pe­
terson, Idaho State U fa Insurance
Company, Boutin-Parke Lumber Com­
Foilman - Newland Company.
G rw t W estern Lend Company, Jesse
G. WoUa. J ob . C . Gibson, J. H. Mar-
■*»11. E. L. Gilo*, e . C. Donny. Dells
K »app. A . T . Bon nett, Catherine E.
Jam «« Montgomery, Mabel
L im and H. A . Atkinson, and all
'aim ing by, through or un-
or any at them in and to the
•hove described real property.
W . W . Gage,
o f Goo* Comity, Oregon,
D. C. Krants, o f A rago, „w as in
town Thursday.
About twenty Industrial Club mem­
bers end their mothers gathered at
the school house in Myrtle Point Wed­
nesday forenoon to hoar Miss Dolittle,
o f O. A. C. She was to address the
clubs with special reference to can­
ning. County club leader eras pres­
ent and explained that Miss Dolittle
had been detained on account o f her
soldier boy ooming home on * furlough
and as his stay was to be brief she
choo* to stay fo r o visit with him. Mr.
Mulkey thoa introduced Mr. E. R. Po-
torson assistant state club leader.
A t on* o’clock all interested in can­
ning gathered at th4 home o f Mrs.
Annin. Four canning toom .
A demonstration
by Mr. Petoraon, assisted by
Lundy and Mabel HalL
Tha t
canning teams present were Hilda
p r in t in g
m m
b *orln*. u i wkaa II Io o s tlro lr
DoefOMS Io tko n o o tt. U o I o m th«.
imtloe osa ko roduoo« u i tklo t u b i
I »a '« « ■orm ol con d itio», koortme
l m * r t ferrror. U anr u m o f
• o r » u « hí k r eotarrk. wklak Io
JBo« c o o d ltlo o or tko » U M o o r.
H s ir « C stsrrk M *dlcln« « e t« tkra
new and