minor m y COQUaL* FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1818. Tim Fourth at Last weak the Ssntinel reprinted an THE TATTERED FLAG. article from the Coos Bay Times stat­ There are going to no great The sturdy tree swaye^ in the breeas, ing »*»«* the assessment of the Elling- And amid its boughs so light, :rete building at Bandon had A stock of color flutters forth. been raised,from $600 to $18,000. The Stained and worn, yet so bright. former assessment we lean from tne Telling About People and records was $6JW0, instead of $600 as a . Hom» rip, a slit, a missing bar, Eventa in the City and the Tiaeos stated. Ceos Guard, as it is now termed. A stain of blue, a bietch of white, The military character at the affair With 12,000 cases of condensed milk County. Flaunting its challenge alone in the in the warehouse, the Sunrise coad- will befit Its sponsors and the i night. J. W. Nob let writes from Reedsport ensery in North Bend on July 1st will status of the nation. There will be Years have passed since it was placed .v-t he is now at work in a mill there. discontinue operations indefinitely, the largest gathering of troops ever there. owing to this excess supply and * seen in Coos county on that occasion, County Agent J. L. Smith returned slump By a rough but loving hand. with several companies in uniform in the market which does not Everything in the line Tuesday night from the Willamette promise rapid movement of the plant and lota of military band music. By a man who dwelt in the wild old of Kodaks and Supplies valley. product, says the Coos Bay Timm. There will also be a service flag­ on hand at Knowlton’s Mrs. Harry Sharkey went down to News comes from Eugene that John raising by parents of the boys who And who loved his native land. gjmétu last Saturday for a visit with C. Almack, last year superintendent aro in tho United States service on the The thick young limbs were hewn Drug Store. battle lines in Europe or in prepara­ away, friends. of the Coquille City Schools, hds been tion in the camps there and in thi. And a spree was cleared on high. Mrs. Norris Jenson, of Marshfield, elected as an assistant in the depart­ Where Old Glory was flung oo the Brownies for Children---------- — $1.25 to $10.00 was here visiting friends several days ment of education at the University country. Attorney James T. Brand, of of Oregon. Hs will also serve as an Marshfield, will deliver a patriotic ad No. 1 Jr. Kodak................................................10.60 And watched with a loving eye. Mr. and Mrs. C. McC. Johnson came assistant in the extension department dress. But tho old flag’s friend passed away of the University of Oregon and as­ down from Reedsport on the Wednes­ There will be a spectacular parade No. 1A Jr. Kodak..............................................15 00 it lost the loving care; sist in state % Red Cross ” work. $ day evening train. and various sports and races, and For And years it’s braved the bitter storms No. 2C Jr. Kodak...............................................12 50 concert on the street. Geo. Leach and family have moved Mr. and Ufa. Geo. Gould arrived band But battered and torn it still clings Family picnice will be the order of into the second story of the Lyons here from their home at San Ber­ No. 3 Kodak......................................................19 50 there. the day at the park and on the cliffs apartments this week. nardino, Calif., last week, driving up and beach. sad sight, yet one so grand. Mrs. R. H. Mast returned Wednes­ in their ear. They expect to spend Both the Dispatch and the Relief A As it Aim in its dauntless way, the summer in Coos county with their These are the most popular styles. Other day evening from a three weeks’ visit will bo used for carrying the excur­ Sheltered by the fresh young boughs, children, A. N. Gould and Mrs. Geor­ in Portland and Vancouver. crowds down the river. They As it flutters through the day. styles can be seen by calling at the store. gia Richmond, of this city, and three sion will leave Coquille at 6:80 a. m. at With pulsing heart and tear-dimmed F. A. Thrasher, a representative of daughters living at Allegany. Mr. the department of justice at Portland, and Mrs. Gould went over# to the lat­ connect with the train that leav eye Myrtle Point at 6:40 a. m. came in this morning from Marshfield. ter place Wednesday. You the flag so grand; Of course, lots of people from Co­ Though watch torn and rent it still waves John H»ll has resigned as chief of A. A. Selander nearly lost the sight quille pnd up the valley are going to there— police at North Bend because he is of his left eye this week. He this eelebratien—the more the The guardian of tho land. unwilling to do street cleaning work. driving his ear along a little used road rier. Lana Lon eve. Red Crocs subscriptions are to be when an overhanging branch hit his paid, as heretofore, to O. C. Sanford, windshield, breaking the glass. He Myrtle Point Cannery. tho Treasurer, at the First National threw up his hands but not quickly The Myrtle Point cannery has been ‘ A YANKEE’S DREAM. Here I* a Straight Tip. enough to prevent the flying pieces taken over by A. C. Chase, owner of Bank. It’s a cinch that the following is a I had a dream the other night, Mias Laura Watson came over from cutting deep gashes above the eye. the Creawoll cannery, and Mr. Holt, straight tip. We received it from the When all around was still. Several stitches were required to re­ the Bay yesterday to visit her sister, manager of the Cooperative cannery office of the state adjutant general at I dreamed I saw the Kaiser pair the damage. Mrs. C. L. Tuttle, and brother, Ji in Eugene, and will concentrate on the Salem: Coming down the hill. Watson. canning of evergreen blackberries Federal authorities are getting He had a musket on his shoulder Divorce W u Granted. during the season. ready to institute a merciless cam­ And a sneer waa in his eye, If you don’t sea the item that espec­ as many as they can paign to run down and punish a new Says he, “The Yanks’ feat are getting ially interests you in these columns, The divorce for which Dora B. Wil­ get, Blackberries, purchased at four cents a Remember! the men in our Army form of draft slacker. * tell us about it when you have an­ lard was sueing her husoand, Orson R. pound. will be These colder, berries are said to end Navy do not expect luxuries. This new slacker is the draft regis­ Willard, in the Circuit Court here other one. And tomorrow they shall dis.” grow wild in abundance around Should we at home expect them ? Buy trant who was granted deferred class­ Wednesday was granted by the court. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Leslie returned necessities and War Savings Stamps. ification at the time of his registra­ His i^unt started in with a yell, was also awarded the two acres recently from a week’s visit with their She Your common sense will tell you tion, but whose status since has so They tortured helpless women, up the river which Mr. Willard claim­ son, Earl, and his wife at Vancouver ed to have deeded to her ‘in trust” that you cannot buy now all the things changed that he no longer is entitled What they did, I cannot begin to tall, Barracks. only, one-third of his Bandon proper­ This price certainly seems very lib­ you bought before we had a war to to exemption, yet who remains si­ But ’twas enough to send them all Walter Ray and W. B. Marses were ty, $26 a month for the support of win. Your buying must be restricted lent about this change in the hope It , ' to hell. , It is double the amount which and your savings invested in War Sav­ will down from Powers Wednesday, be overlooked. their 12-year-old daughter and costa eral. They cut off the hands of children, to be paid by canneries in the ings Stamps. former adding his name to the Sentin­ of the suit. Mr. Willard, who now used There aro estimated to be hundreds Gouged out the eyes of men, Willamette valley for these berries. el lsit of readers. lives in Portland testified that he is They used to be put up there in 6- Do not forget that War Savings of such cases in Oregon, and thous- They used their gas explosives, are not for children only. !a of them in the United States. earning $6 a day there, and the court Loyal Legion Dance at Aaoen’a cans for use in the lumber Stamps Most of the squandering is done by Suspicion particularly has been direct­ Kept the women like cattle in a pen. Camp Saturday, June 29th. Suppel thought that on such a showing he pound and the canneries found a the grown-ups. ed against a great many of tho de- They used their wire entaglements, will be served in the Loyal Legion $26 a month for his daughter was camps, ready sale for them. War Savings Stamps help to pro­ forred classifications granted for «in­ And fired their big long range guns, none too much. The plantiff was rep­ hall. Tickets 60c. Triad to scars the Yanina boys, vide that “Force, force to the utmost, dustrial reasons. resented by Hon. C. R. Barrow and C. E. Mulkey goes out to Correction by Mr. Thrift. But couldn’t frighten one. force without stint or limit, the right­ It now appears that the status -of Sunday morning where he will spend the defendant by Walter Sinclair. Editor Sentinel: In your last week’s eous and triumphant force which shall many of these men is not the same aa They kept at their dirty slaughter, a week helping grade teachers’ issue an article was copied from the make right the law of the world,” when they were granted deferred Till at the break of day, Two Boat* for the Excursion. Coos amine tion papers. Bay Times, which stated the which President Wilson tys must be classification. Yet they have failed to Whan they met the Yankee boys The Dispatch and the Relief will Ellingsen in Bandon was se­ used against our enemies. L. J. Cary left Thursday morning both notify their Local Boards and continue Who turned them another «say. be used for the Fourth of July sessed at building They also serve who t>uy War Sav­ to enjoy exemption from military Then the Kaiser gased around. $600.00. lf the valuation on a business trip to his old home at excursion Bandon Thursday. This committee will investigate the matter ings Stamps—if they save and buy to service. In some esses, also, the or­ Grand Rapids, Mich., and other points, will afford to ample His men were falling foot, accommodations for they will find that the aforesaid the utmost of their ability, and buy in iginal classification was not justified. Says expecting to be absent a month. hs, "To leave the throne, all who desire to go by boat, and both fully building is assessed at $6,000.00. Many cuces where deferred classifi­ My time W. J. Ferbrache and E. A. Brenner will leave Coquille at the same time— “How easy to make errors.” I was The philosophy of the W. S. S. is cation has come at last." was granted for dependency al­ have been appointed on the fire patrol 6:80 a. m.—giving 20 minutes for always lenient in placing valuation on save, save, save. The Kaiser looked around so have changed in status, but the by Fire Warden A. E. Crouch and next those coming by train from Myrtle such buildings as I thought everyone You can at least be in the second registrant And gased up in the sky, has not notified his local week leave for a three months’ stay Point and up river points to make con­ who would put their cash in good sub­ line of defense—be a war saver. Says he, “I have loot this war board. up in the Tioga country. nections. A low round trip fare of stantial buildings and help build up With the timo at hand when the And tomorrow wa must die.” On a cherry tree twig less than 80c has been made for the excursion, the County should be shown some con­ Plenty of old newspapers now in need for man power is so urgent that Says he, to his men, two feet in length brought in from children 40 cents. sideration. Very truly yours, T. J. stock at the Sentinel office and they ry available man must either "We must beat it to Berlin, Dora by Leland Minard Wednesday Thrift, Ex-Assessor. “work or fight,” and when lower clas­ For if we stay hers longer tre still selling at a nickel a bundle. wo counted 80 dark red eherriea. There Was Nothing la It. sifications are to be revised in order That doesn’t look like a short crop. The charge against Samuel Leneve, Yes, it is easy to make errors but ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. to make more men available fer Class The Yanks will beat us in.” the Huns did beat it. Fred Shunke, who used to run • as published in the Coot Bay Times, we find no easier way than to copy Notice is hereby given that I have I, this form of evading military i Now Beat it straight for Berlin, anything about county affairs from vice will not be tolerated. chicken ranch up the river at the Glen has bean dropped by the district at­ been appointed administrator of the The draft regulations are vory plain But the Kaiser didn’t beat it. Aiken creek, was injured Monday in torney with statement that it waa a the Bay papers. estate of the late Maria Gran holm, de­ and blunt in* rescribing the ponalty for For the Yanks beat him in. the C. A. Smith mill at Marshfield, mistake. The parente of the little ceased, by the Honorable the County failure on the port of a man granted And before I swoke I having his hand broken and his head girls took no stock in the story. another Want Night Ferry. Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos deferred classification to notify his lo­ dream, badly bruised. Besides the complaining witness Owing to the fact that the Coquille- County. cal boprd at once if his status is And the Yanks went over the top to be actuated by a spirit of Marthfield On account of the Johnson mill fire seemed road will remain closed All persons having claims against changed: the Kaiser deep down in hell, malicious revenge growing out of the L. L. L. L. excursion to Bandon Contractor Perham is doing the estate of said deceased are here­ Every registrant shall, within fire And With the devil forever to dwell. prosecuticns of a like nature. while next Sunday has been postponed until former steam shovel work on the section be­ by notified to present them to me days after the happening thereof, re­ Young Lenevv Was entirely exoner­ later in the season, most of the John­ tween Cedar Point and China Camp with the proper vouchers at the office port to his local board any fact which Coquille, Ore. Frederick H. Walts son employes feeling that they could ated. bridge, a petition has been made to of John F. Hall, attorney in Marsh­ change or affect his classifies not go until they got to work again. the county court by the Marshfield field, Oregon, in said County and aright says Situa timi Wanted. Section 11« ot the Regu­ The Reservoir Didn’t Give Oat. city council praying that the ferry State, within six months of the dato of lations. Again we are compelled to defer the Experienced rancher seeks employ­ Marshfield and Eastside be this notice. publication of an installment of “Over After two hours of Are fighting between Failure to report change at statue ment other than milking; or will take kept runing from 6 to 12 o’clock p. m. Dated this 28th day of June, 1918. as herein required, or making a fake charge of farm. Write Hugh E. Gib­ the Top” on account of a press of Tuesday evening, with four lines of July, August and September. Novia Landreth, other matter; but “boiler plate” al­ hose attached, the water in one res- during r t thereof, io a misdemeanor p son, North Bend, Ore. 23t2 That is the route autoe have to take Administrator of the estate of ishabk ways losses out in this shop when it ervoir on the hill was only lowered now by one year’s imprisonment.” reach Coquille via the Fair- Maria Granholm, deceased. 24t6 The campaign to run down these comes into competition with live local three feet Of course, the pump » view to road. Dutch John was forcing water up (First published June 2* 1918.) news. lrsft slackers will be started vary A--------------------- from that pond, but the other reser­ soon, and it will be a rigorous cam We are in receipt of last week’s voir on the n... was empty, Superin­ Here in • Hurry. paign. Men guilty of evading mili 20-page edition of The Polk County tendent Lee Goodman having jus» The Got tory service by failuro to report when Myrtle Point company of the Observer of Dallas, and note that Lew cleaned It out preparatory to son Home Guard or “Coos Guard,” as it they should be re-classifled, need look A. Cates’ name is again at the head necessary repair work. for no mercy. is now termed, are certainly “on the as editor and publisher—he has owned “Every patriotic registrant who has 3 6 0 PICTUR ES ion — SEE US — job.” They were out drilling Tuesday the paper ever since tho year he left granted . — orrod classification, Don’t Be Too Hasty. Right when the report that the mill Coquille. 8 6 0 e a A c h R mom* T IC L E S but whose status has ensnged so that Let’s take care not to do any injus­ here was on fire reached t'.iem, and is no longer entitled to that classi­ Mrs. O. H. Knowlton recently re­ tice by hasty speech. We have lately they tumbled themsolves and the city’s ON AU. NEWS STANDO he fication, will report the change Im­ ceived a letter from her husband in heard a man characterised ae a Billie fire hose into the autos on the streets mediately to hit local board,” said P. O. Box No. 297 COQUILLE which he stated that he was attend II Gorman, who is contributing freely and burned up the road down here In Captain John E. Culliaon, in charge ing an aviation school in England. He and voluntarily to all war activities 18 minutes. Not only that but thsy of the execution of the draft tow in ventured the prediction that the war and urging that we do all in our pow­ turned in and worked like Trojans af­ the office of the Adjutant GeneraL would be over before he could finish er to hasten the war to a successful ter they got here. POPULAR "Those who have not the patriotism his course and get to the front. conclusion. Many a man bearing a to report voluntarily will gain nothing German name is intensely loyal while Roy Wernich, who returnod Tuesday some men with good old Anglo-Saxon Frank Grant Leaves the County. by it They will be found out and not caused evening from a week’s business trip Frank Grant, the man Bergeron only re-classifled, but will bo subject are not doing their duty half as shot, from to Portland, was accompanied by names has been compelled to leave Pow­ to severs punishment. Eye Strain Capt. Lanihan and Ueuts. Peterson faithfully. ers and get out of the county for at­ If s man ic In doubt as to change and McGovern, of the Spruce Divi­ tM U Q W tempting to attack an officer of the of status, hs should see his local board Auxiliary Plant Gone. sion, who are investigating conditions logger soldiers at Powers. But for about it without delay." in that department in Coos county F. E. McKenna says that the auxil­ A1 Powers’ friendly offices he might I fit and this week. Yesterday they spent the iary light plant at the Johnson Mill have gone to McNeil’s Island for the $26.0« REWARD correct day at Bandon. which was destroyed Tuesday night offense. error* of to party finding pair rather light bay s loss of $8,000 to the Oregon Mares, one weighing about 1800, the the vision WANTED—Rush, man and wife jan­ means Power Co. Besides that it means Card of Thanks. other 1260; branded with lasy K on itor at Myrtle Arms Apartments, that Coquille will have no lighting sys­ For the aid the willing hands of our right etifle; foretopc have been roach- Marshfield, Oregon, accustomed to tem to fall stick when the Marsh­ neighbors and friends rendered us in hut grown out five or six inches; hou sec leaning work. $110.00 per field system goes on 1 KNOW MY BUSINESS the blink, as well saving the beds and bedding of the should have colts with thsm. Phone month, $90.00 cash and $20.00 apart­ as when the high on tension line between Coquille Rooming House Tuesday ev­ or wire me, collect, Payette, Idaho. ment. F. E. Conway Mortgage Co. here and there breaks down. Wo are ening wo wish to extend our hearty H. Haalgan, Sheriff Payette Coon- both Iosar*. 100 «ta. A L. GhaHa. zx.'SL't £T4* rs- * -ii* Spring Time Kodak Time Knowlton’s Drug Store For lat he r .»mi Son For Carpentering aid House Repairing Sackett & Harrison NEADACHB uanavas! T. I. WILSON, tptmcffltt