l>Y, JUNE 28, IM E 1C the i MHh PAGE No. 12.1 E. N. ______ ___ A National Shock Absorber yen not? DM yea i OW «hoard and h knew he was working the men over-1 Notice road baUdiag and tisse T I have letters from Coaemieeiae IA Brown, Contractors, Hoff that wtU wHghtaa the voters on I plated their contract for the Editor 'arising o f a portion of the Empire- next arti- C. R. Barrow. ticls we Taylor Dement is for the rocaU. Sunset Bay Road, Empire to Tar- j Henry Sengstacken is for the recalL I Hell, in compliance with the contract, a couple of Maloney is for the recall. O’Brien I plans and specification, with the ax parte o f the allow oar nas *o be need as a candi-1 IT ,™ ri *»ke notice. If you are is for the recall. Sura, for it looks as caption of dressing and rolling should- date for County Judge. Nothing do- l?T*r*d * * D*rm •oh##1 ¿Strict, No. SI, tbough they may have to puke up ers and adding screenings at various The points where needed, estimated to cost tag. Not on your hie. We would ^ Cw“ V . O*®*0“ . er any other dollars on which they gorged. not consider it for a moment under °* *** “ W* try them out" Kinney tract outfit is for the recall. I >800.00; That the Roadmaster has present conditions. I scheme, and “if wo don’t like you, you Every ■»*»» who wants to get eome-1 filed his certificate of the completing of said contract, end any person, firm In his denial last weak, Judge Wat- r*®*1 it as you would A thing for nothing is for the recall. «1 Ambassador Morgoothau’s I or corporation having objections to son mentioned his voting for Mr Peck | P *K>ta00- Whet In the World's Work for June file to the acceptance of said work, as one o f our objections, but that u |* c#ntr“ct ,o r Mee end learn what the German Ambeaaa- may file the seme in the office of the •eaool year, or all thè tira« taught, not one o f the objections wo raised I *!h° ° 1 or ' " «et* * a do" doM o f poisoood bait. I dor to Constantinople,' Wegsaheim, County Clerk of Coos County, Ore- against him, as he will readily see by said about the Potsdam conference on lion , within two weeks from the date caroluUy reading oar article. Voting wtab thlo would bo published in every July 6, 1914. Billie 2, me boy, one o f | of the first publication of this P*P*r In U». state. i ^ ' P®ck, or for any ooo else ia t : from the 88th day of J. W. Littroll, M. B. Hughes and a personal privilege that wo would not )„ 1*18. *°°- V irili, of Rooeburg, went out question for a moment We did not L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. bound for homo Tuesdoy. They bave even consider that By R. E. Coughron, On this rood auastlon if mm win I °®on M « esunping trip, Mr. Hughss Deputy. only pause for , ddi. Ilookil1* « » » t r y over with an eye I R *cipcg fa r W h aatk as D ishes, tion do s little common arithmetic, w eL ° buyint. * pUc® and »ek in g k ill The following recipes for wbeatless ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. will discover that we ere the victims I °!Ji* ° n the eoM t I dishes ere published at the request of Notice is hereby given that I have largely of our own credulity, ear lack In , ^*“**H’ father of Mrs. I the Federal Food Administration, and been appointed administratrix of the o f foresight end experience in road I ? f pp*rd’ U n ' Cktfdo«e,|are bended us by Mr. F. G. Lesha,, building end our failure to do e little fu* 0,° f jj*” " ®bepherd, are guests at I who got them from the California ®aUte ° th® 8n®*“ W“ “ n’ figuring before bonds. Throe County. when we were All persons having claims against meeting, *U OT.r e .” ’ J ^ ! , I0*11* for m w l wiaka in thn ,urgtcnl the estate of said deceased are here by notified to present them to me 1382,000 reed bonds, the proposition „ with the proper vouchers, at the office 2 tablespoons sirup was to build e trunk line road from ChartenHiiJ TMi!fc— of my attorney, Geo. Watkins, in the 2 eggs ( o r i ) Empire through North Bend, Marsh- L T0! “ 1* Eldorado Bldg., Marshfield, in said 4 teaspoons baking powder field, Coquill, and Myrtle Point th . County and State, within six months 1 teaspoon sah Dougte. county line Ami anotlter I o m T S w X w T t lS ^ . of the date of this notice. trank line from Coquills through vruck * * ° P“ "* amber with e motor % cup ground rolled oats Dated this 7th day o f June, 1818. 1 cup cornflour Bendon to the Carry county has. In Frid. y -t-h , . Maud B. Watkins, Method of Mixing: Add to the cup all about 106 milee of road. T . o a y L ^ J T Administratrix Estate Susan Was of milk, the melted fat, strap and one who knows anything of road E n r o o t s 21t5 slightly beaten egg; sift the salt, bak son, Deceased. building, and who stopped to f ig u r e L y ^ E t o f t far Camp u i t o ing powder, and flour together. Use out the cost per mile, it wee setf-evi-l Harold Shenherd «-< Julies Ben SUMMONS , I a coarse sieve so that no part of the don.t . tb*t / h? ‘ i^ ny " » d barn w w tT E S ta n d to enlist. Wal- flour is wasted. Combine the two could not be bufit for that amount of ter Laird took the boy* to CoquiUe. the Circuit Court of the State ef mixtures, stirring lightly without money. Yet it eras urged cad argued Ivaa Laird and Horre Mtoard are in Oregoa for Ceos Cooaty. beating. Bake in a hot oven for 20 ell over the county ~ -1 see Griffin, Plaintiff, to SO minutes, depending upon the roods plan would be cueceaanuiy car-1 ite m ia at Comp McDowell. Will vs. sise of the muffins. ried out aad. Elsie Griffin, Defendant Be very Rice good people would To Elsie Griffin, the above named You won’t need any bread when you enough to vote the bends. Just veto, defendant: serve this. the bonds, then H weald ell be over In the Name of the State of Ore 1 cup rice with boiling water to cover but the shouting, (they meant howl gon. You ere hereby required to ap weü. ing.) You can prove this last phrase pear end answer the complaint filed 1 teaspoon salt by the members o f the County court, against you in the above entitled 1 piece green or red pepper let the witness take the stand. court end cause within six weeks Aad the fellow who oppoeed the from the date of the first publication above rood plan as net feasible, or as Wash and drain rice, add to boiling ef this summons, to wit: within six impossible, was els as id aa a knocker, salted water and cook rapidly until weeks from tbs 81st day o f May, end immediately eat upon. His votes soft. Drain. Each grain should be 1918, the earns being the dote of the has completely drowned in the halle distinct Cook tomatoes, onion and I p u b l i c a t i o n of this summons; luiah of the hurrah. We « t f d n l pepper 10 minutes. Add them to rice *** *n cma® 7°* B il as to appear and seven o f these good rood meetings, and steam 20 minutes. answer on jjr before the 12th day of yet we never heard one of the speak Don’t be afraid to use cooked rice the same bring, the date ers attempt to figure out end explain if you are baking breed. In corn bread *■* publication of this rem to the dear people hew thoy were go-1 The («cell it can be used in a half-and-half pro- |roo" » ' * e pl»i»*lff will apply to the ing to build as much road with so have bean quite tThhow. The portion Court for the relief demanded against little money—but in “ glittering gen-1 for County Judge, Topping, ea the re- Rice ia a good mixer but it must be P""* “ ■ “ « » “ ■*, • « “ tact eralities” they wore Just going to d o l« ]] platform, must be e sort ef a bel- well cooked. I statement ef which Is as follows: For it. Have these two roads bean built T Mmvike. The Pathfinder says bolohe- Ihrae Hominy Suggeetteos la decree of said Court dissolving the Where is the money? |vik means “want more.“ That is whet 1. Hominy may be used instead «• "*• «• «ootract existing between “ Where, O where has my Hide dog Topping says “wont more.” Jim Wat- wherever a recipe says macaroni, ape-1**® P on tiff and the defendant, gone, I son is a faithful, competent end hon- ghetti or vermicelli. ™ " • «»“ <*• 1« UP°° you Where, O where seal be be? eat county judge. He bee not asked 2. Use hominy in making muffins Ib* P«Wfc«tion thereof in the Coquill, With his sere cut short end hie toil for more pay then the lew allows. and quick breeds. Volley Sentinel by order of the Hon- cut long, ' ifh e recallers1 candidate says, “ I want 3. Use hominy as a vegetable for or» bl® Ja»°® Watson, County Judge o f the County of Ceos, State of Ore- Where, O where has my little dog more." Yet be does not promise to |gun, the county in which such suit is gone?” serve the interests of the people bet- »ding, duly made and entered on During this good roads campaign tor nor »o re faithfully then Judge the 14th day of May, 1918. a number o f taxpayers « « f to my Watson. A0 he says is “ I want more.” S. D. Pulford, office to talk over the road bonds pro- Lloyd Leetherman is the recallers' Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence posed and asked whet I thought »bou t »teM®oary who was circulating the lend postofflee address, Coquille, Ore it, end somo even relied am up by I recall petitions on the East Fork. gon. . 20t7 phono. I said then as I say yet, th at Those recall petitions do not contain (First published May 81, 1918.) good roods are one of the beet assets ®B® iin* 1® statement of fact, they are I Separate whites and yolks. Beet the that any section o f country can have. J«M ee much bleb that might be said yolks until thick and light lemon col- Beet for the farmers, beat for the of any man in Coos county. Whoever or. Beet sugar into tbs stiffened general community, beet for the gen-1 dijew those petitions was too much of I yolks, and add lemon juice. Fold in oral development end progress of the 1« «®ward te name any fe e t For then I alternately the stiffly beaten whites country at large, to say nothing of the I1» h« T® b#*n «*U«d to show | and flour. Bake in an ungreased pen J. A . RICHMOND d I m iu n tod convenience. In nnswer. PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. to whet iT o u g h tw . would gte out of W ^ Thyter D e m -t cteim that he Richmond-Barker Building. the bond., I mid, that all depend, u p - 1 bmn a more faithful or competent Coquille, Ore. on the ability end roed-buikUng ex- Phones, Office 828, Bee. 214. D®m,nt perience ef a. men w*o hoodie' the « " » t ’ » missioner for some time. Whet PfWjtl Of tittle money, whei htio f* we W . C. CHASE out of the money dmivwl from t h . ^ But one th<"g certain, superior intelligence? May be it is rood bonds, OT08NEY-AT-UW wo will not eat ee much road built ee that reed from Cooper’, bridge o v « Rtehmond-Barker Bldg S ,, « £ . b. doo, a . » Potat they are figuring Coquille________________Oregon A few men moeed with me that we ta»ws that country as weU as he Do you remember any period in ilhieh our country has been subjected to so many anxious moments as during the past two years ? Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Baulking System os a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquility of business and banking during these tense month's ? If you appreciate what this new nation-wide system has been doing for you, you can support it and Mgsacn add to its strength by rtDCHAL acacnvc SYSTEM promptly becoming one of our depositors. First National Bank Coquille, Oregon to ££ L Professional Cards * m V UjrO. with at . *mE l^ o E t h E r o b e M r I county bridge build serose the South attempted te figure oat toe p e e e a m » - m « r t e l fte ity or the improbability of **, 2” • . i . vnrv fare 0f hm feet that tbe|»F wny heme aaother man told me 1 A ai a h» the was » that Dement had S or 6 miles of road E liir iJ r t h I buflt ee ee te mve him buildin, . Childs problem. o f fence. I do not know that thee, money is gone, and a great P ® ^ _ 1 ^ ^ and fanca ara tn ,,. these reeds have not | Jt>d>tog from whet Mr. D m snt mid. en, much lees » isesn. _____ u as reported in the Sentinel, be is in E t e E T n o t for tbs recall of Cmmty Commimionw all expended end yeeee I mai |. »n itateanent to bulit. All All ef o f Which for’ tf p w o wheroln Mr. PhH!p has failed to suit o f our own T UttteteM eredul- de Me doty os « county commiaiaoner, J . . . ¿ f c , _________ aritb- be dam net specify any read or bridge ity, end need a littlo eornrn«» . 1 ^ Mr Pbibp hoe had buiit for his e little m mow roreen«*,----- _ | Toa m by tb. been willing to ps building, we|ty eneo e f ethers te readily then bed whet, what, in my opinion, woe nothing r® ®“ y weald have ~ V-IU mew than ^ L m*mm 100 mites of good w n d w W iy « .W J » ^ since that te — k * * * ” • « , tea d m a h t e m d « a - ^ ^ ___ _ Comer of Front and Hall Street He has a large variety o f goods as he has purchased the Tupper stock and added some new as wall os old. A New Line of Dishes and Tableware Hoes, Rakes, Axes, Hand Saws, Wash Tubs and Boards. Iron Bedsteads, Sanitary Couches, Sani tary Springs, new, from $6.50 to $20 each. 100 dozen Fruit Jars, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Camp Stoves, Pipe, 'Elbows. Large variety of Tools—Saws, Squares, Hammers, Etc. - PHONE N O . 1103 TO ____ ^ GET QUICK QUICK Our New Directory Goes to Press July 10th Orders for new telephones should be placed at once in order to be listed. Also see Local Chief Operator in re gard to advertising- rates and extra listings. Coos & Curry Telephone Company Service First. THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishment eome fourteen years ago has been your Laundry. Bain or shine, good times end bad, it hoe been on the Job. We have a number of customers that have patronised it continually from the beginning. We aw grateful for this appreciation of our service. Our aim is to improve the service in every way possible. We wash ever y thing washable. COQUILLE LAU ND RY D. Harley, Prop. IL n M M M M M g N M H. could not build that much road ^ ihemoun*1 that amount of money, but the y t e t l^ ro^dwm built mar the moun- jority looked at It the otlmr wny. Uin, when the ptece for it was wound j __ . »ha mountain, where one has been Carried away by the mtbustasm I the moment, they accepted ell that | built since. had been ee glowingly stated at the utterly Impossible te W M « w m s Has opened on the DR. Q. W . LESLIE Str. Elizabeth Osteopathic Physician Bandon to San Francisco Graduate of the American School o f Osteopathy o f Kirkevilie, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon Soils from Control Woreheeae Company DR. C. W . ENDICOTT Fore. First class—$10. J, E. W ALSTROM, Agent, Bandae, O n. E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t, 8. F. JL E. Norton, Agent, Coquille,' Ore. First H’t ’l Bank B’ld’g Phone Male 11, Ooqaillf, Oregon. J. J. STANLEY uw m Office in* Farmers A Merchants Bank Building, CequHie, Ore. For reliable Abstracts of Title and information about Coos County Real Estate o«e TITLE GUARANTEE * ABSTRACT COMPANY ManMkM aneCroaOMCMr.Or*. ' Special attention paid to looking after asssmmente and payment of taxes. Phone Marshfield Office j Phone Coquille Office 14J HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Manager 191 ABSTRACTS A. J. SHERWOOD ATTOSMV AT LAW Phot National Bank Building Does Year Subscription Date Need Changing? X