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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1918)
f pag e m rotm coquille T alle * W fW lft, MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. Buy a Cheap Grade o f Groceries— it ia W aste. My Hobby is QUALITY N o more in price than the cheap grade. Do not over look this fa c t N o w is the time to order Strawberries for Canning * ; . Those empty Jars you got w ith M O N O P L E C O F F E E tor Shabby-Anto Look New There’« no need of rusty fender« and hood, dull body or a shabby looking top on your auto. A little time and a trifling expense for Acme Quality Motor Car Finish and your old car can be made spic and span. Refinishing your car is not difficult with ACME QUALITY M OTOR C A R F IN IS H _ .Call at our store for color samples and let us show you the proper materials to use for each part of your car— hood, fenders, body, top, etc., and how each should be applied to secure the best result FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY im M grand ran x it» r. r. 1 . 1 KOVERAM S . n*g. u.s.Pot c?f Keep Kids Kleen T3U H n a t t Jtasm COQUILLE, OREGON SUMMONS la the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon fo r Cooo County. Genevieve G. Robison, Plaintiff, vs. Edward P. RobJjon, Defendant To Edward P. Robison, the above named defendant: $1.25 the suit t e s á is A NEW SUIT P R fiB M u C T iW I IF THEY M P Berne «I U m m LTVl STRAUSS «.CO U A h rte U J a ram n w c iK o , ttm LKVI STKAOSS ft CO.. Sm P ^ JSfce. ef ’ */>..Ae.-Afl. Canadian Farm Lands Every one interested in these lands is requested to call on me for information about them. Special Rates to Hom e Seekers John A. Jackson CO Q U ILLE, OREGON In the name o f the State of Ore gon. You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from th j date o f the first publication o f this summons, towit: within six weeks from the 28th day o f June, 1918, the same being the date o f the first publication o f this summons; and in case you fail so to appear and answer on or before the 9th day o f August, 1918, the same being the date o f the iaat publication o f this sum mons, the plaintiff will apply to the Court fo r the reliof demanded against you in her said complaint, a succinct statement o f which ia aa follows: Par a decree o f said Court dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and ■warding to the plaintiff the future custody and control o f the four minor children o f plaintiff and defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Coquflle Valley Sentinel by qpder o f the Hon orable James Watson, County Judge o f the County o f Cooe, State o f Ore- gun, the county in which such suit is pending, duly made and entered on the 28th day o f June, 1918. John Harris, of day kero with his Sill Mrs. Ida the Max Geo. T. Moulton. who. ia Saturday aad Sunday. The Presbyterian ladies gave an af The Home Guards, of Myrtle Point, ternoon tea at tho intend to spend the Fourth in Harry Black and family of Marsh Mr. and Mrs. field, spent Sunday with Mr. Black’s Colorado, visited parents, Mr: and Mrs. J. A. Black. Mies Ella Hamlin arrived here from J. H . Roberta Friday. (ionmouth Saturday coming by auto from Marshfield. She returned to Marshfield Sunday afternoon she will visit her brother. Miss Nellie Barton wont to Cor vallis Sunday fo r a week’s visit. W. E. Lundy and fam ily, Mrs. Marie Stemmier and childran, John G ary and w ife, Vern Lundy and w ife and baby and Chat Huling motored to Bandon Sunday, Mrs. Short lo ft here fo r Monmouth Saturday morning where she intends to go to summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Miller, who have been here on their wedding trip visiting Mrs. M iller’s sister, Mre. N. S. Phelps, le ft here Saturday morn ing fo r Lexington, having boon called home by the death o f a brother’s wife, Mrs. Lawrence Reaney. Dr. O. H. Clarke and eou, Oliver, moteced to Bandon Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Clarks, who is mak ing a short stay in Bandon. Miss Chios Buel went to Monmouth Saturday where she intends going to Normal school. Miss Buel expects to stay o f several months with a view o f completing the course and getting her teacher’s life certificate. Little Joe W ort N yo died here Thursday afternoon at one o’clock a f ter a long illness— ^ged seven years, The funeral services were held at the Christian church and conducted by Rev. Mr. McDonald. The parents are new arrivals in Coos county having lately moved to A rago from Rose- burg. Prof. C. A . Davidson and grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davidson, spent Sunday at the Arthur Brown home near McKinley . fiaa Opal Krants who has been very sick with tonsilitis is better. Mr. Rogers, o f Powers, was an over Sunday visitor. Mrs. Anna Deekor, o f Marshfield, was in town on businoss Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. M. J. Krants, o f Dora, is here nursing her daughter, Mias Opal Krants, who has been very sick with tonsilitis at the homo o f Dr. 0 . H. Clarke. Misa Krants ia better at this writing and her mother intends tak ing her in a fe w days to her home in Dora fo r a short stay, Samuel Percy Hodges, o f Bridge, Oregon, made final five-year proof up on his homestead before E. A . Dodge, U. S. Commissioner, Wednesday o f this week. Chas. H. Smith and WM lir.m A . Fish were his witnesses. Another gold star w ill be added ,to our service flag. Mrs. Henry Schroed- received a letter from Mrs. D. Woods, o f Marengo, Ohio, stating that her son, Gene, had died in Letter-man Hospital, Calif. The cause o f hfs death was vaccination Mrs. Thomas Root visited friends in Marshfield Tuesday. Mr. Orie Johnson and Mrs. Della Johnson were married at the home o f Rev. Thomas Barklow Modnay even ing at 9 p. m. Vera Summerlin, o f Gravel Ford, is visiting this week’ at the C. C. Carter home. Rev. Wm. Fenton and wife, o f P o rt land, spent Monday with Mr. and M r * J. H. Roberts. Rev. Mr. Fenton is District Superintendent o f the W il lamette District o f the Methodist Church South. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen returned from Portland Sunday after a week’s v is it Miss Metta Hanson remained in Port land whore she is attending summer school. Miss Hilda Carter visited with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Summerlin, o f Gravel Ford, Tuesday. George Mullen, who is running a logging camp on the North Fork, was in town Wednesday. He reports ev ery thing progreesing nicely. Miss Kate Chatbum, o f Bandon, ia spending the week with Mrs. Vern Lundy. Word has been received that Geo. McDonald, Claude Endicott, Isom Clin ton, snd Sandy Weekly are to report at the Government Mechanical school ia San Francisco some time the first o f July. The M yrtle Point Home Guardi helped fight fire in Coquille Tuesday evening. M y . and Mre. Lanson Leneve w en over from Coquille visiting with Mrs J. 8. Arrington Wednesday evening. Lee Ray is visiting his daughter in Portland. 8. D. Pulford, Attorney for Plaintiff. * Residence • • Bay Jr. le ft Wednesday for and postoffice address, Coquills, O r*, Camp Lewis, where he w ill enter miU gun. tary training. (F irs t publication June 28th, 1918.) Mr. Chase has Just completed the contract fo r operating the M yrtle Point cannery during the coming ber Wanted r y season. They expert to can from Hides, Wool ft Mohair and Chitham BO to 75 tons o f Bark, 1918 peel Bilis aw" carload o f of b$of gatti#. NOMY v mia vas In IT IS N O T v'. , nm>AT( unni « , coquille . rise. son is Mr. Robert’s niece. P rof. C. A . Davidson le ft day morning fo r a month’s different schools in the state, pacts to visit U. o f O., 0 . A . C., tho State Normal and Raad College. The Ladies A id o f the Methodist church had a picnic in the Dixon grove Thursday afternoon. Mrs. O. H. Clarke returned Wednesday from n week's stay in Bandon. Miss Hattie Wyland was a Marsh field visitor Thursday. Mr. Burton, o f Winlock, Wis., has purchased the Den Beliou place and he with his son-in-law, expect to make it their home. Miss Lola Green o f M yrtle Point, is the winner o f tho annual scholar ship awarded by the University o f Oregon Alumni Association. Miss Green intends taking music in the university this coming year. The apron sale and tea given by the W. C. T. U . Saturday was a suc cess. |17 was realised from this sale. Sergeant Clarke Fensler le ft for Camp Lewis Wednesday morning. He expects to be sent to Hoboken, New Jersey, soon. His w ifo and baby w ill stay in M yrtle Point with Mr. Fens- ler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . C. Fensler. J. D. Barklow was a Marshfield viei- tor Sunday. Miss Hasel Neal, who is in training at Lane’s Hospital at San Francisco, is home on a month’s vacation. Mrs. T. H agerty w ill leave fo r Cal ifornia this woek to visit her eister. , Items From Arago. Mr. and Mrs. W illard Lame were visiting a fe w days last weak a t the M. T. Clinton home. The little six year old son o f Mr. and Mrs. N ya took a relapse from the measles and passed away last Thursday at the M yrtle Point hospi tal and was buried at the M yrtle Point cemetery Saturday. Several o f their neighbors from A ra go attended the funeral. The floral tributes were very beatutifuL Mr. and Mrs. N ys recently moved to A ra go from Rose- burg and this was their only child. They have the deep sympathy o f the community. George Newton went to Portland to be examined to enter the Navy. Rev. S. G. Rogers, o f Coquille, w ill speak at the Fishtrap school bouse Friday evening and several others from Coquille are oxpected in the In terest o f the T h rift Stamps. Rev. Mr. Fenton, the M. E. South presiding elder, preached at the Fish trap church Sunday and Monday ev enings. Ethan W im er snd son, Fred, have been qite ill with the measles. Rev. C. H. W aym ire snd w ife have been appointed to take charge o f this district fo r the United Brethren church. Mrs. Annie DeLong returned from M yrtle Point hospital Sunday feeling very well. Wm. Schroeder and fam ily visited the Schroeder brothers over Sunday. W ill Stick to United States. John Atherton was in town Monday says the- P ort Orford Tribune, and filed on a 40-acre homestead on the Sixes. A f e y years ago Mr. Ather ton owned 420 acres in Mexico and had it stocked and several thousand dollars in the bank. Then war start ed in that turbulent country and firs t his money was taxed away, then his stock was taken, and finally things got so worm that he fled to this coun try fo r protection. Now he says i f he can get a little home on Sixes riv er, in Curry county, he will never go out o f the good old U. S. A. again to become embroiled in the affairs another country. Make every day s th rift day snd help your Government end the war days. N O TIC E T O CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Admin istrator, with tho W ill Annoxsd o f the Estate o f Sidney I. Darrin, Deceased, and that ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied that they are required to present the same, duly verified, and with the proper vouchers therefor, to the un dersigned at his office in Coquille, Cooe County, Oregon, within six months from the date o f this notice. Dated this 22nd day o f June, 191ft A . J. Sherwood. Administrator, with W ill Annexed o f the Estate o f Sidney L Darrin, d*- A . B. C A M P B E L L , H A ien t Standard cm, coquine, Oregon. _______Cough. In this disease it is important that the cough bo kept loose and expector ation easy, which con be done by g iv ing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Mrs. P. H. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes, “ M y tw o daughters had whooping cough. I gave thorn Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and it worked like a charm.” Redemption Notice. A ll Cooe County W arrants drawn on the general fund, and indorsed pri or to Oct. 1st, 1915, w ill be paid on presentation at m y office in Coquille, Oregon; no interest w ill be allowed on any o f these W arrants a fter the 21st day o f June, 1918. Dated this 21st day o f June, 1918. T. V . Dimmick, 28U County Treasurer A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Charles N. W igan t has been appointed administrator o f the estate o f Nancy L. Moon by the County Court o f tho State o f Oregon fo r Cooe County. A ll persona having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the Same with vouchers duly verified to the undersigned or to W el ter Sinclair at his office in Coquille, Oregon, within 6 months from the final publication o f this notice. Charles N . W igant. Adm inistrator o f the estate o f Nan cy L. Moon, Deceased. Coquille, Oregon, June 21, 1918. 28t6 I N T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F OREG O N IN A N D . FO R TT1E C O U N T Y O F COOS. COOS IN V E S T M E N T C O M P A N Y , a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Y E E M IN G and also all other per sons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate described in the Complaint and Application fo r Judgment and Decree herein, Defendants. Summons f t Notice. T o Y e e M ing and also all other per- and parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described in the Complaint and Application fo r Judg ment and Decree filed herein, the above named defendants. Ia the Name e f the State e f Oregon. You and each o f you are hereby no tified that Cooe Investment Company, a corporation, is the holder by assign ment duly made on the 5th day o f Oe tober, 1917, by the sheriff and tax callector o f Cooe County, Oregon, and numbered 66, o f all the right, title in terest and estate o f said Cooe county by virtue o f a certain certificate o f delinquency in book form issued by said sheriff and tax collector to Cooe County, Oregon, on the 80th day o f June, A . D. 1916, in and to L o t 5 in block A in Bandon C ity according to the plat thereof on file and o f record in the office o f the county clerk o f Coos County, Oregon, and which .as signment assigned said certificate on said property to this plaintiff, and which certificate o f delinquency con tained all property delinquent fo r the year 1918 fo r which no certificate o f delinquency hud been issued and was filed in the office o f the county clerk on November 18th, 1916, said certificate on said property being in the sum o f !>.97, the same being the amount then on said 80th day o f June, 1916, due and delinquent fo r taxes fo r the year 1918 on said lot 5 in block A in Ban don City, together with penalty, inter est aad costs thereupon upon said real property assessed to you, o r o f which you are the owner as appears o f rec ord. You are further notified that Coos Investment Company^ has paid taxaa on said premises formibaequeat years, as fellows: Taxes fo r the year 1914: U 6 ; taxes fo r the year 1919: $.77; taxes fo r the year 1916: 9-66; taxes fo r tho year 1917: $.90; the taxes for the y e a n 1914, 1916 and 1916 being paid October 6th, 1917, and taxes fo r ur 1917 being paid A p ril 4th. 1918. Said Ye# M ing as the owner o f the legal title o f the above described pro perty as the same appears o f record, and each o f the other persona above mentioned are hereby further notified that Cooe Investment Company, a cor poration, plaintiff, w ill apply to the Circuit Court o f the county and state aforesaid fo r a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above des cribed, and mentioned in said certifi cate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days a fter the date o f the first publication o f this summons and notice, exclusive o f the day o f said first publication, and de fend the action or pay the amount due, together with costa and accrued in terest and in cue# o f yqur failure to do so, a decree w ill be rendered fore closing the lien o f said taxes and coats against the land and premises above named. The amount set forth in said certificate o f delinquency for the year 1918, to-w it: $S7 bears in terest a t the rate o f 1679 per annum from the date o f tho issuance thereof, and the other amounts bear interest from the dates respectivly o f pay ments above stated at the rate o f 12% per annum. A ll process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the state o f Oregon at the address hereinafter mentioned. ' f This summons is published pursuant to an order o f publication duly made by Hen. John 8 . Coke, Circuit Judge, and entered herein on and dated the 17th day o f June, A . D. 1918, and the date o f the first publication o f this summons us proscribed by said order is the 21st day o f June, A . D. 1918, and the date o f the last publication is August 2nd, A . D. 1918. <- L. A . Liljeqvist, A ttorn ey fo r Plaintiff. Address: 201-2 Coke Bldg. Marshfield, Cuoe County, Oregon. 28t7 il - * ■tats of Ohio, C ity of Toledo. Luca# County, m . Fran k J. Chensy makes oath th a t he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. n the tho City Cheney A Co.. Oolng business In Of Toledo. County “ snd Stato uforeaeld. and that said Arm w ill nay t h to o _______ sum o f O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S to r oach and ovary caoa o f Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uoo o f H A L L ’ S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E . F R A N K J. C H E N E Y . Sworn to b efore mo and subscribed la m y presence, this Sth day o f Docombsr. A . D UK . A. W O L B A S O N . (Seal) N o ta ry Public. H a ll’s Catarrh M edicine is taken In tern ally and acta throush the Blood on tho Mucous Surface* o f tho System. Send fo r testimonials, free. . F. 1 . C H E N E Y A CO.. Toledo. O. Me Gasoline qfQuality R ed C ro w n It i straight-distilled, all- refinery gasoline, not • mixture. Its contin uous, uniform chain of boiling points makes easy starting, quick a cc ele ra tio n , power and m ile ag e su re. L o o k fo r the R ed C ro w n s ig n b e fo re you fill. -v W