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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1918)
COQUILLE T A L L II PAOS Tiro The Sentinel And The a a o o o m m in a c o o e TOW t S T & W . YOUNG. ira» filed n I Do by the board; but In- a a patriot af too board in re- an shrrt o f The Huaa any Mat o f tfl the board could s ply him tha i all aorta o f one 1.1s reply wiift t fd that Thaw papar suite don’t i to offend. very wall and whan n M -|ha low gats caught ia the rain drw that way ha's g ot to harry for or h ell go heno without any clothing a t alL to save to buy W ar Savings Stfftepa, IDI19 Advertising Ratos. Display, 16 caste per inch. Rat ^Ä*JrSr3Si IW * - . . ’ _ _ _ _ _ •FHCC, NMTI EMI I f I SHEET at the du nur it J . R. 8 tannarti, who received toe re publican nomination fo r joint sentetive in too Cow-Çnrry district at the May prim ariw also came with in on# vote o f receiving the em tk nomination fo r the sam — being tied with Frank B. Tichenour This tie was to have been raffled off yesterday. second is that a careful o f the work dono on tho fo r 1666, taking into sta imi the late ► h r Sentinel fo r publishing ssattor « than dascription be earn« the I amount the county was to recd v* fo r taxw would a «t bo sufficient to pay dvertUing costs, the Bun’s Md have amounted to fo lly as aa tha Sentinel’s. It | m atter o f favoritism tho Sentinel's being awarded that contract, bat m ottor o f living up to conditions tha advertisement calling fo r bids— instead o f throwing them in tho waste backet as a “ scrap o f paper,” which ia | the way o f the H un and It the way o f the Sun— or tho way tho Sun naked to have it An officer attached to the American Expeditionary Force in Franco senda the people back home this message: “ Build »B ridge o f S h ip to Perching” Our shipbuilding program rails tor toe expenditure o f hundra of mil Hone o f dollars the d Ilsen e o f the United IBtataa must *upr by taxes and by investing in Government W er Loons. 1 Even 26-cent Thrift Stamps will help build that bridge o f ohi to Pershing. Wa sell them , alas W ar Savings Stamps and LI ber SUSTAIN THE BOYS W ITH YOUR DOLLARS Coaunerd»! and Saving Deposits OREGON LEST W E FORGET! During the Third Liberty Loan COQUILLE campaign there appeared in a New L E T S HAVE PUMPING PLANT. Now, there ought to bo no qeeatio W ith the w agw o f road labor up York paper the follow ing advortiao- about invw ting in a pumping plant at from $2.60 to $6.60 and $4.00 a day, the river fo r fire protection. And and o f teams from $6 to $6 a day to $S Lest W e Forgot! re to have no m ore rain until $6, it ought to bo clear to every He who can forget the tittle ones fa ll it looks as if wo would have one that amney will not g o as fa r es that lie mangled 60 fathom s deep un it did three yoara ago in rand labor; der the shattered hulk o f the Lusi to begin pumping river water into and yet It ia proposed to recall our tania; who has no reverence fo r the city mains for dom estic purposw in n That would n county eouk-t because they cannot dead and their devotion, no prayer few weeks. make a dollar go as fa r as it usad to. fo r the dying and their anguish, no boiling all water used fo r drinking pity fo r the bereaved and broken; and cooking if wo wore not goin g to Marion and Folk eounty hooee kasp whose' blood is not quickened by our invito an epidemic. W e are inclined ere have turned back nnnrly 400 tone perils, whose heart is not softened by to believe, though, that the beat plan o f flour fo r our government to send our pain s; who reads unmoved o f will "bo to use the river water when to our friends in Europe who are on blasted homes and wasted country Kick the court out fo r paying Rink Creek and W alker Creek fo r the w agw o f labor, says Mayor vary short ratioos. I f each eounty in suppUw become insufficient and haul sides, o f desolated cities, and dese Topping ia effect, bat while you are the United Stetes did anywhere near crated shrines, o f heroic Belgium, ov water from the upper E ast Fork, per about it, see that m y salary ie doubled. h alf as wall Uw flour wMch our pee- errun but not conquered; o f epic haps at Brewster Canyon, fo r drink ple volunterily surrendered this Franco and the noble dead that lie ing purposes, so long ns tho drouth It’s a pity there a n not a few more month would be equivsient to ten mil- >uriad there—the great dead that continuoa. O f course, what will have man in jCoquille able and willing to Uon o f wheat. fought and the innocent dead that to bo done eventually, if tha city put up business buildings merely wept and waited. He who grows, w ill be to build a pip# Una up GERMANS DEMORALIZED. as nearly flre-proef as Machoa’a can forget these things, or bo in dif the East Fork. Then we woald have The Kaiser and bis advisors have ferent to the sacrifices and the sor tha bm t water in the world and I f interested come in and let ns show opera bouse. , miscalulatod all along the line. They rows, the bereavements and the Bur ample supply o f it. But at any rate them to yon and give yon prices. , The landlords who are Iniiting that presumed that Belgium would -lot dens o f Freodom’s Gethsemanes— that let’s have the pumping plant right A “ no children” can be allowed in the them pass tether than fight; they man is a Hun at heart, fo r the crimes away. W ith the how wa have now / . , , houses or apartments they have to presumed England would see France that non# but a Hun can commit, none that will give us an unlimited supply rent era beginning to be characterised crushed without lifting her hand; they but a Hun can forgot! fo r flro protection in tho businew thought Italy, after easing what hap u “ undoairablo iitck cri.w section, without turning tho water pened to Bolgium, would hoop out o f MAYOR TOPPING’S PLATFORM. from tho river into the mains a t all. It is gratifying to know absolutely the w ar; and they were sura the peo The principal— wo m ight bo war that there is no ground fo r the slight ple o f the United States were too It Turns Belly Up. ranted in saying the only plank on est suspicion that the disastrous fire busy coining money by making muni- Two airplanw from a station which Mayor Topping, o f Bandon, is which destroyed the Johnson Mill here tion sfor the allies to get into the con “ somewhere in Europe” had sighted running for county judge is that the Tuesday night was o f incendiary ori flict themselves. In other words mater submarine on too surface tho pre ialists as they ore, they never thought salary o f the county judge must be gin. ceding day. W hile they manouevared o f any country doing anything other increased 100 per cent if he gets the to get between it and tho sun to per office. It ought to bo increased. The recall o f the eounty court ap than “ live by bread alone.” Because mit accurate lightin g o f their bombs, Granted. But so ought and must pears to bo advocated principally be they have “ lacked vision” and placed cause they don’t mako n dollar g o as their reliance on material things alone other wages the county pays be In |it submerged—a little lata, fa r ns it usad to—after wages and they have courted the destruction creased these days o f war and soaring for swooping low, tho planw dropped auppUos have gone up from 60 to 160 which now seems assured. If they prices o f all we oat and wear. So all four o f their bombs, scoring tw o want a German world in which might Mr. Topping’s platform condemns the kits. Lika a wounded whale com ing par cen t alone makes right, they ought to emi issue on which he is running. That up from dw p soundings with tha har- Not what you m ight demand but grate to some unpopulated planet, for issue is that county judge must be |poon still bedded in it vitals, that U what you can give is tha thing to they will never be permitted to dom rccallod because he is responisble for boat reappenred, i t s ' stern and con spending the bounty funds extrava ning tow er under water, bows, how think about now. The mon who won’t inate this world. gantly. H ow ? Why by paying the ever, pointing up at an angle o f forty- sow wheat if they a n not allowed to higher wages laborers must have to five degree*. Evidently the imprison buy wheat flour era being clawed -A SCRAP OF PA PE R ." among the pro-Huns now. The Prussian taaching that might live. That those higher wages wore od crow were making dw perate e f makaa right and that nothing is reasonable and necessary Mr. Top forts to righ t it, fo r tho blind stool The man who refusw to raise wheat wrong that you want to do, provided ping, o f course, not only admits but head raised and lowered and raised i can’t buy wheat flour now you are strong enough to do it, ap insists when he asks to have the coun again from a frothing whirlpool I no w o n t punishment than to pears to bo demoralising the German ty judge’s salary raised from $1,000 churned up* by tho screws. Another have to livo in Germany or Austria poople in many ways. The Railway to $2,000 a year if the people elect him bomb would have made a quick and join a mob that is rioting bn- A ge says the Prussian state railways county judge. Ho asks to bo elected and while one piano flew sw iftly away F or m ilking, cream separating cause they can get no flour at ell. last year paid over fourteen millions on the issue that the county court to fetch m ore, the other hovered and churning, electric m otor should reduce expenses. A t the same above the great steal creature’s death The Oregonian calls attention to of dollar« for goods stolen from its time he demands that county expenses driven machinery is the dairy agony. It sank, bqt rose again— this cars. While during the year 1914 the fa ct that sixty or seventy years shall be doubljd so fa r ns be is the time belly up like a dying fish, its m an's best aid. A single m otor ago the Oregon pioneers managed to these losses amounted to only one mil peyee. He appears to bo riding two port side exposed throughout Its lion dollars. From the tame paper In will furnish clean, safe “ always ready” pow er lay the foundations of a g n a t stats horses travelling in different direc- length. But in the ten # language o f although their sugar ration fell con which we find this statement w t learn for a number o f machines. the report: “ In all that tim e the con siderably short o f 8 pounds a month. that people don’t put their boots out ning tow er failed to ripe above the side the door to be blacked any more water.” THEY SAVED THE CROP. A thousand years hence there may in Germany because so many have It would be easy to dilate on the The wheat harvest often begins in be ju st as much skepticism about been stolen. That the German people have been in May in «outhorn Kansas and never mental agony o f the crow desperately thousands o f Austrians over having been drowsed in the flooded Piave a* educated a lon j lines fundamentally lacts through June. In that state this battling fo r dear life amidst the acid nr about Pharoah’e army immoral, cannot be questioned. Even year they had one o f the largest crape fumes o f capaised battery tanka—but having been overwhelmed by tho wa before the war we read that there ever raised in the state and the ques o f what profit? Sufficient that after were German missionaries in Turkey tion was how to get the 100,000 la- a last flurry, she rolled over and went ter* o f tho Red Sw . who considered a contract no better borare necessary to gather the crop. down carrying with her to the bot We have been inclined to fw l that than a scrap of paper. They lived up So many o f the young men had gone tom a full complement o f four officers the fa tw had been unkind to us in to H while it profited them to do so to war that there was a great lack o f and forty men. A couple o f weeks m oi furnishing so little rain this summer; but when conditions changed they hands on the farm s and it looked as before, I had visited the Lusitania but if that was the only way to get ■aid they couldn’t be expected to do if the Kaiser m ight laugh with glee graveyard in a groan churchyard In enough to raise the Piavo to flood as they had agreed after it had ceased when he read o f the Kansas wheat Inland. Our consul there had shown stage and defeat the Austrian army to bo profitable for them to do so. s picture o f one great grave with chattering and returning to the soil we have no fault to find. w ience it sprung, because while the its rows o f tiny coffins, and i f I had harvest was plenty the laborers ware felt disposed toward pity, the memory HE FAKES THE LISTS. Marshfield is claiming 7600 popu o f “ Damn them !” that escaped his lips The way in which the Cooe Bay few . lation now, an increase o f 2600 over But the Kansas people knew how would have stifled the last compunc Times publishes the alleged lists o f the 1916 estimate. Them figuras are the men called to service in Cooe much a starving world wanted wheat tion. The boche was reaping as he baaed on the directory to be issued county is fraud upon its readers end how neceaeary that grain was to had «own.— Herman W hitaker in the soon by the Polk company, o f Sw ttle, ■ and an imposition on the officials o f help win the war and they went over July Sunset. and at least indicate a growth of 60 the local m ilitary board here. That the top and saved the crop. How ? per cent there in the last two years. paper has a list o f those who were The men and boys from the stores and BACK GIVES OUT. placed in Class One originally and offices and shops in the towns, and the There’s ju st one way to stop those Have This whenever a call is made it goes on women from their homes went out Pleaty o f Coouille rising price« which are causing coun Ex per —soft-handed as some o f them were ty expensw to increase so rapidly. The from where the last list left off and You tax the kidneys—overwork — to the wheat fields and the farm ers’ recall o f the county court won’t help. takes the required number from the Of list and publishes it as the names ot kitchens and Saved the day. They can’t keep up the continual W hat we’ve got to do is to recall Kais Many o f these men course, the pro-Hu ns figured that they strain. er Bill or what amounts to the same those called. Tho back may give out— it may ache couldn’t do it if they would and they thing, put him out o f the Kaiser buai- have already entered the service, and pain; some cannot be found, others may have wouldn’t if they could; but they were Urinary troubles may set in. been changed to different classes so Don’t wait longer—take Doan’s Kid- nay Pills. it has been in the minds o f our peo that it is inevitable that a large per Residenits o f this vicinity endone ple for years what would happen to centage o f the names published by tee CoquiUo if the mill on tho river here Times will not be in the call and that doubt tho fol- should burn with a broese from tho an equally large number which should Besides just W illiam A . Lewis, 1161 Harvard south. There wouldn’t bo any thing be in it are omitted. A re., Roeeburg, O ra, says: “ I have to speak o f left o f Coquille’e buienow when the local board is busiest mak been troubled more or leas by SUN’S BID W AS NO LOWER. section now if the wind had b e n ing out a correct list it is in receipt o f disorder ever since the Civil W ar. I south instead o f north Tuecday night. a flood o f inquiries from those whose A ll R eforring to what Mr. Lues says in names have been incorrectly published the Marshfield Sun about having put President W ilson, while reviewing in the Times, an attempt to reply to in a lower bid at 12 cents a line for nil the Red Crow parade in Now York, which at that time would hinder the the insertions o f the Tax Summons was greeted by a Canadian soldier, in work o f getting out the call and gat- published in 1916 than the Sentinel valided home from the front, who had ting the right men started to the Md thoroughly, eat but little meat bid o f one and three sevenths cento a boon taken into the Canadian Army, training camps. Thus the Cooe Bay This II I mild form o f indigestion. ad non# at all fo r supper, you will line fo r deceptions and one and nine despite the fre t that he was 64 years Tlmee by He meddling is hindering It ia usually brought on by eating too io n than likely avoid the sour ctorn- ty-five hundredths cants a line fo r rapidly or too much, or by food apt :h without taking any niedteine w het old, when the authorities learned that the prosecution of the war in a way other m atter each woek fo r seven U- -- It* * ----— •- suited to your digestiva organa. If her. Whon you have «tour stomach hie eoa was one o f those that G tr- ike one o f Chamber Iain’s Tablets to A j i - . -Al — We have just received a shipment o f 1 to 20 gallon STONE JARS and 10 to 50 gallon Spruce Barrels Coquille Hardware Co. r - G-E Motors in the Dairy Oregon Phone Power Co. 71 R eal Gravely Chewing Ping gives a pure, clean tobacco taste— alastin g tobacco sat* isfaction that tiio chew er of ordinary tobacco doesn't g e t Ptyton Brand Reäl Gravely Chewing Plug kidney