The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, June 28, 1918, Image 1

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t ir
ef the
the one and 8:80 reliefs.
The Oregon Power Co. suffered a
88,000 lass o f their equipment which
N ei
bad not been removed from the mill
when the local manufacture o f juice
faced with that money.
------ ]--------------
was discontinued here and we began The T axes Uncle Sam Is E xpect­
S o n e F a c to A b o a t U m W a y 1t
But it waa ia the state bead el
U get our electricity from Marsh­
tion at the 1917 prim ary that all the
ed to Pay Coos County on
W a s V o t a i a a d th e W o rk
field. .
talk about paving eeam o f thoee roa
Grant Lands.
B e ia c D o m .
The boilers, on either aide o f the
and building the road to the Douglas
point at which tha fire started, seem
county Una by way o f Bridge cam ejp.
to be in pretty fair condition and an
L. A. LUJeqvist received a telegram
W* think that in his road article The prom isse nuda to C om county in
be used again. Possibly some ct the yesterday from the office of Attorney
this weak Mr. Barrow hae get the the six m illion-dollar bond law that
other machinery to not damaged I k - General Geo. M. Brown at Salem in­
w approved then, aad by the state
county road bond election o f 1914, ami
Two watchmen, D. F. Dean and M.
In an interview yesterday Mayor E.
ycnc repair but it to a question how forming him that an agreement had
o f 191« aad the itate road M ad elec highway commissioners at that time,
E. Johnson said that whila ha couldn’t H. Heresy were on duty at the time,
much o f it will have to be discarded been reached at Washington in regard
have never yet been fulfilled.
tion o f 1917 sort o f v ise d .
decide definitely for thro* or four Mr. Heresy having gone on duty ton
to the purchase of the C o m Bay Wag­
That they have not is, however, ae
Whoa Cooe county voted th ov
days, he thought it very likely that the
on Road land grant from the South­
1362,000 in road bonds in 191«, it m i fru it o f our county court, which I
mill would ba rebuilt. Should this o f anything burning until Mr. Dean
ern Oregon company, and that the bill
on the distinct and specific proposition done all that men could do to sect
O bjections A re W ithdraw n.
be don* work will be begun as soon stopped serose the railroad and to the
It is, o f com­
that the proceeds should be spent on their fulfillm ent.
A ll objections to the taxos voted tn the committee would report would pro­
possible after the adjustment e f top o f tL* stops back o f the Oregon
plain that war conditions are prevent­
vide that all taxes due on those lands,
five different projects:
the I om with the insurance compafc Power Co. office to get tb* evening about half the road districta o f the
together with the-interest and penal­
(1 ) The road from Coquille to ing the sale o f earegh o f thoee «6^-
Mr. Johnson thinks that tha plant paper wlion he saw a blase, small but county last November, have ba
ties should be paid in fu ll to C o m and
Marshfield; (2 ) the read from Bandon 000,00 in state bonds to do all that cepld ba constructed and randy far burning fiercely.
He yelled end ran withdrawn by J. D. Goss, who was re­
to the Curry county line; (S ) the rood was prom ised; but it seems to in toat operation In from 60 to 90 days. Ha to the engine room to blow the whistle presenting the big companies affected, Douglas counties, in which these lands
from Coquille to Myrtle Point; (4 ) the the state highway commissioners anticipates little trouble in securing and then attempted to unwind the and the taxes will be paid by them as are located.
W* called on Archie Walker at the
road from Coquille to Bandoa; (• ) the themselves are not one-fourth as anxi­ machinery as it to not th< intention to hoM but for some reason it failed to well as the rest o f the taxpayers. This
road from the Bay north to the Ten- ous now to have those promises fulfill­ purchase new material but to get work properly and he blew tha whistle will result in the «86,000 voted then Sheriff’s office this morning and he
mile country. In all, thaee projects, ed m they were when the state bond used equipment from other plants. { again. By that time Mr. Heresy had for road improvement being expended furnished us the following figures
showing the exact amount of these
counting out thoee portions o f the issue was at stake aad they wi
The decision w ill be mad* as quick­ Joined him and they uncoiled the hose in the near future.
taxes, interest and penalties up to
Marshfield and other reads already urging the votare to approvo it.
ly m possible eo m t o hold the crow and began to play on the under side o f
June 80, 1918, the end o f the present
graded, amounted to 60 stiles o f roaA.
o f 80 employes bar* IT rebuilding to the roof from the sawdust bin.
month, which are as follows.
What was proposed was to put these
The Are had gained such headway
decided upon. It to also probable that
figures up to and including the year
roads on line and grade, nothing more.
the m ill will be turned around to run by that time that their position was
1914 are for the amount for which
The county court in compliance with
dangerous and with hot asphalt from
tha other way, that is, to start in
certificates were made out in 1916 for
the general agreement among the
loga at tha west end and turn Out tha the burning paper falling on them in
all sums due the county then:
good roads advocates, in calling the
sawed and dressed lumber at the east streams they bad to get out.
The Sentinel wishes it could voice
For the year 1909................... »27,700
election, stated Just where the mon
L. A. LUJeqvist, o f the m ilitary ad­ end where it to loaded on the cars.
The cause o f the incredibly rapid in fitting language the sympathy felt
For the year 1910.
should be spent and how much on on
visory board in cases under the selec­
Mr. Johnson had sufleient govern­ spread o f the fir* over the roof and by all our people for Mayor E. E.
For the year 1911..................... 41,440
These facts were given In tive service law, sent out an S. 0 . 8. ment and railroad contracts to keep the explosive nature o f its spread was
Johnson, end his partners, Messrs.
For the year 1912................. . 39,000
the fullest detail in the notices o f call a couple e f days ago, summoning the mill going fo r months snd the the flour-like dust which covers the
Ed Moeller and Charles E. Schroeder,
For the year 1918................... 61,388
election and were discussed by the all tho attorneys to meat with the loss o f profit on these in addition to roofs o f all mills and which ignites
in the disheartening loss they suffer­
For the year 1 9 1 4 .. .. .......... 42,960
newspapers all through the campaign. board at Coquille today to go over the
tks «60,000 I om on the plant make* like powder. The roof had not been ed last Tuesday night when the Co­
Then for interest since 1916
The «962,000 was divided as fo l- questionnaires o f those registrants tha blow a still harder one. “ A fire wet down for some days end the ex­
quille Mill eras destroyed by fir* and
on the sums above............. 69,160
who are not in Class I and revise their four months hence wouldn’t have hurt tremely dry condition o f everything
the savings o f toil-full years swept
For the year 1915................. 46,440
Coquille to M arshfield,..$ 1 4 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 classification. Today the Circuit court so much,” was his remark.
about the mill made the work o f des­ away alm ost in the twinkling o f an
For the
year 1916................... 36,675
Bandon to Curry Coounty. 64,000.00 room has the appearance o f a lawyer's
truction the easiest possible.
For the yoor 1917................... 39.175
Coquille to M yrtle P oin t.. 46,000.00 convent!oa, twenty-three members o f
By 9:S0 the control o f the flames • The offer o f the 52 men enployed in
When the alarm o f fir* sounded last
Total ................................. «420,838
Coquille to Bandon............ 48,000.00 the bar tackling the work in hand.
Tuesday evening and tha immense was certain and while some lumber the mill to make a free g ift o f a
The figures for the last three years
North o f Bay...................... 69,000.00
Those present to undertake this Job,
ds o f black smoke were seen bil­
month’s wages in ease the mill to re­ include interest and penalties from toe
So fdr m the bond money was a
which it is expected to finish tomorrow lowing up from the E. E. Johnson mill, greater portion o f the stock was safe.
built shows how well they appreciate date the taxas fer thoee three years
pended it has gone into Just tho
was evident that tha long-dreaded The conveyor leading to the waste pit the treatment accorded them by their
became due until the present time.
projects and nowhere else.
From Marshfield: L. A . LUJeqvist, disaster which would rob Coquille o f eras burned and charred for half it*
em ployers'and we know how warm a
As nMrly as Mr. Walker could fig­
The report o f the Roadmaster < Chas. L Reigard, John F. Hall, Ben­
o f its most cherished assets had
spot the rest o f our citiaens have in
it there to now -due the general
May 81, 1918, shows Just the ee
nett 8wanton, D. E. Hedge, H. S. Mur­
t. And for a while it seemed a* way south o f that or west o f the mill their hearts for the men who srere
fund of C o m county «820,838 o f the
dition o f the fund for each project at phy, A . A. Seaman, and A . K. Peck.
though the prediction that the burning proper.
running it and especially the man who
that time as follow s:
From North Bend: A. 8. Hammond, o f that pleat would mean tha destrto-
Mr. Johnson estimates his loss at put so large a portion o f his capital total aiflount, the other «100,000 be­
ing for port, school and road district
On Hand Fred Hollister, N. C. McLeod, A . H.
tion o f a large portion o f the business what it would cost to replace the mill into the mill which has been for al­
Coquille - M arsh field.......... «27,644AS Derbyshire and C. E. Maybec.
section would also be fulfilled. To the under present conditions and at pres- most tw o-score years Coquills’s lead
These taxes ere levied on 74,671
Bandon - Curry C o ............. 11,276.66
From M yrtle Point: F. A. Pierson, absence e f a strong wind from tjto *g« prices that would be «40,000 to
in f industry.
'**/'• f
« (. toad in C om -coanty still
Coquille - M yrtle Point . . . .
466J8 Claude Giles, and E. C. Roberta.
The mill was insured t o r
south alone sen be attributed
ffHce seen the’ print sh<
standing in the name of the Southern
_____ . .
H w Bandonr-L N. M iller, C. R.
that aH business houses south o f Front «13,000 end this amount he will pro­ which composed most o f his worldly
Oregon company, and the assessment
This shows that at
o f the Wade and Geo. P. Topipng.
street are being conducted the same bably receive in full when the adjus­ goods destroyed by fire, the editor
Boadnis star's May report there were
From Coquille: A . J. Sherwood, J.
On the lumber stacked knosrs something about how Mr. John­ of the entire tract in 1917 was $1,-
today as they were a weak ago. And tor’s report.
«86,781.68 remaining unspent o f that J. Stanley, C. R. Barrow, W alter Sin­
this to no disparagement o f the fir* in the yard insurance was carried for son must feel when such a blow des­
What tha payment of these taxes
road fund, instead o f the whole o f clair aad 8. D. Pulford.
department which heroically forced nearly its vslus. The 1 m s on that la cends upon him for tho third time.
will do for the general fund o f Coos
it being gone, as is eo often errone­
It will reassure many a reader the fir* monster to relinquish me figured at 140,000 feet, or about «8,000
He certainly occupies an enviabla
county it is well worth while to note.
to learn that on beginning their work
ously stated.
grasp it had made on the wooden worth.
position in this community, for ths
The amount of outstanding warrants '
But for the war it is probable that Mr. LUJeqvist stated to the lawy t
buildings north o f the railroad track.
good will o f his fellow citiaens in such
drawn on the general fund o f the
all the work o f putting these five pro­ that they were in no case to make any
Hardly a structure from toe Ly­ had spent «8,000 the past year in mak­ measure as it to his constitutes a
county stood at «232,696 on May Slat
jects on line and grade would have change in the classification o f any
ons building occupied by the Hill Gar­
priceless asset. It evidences, indeed,
of this year. Against that there was
been done, with an expenditure no registrant who had a w ife and child.
age end Sickato’ sporting goods house altogether since he had owned the the possession o f sterling traits of
«166,439.10 belonging to the general
greater than the «862,000 voted, for They are to reasain in Class IV.
on the east to the Thom building on
character compared with which the
fund in the hands of County Treasur­
the bonus and interest received for
the west but was afire in from one to end o f the mill has been rebuilt, a new things which can be destroyed by fire
er Dimmick on that date.
thoee bonds augmented it considera­
Germany’s Chivalry!
a dozen places. In the fee* o f an in­ dock built and the waste conveyor snd count fo r little.
Deducting the cash from the out­
“ Certain degrees o f mutual confi­ tense heat from the burning mill the a new carriage Just installed, whicn
When it comes to a show down Eck
standing warrants we find a balance
A s it is, the Coqoilla- Bandon pro­
dence in each other’s honesty and volunteers pushed in back o f this row cost about «2,600, besides many other Johnson’s heart is always found in the
of $67,246.22 as the net debt o f the
ject will go over until after the war.
chivalry must ba on# o f the prelimin­ and drenched the tinder-like struc­ smaller items.
right place snd he has never failed
Mir. Perham is heroically striving to
About s week ago Mr. Johnson re­ to take a stand for the things that are county on the general fund. To this
ary ocnditic ns before the nations which tures till they were safe. Then they
complete tha grade between Marsh­
marked that every time a new carri­ o f good repute and worth while when w* will add about «25,000 for accrued
are at present locked in battle will turned their attention to the plant
interest on the «232,686 of outstand­
field and Coquille on a contract, on
exchange peace views,” Mid Dr. Van _ Tha ball sounded at 7 :40 as the mail age had been installed his mill had put to the test.
ing warrants, which shows that C o m
which it is hardly possible for him to
Kuahhaan, the German foreign minis­ train stood a t the station, the engineer
And now, while he to alive and do­
make an yth in ;; but the work will be
county practically owes about $92,246
ter in the Reichstag last Monday. If tooting his whistle in alarm before Johnson M ill,'two milsa up the river, ing s man's work in the word, is the
done for about the amount appropri­
on general account.
How far the
that is the case we shall have to fight the bell rang. Many people saw the which burned in 1911, snd at the Ran­ time to voice our appreciation o f his
ated for that road, although in the
«320,000 we are due to receive from
until a knockout blow to struck. We clouds o f smoke some time before Her­ dolph plant which Was destroyed in career and his character.
meantime the coct o f labor on roads,
tbe U. S. treasury as soon as the bill
can never have any degree o f confi­ bert Lukens could get to the city hall 191«. The new carriage srhich was
including team work, has increased
now recommended becomes a law will
installed the pest month proved no
dence in the “ chivalry” o f the nation to ring the bell.
Sitka W ill Have Places.
more than 40 per cen t
go towards wiping out that debt can
which makes war on women end child­
Fottr lines o f hoe* were quickly laid,
Mr. Nicolai, o f the Sitka Spruce Co., be very readily seen. And after the
O f the amount appropriated fo r the
ren with more than savage fiendish- on* from the Robert Train corner, two Mill the new piece o f machinery had
stated yesterday that fit the event the «100,000 more due from the Kinney
Coquille-Bandon road lam than «2,000
from the Farmers A Merchants bank
Johnson mill was not rebuilt they tract are collected, it is also easy to
has been spent and over «46,000 re­
cornar, and one from the W oodruff at Randolph, as here, it had just been
would be ready to employ any o f the figure how near ths cash in the treas­
mains in the hands e f the county
barber shop cornar. While these were
Only 25,000 Toaiyht.
men from the burned plant who ap­ ury will come to equalling the «362,000
While the fight was at its fiercest
A shipment o f 26,000 cutthroat being laid through building* and
plied, but that they would still find it o f eounty road bonds outstanding.
The road, or tw o roads rather,
around to get at the points where the to prevent the fire from getting back
necessary to have the 60 soldier work­
It looks to us, too, as if the men
north from the Bay did not constitute
fir* had already crossed the railroad from the river into the main part of
a well digected project and, including flish car “ Rainbow” at 7:80 this even­ track the proprietors o f the stores of the yard, the Myrtle Point Home men, who will probably arrive after who had put Coos county’s finances on
the Fourth. Just now their greatest such e basis were deserving o f a good
throe draw bridges over the throe ing. F ifty cars are all that are allott­
wore hastily pecking what goods they Guards and a number o f citizens so- need down there to for cars but they
deal of credit along with the eensure
slough not contemplated in the origin­ ed to Coquille this trip, the balance of
could and moving out into the street.
have been promised relief soon, and in so freely bestowed.
al appropriation, more has been spent the carload going to Myrtle Point and
Just how long it was from the dis­ s request to be put to work. They the meantime their docks and yards
A. J. Sherwood has made
upon them than was allotted for them Powers.
covery o f the fir* to the sounding o f helped materially in checking the are chock-a-block.
They have con­
out o f the bond funds. This addition­
J. M . N ye Pam es A w ay.
ths bell to uncertain but it was sev­ spread o f the flames, snd this neigh­ tracts by which they are disposing of
al money doee not come from the bond in the smaller streams as fa r up as
eral minutes for the whole plant was
News o f the death o f J. M. Nye,
all their product not taken by the gov­
fund, however, but from tho general Brswster valley, auto volunteer» hand­
in flames before people living as near town to highly appreciated.
whose critical illness at Oakland, Cel.,
county road fund.
The Coquille boy acouts also did
for receiving the shipment on account as the court house could get there at
and s second shift to intaalled it will we mentioned lest week, reached here
In the same way tho viaduct over
fin* work by forming a bucket brigade
o f the big W. 8. 8. mass meeting
require a third shift on one or two of Saturday. He pareed away before his
the Southern Pacific at the croesing
Mrs. Fred
A fter making the business section and quenching many small biases at the machines and for the dock and sister-in-law,
which everyone to expected to attend.
o f the road to Coquille a milo this side
reached there with hi* two young
safe, attention was directed to the mill various points in the yard, leaving the loading crews.
o f Myrtle Point involves an expense
children. Since the funeral, Mrs. Bel­
yard where thousands o f dollars’ hose and noszles free to deal with the
W . 8 . S . M eeting T onight.
which with the vastly increased coet
loni has gone to Reno, Nev., which
worth o f .• high grad# lumber waa greater conflagration.
N ot U p to Our Q uota.
o f labor will mean that this project - There will be a W ar Savings Stamp stockad, some o f H that day’s cutting
had,been Mr. Nye’s home for some
At ten o’clock, when it was only a
will not be eompletod within the sum meeting on the First National Corner and o f the finest quality.
Coquille is falling down on her W ar time, to settle his affairs as fa r as
H ie mill question o f allowing the Are to burn
here this evening which every pa­ line o f hose and one o f the city’s lines itself out and prevent its spread Stamps campaign. The cause is that possible and look after the interest o f
The rood from Bandon south is be­ triotic citiien to not only requested were laid there ea soon as they could should the wind come up, end the vol­ the men o f property do not do their Joey and Sarah Margaret in their fa ­
ing gravelled, which waa not con­ but expected to attend. Charles Hall, be, but there waa no chance to unteers began to disperse, it was de- part in contributing to war calls. Some ther’s estate.
These children will
templated or called for in the appro­ o f Marshfield, the county president of m vs any part o f the mill proper.
cided to call out the Coquille Rome men, amply sbla to buy stamps,confine continue to Hve with Mr. and Mrs.
priation for putting t!;at road online tho association has premised to fu r­
The origin o f the fire will always Guard for a night’s vigil. Three re­ their purchases to «10, «20 and «30 Belloni.
and grade, but was very urgently de­ nish a speaker from Marshfield.
Mr. Nye used to be one o f the prom­
remain uncertain, but the most likely liefs o f ten men each were posted be­ subscriptions, while others proclaim
manded by the people o f that part o f
This to a time to get together and theory to that a spark from the stack tween that hour and six o’clock, and their loyalty and patriotism but fail inent citizens o f Coquu.-. and was at
see what we can do to sustain our gov­
the county.
had caught in a crack on the roof not one word o f complaint eras heard to come through when it is a question one time a member o f the city coun­
One dollar contributions cil here. Last fall he sold the fine
However, it is safe to say that by ernment end help win e victory for where H may have smouldered for from the guardsmen, some of whom o f finance.
tho time that «862,000 o f bond fund honor end right and decency in this some time before being fanned into Were called out of bed to answer the to ths Red Cross and an investment in residence he built on South Coulter
two or three war stamps show a man’s street to Mr. Belloni.
is all spent the five roads mentioned world. Every come.
e blase. A fter the last fir* there a summons.
in the election call and which were dis­
Refroc»m ents of zsndwichee, coffee, colors much more plainly than all his
year ago last spring the whole mill
kmd talk o f loyalty.
When you buy W ar Savings Stamps
cussed all over the county before the
Our men in the trenches end in the was covered with fire-proof roofing pa­ cream and auger srere served each
bonds were voted in the spring o f submarine chaser*
you do not give your money, you loan
* are doing their per. but a wooden wall over the saw­ tb* three reliefs, the Honor Guard
1916, will have been put oa line and part. Aro you doing your part? Buy dust hi and between the two furnaces providing the 10:80 menu while the J.
Pledge yourself to save to the ut­ it at 4 par cent compounded quar­
grade as waa proposed in the litera­ W ar Savings Stamps to your utmost rose from a valley in the reef at the G. W. Chib, Chas. Baxter and M iller’s most and
buy a definite amount o f terly. You help your Government, but
you kelp yourself even more.
Sanitary Restaurant contributed to
point where to t fin originated.
at that
TO BE $420,000
Fire Catches in Roof and in Ten Minutes
the Plant Becomes a Roaring Mass of
Flames— Probably be Rebuilt.
War Saving* Stampe each month.
ture of the good roof