THE COQUILLE VALUT PAGI The Sentinel Awl the good papkh II i a aOOP BT a. w. Three 1 Me Town YOUNG. ___ _________■ fo r in advene*. tire. This rule is COQUILLE, ORBQOM. FRIDAY. lU M l g Hood River to A storia and the only barrier to prevent Ho complete servi­ ceability is the inrnmpleted section be­ tween Hood River and Hosier, a dis­ tance at six miles. This is a striking illustration at the fa ct that the oak- •traction and improvement o f tw o hundred rallee o f highway by the High­ way Department during the past year has rendered serviceable approximate­ ly nine hundred miles o f rood. v The six miles between Hood River and Mosier interrupts, in a degree, travel over throe hundred and fifty miles o f highway. To com plote this stretch will cost approxim ately fS60,- 000 ss its on tire distance is one solid rock making construction extrem ely expensive,— yet, its importance can not bo over-estim ated ss it w ill prac­ tically open a thoroughfare to the vast Inland Empire. It is s sincere hope that the construction o f this stretch will soon bo in progress and that its completion will bo s fa ct by I the summer o f 1019. That part casuists in Arm y and Navy all the support o f which we are capable. To do that each an* at us m ost first o f all be a producer to our maximum ability and at necessiti«« only, fo r at man power and every par­ ticle o f material is necessary fo r the us* o f the Arm y ami Navy and fo r the making at the. things «aeratisi to our eitisono. Aa a maximum producer and as a conanmer o f necessities only, each one o f ns will be an accumulator o f sav­ ings. And these ravings can be in­ vested in W ar Savings Stamps with benefit both to the Government and ourselves. ROADMASTER MURDOCK Admit fo r the asks o f argument that the appointment o f n young man o f as littlo experience as R. B. Mar- dock to the position o f roaiftnaster fo r Coos county was ns grant n blunder as the pritics o f the county court claim. Still if any o f those critics had bean members o f the court and had gone up to Portland and gone out over the magnificent Columbia highway and had then asked the Stats Highway Engineer if they could get one o f the builders o f that road to taka charge o f the «pending o f the (362,000 road bond fund in Coos county and ha had given Mr. Murdock the sort o f recom­ mendation he did give to our county court, we very much doubt whether s man o f them all would have done any differently from what our court I f anyone imagines that Coos coun­ ty w ill ever be benefttted by n recall of the county court to (the extent o f the M,000 n recall election will cost, ho is going to have another think coming. It’s tho open season fo r slackers now and U ndo Sam is getting after them without gloves. Raad the com­ munication sent us from the adjutant general’s office «^P ortland printed in I fe ' * Ï Pc ; f I'M ■ WÊpw 111 j§ » The extra fare fo r n seat on tho observation car from Coos Bay to Portland has been raised to $2.64 and it will probably bo taken off soon as the government is continually reduc­ ing the weight o f trains ns n war tin s economy. The -Shasta l i mited on tho honest as tho day. He had occupied a subordinate position before he came down here and it was not strange that to make him boss should have re­ sulted in an attack o f tke big head. Theoretically he was well equipped. Coos county paid him a good- salary to get practical experience ns a boas. Whether the engineering . percentage o f road coats under his management were higher than usual, including changes in plan during construction, we are not Inf jrm a ^ That ho made enemies not only fo r him self bat the court there is. no question. If, how­ ever, tho court erred in appointing him, it strikes us ns an error ninety- five men in n hundred would have made under sim ilar circumstances, and against a repetition o f wliidh no possible change in the membership o f THEIR SACRIFICE SUPREME (P ort Orford Tribune) The first Curry county boy to re­ ceive his death wound on the battle­ field o f the world’s fight fo r froedom from German rule, is chonicled in this issue. Clem Atkinson has paid ths su­ preme price in this titanic struggle. He answered the call to arms that took his young life, freely and gladly, realising; some must take the chance o f meeting the fate he m et if our national safety, honor and liberty be The Sentinel is willing to print al­ most anything o f interest to its Read­ ers, which its correspondents may fu r­ nish except along one line. Personal attacks on anyone are where it draws ths line. Ease your mind by writing them if you must, but don’t send them No fam ily in town is allowed to buy more than 2 pounds o f sugar at n time now, except the special purchases for canning, which may bo as much as 100 pounds. Country people may bay five pounds— but the lim it allowed for consumption is 8 pounds per month fo r each parson. Lust month the Red Cross asked n hundred million from tho American people and received in cash and pledgee a hundred end seventy mil- and shows that both the hearts and heads o f thn men and women o f Amer­ ica are working rignt. R eferring to what our East Fork correspondent says about Germany's “ waiving the rules,” we are loath to believe that Henry Sengstackra ever made that quotation approvingly or in glee, though like Mr. Easton we think that the recall movement is a serious mistako and bound to injur* Coos county. Here is an interesting /t o r y about one of last Sunday's events on the American front in Franca: soldier in an attack on Xivray Sun­ day, but he did not remain a prisoner long. A t the village edge, three Ger­ mans came upon a wounded American. He was placed under guard of n Ger­ man private and started fo r the ene­ my line. Neer e high point beyond the wire entaglements, the American suddenly drew a revolver and forced his surprised custodian to march back across "N o Man’s Land’’ into the Am­ erican line. A fter turning his prison­ er over to his fellow solliera, the wounded man fell unconscious from the loss o f blood. Pres id ont W ilson, in his statement calling upon every man, woman, and child to pledge themselves on or be­ fore Juna 23 to save constantly and to buy regularly the securities o f the Government, says, "M ay there be none unen listed on that day!” A s the President points out, "This war is on* o f nations—not o f armies —and all o f our 100,000,000 people must be econom ically and industrially adjusted to war conditions if this Na­ tion is to play its fu ll part in the con- JHet.” Our Nation, not our Arm y and Na­ vy only, la at war. And that monna that nil o f as not actually fighting ‘ We ere now fighting n dry Ger­ many. There is no argument at any time in favor o f retaining the saloon. But there is every argument in war­ time fo r putting it out o f business. In Germany, the kaiser has abolished the brewery and saloon fo r the war. But today in America they ary his best friends and m ightiest allies, for they waste oar food end destroy our men power. Last year we mad* eight gallons of beer to Germany's one. This year our brewers will manufacture 60,000,000 barrels o f bear, but Germany’s brew­ eries will make none. No beer will be made in Germany this year, bnt our beer veto w ill continue to waste oar national strength. The brewers o f America are greater traitors than our greediest profiteers. They would encourage every one o f our 1,260,000 young soldiers to become habitual drinkers. They would de­ liver the nation up to the enemy for the money there is in the liquor traffic. The government is aaking the good housewives o f this country to save food, to economize in every possible in a year. Enough grain is wasted to make more than 4,000,000 loaves of bread daily. W riting from France to the home folks in Kansas, Lieutenant Clayton Beach says the poor French and Eng­ lish have seven wheatless, seven meat­ less, and about three eat]ess days a week. And while our alliee are suf­ fering fo r more foodstuffs that they may keep more men on the lrihg line —while to send them this food mesns the sacrifice o f few er American live« — the breweries are wasting more than 60,000,000 bushels o f grain every 12 months. I speak fo r the patriotic farm ers o f Kansas when I say this state has not one bnshel o f grain to waste on the traitorous liquor traffic. To give it grain at any time Is wicked. T o give it grain now is a terrible crime, for it js nothing more than stabbing our boys in the back. During the zero weather in Janu­ ary I saw poorly clad women walking along the railroad tracks in Topeka, thrusting their bare hands into the snow tb find small lampe o f coal, and at that moment greet cloud* o f smoke were belching from the chimney* o f the breweries in Kansas City. The breweries are using millions o f bush- MIR. we going to show tho same spirit that our boys who are making the supreme sacrifice are showing, and bock them up with all the energies at our com ­ mand? The question is a personal one to each o f us stay-at-homes. * WORLD OPPOSES RECALL. ^ (From the Bandon World) Although defeated in the primary election and automatically vacating the position o f county commissioner on the first of tho year, the mass meeting held at Coquille last Thurs­ day voted to recall Geo. J. Armstrong. That looks pretty much like kicking a man after he is down. In view o f the fact that tho present activity is directly the outcome o f a personal quarrel between Archie Phil­ ip and Editor Maloney o f the Coos Bay Times, Bandon people who under­ stand the situation have shown little interest. However, since tho recall is apt to come to a vote this time, it is creating more talk in local quarters. * One thing is certain enthusiastic citizens who are laboring under the delusion that to recall the present of­ ficials will be a cure for all the politi­ cal ills o f the county are doomed to disappointment. Their expectations go far beyond the realm o f possibilities. Without realising their own faults they will in a year or two, if r.ew men are elected, find they are still in the same boat and will begin to look around for new candidates. COST MANY MILLIONS. Just how mcuh it has cost to give Portland and western Oregon direct connection with the country east o f the Cascades we would like to know. The' amount the United States government hns spent on the Celilo canal at the Dalles runs into the millions and, just for the waterway up the Colum­ bia river alone, we have to add the cost o f the Cascade locks to th at Then there is the immense cost o f building two railroads though that gorge, ohe on each side o f the river—for the North Bank road is an eastyrn gpte- MUST QUIT S O ÍT JOBS. Assessor Beyers, o f the local Mili­ tary Board fo r Coos county, is in re- I cept o f the instructions issued by the Provost Marshal Ganeral’s office at W ashington, D. C., in regard to men o f draft age, who áre idle or are en- | gaged in non-productive occupations. Men, who are in Classes II, III, or I in Class IV on the ground o f d ep en -! dency, are to be moved right up into Class I and to go toward the head o f t ie list in that claw if they era not busy in some productive industry, re- garless o f the dependency o f their fam ilies. Among idlers are classed gamblers o f all descriptions, and race] track or bucket shop employ*«. Among others whose occupational ‘will not ju stify postponement o f n call to m ilitary service even if they are in Claw II, III and IV, on Iht ground o f dependency,” the follow ing | are listed: a. Those engaged in w iling food ] and drink. b. Passenger elevator operator*, | attendants in club«, bath rooms, etc. c. Those employed in connection with games, sports, etc. d. Those in dome«tic térrico. e. Salesmen and other clerks ini stores and mercantile establishments. The latter claw is the only on* that would be much in evidence in thial section; and indeed, w rd ou bt whether there are many young men o f draft age now clerking in Coquille or in this | end o f Coos county. OREGON HAS LOT8 O P COAL. The Northwest Mines Handbook, I published by Sidney Norman, o f 8po- [ kane, W ashington, is a valuable refer­ ence work o f the mining industry o f I Idaho, W ashington, British Columbia, Oregon and W estern Montana. It I gives the name, loeation, stage o f de­ velopment^, amount o f production and | in fact, a condensed history o f prac­ tically every mine in those state. Be-1 sides, H contains much valuable infor­ mation on mining conditions generally in the state mentioned. F or instance, it makes the statement that most Or­ egonians would at first blush be dis­ posed to doubt, but which is true just the same, and that is that “ Oregon is | well equipped with coal, there being numerous fields located in various parts o f the state, the most impor-1 tant o f which is the Coos Bay field.” O f this field he says it has been op- | crated continuously during the pest 36 years and has produced two and one-fourth million tons o f coal. The] greatest production in any one year was in 1904 when it amounted to 111,- 640 tons. The production has been kept down by the cheap fuel oils o f California, but the fields will in time looked to for their v w t stores o f | fuel. While most Oregonians know o f the | Coos Bay coal fields, few o f them know that down in southern Cooe ] county two big, viens have been un­ covered— one seven and the ether ten | feet thick, and both o f good quality. —Salem Capitol Journal. TWICE PROVEN. If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distressing urinary disorders, don’t experiment. It’s evidence from this locality doubly proven. Mrs. Emma Kirkpatrick, 663 W. Seventh St., Eugene, Ore., says: "I am not an advocate o f proprietary medicines, in general, although I be­ lieve there are a number worthy o f __________ The greet confidence. great trouble is to be certain they are reliable. Because o f the good reports about Doan’s Kid- ’ Pills from people I knew, I was to give them a trial. Judging from the fine results I got, I can say Doan's are a medicine o f m erit and do all the ere claimed to do.” (Statement Price 60c at nil dealer*. D on t sin /p ly ra k for a kidney remedy—« e t Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that Mrs. Kirkpatrick had. Foster-Milbarn HHP BIBU) THAT BMPtf Of SUPS An officer attached to the American Expeditionary Force in France sends the people back home this message: “ Build a B ridge o f Ship« to P erilling” \ Oar shipbuilding program calls for the expenditure o f hundreds o f millions o f dollars the citizens o f tb* United States must supply by taxes and by investing in Government W ar Loan«. Even 26-eent Thrift Stomps will help build that bridge o f «hips to Pershing. W * sell them, also W er Saving* Stomp* end Liberty Bonds. & rams bank \ SUSTAIN THE BOYS WITH YOUR DOLLARS F in Commercial and Saving Deposits COQUILLE / - - - OREGON TIRES TUBES and AUTO ACCESSORIES Coquille Hardware Co. LUMBER! Our Retail Stock is Complete E S T IM A T E S for All Kinds of Building will be G l a d l y Furnished. YOUR ORDER will have our special attention EE. JOHNSON You can be the one to send ntm a poach of Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping It pay» to know the facts before you spend your money. You will be sending your friend more tobacco comfort end satisfaction in one pouch o f Real Gravely Plug than in half a dozen plugs o f ordinary tobacco. he win UO r- fcawnTwmci « m u ,