The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, May 03, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Fresh Line
For Wheatless and Every Day
Plenty of
Fresh Vegetables
Why buy Coffee in Tin
when it costs no more
in Glass?
Biff Variety
All the thing» th at go with a sack of
Let me have your next order for Groceries,
Vegetables and Lunch Goods.
If you want QUALITY and PRICE it will pay you to
Phone ZSI
You never know when illness or an
accident may occur. Be prepared
for the unexpected.
Salves, Peroxide and Antiseptics,
Gauze, Cotton and Bandages—
for cuts, bruises, bums, etc.
First Aid Medicines for all ordinary
Let us show you what is necessary to
safeguard against emergencies.
“Better Be Safe—Than Sorry”
These goods are as good as any you can buy, th
handles only slightly smoked.
Coquille Hardware Co
McKinley Red Crons.
Those present a t our meeting this
week were as follows l Mesdames
Anna Wilcox, Walter La whom, Ar­
thur Brown, W. H. Bunch, C. O. King,
H. K. Hansen, Mary Cordoso, Otto
Prey, Alva Brown, Ratliffe Lawhorn,
Geo. Glenn, C. Woodring, L. A. Law-
horn, Lee Mast, Oscar Bunch and
Miss Olive Norris.
Our secretary, Mrs., Forbes, was on
the sick list' and not able to be with
The day was spent in flnshing the
piecing of one quilt end part of an­
other one and cutting out pajama
The interest in our work increases
each week. Last week Mrs. Ratliffe
Lawhorn walked a distones of this«
miles and wheeled in a go cart her
baby and little three-year-old Jessie,
and Mrs. Oscar Bunch from below
Dora has walked a distance of over
five miles for several meetings.
There were no donations this week,
being the first week missed since we
have organized.
The Commercial Club meets
Wednesday evening at 7:20. ]
one invited.
Calling Cards, 100 for 11.00,
Get Rid of Your Rheumatism.
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. You will find Chamber­
lain’s Liniment s great help. The re­
lief which it affords is nlona worth
many timess its coot.
bean teaching in tea Raadsport pubto
She will B ill hsr hoop
here for some time with her p w w U
Mr. sad Mrs. 1. A Block.
Don’t fo rest the Homs Guard done«
Saturday night a t the Oaks Pavilion
Rem «other th at tha mohey reeeivec
goes toward «quipping our homo do-
fenders tend than do your part.
Soveral of our young “couploo’
were Coquille visitors Sunday after
The «Tom Johnson family, accom­
panied by Miss Gladys Carter, drove
to MarshAald Sunday in the former’s
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Laird and Prof,
and Mrs. C. A. Davidson went to
Bridge Saturday night to attend the
Red Cross program given there. The
program consisted mainly of various
selections by the Bridge High School
students. One of the unique features
of the entertainment was the price of
admission—three times the siso of
your stocking. The program was a
success and netted a nice little sum
for the Bridge Auxiliary.
Mr.- and Mrs. J. A Black were
Marshfield visitors Saturday.
Superintendent of Schools R. E. Ba­
ker visited the Myrtle Point schools
lost Thursday afternoon.
E. E. Farbor, of Powers, spent Sun­
day with his daughter, Mrs. Maurice
Ray, of this city.
A large number of Myrtle Point
people spend their recreation hours
l;shing. Many of them seem to have
“good luck.”
The Stringtown school dosed foi
the summer vacation last Friday.
Mrs. Thomas Root was the teacher.
W. E. Lewellen, who up to a short
time ago was head clerk in the A
Houge store,- has bought the Norwsy
store and will take charge soon. He
will also have the Norway postofflee.
Several groups of Bandon citizens
were visiting in our city Sunday.
CoL John Leader, of the British
Army, Instructor of military train ­
ing a t the University of Oregon, was
in Myrtle Point Sunday. In the af­
ternoon he reviewed the Home Guards
and pronounced them to be one of the
best organised companies he has re­
viewed. In the evening he addressed
a packed house in the Unique Theater,
tolling of h i s . experiences on tbs
French front.
The Home Guards will give their
big Military Ball a t the Oaks Satur­
day night. Don’t miss it.
A crowd of Myrtle Point people
were “joy-riding” in Bandon Sunday.
The Physics class of the High
School took a trip last Thursday af­
ternoon to test the speed of sound.
They are finding this subject very in­
teresting, especially on these tripe.
LeRoy Smith spent the week end
Only a Small Q u an tity-
Place Your Order Promptly
Italian Rye Grass
English Rye Grass
Burn Mixture
Red Clover
White Clover
Crimson Clover
A small amount of the above seeds now on
hand. No more shipments this season.
Busy Comer Grocery
Two Phones—601
evening the
League of the M. E. Church hiked o
short distance out of town and en­
joyed a “weinie. roast.” “Run Sheep
Run” formed the main sport of the
evening outside of the big bonfire and
the “food.”
Misses Metto Hansen, Agnes Mc­
Cracken, Lola Greene, Nellie Barton
end Myrtle Tobey were present at
Claud Clark has been in town this
the Red Cross program at Bridge woek from Eckley to have an infected
Saturday night.
foot treated.
The Roaeburg-Myrtle Point stage
This wsek Dr. F. G. Bunch is mov­
operated by Clinton A Taylor made ing his dental offices from the Myrtle
its first trip last Friday.
Point bank building to Powers where
Archie Taylor and wife were he will bo located. In his now posi­
Marshfield visitors Sunday.
tion he wijl have the dental work for
The City of Myrtle Point received Uncle Sam’s soldiers a t Power*.
an honor flag Saturday in recognition
Dr. 0 . H. Clarke made a trip to
of the fact that Myrtle Point went Gravel Ford last Thursday fat his
over the top in the recent Third Liber­ Ford, tha first car to pass over this
ty Loan drive. It now flies from th ) road this year. He sayS the roads
big flag pole in the city park.
are good os for as the new bridge
Mr. Alien, Demonstration Agent for but rather rough from th a n on.
the Oregon Power Co. has been in
Saturday James Winters and Cleo
Myrtle Point this week showing the Barkley w an quietly united in marri­
various electric supplies carried by age in this place.
They will make
this company.
their home in this city in the N. G. W.
Tuesday afternoon and evening tha Perkins house on Ash stre e t Berry
Freshman class in the High School A Schroeder a n furnishing the house
entertained the Sophomores in a big
bonfire party in the Norway
Dr. Clarke want to Coquille Satur­
The young people took their supper day to assist Dr. Richmond in two op­
and spent the evening playing games. erations.
Edward Divelbias came up from
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Lundy and Mr.
Bandon last Friday.
He returned and Mrs. Vern Lundy drova to Ban­
Sunday with his Overland car which don Tuesday in the letter’s Dodge.
has been stationed for the winter in
Harry McNair is ill with typhoid
this city.
fever a t the home of his sitter, Mrs.
C. A. Davidson and wife and J. L. Ralph Rackleff.
Gary and family were visiting a t the
B. E. Baker home in Coquille Sunday, th at William Stauff and Miss Root
making the trip via the Ford.
ware married in California last Thurs­
On Sunday Opal, the email daugh­ day. Thsy will make their heme on
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Barklow, the Stauff ranch a t Arago.
was operated on for the removal of
We are glad to report to our read­
ers th at ths condition of Genevieve
Marguerite, Vernita and Elds Laird Stinson, who was so ill with maaslas
spent the week end a t the Bertie Mc- last woek, la much improved and that
Closkey home a t Norway.
she will soon be out again.
On Tuesday, May 7, there will be a
Louis Billings diod a t his home in
musical entertainment a t the Wood­ this city Tuesday, aged sixty-five
man Hall by the Men’s Chorus and years, six months and oightean days.
High School Glee Club for the pur­ Hs was one of Myrtle Point's oldest
pose of helping to pay the dobt on the pioneers, having oome to this place in
Front and C Streets
Don’t delay la phoning your order
far FORD as we do not know how
long wo will bo able to make early
Berry A Schroeder, Local
Commissioner Commended.
Judging from the endorsements
that County Commissioner Goo. J.
Arms tr ong is receiving throughout
the county ho will again bo nominat­
ed. His home community, which has
net been slighted in road work during
the past few yuan, should Show like
appreciation of his cervices. There
has been considerable agitation in the
county a t different tones to bent Ann*
strong. Accusations of a wild nature
have been heard. But whenever an
investigation was mad# the charges
air. He has always stood ready to bo
Investigated, which together with the
fact th at nothing has over been
proven against him, is • pretty good
indication th at he has been oa the
Mr. Armstrong has gained valuable
experience in road building in this
county daring the post eight y e a n , it
would bo nothing short of shear
waste to turn him out and put in jrn
absolutely new man who would have
to acquire this experience.—Bandon
Coquille, Oregon
Tha Huns H av. Com«! Many may
have b a u d tha report of tha terrible
blast« of dynamite which caaaad tha
earth to tremble ib the vicinity of th?
Stauff ranch Tuesday evening about
dusk th at the Huns had surely coma,
h a t it was given to express tha hear­
ty wishes to the newly weds, Mr. and
Mrs. William Stauff by their many
friends. They are both early pionoart
of Coos county and were married
Thursday, April 26, a t the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Root, of Montagu«, CaL Thsy a r­
rived a t Fishtm p via tha river boat
Monday afternoon, where on ante mot
them and conveyed them to their
home e t Arago, while their many
friends w o n waiting to greet them
with n hayrack o t old shoe«, rice, po­
tatoes, etc. a t tha Arago wharf. They
Mr. and Mrs. F arrier last wsek vis­
ited their nephew in Coquille, who is
quite UL
Mis Bernice Robison arrnmpsatod
Miss Olson to North Bond for n week
end visit.
Mr. Thayer is finishing th a Lillie
bungalow this week,
Tha Goo. Robison family are slowly
0 THE VOTERS OF 0008 Improving, Mr. Robison’s mother,
Mrs. U ta h , needed the aid e t the doc­
tor Tuesday.
Owing to the work th at I have to
Mto. Geo. Henninger is a little hot*
to personally meet you all, b et ti
you feel kindly toward a y candidacy
for thè office of aheriff of Cooe eoau-
ty, I am persuaded to sak you for
your support. If eleetod to thia of­
fice, will show a y approdatimi by
running it in a business-like manner,
to tha vary beat of a y abOity—being
fair and squero to alL
Geo. F. Lebd,
Republican Candidato for Shoriff of
Coos Cooaty.