The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, April 26, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    W H Y W E ARE
Republican Candidate
For County Clerk
O f Coot County, Oregon, at Primary Nominating
Election to be held May 17th, 1918.
CASH PRICE (Touring Car)
Enjoy It A ll S u m m er-
Pay for It W hile You Ride
TERM PRICE: $577.1*—$1« Cult
$38 P«r Moatk
No Interest to Pay
M yrtle Cunningham, tha president o f
tho Senior class o f 1917.
Friday night, May S, tha local de-
c ¡am atory con tost w ill ba hold in
which there will be repraeenUtlvee
from the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth gradee and high school.
baby bond will ba awarded to tho win­
ner in each division.
Mr. Barnhart,
o f M yrtle Point, w ill net aa Judge.
Since Mr. Douglas’ departure it has
bean learned that tbs Ordnance de­
partment, to which ba belonged, will
not be taught in Eugene aa first ex­
pected but w ill be held now at Camp
Hancock, Georgia.
Since his absence his work has
been taken up and carried on by other
members o f the faculty, Miss Newell
teaching the General Science class,
Mr. Almack, biology, and Mr. Noblet
A four-m inute speaking contest is
being arranged in tbs' high school and
grades. The ones selected to repre­
sent the high school and grades will
be presented w iA a certificate and
For the inform ation o f those voters who may not
know me personally, I subm it the follow ing facts fo r your
consideration, a s l a m giving as much o f my time as possi­
ble to
in the production o f Airplane and Ship lum­
ber for our Government and on that account may not get
to meet you individually.
I n
i veteran of tho
Spanish-Am erican W sr sad
■ r ' - i , *;■;
Phone 3 0
P h on e 338J
Ford Sales aad Service Front St MARSHFIELD, ORE.
It’s a W orld-Beater at the Price
A beautiful five-p assen ger T ou rin g Car. Standard
con stru ction th rou gh ou t. C om plste equipm ent. Latent
design; su p erb finish.
Strong and durably. Speedy if y ou w an t s peed—
bu ilt fo r tin f e d fuel e co n o m y .
Y o u ca n t m ake • m istake in b u y in g th is ex cep tion a l
ear for $875. N ow h ere in A m erica ca n y o u find its equal
at th e price.
R em em ber that Hie BUSH Is n ot an e xperim ent.
BUSH Cara h ave been in serv ice for years. T h e y have
p rov ed th em selves to b e all that w a say abou t them .
- Y ou can th rottle th e BUSH engine d ow n to tw o
m iles an h ou r on high. Its a ction is sm ooth and s w e e t
it ’s a hummerl
fw h for yoorscR
Compels It with any otter car salting for
teat (ten $1,200 and you will aay that tea BUSH te u world tester.
hold an honorable discharge
. :**.
A rm y ; am a member o f the
Loyal Legion o f L oggers and
to taka part in order to "make tha
world safe for democrasg." What
does tha phrase mean?
The theorise sad acts o f the Oer-
man military antocraay degnitaly deny
the right o f tha people o f a state to
rule the assai vea Tha flenn aa people,
la spite of form s of go vara meat that
make a ore tease o f popular coatrsi.
have ne, such actual ooateel over their
■Dvnmore aa exists Is democratically
organised nations. In those nations
the governors can hr rem oved kg a
Term Price insures car for one year against FIRE.
Term Price inan ree car for one year against THEFT.
Tona Price insures car for one year against Collision.
• V - 'V " !
'- ’ c
Last. Friday night the declamatory
and oratorical contest, in which all
the schools o f the county were repre­
sented, was held at M yrtle Point. All
five schools were well represented end
it was with a great deal o f honor and
pride that our school Won the day in
the declam atory contest and carrteo
home the cup, Marvel Sk^eis-winning
first place. This is tha second time
that Coquills has won tha cup in the
Girls’ declam atory contest and it to
hoped by the' present student body
that next year w ill find them owners.
Elmar Neely was tha school repre-
sentative in tho oratorical contest.
In this division tho first place was
awarded to Lyla Nosier, o f Myrtle
Point. Tho program was attended by
about fifty people from Coquille.
Tho Library order made this week
amounted te 164.70.
This amount
represented Coquille’a share o f the
state library fund and w ill bo sent in
to tho County Superintendent this
week. It has boon found by this late
purchase that the price o f books has
increased from ton te twenty-five per
cent during tho last year.
Whitman College, W illamette, and
six other private college te tho Ore­
gon Conference have offered schol­
arships to tho graduating class of
1918. Those to receive these scolar-
dhipe w ill be determined by the high
school faculty.
Tha value o f such
ernes over the masses," wrote Born-
hardi; and General Voa u«—n»g just
before his death, wrote a “Political
Testament," since largely circulated la
Germany, In which ha argued for tho
rotsatloa of Belgium, teeauso, aalass
K terre euueeed, tha proetigo of tha
military autocracy mould receive a
fatal blow
A n we—are the Allies—then fight,
lag te impoea upon Oermaay a dif­
ferent system; Is that tha ssaaaiag of
"making tha world safe far democ­
Kllhu Root so y i 1 that Am ericas
democratic Ideals Include "liberty not
for themselves alone but for all who
are oppressed." Lloyd George asserts
that If all countries had bona demo­
cratically organised, this war would
not have takes place; that this war
win detonates not merely Interna­
tional relations, but will affect the
— Paid Advt.
Hows, for generations te come; that
this war 1s to end te “International
demoeraey,” L
te liberty, equal­
ity. and fraternity, betw een nations,
great sad small. General Smuts, for-
T hrift Campaign Report.
marly a soMler against Orest Britain
The monthly T hrift Campaign re­ te Booth Africa, mys that the essence
port fo r the high school this month is
as follow s:
Liberty Bonds owned by teach ers..«
A m t invested in such bonds. .$1,000
Liberty Bonds owned by p u p ils ....20
Amt. invested in such bon ds.. .$1180
W. S. 8. owned by teachers.......... 84
Amt.-invested te such certificates $170
W. 8. 8. owned by pupils.......... ,.9 8
Amt. invested te such certificates $490
Pupils owning T hrift Stamps........ 80
A m t invested in such stamps. .$41.00
Total amount invested in all
government obligations by
govornmeata should ba handed aa
military Blight or as “principle» of
squity. Juitics, falrnate sad »quality.’’
Various writ» is ha vs depicted this
war aa a taet ot democracy, to da­
ta rmloa whether democracy aan ad­
just Itself to an emeraoaey ao that by
■hear efficiency It shall at least equal
tha efficiency of a military autocracy,
sad assart that on this ground alone
tha future government ef all the na­
tions of tho world Is at stake. Will
Crooks, tho British labor leader, says
this war "la a people’» war. We are an
te It, the sean at the village pomp and
la the fields, tha blacksmith, the oar
peater and ieteer, the shipwright, and
the man of leisure. We are standing
together tecauee wa era ft gating for
LOREN KNIGHT, Coquille, Or.
Highway Construction, Cnee County,
Sealed bids for tho construction of
B Portion o f the Bandon- Curry Coun­
ty Lina Section o f tho Coast Highway,
Green Gulch Fill in Coos County, Ore­
gon, will bo received by tho County
Court o f said County at ha office te
tha Court House, Coquille, Oregon,
until 10:00 A . M., May S, 1918.
No bid will bo considered unless ac­
companied by cash, bidder’s bend, or
certified chock fo r an amount equal to
at least 6 per cent, o f tho total
amount o f the bid.
A corporate surety bond will bo re­
quired for tho faithful performance o f
the office o f the County Clerk o f said
County, or at the office o f the Road-
master, in tho Court House» Coquille,
Plans and specifications and forms
o f contract may bo soon at tho same
place or may bo obtained upon the
deposit o f $16.00.
The right is reserved to reject any
or all propoaals or to accept tho pro
petal or proposals doosted boat for
said County.
Jamas Watson,
County Judge.
G. J. Arm strong,
County Commissioner.
Archie Phillip,
County Commissioner.
Edith James has returned to school
A ttest:
after three weeks o f illness.
L. W . Oddy,
Mr. Almack talked to the Fourth
County Clerk.
•nd F ifth grades Tuesday morning on
Coquille, Oregon, April 19th. 1911
Yes, this war Is one te which Ideals
of government, of Individual liberty,
of civilisation Itself are In conflict
Democracy is lined up against autoc­
racy. Tha war Is 1 b absolute fact n
wsr of Idaala But w# are not fight­
ing to impose our idaala upaa aay
nation. What ws are fighting for,
1a "staking tha world safa for democ­
racy,” te to prevent e military autoc­
racy from impoeing ite authority end
Ite ideali upon ue. Wo ate ready to
keep oa minding our own bust bobs ,
and to lot other nations do tho mate.
’A military autocracy that proposes
to conquer the world meet bo de­
feated, to tho point where It renounces
meddling with other nations, great or
■mall, or there te ao pane» te tho
world. That te tee tesae at slake.
verified with the proper vouchers
thsrefor to the undersigned at the o f-
fiea o f C. R. Barrow, in Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, within six months
tnm the date o f this notice.
Dated this 26th day o f A pril, 1918.
P™ «*es V. J. McAdams,
Adm inistratrix et tho astata o f
■ «n n ti H. McAdams, deceased. lfitS