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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
♦ FRIDAY, APRIL M. 1918. PAGE FIVE At Stop! Lo o t! listen! fle* o f B q r t M t a t h i in the L effria- tiv# Assembly, from Coos County, the Fifth Representative D istrict; subject at the city hall, in the city o f Coquille, to tho decision of the voter» o f the Coos County, Oregon, at the hour o f I Be publican fa tty at tho P rissor, ten o’clock, la the forenoon o f Satur I Election, to ho hold on the 17th day o f day, the 27th day o f A pril. 1918, for I f you have no boy in service, and hold back May, 1918. the purpose o f electing three Super your dollars, can you look your neighbor in the And I hereby announce m y Plat- visors for said Fat Elk Drainage Dis face when he loses his boy? form in a few abort, to n e sentences trict [that can be eaaily understood: I f you do hold back, where do you think you Dated this 8th day o f A pril, 1918. ¡1 Stand by the boy» at the fron t with L. W . Oddy, are going to stand in your neighbor’s estimation [every dollar and every ounce o f en County Clerk for Cooa County, Ore when this war ends? ergy. Win the war for Liberty and gon. ' Humanity. Make the world safe for L. P. Bra ns tetter, The time for indecision is past—the time for * the candidacy o f Ralph E. W il- innocent women and helpless children. E. H. Hamden, action is here. Let every true American subscribe « Mny W to the p o r i* « o f Z ^ U k s n For the State:— Sane business leg W. W. Sanders, • to the limit o f his ability for bonds o f the THIRD Clean moral legislation. **• «MtUdney fo r the follow ing defin- islation. Supervisors o f Fat Elk Drainage Keep Oregon to the front where she D istrict- iat8 LIBERTY LOAN. belongs. Always stand fo r the right, Subscriptions open April 6, 1918. NOTICE though you stand alone. would have been no active C. R. Barrow. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Our services and facilities ai^ offered free to would undoubtedly have tx That Ladd A Harris, Contractors, —Paid Advt. all subscribers. " . advocated the adoption by have completed their contract fo r the - ..................... . ____ _ ___ 1 Committeo o f a similar l ogram malgamatton and co-operative action in We other Btatoe. If improvement o f a portion o f tho Coos FOR COMMISSIONER bis suggestions concerning C alifornia and I hereby announce m yself as a can Bay-North Section o f the C o-st High those two States would also h a v r bean feu a didate on the republican ticket at the way betwoen Glasgow and H; usor, to- the national election. primary election, May 17fh, for nom w it:—Throe Draw-Bridges, ono across Mr. W illiams’ attitude e f friendHnees toward rMta— i ________ across Haynes ination to the office o f county com North Slough, Coquille, Oregon generally known to B a p u b k n lemtora throughout this t* missioner o f Coos county. Slough and one across Lnrson Slough, in-com pliance with tho contrr.ct and The same spirit o f unity which Mr. W illiam . was *> U r r a T S ^ m . ^ T n GEO J. ARMSTRONG. specifications as revised; and that the effecting in O reg on tn strove sueeeeafuUy to bring about at the — Paid Advt. County Roadmaster has filed his cer recent meeting o f the RopubUcaa National Committee at St. tificate o f the completion o f said, The new Chnbmnn o f the Republican National Committee, WU1 H J. M. THOMAS FOR SHERIFF bridges, approving the w ofk done by Hays Who was elected at the B tL o u t o m atting, h a . jobm d wiW Gw^ge W . With this I announce my candi Perkins, Chairman o f the Executive Cemmittoe e f W e form er Progressive dacy far sheriff o f Cooa county, sub the said contractera, and any person, party, in commending Mr. W illiam s’ efforts to achieve harmony at S tL o n is. je ct to the choice o f tho democratic firm or corporation having objections On the occasion o f hb racent visit to Portland. Mr. H ay. called attention party at the prim ary nominating to file to the accoptance o f said work, may file tho seme in the office o f the to the splendid sjrtrlt o f harmony which now prevails am ong' all elemente o f elaction on May 17, 1918. THE HIGH GRADE ROOF AND IRON PAINT County ' Clerk o f Cooa County, Ore the Republican party in Oregon and earnestly urged W at it be — My platform is: gon, within two weeks from the first Mr. W illiam s' record as an a n n a * supporter o f We Government in First—I w ill co-operate with gov Sold Continuously for Over 35 Years - the energetic coadUOt Of We War, is widely known, owing to the aid he has ernment officials and assist in every publication o f this notice, to-w it:— from the 12th day o f April, A . D , given ell war activities. ' ,...» way, required or needed, in the pres 1918. USES We believe in all fa im «»» that Mr. - W illiam s’ services as outlined above, ent emergency. Dated at Coquille, Cooa County, entitle him to ro-electloo. W4 also behove W at you a n entitled to know Second— I will secure the moat com W aterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects where we stand with regard to k b candidacy and fo r W at reason, we have petent accountant and office men Oregon, this 9th day of April, A . D., L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, Bridges and buildings, Preserves Fence Posts, Pro undressed this statement to y * i. I available to U ke charge o f the -flp *, IStS By A . B. Collier, Deputy. Henry W aldo Coe, Progressive National Committeeman fo r Oregon, dispense with all unnecessary help and tects Inside o f Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls, Thomas B. Neuhausen, E x-cha irman o f State Progressive Party, I require every tax notice to show all SUMMONS. Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons G oa Arthur Brawn, Ex-chairm an o f Executive Cemmittoe, Prograe- rams due so that no one becomes de In the Circait Court o f the State e f and Farm Implements. Should be used on all rive Party, linquent a g a in * his wilL Oregon for Cooa County. Stanfield Macdonald, Pros, o f Assn, o f Fathers o f Oregon Soldiers Third— I w ill not shirk from any of- Milas M. Goodman, Plaintiff, surfaces subject to severe conditions. I Actel duty required o f my office, no ID . L. Povoy, A . L Moulton, F. H. Lewis: PROGRESSIVE MEM- matter what the task is or who It a f- Minnie M. Goodman, Defendant BERS OF HUGHES CAM PAIGN COMMITTEE; facts. I will co-operate with all of- /T o Minnie M. Goodman, the above Charies W . Ackerm an, O liver M. Hickey, C. P . Bodlsy, Mrs. Maude I ficers, treat all men alike regardless tamed defendant: L Neuhausen. Lam L . Parker, Gao. B. Andress, Mias Vhrba Flexnsr, Mrs. I o f creed or politics, businees or pro- In the Name ofqtbe State o f Ore Geo. I. Thompson, M bs M ary E. H ill, Mrs. Mauds M. Povey, Mrs. Anna E. fesaion; make no distinction CLEVELAND, OHIO gon. You are herjffiy required to ap G revilli. — Paid Advt. pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks fr#m the date o f the fir * publication This community J. M. Thomas, o f this summons, tow it: within six last Sunday, say* Democratic Candidate fo r Sheriff. weeks from the 29th day o f March, sudden death o f one o f P ost Orford’s — Paid A d v t 1918, the same being the date, o f the beet known ritb ens' B W . D en * whu first publication o f this summons; at 60 years o f ago w as aaaroaly I NOTICE TO VOTERS and in case you fail to so appear and 10*009 f t * o f P ort O rford cedar, 60 the prime o f n stron g and vfg< on or before the 10th day o f I hereby announce m yself n can par eant e f which w U be euitable for manhood. didate for county commissioner at May, 1918, the seme bring the date airplane timbera. Sunday m orning Mr. Jteaa the May primaries subject to the will o f the last publication o f this sum NCLE SAM is asking us to subscribe Mr. Palmar has already established down on the w harf beach, apparently for another Liberty Loan. While tbie is not spectac o f the republican voters o f Cooa mons, the plaintiff will apply to the their samp on the tract where about in his usual goed'haadW , to d ig • tow ular nor thrilling, it is however vitally necessary to Court fo r the relief demanded against county. furnish the money to win this war. clams, jtuout the same tim e E . L. 16 or 18 men wiH be employed. Geo. Efficient economical conduct o f you in hie aaid complaint, a succinct White decided to walk down W at way M. Laffaw baa contracted W place the county affaira and a dollar’s worth o f statement o f which is as follow s: For The least we who stay at home can do is to and take a look at the old w harf which cedar cm the w harf ready fo r ship improvement for every dollar expend decree o f said Court dissolving the pay the Mila o f those who go. So let’ s get behind this New m ent op We river, and will pince two is in danger o f fallin g. Ha aaw Mr. Liberty Loan and make it a record-breaker. marriage contract existing between ed in road work is my motto. tracks on the road, equipped with the plaintiff and the defendant, and JOHN YOAKAM . he was, and after talking • for such other end further relief as — Paid A d v t s while and showing n good to the Court assy seem meet and equi find clams, continued k b w ay table.' Same Geed Advice. he was on the w harf M r. W hite no* This summons is served upon you "D on’t think too much o f your own Service F ir * ticed he could n * see Mr. Dana methods. Watch other people’s ways by publication thereof in the Coquille ing around aa ha should have and learn from them.” Thu la good Valley Sentinel by order o f the Hon able to do, but thought little o f it un «ia lly when billions or arable G. F. Sldpworth, a Judge o f You will find many peo- conati] til starting home 16 o r 10 __________ Chamberlain’s Tablets for the above entitled Court duly made later when he saw the iffictod asms ly these ailments with the b e * results, end entered on the 26th day o f March, ing among the rocks. Hastening to and will do well to follow their ex 1918i him he found him unconscious and his ample. _________________ _ J. J. Stanley, right side paralysed. Ha Attorney fo r Plaintiff. Residence NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. out of reach o f the mol and postoffice address, CoquiUe, Ore partly restoring his gon. • Mr. White came to tow n .for help. The in-coming tide soon oovsrod w h an Mr. that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen Dean had first fallen. years ago has been your Laundry. Mr Dean was conscious Rain or shine, good times and b a d fit has been on the job. home but could Dot talk intelligently J. A . RICHMOND • We have s number o f custom ers that have patronised it continually on account o f part o f his thrai PHYSICIAN end SURGEON. ! from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation o f our tongue being paralysed. Ho _ _ ------- Richmond-Barker Building. « service. Our aim is to im prove the service in every way possible. fir * moved to Ms noon I HouM, Coquille, Oregon, until W :00 lapsed into a stupor from which ho Coquille, Ore. * We wash ever y thing washable. never revived. S I m S K T r £ d dte- o ’clock A . M. May 2. 1918. Phones, Office 62* R ea 214. f id them was a feeling No bid will be considered unices ac- COQUILLE LAUNDRY D. Hurley, Prop. vright pressing on her companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or Woman R 5 ? *** no t ^ I certified check fo r an amount equal W . C. CHASE ♦ Running a forty nera ranch bedtime* One bottle o f ■* UaJt 6 P " ***• o f tot* 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW « caring for a fam ily o f f Tablets corrected this amount o f the bid. is tho double ____ ik o f i she has sines felt like a corporate surety bond win be to - West who lives abo W *- quired for tbs faithful performance south of Bandon. In spite o f a ll this o f the contract in a sum equal to one- DR. Q. W . LESLIE | she was able to make h trip to half the total amount o f the bid. Bay to epend Sunday with her hus ittte e f Proposal blanks and full in fom a - O steop a th ic P h y sicia n ♦ Bandon to San Francisco band who is doing his share in maty. tkm fo r bidders may be obtained at Graduate o f the American School + Fare, First d a w -llO . ing along with ths war program , by o f W fl- the office o f the County Clerk o f aaid o t Osteopathy o f KhrksviUe, Mo. # County, or nt the office o f the Deputy working in ths ship yards I Office fai Eldorado Block. ♦ M b from Central Warekease Company SU te Highway Engineer, in the Court Marshfield Oregon ♦ winter she raised 19 hogs, , J. E. WALSTROM, A g e * . Bandog, Ora. hat We Houee, CoquiUe, Oregon, pouto crop as feed and thie year she E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t, S. F. quintad Plans and specifications and form s is putting in a large part o f ths DR. C. W . ENDICOTT ♦ Adm in- o f contract may be seen at the earn« to potatoes, expecting an even William I piece or may be obtained upon We *r crop in tho folk Thu y quatt- deposit o f 116.00. help out with the plow ing but tho The right is rssarrsd to ra ja * aay of the work sbo having lor all proposals or to «eeept W e pro Coos Bay Times. se h*% - posai or proposals deemed b e * for For reliable Abstracts o f Title end information present «air County, Saturday night Auctioneer GriffM , J. J. STANLEY about Cooa County Real Estate tee vouch- COUNTY COURT OF of this city, assisted by k b sea, se TITLE OUARANTEB A ABSTRACT COMPANY UWY88 mod at V . C 0 0 8 COUNTY, two aeer carcass es at public auctfc S s O O H m ot C a s e * . CM ,. Or*. dear A James W atson, > Special attention paid to looking after assessments and payment o f taxes. on the street The entire recrip Phone Marshfield Office Phone Coquille Office i Bank, County Jodga. went to the local Red Crass and tl Ml HENRY SENGSTACKEN. Manager . 191 months, * Geo. J. Armstrong, '•leg amounted to 8 8 1 6 * J o* County Commissioner. Brothers cut the meat ns wanted m A . J. SHERW OOD Archie PhiHp, assisted m aterially to disposing e f i t County Commissioner. Tiie venison has bean held to ee ATTORMV AT LAW Ralph E. wunams b Strongly Fav for Re-election a» National Commit teeman for This State. The First National Bank HYDRO-CARBONITE , The Monarch Paint Company BY THE W A Y Coos & Curry Telephone Company THE ONE IN D U STR Y IN COQUILLE . Professional Cards. y Richmond-Berker B Str. Elizabeth J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. ABSTRACTS storage fo r nine months and w: token from hunters who had kilted the deer out o f iseson Onto B ay Ha bor. of WO- Attest: I P stsrs, j l i t ! r. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, First Notional Bask Building Coquffla 1 Coquille, Oregon, April * 191* ... • Orage Does Yoar Subscription Date Need Changing?