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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
The Sentinel And Tha GOOD FRID AY, APRIL COQUILLE VALLEY PAGB FOUR _ PAPCH « ... I u » 4 GOOB ■ Y H. W. YOUNG. ALL THINGS FOR THE BB 8 T Tima and again wa have mot the statement that whan tha Allies warn attacking tha forts at tha Dardanelles tw o yaw s ago and menacing Consta tinopia, had they but known it, they desisted from further attack when tha Turks were ju st out o f ammunition, and that then another’s day’s pressure and all would have given way before thorn and they could have entered tha Golden Horn aa victors. On reading this our thought has bean what a pity they stopped. It seemed like the irony o f fete to miss so splendid an oppor tunity o f winning a victory that m ight and vary likely would have resulted in bringing the war to an end kmg ore this. But tho plans o f Omnipotence a n not like our plans, neither a n His ways as our ways. A victory then would have left conditions that would soon hava bred another war. To have turned Constantino pis over to tha Ro manoffs would not have contributed to tho peace o f Gw world. To have be stowed on Italy the eastern shore o f tho A driatic and made another Roman Empim in tho Mediterranean might not have promoted tho piu^Tees o f f r a government or helped make an end o f autocracy. A t that time the entente poerers would not hava been committed aa they a n now to -the American program President W ilson has outlined o f freedom fo r small nations and no trading o f peoples at tho table w hen peace is mads, without their consent. A victory then would have been but a partial and Incomplete triumph o f democracy and would not have insured fo r long tho peace o f tho world. The cleavage between tho nations wedded to the old monarchical system o f kings and kaisers and the new way o f government by the whole people had grown too deep to bo bridged by any temporary expedients; and a peace that had come without the ut ter overthrow o f tho Hohenxollorn dy nasty would have been only a truce. Considering this underlying question from another angle W ill Irwin dis coursing o f “ Europe Today and T o morrow” in tho current issue o f tho Evening Post says: at the matter from m ilitary point o f view, would have boon better if this country hod entered the war when the Lusi tania was sank. The weight o f our resources, o f our gradually accumu la ting man power, might have insur ed a complete victory before now. In that sense our hesitation waa tragic. But had we conquered then it might not have bean a victory for true des ocracy. Russia in that period re mained what she always had bean the quintessence o f monarchy, with monarchist disregard o f justice and greed fo r power. Tho peopio o f the Western European nations had not yet form ulated or expressed their w ill; control yras still held, unchal lenged, by statesmen and diplomats who expressed the od ides o f empire. “ V ictory then m ight hove meant— probably would have meant— merely s shifting o f tho face o f Europe, with new causes o f irritation, now Alsacs- Lorraines, everywhere; with the fan- moral guauhoo game o f financial and political diplomacy, tho race o f arma ments, the burdensome taxes going on, until Europe, freed tem porarily from bloody wars, should bo torn, in stead, by Moody revolutions. Had wa drawn the sword then we shook! have wen much more easily. In view o f what ws must fees in sorrow, lorn end privation, this is a hard saying; but perhaps ws entered the war at about tho right time. Not until then could we fight with a d ear conscience far our best national ideals.” wives that they shall hav all w ir a th a tth they asad usad fo r the sani a a r r they •aeon. They gat R s f their «rocera, tl U, 1918. ;— I hava idea that v d in th* end the purposes for it was waged, that gvvam - ments, n t« man, could batter settle their differences fay arbitration than by íoreo. In theory 1 still believe this is correct, but we are today confront ad with facte— cold, stubborn FACTS. Facts that must burn their way into tho very heart and soul o f our people. I believe in the Golden Rule, and in its adaptability te humen Ufo, but, Tha m ost hopeleea thin« about tho n you moot a beast from the Gorman people now la that they don’t jungle, the “ boast o f Berlin,” than it is aaam to roaliaa or understand how in s to attempt to reason where finitely they hava lowered themealvea only fores is considered. Belgium crushed, Frenes bleeding, Re tricked into helpless submission. A ll Europe under the shadow o f the Hun and tha shadow still lengthening till it threatens to roach us. These are “ W HAT WH HAVE.” facts, cold, .-stubborn facta. W e are We’re going to e r a s tho ocean face to face with tho beast, shall we And we’re going to have soma fun; fight or shall wo run? Our Uncle Sam has trained us Up Unfortunately fo r tho “ Boast of So wo can lick tha Hon. Berlin” tho average American is not Such la the shortage o f man In Ger Wa have a thousand chasers built on tho run plan. Ho is patient many now that 100,000 woman are To run him off the sea. and deliberate and win take a good now on the payroll o f the Pnuaian- deal but whan ho becomes thoroughly So ws can saiL acraa, H ass lan railrooa. That name aounda A s safe as safe can ba. convinced that there is no other had enough, too. Tho Heeuiana were course open to him then to fight he We have a million flyers, in «rant disrepute in our revolution will fight and fight hard. Fight with ' They fairly fill the air; ary war when the British hired them a spirit and determination that shake They can drop a bomb ton thousand to fight against oar freedom , and no the very foundations o f crumbling feat other name on earth repreaanta quite dynasties whose only hope is tha And plant it anywhere. so much dsriUsh m alignity and cold strong right arm o f might. blooded atrocity as Prussian. Ws have tha Browning gun, Much as I have deplored the nec A million shots a day. essity fo r our entering tho war I have Leaving off tho government tax of When wa start toward Berlin to see that the president was |1.10 per gallon on whiskey, tho price It will help ua pave tha way. o f that commodity has run up from right when he said, “ The tim e has 37 cento a gallon to fl.8 0 , within a come to conquer or submit.” A s a We have a h alf p million men Upon a foreign shore; time tho free born American I cannot consider year. And in tha monthly «alas In tha Cincinnati mar the idea o f letting any foreign power Three million more in training And war ships by the score. ket have dropped from 19,000 barrels dictate to tho U. S. or levy tribute in March, 1917, to 4,225 in March, on us. Tha near success o f tho Gor Wo hove tho greatest President 1918. W ho said tha old law o f sup man arms on tho western front, and That ever ruled the land, ply and demand had been repealed? tha fa ct that tho blood o f my coun A hundred million back him up. trymen is mingled there with the And that is how wo stand. A t a special meeting in Pittsburg, blood o f the A llies has brought home Ia n s Leneve. • Penn., on A pril 11, the executive com with stinging fores the seriousness of mittee o f tho German-American A lli tho situatioa and the need fo r every Stuna I M ill whether he be behind the ance dicided to dissolve that organi A review o f tho first year s€ apa sation immediately and turn over the trenches in Frances or tho plow in 180,000 in its treasury to tho Rod America, to got in and do his level, ation o f tho Federal Farm Loan Sys tem shows that 2J06 national fa n s 'roes. Another break in the Hinden- loyal boat to “ Halt the Hun.” Tho day must corns when the world loen associations wars incorporated, berg line. The Alliance erne one of Kaiser BM'r prim# favorites and ha shell be safe fo r dem ocracy, but It representing about four associatioa can novar come while a groat m ilitary to each flva eountiee o f tho United bad given it unstinted praise. power rules, crushing all sm aller and States. They average 20 m ambers, or total membership o f about 56.01 weaker nations beneath its mailed m ars. fist. The success o f th«. Gorman arms The 12 land banks have receten would moon centuries o f dark what uead to bo Russia that he can’t - o f submission o f weaker na applications for ovar 120,000 loan be spared to come homo and accept amounting to about $800,000,000. the appointment as United States tions to the whims o f m ilitary despots About 80,000 loans, amounting to over and tho extension o f territory by senator from Missouri that is offered »160,000,000, have been «pprovod, and him now, For ho would make a more force, to tho everlasting disadvantage on 20,000 o f tkooo loans Over $90,000,- capable and creditable senator than o f tho f r a republics o f Europe. The hour o f destiny is hare—tho 000 has been paid to tho fa rm «* . Missouri has had sines Geo. G. Vest die is being cast that shall determina died. Send U m Htm tini to oootorn frión the history o f tho rece fo r centuries to como. Shall it be a meek and hope- Don’t try to got your first and sec submission to tho iron rule of ond Liberty Loan bonds bearing 4 par cant interest converted into tho might and tha waging o f oven greater in the future, or shall it be a new bonds bearing 414 per cent until the banks got tbs necessary form s. world cleansed and made f r a alike to You will incur needless expense if tho greatest end the weakest nations ? world in which the right to live in you do. poseo and enjoy tho blessings o f As a war measure automobile man turn can no more be questioned ? ufacture is to be cut down to about ■ There can be bat One answer. We accept tbs challenge and, regardless one-fourth tho usual number. o f creed or political faith, regardless alike o f individual belief and Individ Sim p«* Paid the Bill ual destiny, ws take up the cudgel When L. J. Simpson was president to weld It with what power ws may o f the Port Commission for tho Port possess fo r tho common cause. The o f Coos Bey, tho commission dug a war was not o f our choosing, they channel three hundred feet wide and have driven us to it, and because they twenty-five feet deep fo r about thir have driven us to it we will do our teen m iles; and in doing so the dredg utmost with a clear conscience, believ ings wars sold to fill op low lands get ing that RIGHT, not MIGHT, should ting tbs bast price that could bo ob rale the world, and that though men tained from the different parties- ben- may connnir* they can never defeat efltted. Among the number getting the purposes o f God Alm ighty.—J. A. these dredgings was the Simpson Hart. Lumber Company making quits a fill along the water fro n t The bill ren About Candidates For Governor. ED W IN ELLINGSEN dered by the Port for doing so was For tho republican nomination for two thousand five hundred dollars which the Simpson Lumber Company governor there are four honest men Republican Noaataattea far Sheriff rufuaed to pay. Tbs Port sued them who are candidates, one trimmer and o f Cose County one sloppy wet Tammany L W . W., for it, but the case went to court, tho Economy in Administration jury was impanelled and some o f the who braxenly aeejta the disreputable Im partiality in Law Enforcement The last named is Harley, witnesses had given testimony, and it vote. “ Man to Man” Service was not looking very good for the Mayor Harley, o f A storia. The pos Primary May 17 sibility o f his election is the worst P ort The case was defendad by Mr. — Paid Advt. Edgar Simpson and his lawyer, Mr. menace that has confronted tho state fo r years. Hammond, who were apparently feel THAT KNIFE-LIKE PAIN. Harley’s appeal is to the I. W. W. ing that they would be sure to win the the case. Mr. L. J. Simpson came in element o f working people and to the la Only One o f Nature's W arnings nf to tho courtroom and askad tho Judge koot-leggors, disreputables and wide- Wank or Disordered Kidneys. Hsvs you a lame back, aching day if ho could say a few words. The openers o f the state. He regards the Judge asked if it pertained to the prohibition legislation as something and n ig h t?. . Do yon foal sharp pains after stooping? A re the kidneys sore? case. He m id it did. Tbs Judge told to drive a 90-horse power racer Is their action irregular ? Usa Doan’s him that he could not do so before the through with a whoop. W ere ho gov Kidney Pills— the medicine that is Jury. He asked if the Jury could bo ernor ho would openly do everything recommended by so many people in aaat out o f tho room fo r a few min in his power to prevent enforcement this locality. Bsad thin nearby r a t - dent’s expsrisnee: utes, which was done. Mr. Simpson o f prohibition law.— Oregon Voter. Mrs. T. E. W allace, 709 8. F ifth St* then said: “ I do not want this ease to Grants Pass, Ore., says: “ My kid M*y Be Open by May 15. go any further; I want to pay-th o neys acted very Irregularly. My back twenty-five hundred dollars m yself The United S is tea Forest Service at felt so weak and sore I could hardly personally; I do not want tho Port to Portland sends out s road bulletin got about my work. When I bent over to pick up something I g ot a loos that amount o f money.’* The dated April 30, giving the condition sharp pain across m y kidneys like a case was stopped. He gave Ms note o f most o f tho leading ronds in Ore knife sticking aw. When I had these for tho amount which ho afterwards gon and W ashington. Tho only item attacks I couldn't keep from seream- paid in fu ll personally and not from o f loeal interest is the follow ing: the funds o f tho Simpson Lumber Bandon-Gold Beach Road— Open be Company. This happened before his tween Langlois and Port Orford and father’s death, when be was not as in a passable condition fo r light cars. very w ill fixed financially, and goes This road is dosed for cars between to show and prove the kind o f s men Port Orford and Gold Beach, on ac L. J. Simpson ’» for honesty o f pur- count o f mud and ruts. Win probably REPUBLICAN V MULTNOMAH COUNTY Jbr SENATOR UNITED STATES Primarie» May 17. 191* • Citizen, Of All the Books known to man, ths savinga bank book is tha one that w ill sobm in handlest days o f tronble. ln Get one of these books by opening an account with this bank. It d o se st take mach to Start an account and it w ill grow am axingiy if you giva it at- FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Commercial and Saving Deposits COQUILLE - - - OREGON LUMBER Our Retail Stock is Complete E S T IM A T E S for AU Kinds o f Building will be G l a d l y Furnished. Y O U R ORDER w ill have our special attention E .E . J O H N S O N W hen He Gets that P ouch of R eal GRAVELY C hew ing M ug Yon Sent Him a^ as* Tha Common tal Chib moria every Plenty «i old newsp. ■teg a t 7 JO. E very- ■task at tha Ssatinal « fies and they SM te r ita l ■*• stffl selling • aloh at