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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
What D m * L. J. SIMPSON Staad Far? We had a chance to pick up some bargain« in Laces, In March », 1918. sertion» and Embroideries and we are offering them to At last the mail is naming in regu larly, that is a« regularly as can be our customers on the same basis: expected. Ia toe first real stall tost 1 received I drew 28 letters, how is Laces, per y d ................ ....................6c, 7c and 10c that for one time T You must not at Insertions, per y d ...,................................... 6c tribute my few letters to ill health. Embroideries, per yd. -10c, 12}^c 15c, 18Hc, Far from that, quite the opposite, for I am actually getting fat, and I nev 20c, 75c and $1.00 er enjoyed better health. The reason All-over Embroideries, per yd............".............. 76c is, that I have had quite a hit of ex tra duty, that I voluntarily took over We have some Embroidery Insertions to match the in addition to my regular work, so Edgings. that my time has been so filled that I have shamefully neglected my letters. One thing strange about our mail ia, I vary often get e letter writttea one date and a weak or ao later get L. J. SIMPSON MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. a letter that was written a week er two earlier. I received the Christmas draft all O. K. and had it changed into francs. As you kn * p tam not n great spend er so I have more money on hand than Honor Guard GIrta N est I actually need and 1 am laying by The Honor Guard Girls met Wed Mrs. Walter La whom visited bar each month all that I can spare so nesday evening and transacted busi mother at Lao several days last week. that if I am ever in need of some At the board meeting last Monday ness rapidly. ready cash I will have It The first thing was to arrange for Mrs. Wanda H. Wilcox was sleeted Wa are going to move again soon. Church. an excursion to Baadon on Saturday, teacher for‘next year again. This I have never seen anyone that I knew Study Methodist May 4 th, with a round trip rate of makes her fifth term at McKinley Service at from Coquille, except one of the Lay- ia a place for you. 10 a. m. There which alone ia proof of bar ability as 81-10. Stock For Sate. bee boys, you remember them, don’t Morning service at 11 a. m. Mr. Than a Food Conservation commit- you? 10 head 4-year old Cows, all guaran B. R. Kingsbury, of Ashland, has Almack trill diaucss “The Deeper Na teed first class, $86 7 head 2- Yesterday I received your box with irehased Loren Johnson’s farm and ture of Man.” year old heifers, soon Two 8- sweater, helmet and aocka. I have on pecta to make his home here for the Evening service« at 8 p. m. Special year old colts, 1400 nnd fresh. 1500 pounds. hand a auper-aupply of sweaters and musical and Miss Newell Inquire of A. P. Sweet, Lamps, Ora. helmets, but a good pair or two of will give program a reading from Van Dyke’s knit seeks are always welcome and Other Wise Man.“ useful. I am inclosing a picture one “The Calling Cards, 100 for $1.00. of the Lieute. gave me" the other day, Prayer meeting will meet each and said for me to send it home and Epworth League also W. H. Bunch, C. O. King A Son, Wm. WOMAN'S STATEMENT toll them I was at the front. I did Sunday at 7 p. m. Forbes, Arthur Brown, Goo. Glenn, not know I was in the picture until he WILL HELP COQUILLE Cnrloton Brown, B. R. Kingsbury and Everybody invited. “I hated cooking becaase whatever Alva Brawn. Thera has been enow on the ground I ate gave me aour stomach and a Little Wanda Prey sold $184.75 Presbyterian Church. since the first of March, though it bloated feeling. hot water thrift stamps in our district last has been warm the last two days, Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m. and olive oil by the 1 drank gallon. Nothing month. This puts her ia the Rain patches of snow can still bo seen on Morning aervics at 11 a. m. Sub helped until I tried simple buckthorn bow dub. the hills. ject, “Our Salvation.” - glyeerine, etc., as mixed in A4- Those in our school who received O yen, make me some candy or bay Evening service a t S p. m. Sub bark, ler-i-ka.” Because it flushes the EN Palmer buttons this week are: Ra some and send me; the bloody French ject, “Young Men of Coulage.” TIRE bowel tract completely Adler-i- chel Brown, Henrietta Hansen, Reu sting you about ten francs a pound Rev. J. A. MçVelgh, pastor. kn relieves ANY CASE aour stomach, ben Brown, Nova Hells, Claude for candy and toon it ia no good. gas or constipation and prevente ap Brown, Boy Mart and Wanda Pray. pendicitis. The INSTANT action ia Mrs. Wilcox and her mother, Mrs. March 1», 1918. surprising. C. J. Fuhrman. Margaret Kerne, expect to leave for “Sunny France“ isn’t just the ex lower California the latter part of pression to be used for today’s weath next mask. Grandma Kerns has The Celebrated er, nor for many of the days that we spent the part year visiting Mrs. Wil have experienced while here; but the cox and is now returning to her old days that have- been spring-like have hoaee a t Santa Anas. Bar health did been most beautiful. Awarded Gold Medal Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. much , but bar presence in our com terests which have withhold the land. tiag settled in new barracks. We Free public reading room open ev P. P. L E. San Francisco, 1915 munity has made ns all bettor and ao Rpraaentntive Sinnott argued that have again taken up the pick and ery day, except Sundays and holidays, loag as wa Uva we will have kind re not lees than 86 per cent of the pro shovel and are becoming skilled and from 2 to 4 p. m. membrances of her. Mrs. Wilcox ex ceeds should go to local purposes be experienced engineers. The digging Corner Third and Hall street! pects to be gone n month or more cause if the lands hod been in a fo r is g n at work to strengthen the mus visiting relativ«« and friends in dif est reserve the state would receive 85 cles and back but that part doesn’t Christisa Church. ferent parte of California. per cent for he roads and schools require any great degree of intolU- Bible School at 10 a. m. McKinley Rad Croes the federal government. The Morning Worship at 11 n. m. Mra. J. A Mayes, of East Fork, from state should be treated not lees fa New Year’s day we spent in n box Christian Endeavor at 8:80 p. m. sent ia this weak two dosen handker- vorably than that, he asserted, ear with sere weather. Those days I Evening aervics at 780 p. m. - dealing with lands comprised in a shall never forget. It has been rain - You era cordially invited to nil tifully dona. Wo wish to thank lfes. grant where the government is resum ing all day but work goes on here just these services. Mayes through these columns. * ing title. the same, rain or shine. A. J. Whiddon, Minister. Our much needed broom was pur Representative detailed Be sure to thank Mrs. Gould for the chased this week and Mr. Hartsen do the leads in and outside toe taxing light. What has become of Ray Marriage Licenses. nated a belt for our sewing machine, power in Coos and Douglas counties, Burns, did be get into the ordnance which waa thankfully received as it told of the port and road improve department ? How did the second “''April 20—Arthur Alvin Thomas, of took considerable energy to run the ments undertaken, and urged that the call of the draft hit Coquille, and who Suskiyou county, California, and Win machine with the old belt in its pres value thus contributed by the enter did they take? I have written cousin ifred Taylor, of North Bend. They ent condition. prise of the people of those counties Georgs Garan but have not heard were united the same day by Rev. Henry T. Atkinson. to the land now taken over by the from him yet government should be taken into con- We have news up here to tho last April 20—Adney Huff and Matilda Ferrel, both of Empire. Judge Wat idcration. minute. The New York Herald pub son united this couple at hia office the Members m the committee indicat lishes an European edition for tho The list of workers this week are: ed that tney could not conisder the same Mesdames Anna Wilcox, W. H. Bunch, idea of dividing the proceeds on a benefit of those who read English. In April day. 28—Charlee L. McCormick C. O. King, Walter Lawhorn, Lae fifty-fifty basis, as was done in the this we get all news allowed to be and Virginia Lyter, both of Marsh WANTED—A middle aged woman to quite as quickly as they do field. They were married on the 24th help in the kitchen. Coos Cafe. Mast Ottp fray, Oecar Bunch, Arthur O. A C. bill, because in this case the published, Brown, Wm. Forbes, Myrtle Glenn, expense to the government is propor in New York. Rov.‘ Hiram Gould at the Bay . BLUE ANDALUSIAN EGGS for Clinnrd Woodring, Alva Brown and L. tionately so much larger, and the war I have not heard from my room by April 24—Delbert A. Wick and hatching, 76 cento per setting. Or mate at Berkeley for some time, so A. Lawhorn. Pearl Elliott, of Empire. They necessities of the government require don’t know whether they have called were married both Miss Olive Norris visited us one that the public treasury be kept in I him the same day by Rev. ders limited. Estalla Hart, City. 14t8 yet or not Tell all the boys afternoon and also made her scissors mind. “Is not the passage of the bill about Coquille, “Hello from Billy." Hiram Gould. SALE OR TRADE—A new art fly cutting quilt blocks. April 24—Charles Benjamin Harris FOR more important than the exact Lovingly your son—Will. of Encyclopedia Britannica The day was spent in finishing up amount which shall be paid to the and Nettie M ar Hadden, both of in full the Morocco. The Britannica ia Marshfield. They were united in mar the world’s greatest bed aocks, cutting gun wipes and in state or the counties?“ was a ques March 27, 1918. of books piecing quilt tion Representative Cram ton put to We have moved again. By this riage the earn« day by Rev. E. Her and you can own or give set your child each witness. The reply of ex-Gov time you no doubt believe that ia all bert Hayden. ren nothing better. Easy terms. tarial for pajama suite. Owing to the ernor West and of those who followed we do. This trip waa again taken Write John W. Motley, Marshfield, limited amount of funda on hand at him was that they wen extremely in “side door pullmans,” (box cars), Have Postponed Marriage. Oregon. 14t4 present it waa decided not to take up anxious for action and hoped that ac but this time toe weather favored our The marriage of Albert Davis, eon knitting Just yet. tion would be taken, but believed that comfort and the scenery was magni of Mr. and Mra. A J. Davis, of North GOOD RESIDENCE LOTS near the Our donations this week were from the fifty-fifty basis is Just. Chairman ficent. Our new home ia the first Bend, and Mias Charlotte McDonald, Academy for sale on reasonable Mrs. Walter Lawhorn $5.00 cash, Tillman of the subcommittee asked real home we have had hers. As I formerly of Coquille, which was ru terms to suit. Inquire of C. A 14t2* needles for too sawing machine and each witness as to whether the coun write, I am sitting in a large wicker mored to take pace at Portland last Pendleton. two pain of sdasurm, for which we ties should be preferred in a division chair before a wonderfully large flra- Saturday has been indefinitely post of the proceeds. If the committee poned. Mr. Darts is with the U- S. cosKludes that it is only possible to forces at Vancouver barracks. After talking their plana over with their folks, the young people decided on the postponement.—Coos Bay Times. drama. 8ounds real American-like McG«c Mine Is Sold. doesn’t H? This is the first Y. M. C. Report has it that the McGee coal A. building that I have seen la any of mine at Riverton has bean bought by the camp«, either in the U. S. or in the Portland Cement Is France. Thera are two large rooms. looking for cheaper fuel Co„ than which the oil One with a fire-place in one end and bean using in its Oswego plant n canteen in the other, this room be it If has the sale goes through, and the Eu ing fixed up for writing. The other reka mine isn’t put into commission, room is the same sise and is fixed up it’s a question the people of for entertainments. Our barracks by Coquille will burn whether much coal next win- PrmctiesUy everybody in CoquOle who has a car waa over on the North Fork last Sunday. Bergmann Shoe