The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, April 19, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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L. J.
To hear Montaville Flowers
tha noted lecturer, usually. However, in order to make
up fo r the delay and inconvenience caused by the failure
o f Dr. Evans to meet his appointment the Ellison-W hite
Chautauqua Company has agreed to send Mr. Flowers to
Coquille Friday, A pril 26th, fo r the
Last Lyceum Number
Mr. Flowers is International President o f the Lyceum
and Chautauqua Association, and ia considered one o f the
best lecturers on the Lyeeum C ircuit H is address w ill be
replete with up-to-the-minute facts o f exceptional interest
and abounds in stifrin g patriotism. The lecture w ill be
held in
Commencing at 8:15 . o’ clock
Every Carpenter Needs a
G-E Motor
Slow laborious tasks can be shortened and made
easier by motor driven tools. A small planer and
circular saw will do wonders toward increasing
the earnings of the average carpenter.
Oregon Power Co.
, Phone 71
H ighw ay Construction, Corn County,
Sealed bids fo r the construction o f
n Portion o f the Bandon- Curry Coun­
ty Line Section o f the Coast H ighw ay,
Green Gulch F ill in Coos County, O re­
gon, w ill be received 'b y the County
Court o f said County nt its office in
the Court House, Coquille, Oregon,
until 10:00 A . M., M ay 8. 1918.
N o bid w ill be considered unless ac­
companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or
certified check fo r an amount equal to
a t least 5 per cent, o f th e total
amount o f the bid.
A corporate surety bond w ill be re­
quired fo r the fa ith fu l perform ance o f
the contract in a sum equal to one-
h a lf the total amount o f tho bid.
Proposal blanks and fo il inform a­
tion fo r bidders m ay be obtained at
the office o f the County Clerk o f said
County, or at the office o f the Hoad-
m aster, in the Court House,, Coquille,
Plans and specifications and form s
o f contract m ay be ssen at the same
place or m ay be obtained upon the
deposit o f $16.00.
The righ t to roserved to reject any
or all proposals or to accept the pro­
posal or proposals beet fo r
said County.
James W atson,
County Judge.
G. J. Arm strong,
County Commissioner.
A rch i« Phillip,
A ttest:
L . W . Oddy,
County Clork.
Coquille, Oregon, A p ril 19th, 191».
It is to ta eh d t tk « «S o lo 8*n ior cloao
besides tw o low or t h im O i. Tho fo l­
lowing character* k m boon selected:
R obert Pro*ton, a. la w yer. Fred Lorens
Douglas Brown, a footb all p layer,. . .
............. H erbert Lukens
Dick Preston, the groom .E lm er N ealy
Stanley Palm er, “ Hawkins,” the But-
» '
hr, . . . . .G eorge M artin
Ted W hitney, captain o f the V a n ity
Team , ........Charles O erdiag
Jack Austin, Preston’s secretary.......
.................. I a land Peart
M arion Dayton, a ward o f P reston ..
............ M aym ie DeLong
N ellie Preston, a bride,. M arvel Skeels
Louisa Ross, known as M iss Grayson,
.E tta M cLeod
P h yllis Lane, a footb all en th u siast..
..............G la d ys Nosier.
Kathleen Knox, chairman o f the
Rushing com m ittee,.. ..
.............. M ildred Norton
The Im p, a Fresh m an .. . .E rm a Price
E m ily E lliott, w ith a conscience.......
............... N ellie Johnson
Jane, a maid w ith a taste fo r litera­
tu re. . .E lisabeth Church
Mrs. Brown, step mother o f Douglas
Brown ---- D oris T yrrel
O f the Theta Phi:
M olly Bruce . . .
....M y r t le N eely
P o lly P r ic e .......
Catherine H ersey
Elaa Ernest . . . .
........Clara Lund.
M arjorie Arnold
. ...F lo s s ie Lund.
M arie S w i f t ___
....S y lv ia N eely
Tuesday m orning during the biol­
ogy period o very inhuman act act
was com m itted in the laboratory when
an innocent grey and lavendar spotted
cat from R iverton was killed and dis­
sected fo r the entertainm ent o f the
biology class.
On Thursday evening o f last week
the trio accompanied by Genevieve
Chase and Miss Bay motored to Mc­
K in ley and F a irview where they fu r­
nished music in the interact o f the L i­
berty Loan cam paign.
Th is week has been a week o f track
Monday evening a m eeting
was held in ¿h ich Stanley Em ery was
elected captain.
A lic e Cunningham has been forced
to stop school on account o f her
S ix new L ib erty bond buttons are
owned by tho high school this week.
Tho Com County Round Table
moots a t Coquille on Saturday.
M rs. Lorens entertained tho basket
ball boys W ednesday evening at a
dinner a t her home.
Thom present
wore John Stanley, W illiam Oerding,
Fred Lorens, M r. Douglas, Charles
Odrding, Gordon Nelson and M r.
M r. Douglas le ft F rid ay fo r Eugene
w here he intends to take up train in g
in the Ordnance departm ent.
Thursday m orning a t Assem bly M r.
Douglas was presented w ith a trench
To Wash O at the Gold.
L iv e W ire Claes M eeting.
fiCerold Stutsman arrived at the Bay
Tuesday from the Sixes river in Cur­
ry county where he has been engaged
fo r seven months with a crew o f men
developing the C. C. Inman mine pro­
They are now nearin g the
com pletion o f the developm ent work
and hope to h ave the mine producing
at a good clip by this fa ll.
T o develop the hydraulic project,
they had to build a tunnel 8,800 fe e t
long which practically diverts the flow
o f the South Fork o f tM Sixes R iv­
er. In the 8300-foot tunnel, they get
a fa ll o f 140 fe e t fo r e 80-inch stream
o f w ater.
This w ill be first used on a gravel
bar alm ost fou r m iles long which to
rich in gold and other ores. I t w ill
take over three years to w ork this
g ra vel bed.
The regu lar m onthly class m eeting
o f the L iv e W ire* was held at the
home o f N e lli* Johnson Thursday ev­
ening, A p ril 11, 1918. The m eeting
fo r mors, in fe e t, did not lick their
chops at all. T h ey «to under com­
pulsion o f anting unpalatable silage
or not anting nt nlL Ha said it was n
cam ad the dog clim bing tho tree, the
dog had to clim b to got aw ay from
tho boar, and his eowo had to oat Urn
■Ungo stu ff or sterro.
Ivan Laird says potatoes arc poor
cow feed.
In “ School N otes” in tha San tinsi
mention io modo o f the Uva hot
lunches o f baked opada th at arc
turned out on th eir patent M o to r at
tho B rew ster V a lley school. Brew ster
V a lley potete** a ft “ fam ous” and you
don’t have to sin g mock o f a song to
g e t tho fam ous articles this year.
H enry Chasten is sailing thorn a t 40e
a c w t, takin g them no th ey com «.
P erley Crow ley sold sloven sacks o f
is to haul thorn 0 m iles.
E verybody iq B rew ster V a lley can
eat baked potatoes m orning, noon and
night and between tim es, and m ay
be they keep a stock on hand fo r hand
Charles H eller, o f M cK loloy,
in speaking o f a th in g that the educa­
tor* and near educators extol as |
sanitary heater and ventilator. — te . 1 »
eigh t dollar stove w ill boat it. Grout
are tho baked potatoes o f B rew ster
V alley, sure thing. M r. H eller would
probably raise tho value a bargain
counter prim at 98 m ate i f ho had
even dreamed that a sanitary boater
and ven tilator could bo turned into a
sanitary potato baker. G n a t is tho
junk p ile o f tho educators and near
I road that tho graduating clam o f
Quaint P riscilla Notes.
A t ■ m eeting held Monday, A p ril
16th, 1918, the Quaint Priscilla* de­
cided to buy a «m ilage book and send
to C lair* M intonye, a form er High
School student, and one whom they
believe would appreciate it.
It was
Mr. Inman and associates now have also decided that a ll would g e t to­
entire control o f the project, Mr. gether next Sunday and go up to
Charleton having retired.— Coos Bay Iren * K im e’s. Irene, who to n mem­
Tim es.
ber o f the Quaint Priscillas, has been
seriously ill fo r the last tw o or three
R iverton Mine May B e Sold. weeks and w ill not be able to attend
school any m ors this year.
L. C. New lands, general m anager
o f the Oregon Portland Cement Co.,
Last Case o f Scarletina.
has been in the county w ith another
representative at tho firm , P . J. Boyn­
Dr. Shaw, city physician a t Marsh­
ton, negotiatin g fo r the purchase o f field, say* the last case o f scarletina
the coal m in* a t Riverton operated by w ill disappear today w ith the rem oval
F. J. Patterson, o f Portland, and M r. o f the quarantine from the Chat. H all
McGee, o f Riverton, under the firm home.
Their little daughter had a
names o f the Riverton Fuel Co.
sligh t attack but it proved to be in
The mine to producing about 26 n very lig h t form . There to consid­
tons per day and employs about 16 erable measles in Bunker H ill, he
men. I t now has n slope tunnel o f says.
about 1,800 ft. and there to under
consideration a 000 f t w ater level
Dealers in fu el here w ill have to
tunnel about one-quarter m il* below furnish th eir patrons w ith blanks on
the present tunnel.— Coos Bay Tim es. which to moke a declaration at tho
amount o f wood and coal they con­
sumed last year and their prospective
needs fo r the year to com*. This to
what Federal Fuel A dm inistrator
I cannot vote to nominate him at the
prim aries he gets m y vote on Elec­
tion day, i f m y residence than to this
side o f tho range.
A man elected to be governor to
elected to be governor o f the whole
state not o f o n « county. Men and w o­
men who have been w orking and vot­
ing fo r prohibition are not lik ely to
vote a man into the governor’s office,
whoa* precept and practice have been
w holly nt variance w ith the founda­
tion principle* o f prohibition. Voters
can not afford to vote in any guae*
work proposition fo r the governor’s
office. When w e vote fo r Ben W . 01-
cott fo r governor w e v e t* fa r ■ man
M r n A w £ }“
fa r tho N O M IN A T IO N fo r U O V e n i O r MAY
Born, September 1, 1877.
Son o f the late Capt. A . M. Simpson
pioneer shipping and lumberman.
Educated at M t. Tamalpaia Academ y
and U n iversity o f California.
W orked aa a laborer in 1889, at $1.50
per day, in the ship yards on Coos
Bay, Ore.
Rose from the ranks to executive
head o f a large lumber and shipping
industry, em ploying thousands o f
Started the town o f N orth Bend,
1901. Fostered community progress,
founded and developed many enter­
M ayor o f N orth Bend. 1902-1914.
Patriotic work in connection w ith
L ib erty Loan, Red Cross and W ar
8tamp activities, fo r the last tw elve
“Your Kind of a Man FO R G O V E R N O R
old L ib erty BoD, July 4th, 1776.
B illie 2, mo boy, you are lik e Judas
Iaeariot and Ananias, you can’t liv e
long enough to liv e down the charac­
ter that you have mad* fo r the G er­
man barbarian. V R. A. Easton.
tablm poonful at crisco and n pinch at
salt. L o t b oil until it breaks crisp ly
whan dropped into cold w ater. Add
pepperm int extract and turn into aa
oiled pan. Whan ju st cool enough to
take in tho hands begin pulling. I f
striped chows are desired, tha fru it
Hoovcrixcd Candies.
coloring is added ju st b efore the p oll­
T o H ooveris* and nt tha same tim e
in g is com pleted.
Cut into sm all
furnish candy to the children is the
pieces w ith shsart and w rap in oiled
problem which the m sm htri o f tho
W ashington Parent-Teacher Associa­
k- 5. Chocolate
Chips.— B oil three
tion, Eugene, Oregon, h a ft ham tr y ­
cups o f K aro corn syrup until It to
in g to solve. M rs. T . H . E llis, tha
very crisp or alm ost scrocked. Turn
president, and others have made th eir
quickly into an oiled pan and spread
kitchens into real laboratories from
When alm ost cold cut into
which have come d eligh tfu lly interest-
sm all rectangular pieces. M elt con­
in f i M delicious su gsrlM i candies.
fection ery chocolate and dip the rec­
The period o f experim entation ia now
tangles a fte r th ey have become hard
practically passed end th ey are glad
and cold. Place these on oiled paper.
to g iv e the follow in g receipts that
0. Pop Corn Bella.— P u t fou r rape
others m ay make tho H oover candies.
at corn syrup in n pan and a fte r it
1. D ivin ity
Fudge.— Tw o
comes to n boll, le t it cook five min­
K aro corn syrup, w hite o f one egg.
utes. Then add a dash o f s a lt and n
Cook th e syrup until ft threads and
sm all piece o f crisco.
Continue the
is b rittle when dropped into w ater.
boilin g until it to very b rittle when
Pour the h ot syrup into the boston
Turn quickly
white o f e g g nitd boot it vigorou sly dropped into w ater.
until stiff. Just before takin g from over a pan o f warm popcorn and mold
stove, note, cocoanut, or m elted choc­ into balls w ith the hands.— Jennie
olate m ay be added. Pour into oiled Snodicor, A r t Supervisor, Eugene
Public Schools.
tins or drop from spoon onto oiled
papor. N o t m eats m ay be pressed in­
to oama I f it is done im m ediately.
Pieces m ay be dipped into m elted con­
fection ery chocolate. Dates or prunes
m ay be filled w ith same a fte r stone*
have been rem oved. I f it seems to
harden when syrup to first turned into
the e g g white, continue to bent and
the whole w ill soften as soon as the
hot syrup has a ll been poured in.
2. H oover T a ffy .— Boll fou r cups
o f K aro corn syrup or ta ffy syrup five
m inutes; then add crisco or cocoanut
butter the six* o f a walnut and pinch
o f s a lt L et boil until it threads and
to crisp when dropped into cold w ater.
Add desired flavorin g extract ju st be­
fo re it to taken from the stove. Torn
into oiled tine end le t stand until
ju st cool enough to handle. Pu ll un­
til w hite and hard.
Pink T a ffffy .— Add strawberry fla v­
orin g and red fru it coloring ju st before