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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
****+. ' l> gi' f>1 ]W | WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY mm Junior Univaratty MACHINE (UHfQ.JOlVMilN FRANCE------- - sffiur «as. xa . v d P h t h a « th* Mafcry a f » h # rant < rtth . school. I gave my name and was ac cepted. I had Joined the Snldde dab. and my troubles commenced. Thirty- two men of the battalion. Including my- eelf. were m at to L ——% whore wa went through a course In bombing. Here wo were Instructed In the uses, methods of throwing and manufacture of various kinds of hand grenade», from the old “Jam tin," now ohaelata, order detailing two nroa from each Blighty. Ha had Mid, “whenever you platoon go to bombing school to gat la a charge and run year bayonet learn th* to duties a bomber and haw up to th* hilt iatoea German th* Frits to manufacture at bombs. Noncommis w in fall. Perhaps year rifle will be sioned officers wwa generally selected wrenched from your grasp. Do not for this course. After about two Hast* Urns, If th* bayonet is fouled a t school they returned to their In bis equipment, by putting your foot j weeks la mat billet» or In tha lira «a Ms stomach aad tugging ut the rifle units trend», as tha case might be, and got to extricate tha- bayonet «Imply busy their platoons haw to press th* trigger aad th* bullet wffl make teaching “Jam tins.” free It" In my peasant situation this Previously . a order had boon issued was th* logic, but for th* Ufa of m* for all ranks to save empty Jam tins I could not remember how ho had told for th* manufacture of bomba. A pro sro to get my bayonet Into the Ger fessor would sit an the man. To m* this was th* paramount Are step of In bombing th* front trench with th* issue. I dosed my ayes and lunged , remainder of his section crowding forward. ‘My rifle was tom from my j around to see him work. hands. I must hare gotten the Gar- j On his left would ba a pile ef aapty man bacaase ha had disappeared. About twenty faat to my left front I oa the Are step woald ha a miscella was a In«» Pi »salsn nearly six fast neous assortment of material used In four Inches la bright, a fine specimen [ the manufacture of the “Jam flu .” of physical manhood. The bayonet Tommy would stoop down, got aa from his rifle waa missing, bat ha empty “Jam tin,“ taka a handful of clutched th* barrel la both hands and 1 clayey mud from the parapet aad Une was swinging th* butt around his bead. th* inside of the tin with this sub I could almost hear th* swish of the stance. Then be would reach aver, butt passing through th* air. Three pick up his detonator aad explosive, little Tommies were engaged with him. and Insert them Ip th* tta, fuse pro Thay looked Bk* pigmies alongside of truding. On the fire step would ba a th* n seals n The Tommy on th* left pile of fragments of shell, shrapnel waa gradually circling to th* rear o f , bolls, bits of Iron, anils, etc.—anything his opponent It was t funny sight to | that was bard enough to aaad over to ooo them duck tbo swinging butt and F rits; he would acoop up a handflal at try to jab Mm a t tha asms time. Tha this junk and put tt In tha bomb. Per Tommy ussiest mo received tbo butt haps on* of th* platoon would aak Mm what ha did this for, aad ha would explain that whaa tta boo* exploded these bits would fly about and Mil or wound any Gorman Mt by s u m ; tbo questioner would Immediately pun a button off Ms tunic aad hand It to the bomb maker with, “Wefl, Mam* me, send this soar ns a souvenir,” or another Tommy would m tunt asr aa aanal appeal ara glvan out through Mr. W. I . Ayar, Federal Food Admin- t h e NATION AND MORA I . d u t ie s latrator for Oragoe, In tha fallowing Tha nil ora of Germany b a llo t that thay have tha right to prarall over all othar oat Iona Thay alao bailor« that tha power of tha state la tha only oh Jaot for which Ita rulara should Strug until the next harvest (and tola la a gla. Still further, thay balls to that military naoaaalty) wa meat reduce moral principles and Ideas hare no our monthly conaumptton to twenty- glace la determining tha actions of oaie million buahela a month aa against state, since tha sola duty of tha our normal consumption of about the atato la to gat power. This la Oar forty-two million bushels or fifty par man political philosophy. American oant of our normal consumption, re political philosophy, from tha aery be aarrlag a margin for distribution to lug for general consumption approxi mately one and onebalf pounds of wheat products weekly par person. nfter dental of the claims of moral Many of our consumers ara dependent fasting, of international right, of hu upon baker's bread. Such bread must man decency and chivalry. be durable and therefore requires a The German historian. Treltochke, larger proportion of wheat products • t whom foot princes and rulers sat. than oereal broads baked la tha home. eagerly absorbing hi* teachings, de “Tha well-to-do In our population voted hie life to spreading thle gospel can make greater sacrifices to tha of Poseer. It to tree, he said snear- consumption of wheat products than tngly, that “a stock of Inherited son can tha poor. In addition our popu oeptioes of tategrity and morality Is lation la tha agricultural districts, n necessity _ for government, — (useful, where tha substitute cereals ara abun that subjects of tbs state . be obedient), dant. m mare skilled In the prepara but “the end all and be all of a tion of brands from these othar cereals atato la Bswsr." “The state la tbs than the crowded city and industrial sols judge of the morality of Its owa populations. With Improved transpor actions. It is, In fact, above morality. tation conditions wo now hare avail able a surplus of potatoes. We also emary In moral.” have la the spring months a surplus From this It follows, in International relations, that there la no rule or eats for human consumption. The gnldo to eonduet exoapt self-interest. drain on rye and barley ns substitutes In this present war n follower of has already greatly exhausted the sup TrMtashka, ana of the loading com ply of those grains. moe-eehool educators of Germany, “To effect the needed oaring of Klrschen stetner of Munich, driven wkaat wo are wholly dependent upon boms the theory. “Th# great lesson the voluntary assistance of the Amer- which the German people baa had to lean people and we ask that the fol- learn la to think In terms of power. . . . Lot no one hors say that Flrst—Householders to asa not to passed a total of owe and one-half Ilf* of their awn. True, so loag aa ponado par weak of wheat products tha groat states around them allow par parson. This mesas not more them to exist. But any day may see than oas and three-fourths pounds of the and of their existence, la spits victory broad containing tha required of an treaties to tha contrary. . . . percentage of aobstitutoa and about Neither saliences nor treaties provide oawhalf pound of cooking flour, mac tha level security . , ,y There are aroni, crackers , pastry, pies, cakes, no ethical /Headship* betsseen states wheat breakfast ««reals all combined. in our dap. . . . There are on Ip friendships of convonlenee. And friend dubs to observe two wh set Isos days ship* of convenience last Just as long par weak, Monday sad Wednesday, as ns the convenience Itself.” . . . at present, and la addition thereto not Professor Buttnberg of Loipslg sums to sorvo In tbo aggregate a total of It sp, “All ethical considerations are more breadstuff*, macaroni, crackers, completely alien to the stats and the pastry, piss, cakes, sad wheat break stats mast therefore resolutely keep fast earsala containing n total of more them at arm's length.” than two ounces of about flour to any Can we wonder that the German one guest at nay on* meal. NO Foreign Secretary spoke of the broken WHEAT PRODUCT« TO BE SERV treaty with Belgium as a “scrap of ED UNLESS SPECIALLY ORDERED. paporr or that the school children Public eating establishments not to of Germany celebrated the sinking of buy mors than six pounds of wheat tha Lusitania/ <ff that German agents products par month par guest, thus in America, smoothly rriendly in ap conforming with limitations requested pearance, secretly plotted, before wa ware In the war, to destroy oar In of the householders. our railways, even our lives? Third—Retailers to ssD not more dustries. than one eighth of n barrel of floor In there no such thing any more a common humanity—no “decent to gay town coasaatsr at nay one time aa respect to the oplnios of mankind.“ and not more than one quarter of n aa Thomas Jefferson stated it In the barrel to nay country customer at of Independence? Is our any on# time and In no case to sell Declaration of righteousness, yes, even of wheat products without tbs sale of an Ideal unselfishness. Impossible In Interna equal weight of other cereals. polities? This tear, if Germany Fourth—Wa ask the bakers and is tlonnl defeated, map decide these ques grocers to rodeo* the volume of vie tion*. Oermanp spins, the strug tory broad—sold by dolivary of a gle has 6«f but if fust begun. three-quarters pound loaf whore one This American democracy of our pound was arid before and correspond denies, has always denied, the tag proportions In other weights. We Oerman and theory; It asserts that tha laws which formulate the duties of man toward each other are binding upon nations squally with Individual#. For centuries civilisation has been slowly advancing from ignorance, prejudice, and selfishness toward sym pathy, understanding, and n desire to see fustier done, whether between in dividuals or nations. The “be nil and end nil” of a state Is not Power—it 1« Justice And the German government has loft us la no doubt ns to the results of her theory. In application. That government has broken - a solemn treaty with Belgium, ordered tbs mur der of Innocent hostages, bombarded unfortified towns, torpedoed unarmed passenger ships, destroyed works of art where they could not be carried to Germany, plotted secret war against neetral nations—an of them actions she once pledged herself to forego— has lost In short, nil sense, appar ently. that she is dragging the former good name of tha German people through a astro of dishonor, the stain ef which will net be removed for generatiews. Against this used phi losophy and mad government the war mast be waged, until they ara de feated, or there Is aa safety far man