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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
.■*»>*.% JkiVtfg r • - - iJE ü m S —— 1 . vi*- v/'«sr* COQUILLE FALLET HUSTON M A K IN G STRO N G C A M P A IG N ! COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1918. Day’s Work. j- G. Hill made a riek haul one day which he haa ] P“ rther and a coyote, says the Port covered muen of the otate outside ,* < * * « * Tribune. The panther Multnomah county, A A Huston, can- | caa« h t in a email No. 4 trap a t didate for United States saunter, is iU b*’ °* uPP*r river. It had very much plea sed with hie prospects. | carr**<* Wup away but Mr. Hill’s Lip to the present tim e he has n o t p 0** *°°n bayed it. The coyote was held a pnhHe meeting nor spent any p a u f h t several miles distant nt Salal active time in Me county, Multnomnh, Sprln*r I t was the prise catch, as where the heavy vote is, but from this I*0"*“ °* "bo*» men of tho Brush time on be will devote himself largo-1 Corbin *#rtlon bad offered ly to rounding up Ms horns eounty 1Mr’ HU1 ,l 0 ° to «bHtion to the regu- vot# * I bur bounty for each one of them var- Mr. Huston has lived in Multnomah mint* «»ught by Mm. An autopsy county for twelve years, and f ^ jw ferm m l upon-the coyote showed it that he is weD enough known te b e |hmd not Howerixing, as there able te curry his county with Iw" «^blence ** bad been living upon little work, but h . expects to carry it P®*’ T#nta<» ami mutton' » by 10,000 vote. May 17. During tk , ««umUy Urge fmuate. lest year, perhaps fifteen te twenty Mr* who h a. s cunning In ths thousand voters have located in Mult- tr*PPin* ! » » • th at outwits the slyest nomah county, having foumi employ- *"1“ *1- this day’s ment in the shipyards. Many of | work* He b^ Unre* there are other these men sre entirely c°y°tes in the seme neighborhood, and with the Oregon , system and « ith W * baa h i. t itate politics. Thsso men have had H H experience in industrial plants, and ®*$> D ep o sit o f C hrom e O re. will only need to be shown Senator J. A Smith, one of the moat sue- Huston’s record on social legislation easeful prospectors in this section, aa- to see the wisdom of voting for him in nouaces the discovery of chrome ore, the primaries. apparently in large quantities on the Senator Huston began his work hi hills between Floras creek and Sixes Oregon in Washington county and his river in northern Curry county. He frionds living a t Hillsboro and Forest arrived in Bandon last night with a Grove say th a t he will carry Wash- good supply of samples, which he now ington county with not lees than 76 has on display in the window a t John percent of the Republican vote. And Dickey’s store. He states th at he has speaking about polities, Senator Hus- about 100 tens of the ore In plain ton is making his campaign first as sight on the surface of the ground, New Road in North Carry. plans to put on a pack train of 10 or The bids for the construction of 18 horses and begin a t once bringing five miles of new road to be built up the * u rf.c. ore out for shipm m t Flora, creek in the northern end of I Chrome or* ‘* now valuable. Curry county were opened yesterday Ita concentr,te* , r * UMd ,n the manu' a n d ^ h . contract a w ^ L to ^ o h n R * -t^L -B m ulon.W orld. Hill oa his bid of 612,446, exclusive of _T , , _ , . a bridge aerose F lo ra, creek. Accord- No ,o r P o ta to « , ing to the term s of the contract one- A fter trying in vain to sell his IS half of the work is to be completed tons of potatoes a t th e Bay, offering on November 1st, of this year, the I them as lew as SO cents a bushel and entire road is te be finished by Sep- ! getting no offers, C. E. Johnson, of tember 1st, 1919. A bond of $6,000 is Myrtle Point, decided to feed them required. to hie hogs. Mr. Hill eaye he will prepare for Jam es Ferry, of Isthmus Inlet, is operations a t once and expects to I in even harder luck with 40 tons he have a force of men a t work by the can’t sell and no hogs to food. It’s first of May. He says the road will a pity some of tho starving people be one of big benefit te the dairymen in Europe couldn’t be supplied with of thè upper end of the county as it I the surplus of America’s potato crop, tape a very fertile country. Hereto-1 It ie also true th at a feast nearly al- fore the dairymen have had to take ways follows a famine, especially with their milk out oa pack-horses. The a crop as easy to grow as potatoes, road is located on a fine grade, not By the same token this will be a good over 6 per cent a t any point, accord- year to plant potatoes. “Always buy ing to his estimate. There is about and plant when seed is low; keep out 1400 feet of rock work oa the route, of the market when it is high.” 8. A. Johnson, of Port Orford, was ------------------- — awarded the contract for the construe- M aking th e Rood S tra ig h t. A t the request of a number of my friend« I hereby aaaounoe myself as a candidate for nomination to the of fice of ■eprosentatfre in the Legisla tive Assembly, from Cose County, the Fifth Representative District; subject to the decision of the voters of ths Republican P arty a t the Primary Election, to be held on the 17th day of May, IMS. And I hereby announce my Plat form in a few short, terse sentences th at can be easily understood: Stand by the boys a t the front with every dollar and every ounce of en ergy. Win the war for Liberty and Humanity. Make ths world safe for innocent women and helpless children. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can- didate on the republican ticket a t the primary election, May 17th, for nom ination to the office of county com missioner of Coos county. GEO J. ARMSTRONG. —Paid Advt. With this I announce my candi dacy for sheriff of Ceos county, sub ject to the choice of the democratic party a t the primary nominating election on May 17, 1918. My platform is: First—I-w ill co-operate with gov ernment officials and assist in every way, required or needed, in the pres ent emergency. Second—I will secure the most com petent accountant and office man available to take charge of the office, dispense with all unnecessary help and require every tax notice to show all sums due so that no one becomes de linquent against his wilL Third—I will not shirk from any of ficial duty required of my office, no m atter what the task is or who it af fects. I will co-operate with all of ficers, treat all men alike regardless of creed or politics, businecs or pro fession; make no distinction between law violators. Fourth—I will economise as fa r as good service and efficiency will per- J. M. Thomas, Democratic Candidate for Sheriff. —Pnid Advt. W. H. Banka, former conductor on the run from Marshfield south to the Coquille valley, came in on the Coos Bay Limited Sunday night relieving A. E. Everton who is held a t home a t Portland by the illness of some member of the family. Mr. Banks has been gone for eighteen months and has4r*cently been working as ex tra in conductor service on the main line in the Willamette valley. He will be on the run only while Mr. Everton is detained.—Coos Bay Times. 8ome Good Advice. “Don’t think too much of your own methods. Watch other people’s ways and learn from them.” This is good advice, especially when billions or constipated. You will find many peo ple who use Chamberlain’s Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to' follow their ex ample. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Loggers who are Interested in such I * * * M a tt« , contracts are urged to communicate John Wells, who was a t the Bay with headquarters of the Spruce Pro- ««veral weeks ago when legal proceed- duction Division a t — lings were instituted against Jesse _______________ Williams and Betsy Wells, of East- .... . , ... t side, who had run off from families M ore R iver B o a ts fo r L um ber. 1 , wara livlng together there, re- F. E. Drone, of Parkersburg, has turned Sunday night from Washing- just purchased of John Strong, of Em- ton with his son, Willard, to make pire„ another barge which will be their home on the Bay until the trial used for the George W. Moore Lumber L f Mr. Williams, who is in jail here, company of Bandon. They already w i Mrs. Wells is over at the next ses- have four of Mr. Drone’s barges I rfon 0f Circuit court, working for them, rafting lumber as During his abhence he was securing fa r as Cedar Point. The mill has a I statements from his children who live capacity output of 76,000 feet a day, I about Everett, Wash., to prove his but owing te the shortage of ears Ljalm th a t Mrs. Betsy Wells, his wife there is being shipped sfily 26,000. land their mother, had not been mis- There - a n now six barges of lumbar I treated by him as she claimed. which have long bean w aiting a t Ce dar Point for cars which have not a r rived. These barges carry from one| to four carloads Philip Givi When he learned needed County rent his fine pair of . __ _. fflr valued a t $100 to the navy. I Robert A llk a i M att« » . IH . write, the war is over the glasses will be rn- that turned to the owner, it ie agreed, and she was a groat sufferer from Indi with __ will ram* a history of geatiou and constipation. Food dis- th t ern wHl __ . "T 7 tressed her and there was a feeling where they have been. “I d e n t care ,,k# B ^ » ^ h t pressing on her if you never send them beck, if they stomeeh and cheat She did not idbt are used hi any manner to beet the well a t night, and felt wora out a Hun by sending a submarine to the ¿ ¡lifftM . bottom, I w « be a thousand times re- trouble so th at she haa since felt like paid.” wrote Mr. Philip. looted '» — Highway Construction, Cans County, Oregon. Sealed bids for the construction of The Isthmus Slough Bridge in Coos County, Oregon, will be Re ceived by the County Court of said County, a t its office in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 o’clock A. M. May 2, 1918. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or certified check for an amount equal to at leaat 6 per cen t of the total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract -in a sum equal to one- half the total amount of the bid. Propoaal blanks and full informa tion for bidden may be obtained a t the office of the County Clerk of said County, or a t the office of the DepiAy State Highway Engineer, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plans and specifications and forms of contract may be seen at the same place or may be obtained upon the deposit of $16.00. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for sair County. COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUNTY. James Watson, County Judge. Geo. J. Armstrong, County Commissioner. Archie Philip, County Commissioner. A ttest: L. W. Oddy, 18t2 County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon, April 4, 1918, Notice ef Drainage District Eiectiaa. 1 Notice is hereby given, th at there will be a meeting of the owners of the land situated in the F at Elk Drainage District, a Drainage District hereto fore existing in Corn County, Oregon, a t the city hall, in the cRy o f Coquille, Cooe County, Oregon, a t the hour of ten o’clock, in the forenoon of S e ta r - 1 day, the 27th day of April, 1918, for the purpose of electing three Super visors for said F at Elk Drainage Dis trict. Dated this 6th day of April, 1918. . L. W. Oddy, County Clerk for Coos County, Ore ] gon. I L. P. Branst Ater, E. H. Hamden, W, W. Sanders, Supervisors of F at Elk Drainage District. IStS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tiiat Ladd A Harris, Contractors, have completed their contract for the improvement of a portion of tho Coos Bay-North Section of the High way betwoen Glasgow and Ht.uscr, to- wit:—Throe Draw-Bridges, one across North Slough, one across Haynes Slougli and one across Lr.rscn Slough, in compliance with tho contract and specifications as revised; aftd that the County Roadmaster has filed his cer tificate of the completion of said bridges, approving the work done by the said contractors, and any person, | firm or corporation having objections to file to tho acceptance of said work, may file the same in tie office of the County Clerk of Cooe County, Ore gon, within two weeks from*the first publication of this notice, to-wit:— from the 12th day of April, A. D , 1918. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, this 9th day of April, A. D., ( L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, IStS By A. B. Collier, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Cuss County. Milas M. Goodman, Plaintiff, vs. Minnie M. Goodman, Defendant To Minnie M. Goodman, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon. You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from ths date of the first publication of this summons, towit: within six weeks from the 29th day of March, 1918, the same being the date of the Aral publication of this summons; and in case you fail to so appear and answer on or before the 10th day of May, 1918, the same being the date of the last publication of this sum mons, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded against you in his said ’ complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: For decree of said Court dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equi table. _ This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Coquille Valley Sentinel by order of the Hon orable G. F. Skipworth, a Judge of the above entitled Court duly made and entered on the 25tii day of March, 191& J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and postoffice address, Coquille, Ore-' gon. . Professional Cards. J. A. RICHMOND • PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Richmond-Barker Building. • Coquille, Ore. Phones, Office 026, Bes. 214. * 4 * * PACE Stop! Look! Listen! If you have no boy in service, and hold back your dollars, can you look your neighbor in the face when he loses his boy? If you do hold back, where do you think you are going to stand in your neighbor’s estimation when this war ends? The time for indecision is past—the time for action is here. Let every true American subscribe to the limit of his ability for bonds of the THIRD LIBERTY LOAN. Subscriptions open April 6, 1918. Our services and facilities are offered free to all subscribers. The First National Bank Coquille, Oregon H Y D R O -C A R B O N IT E ♦ . -v ■ ■ THE HIGH GRADE ROOF AND IRON PAINT Jiolrf Continuously for Oyer 35 Years USES Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects Bridges and buildings, Preserves Fence Posts, Pro* tects Inside of Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls, Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons and Farm Implements. Should be used on all surfaces subject to severe conditions. lit Honardi Paint Company CLEVELAND, • - - OHIO BY THE WAY TTNCLE SAM is asking us to subscribe U for 1 another «not Liberty rty Loan. 'While Wh this is not spectac ular nor thrilling, it is however vitally necessary to furnish the money to win this wsr. The least we who stay at home can do is to pay the bills of those who go. So let’s get behind this New Liberty Loan and make it a record-breaker. Coos & Curry Telephone Company Service First. -D T H E O N E I N D U S T R Y IN C O Q U IL L E th at haa operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen years ago haa been your Laundry. Rain or shine, good times and bad, it has been on tbs job. We have a number of customers that have patronized it continually from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation of our service. Our aim is to improve the service in every way possible. We wash aver y thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY & ICE COMPANY W. C. CHASE \TTOfiNB7-AT-CAW Richmond-Barker Bldj Æegon Coquille O ste o p a th ic P h y sic ia n Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo. -- Office in Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon DR. C. W. ENDICOTT Str. Elizabeth Bandon to San Francisco F ore, F ir st c la w —$10. Sail« from C entral W arehouse Com pany J . E. WALSTROM , Agont, Bandon, O ra. «— E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs-, 24 Calif. S t, S. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. First N’t ’l Bank B’ld’g Phone Maie U, Coquille, Oregon.* J. J. STANLEY LAWTE9 Office In Farmers A Merchants Baqk Building. Coquille, Ora. For reliable Abstracts of Title and information about Coos County Rsal Estate see TITLE OUARANTEB A ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS - MaraMbld s r d C eeutn« C ltr, O r*. Special attention paid to looking after assessments and payment of taxes. Phone Marshfield Office____________ ________ Phone Coqollle Office HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager A. J. SHERWOOD A T T O tM V AT U l First National Bank Building CoquOlo Oregoi ♦ I Does Your Subscription Date Need Changing?