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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
The Sentine And The Coquille Herald a oooo ra n g * in a oooo TON • CoillitY SUMY T4 BY B. W. YOUNG. ’ One Y e a r.""1.''* 1... .7T7!\.. »1.60 follow s: .. *' ' i Six M onths............................... .76 C ity school, first prise, M abel Three M onths............................ it WOULD LET PEOPLE STARTS. Grush, 4th grade Coquille _______ No lubfleripttan unless psid Another striking OTidm n o € tfw fo r in advance. This rule is taspera- o f w ar savings stamps sold, Uve. fa c t that ths brewers are absolutely 81664.76. Second prise, Aldeane unpatrioic and ears u o ro fo r profit Smith, Pow ers school, » 1 , 097 . 10 . Advertising Bates. than fo r the success o f our country’s Tw o to five room schools, inclusive, D isplay, 16 cants par inch. Read arms is revealed in a press dispatch first prime, Louise Maas, Riverton, ing nqtkee, 6 cants par line each in sertion. W ant ads, 1 cent per w ord; from the state at W ashington. Now school, »471.29. Second prise, Loiuse no ad less than 16 cents. N o position York Gorman brewers, it appears, had Shanks, Bunker H ill school, »468.02. given. made Contracts w ith hop grow ers o f On* room schools, first prise, Don Oregon before w ar was declared, cov- ald M ills, Sumner school, »271.98. Sec WHCE, WWW HO W I SHEET l several thousand meres. These ond prise, O livia K jelland, Kentuck __, g row ers are now anxious to turn In let school, »261.25. Entered a t the Coquille Poetoffice as ths hop land into production o f grain The first prise goin g to the win Second Class M all M atter. in the interest o f food conservation ners above is a baby bond. The sec and have asked the German brewers ond prise consists at ton th rift "K eep the Home Flrea Burning." to cancel the contracts. This request ■tamps. (W ords by Lena G iulbert F ord .) is fla tly turned down. Other children m aking rem arkable ' W hat care these German brewers sales in the city schools w ere Ena Mc- They were summoned from the h ill side, if the world 14 facin g starvation and Keown, M arshfield, »1009.60; H ollis looking to Am erica fo r re lie f I They w ere called in from the glen. Trask, N orth Bend, »828.00; D orothy The a ll im portant thing w ith them And the country found them ready Bean, Bandon, »469.40; Ora M. Carter, is la ger beer and profits.— Am erican A » the stirrin g call fo r men. M yrtle Point, »369.97; E velyn Oerd- Issue. L et no toare add to th eir hardship, ing, Coquille, »826.00; Joseph A . Mc- A s ths soldiers pass along, Keown, M arshfield, $228.80. In each W A R FO R H U M A N IT Y . ^ And although your heart is breaking town the pupil m aking the best rec W ar, in a good cause, is not ths Make it sing this cheery song: ord bi sales w ill be presented by cit- 0 grestsst evil which a nation can suf isens o f the town w ith a baby bond. Chorus « fer. W ar is an u gly thing, but not In addition to the prise winners Keep the' home fires burning ths u gliest o f things; the decayed and named above the follow in g pupils W h ile your hearts are yearning, degraded state o f m oral and patriotic Though your lads are fa r aw ay F o rty per cent o f substitutes in feelin g which thinks nothing w orth a made excellent record* in the tw o to five room schools: W ilda Barker, They dream o f home; bread is the rule now fo r bakeries, ho war is worse. When a people are tels, restaurants and other catering used as mere instruments fo r firin g Bridge, »213.18; M ildred Saunders, There’s s silver lining Bunker H ill, »167.87; Erm a Emmer- Through the dark cloud shining, places in Oregon. cannon or th ru stin g'bayon ets,'In the son, Coos R iver school, »138.25; Eu Turn the dark cloud inside out service and fo r the selfish purposes o f gene Laird, Bridge, »126.18; Pearl Ro In some localities housewives have T ill the boy/com * home. a master, such w ar degrades a people. selle, Hermann school, (B roadbent), been lim ited to one and two-pound lots A w ar to protect other human beings O ver the seas there came a pleading, »124.76; G eorge Gunnell, Catching In in sugar purchases. This is on# o f against tyrannical injustice; a w ar to f * “ H elp a nation in d istress!" le t school, »69.66; E lla Johnson, the many little sacrifices made nec g ive victory to their own ideas o f And w e gave our glorious laddies; Catching In let school, »60. essary by the war. righ t and good, and which is their Honor made us do no Isos. E velyn Oerding, o f Coquille, made F or no gallan t son o f Freedom Voters who have not registered 240 different sales o f th rift stamps To a tyran t’« yoke should bond, should lost no tim e in registerin g, | purpose PurP °»e by their free choice, is often from March 9 to 81 inclusive. A And a noble heart m u lt answer and those who have registered but th e means o f their regeneration. Aldeane Smith, o f Powers, sold To the sacred call o f "F rien d ." who h a vi moved from their home pre man who has nothing which he is w ill nothing * but bahv bond*— th rift cinct should be carefu l to have their ing to figh t for, nothing which he stamps seem to he considered too Oerama Fiendiahness. registration changed before A p ril 12. cares m ore about than he does about ■mall change up in Powers. his personal safety, is a m iserable A ghastly illustration o f German The pupils o f Principal Young’s There was excessive m ortality creature, who has no chanoe o f being room a t Bunker H ill have an average hatred o f Am erican soldier* is given among Am erican newspapers in free, unless made and kept so by the o f »18.61 fo r each one o f the 86 pupils in a Salvation A rm y le tte r made pub- 1917. The number o f deaths and exertions o f better men than him self. enrolled. And the principal has over lie by A djutant Fletcher A gnaw, r. It m ergers was 1,669, o f which 1,000 was w ritten in rFance by Adju tant R. $100.00 worth ■im ply quit. Coquille lost one. There Since March t the pupils o f the C. Stabard, who has charge o f a Sal are 160 towns in the United States B ridge school have sold »610.60 o f w ar vation A rm y hut, to Commander Eva which had newspapers last year but savings stamps. Three pupils have Booth, who turned Ü over to A djutant have none this year. Agnew . ■old ovpr »106.00 each. South Dakota, which cams under ths w ire as No. 10 in ths ratification o f ths national prohibition amend- ment, made a record which none o f the states that ratified it before have equalled and none o f those to com# w ill surpass. E very vote cast in both the senate and the house was fo r the amendment, the ro ll standing 48 to 0 and 86 to 0. A press dispatch from the wine grape region o f C alifornia throws ligh t on a source o f waste o f food ■tuffs by the liquor interests and also reveals the fa ct that Prohibition would not work any hardship on ths grape grow ers. The announcement ie made that the wine grape men this year are going to make their grapes in fo sugar instead o f wins. On# ton or grapes w ill produce 400 pounds o f sugar. The crop is estim ated at 400,- 000 tons. This w ill increase the sug ar supply 160,000,000 pounds,.and it is said that the raw m aterial wiH cost tw o and one-half cents a pound. — ------------ . , This was w ritten a h alf century and m ore ago, but it m ight have been w ritten yesterday it applies so w ell to today's conditions. Tbs truth is the y * * * f * T » * » W A S A S B A D A S T H E H U N S. "R yan m ay g e t lib e rty " was the heading In on eoM ast Saturday’s dail- ie . which attracted our attention. Frank M. Ryan, who was referred to was form erly president o f the Interna- tional Iron W orkers. H e is now serving a seven years’ term a t the F t. Lesv- cnworth f « W ».It M t o ,. H . . . . convicted along with 82 others fo r a conspiracy to dynam ite the office <rf the Los Angeles Tim es. About twen- ty people w ere killed when that was done. The crim e was as fiendish as those the Huns are com m itting. The “ I visited a base hospital recen tly," says the letter, "and had this stonr from a sergeant who had pass&l A >^ 0“ " / on? tio" COnfr° n^ ! through one o f the raids. The ser chee* * indattry in ^ tnd Corr* geant was h orribly wounded by a gre- VTO* «d * d paajvoj s sXse ‘sojiunoj nade and was passed b y the Germans The price offered by cheme b , the as dead. B efore the sergeant lost con sciousness, however, he saw a dosen governm ent a t San Francisco i s . <1 Germans overpow er three Am erican pound. -To sell choeoe a t boys and cut th eir throats from ear to thi* P * “ m“ n l that Producers ear. The sergeant said the murder o f < * " P V only 49 cents fo r butter fa t the third Am erican was the most hor to „ th« tU lry men; **»• dairy™ “ rible. Four Germans held him w hile b** ^ to condensers a fifth fa irly severed his head from ior 82 * “ »*■• A * » r“ u lt tb* but* hit body. U r tmt •lther * ° “ int0 butU r °K « * ' " I havk ju st learned," continues the •— «— d * r l ~ ~ . letter, "th a t this same company o f Anotb* r «overnm ent requirem ent is Am ericans passed through here today that a ll o f last year’s cheese product with th eir bayonets sharpened like m u,t ** ■<*> ***<** June *• ^ U razors, sworn to avenge this aw fu l Pr» vent hoarding. Coos county crime against th eir comrades. W hat is Put up in tw o sises. There can you say to men bound on such an U * cheeM- known as “ triptots," errand except bid them strike with all their m ight because o f the righ t eousness o f our cause and the d evil ishness o f the en em y?" ( CH EESE P R IC E S TOO LO W . . _____, - Statem ent o f Ownership. More than a billion dollars o f Am erican agricultural exports ware sold to the European nations at war with Germany during 1917. Had this Na tion maintained peace at the price o f obedience to the German w ar tone de cree, this European m arket would have been closed and this billion dol lars worth o f* agricultural products would, most o f them, have rotted on farm s and in warehouses, or bean used in unprofitable ways, w ith consequent stagnation and ruin to the Am erican farm ers. Interest as w ell aa duty urges the Am erican farm er to g ive financial support to his Government in thi* war. Buy Lib erty Bonds. . Home B ig Butter Producers. th lia tio n a 'l prohibition constitution J They m ,J n SuA C The Coquille V a lley Sentinel is pub lished a t Coquille, Oregon. H . W . Young is the editor, m anager and owner. There are no bondholders, m ort gagees or other security holders own ing or holding any stock or interest whatever in the Coquille V alley Sen tinel. H. W . Young, owner. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day o f March, 1918. J. J. Stanley, N otary Public fo r Oregon. M y commission expires January 4, 1920. N o ^ D t vidual shipment ever brought into C oo. county. AH o f the ten cow. kots, M aryland, I Th ee, » whteh am now m li * i__ a Delaware and South Montana, Dakota. « dm as ins records of seven o f tnsin, wnicn m ake over one-fourth at the ^ ghow; ""T h e total number o f v o te , cast on the amendment by the m em bor. o f the tw o houses o f the legislatu re in t h e « tan itatna was 1 199 The aye vo te, in thee, legislatu re, were 1008 and the no ro te . 191 E igh ty-fou r percent o f Z lZ L u t L pro- hibition and 1 « percent a g a ln a t-a r TWICE It is lil A- P bought 17 heed o f reg- thoee lands which are classe Istered Jersey cattle near Monmouth, r ic u ltu ^ w ill be opened ft Oregon. This was the largest indi- “ r]y th i" »ummer. It is alt ^ ii make U»e amendment o f£ t £ e . Seven o f ^ . r e ^ u t h e m state., andthree have been found. ¡J J J J P °un^ butt" ! on* Pounds; one at one year and 11 m o n th ^ 602.96 pound.; on . a t one fe a r and ntee m onth^ 861.10 pounds; o "* * -7 «* r «W . 461.96 pounds. The baD o f thi> h ,rd u “ imported Jer- —f thr*e m r t old. One three year »Id bull went to T . P. Hanley and an- other 4-year-old buU to N ail and Lux, I f you su ffer backache, sleep! nichts, tired, dull da^s and d istretti that the C oo. Bay sregon re w ill be cruised by the Gov preparatory to disposal ____ la ter. P R ain fall Short This Y . ** Here there are a number worthy o f confidence. The grea t trouble la t a be certain they are reliable. Because o f the good reports about Doan’s K id- nev P ills from people I knew, I was led to g ive them a tria l. Judging from the fine results I got, I can say Doan's ' the report o f ^ p e r s t i v e , O. W ren o f the Bandon l i, H e »U o sta te, that the ra il the corresponding month o f 1 7.20 Inches, a difference o f 1.« leas thU year fo r the earn. The total r e n from Sept, 1917, to A p ril 1. 1918. i . M m inches. V . R. W ilson, Watchm aker. Swiee wüchse and a ll grades o f Am erican watches sk ilfu lly repaired. 10t4 I ite — .'4 • . * r ;* „ * • , .. sJt $ •" ' K PROVEN. On March 28, 1916, Mrs. K irkpat rick « i d : " I t h a. been quite a tew years since I have had occasion to use Doan’s K idnev P ills. I s till have as high an opinion o f them as when I gave m y first endorsem ent." Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply Ssk fo r a kidney 'rem edy— g e t D oans Kidney P ills — ths same that Mrs. K irk p a trick had. Foster-M ilburn' C o, K fg re .. Buffalo/Vf. Y . COUNTY yW UNITED STATES SENATOR Mey 17, 1918 NI b ItBCord M • Citizen, mad as a Republican Of All the Books known to man, the savings bank book is w ill corn«' the one that in handiest in days o f trouble. Get one of these opening an books by account w ith doesn’t this bank. take much to It start an account and it w ill grow am azingly i f you give it a t tention. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Commercial and Sating Deposits COQUILLE - g •' - - OREGON LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete V 1 ,y- ‘ * m : ; t»«' Estimates for all kinds of building GLADLY FURNISHED YOUR ORDER will have our special attention E. E JOHNSON