ople Coffee M B&w ™ - COFFE t WE guarantee MONOPLE COF- FEE to give you satisfaction and to equal any 40c coffee packed in After the coffee has been used out of the jar it can be used for canning fruit Why buy coffee tin when you can get a useful container at the same price? Try a Can of MONOPLE COFFEE and Satisfy Yourself as to Its Quality SUGAR! Don’t use sugar in making Syrup. Use MONOPLE CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP TOILET SOAPS OF QUALITY Many makers of toilet soaps eater to dealers who regard their customers from the standpoint of profit only^-wbo ignore quality when It stands In tha way of profit These soap manufacturers seek to hide the presence of impure materials by the use of pungent perfumes, some using coloring matter if necessary. Wo have none such. Every soap maker represented in our stoek of toilet and bath soaps has earned a reputation for producing high grade goods. ouch as - Rexall Toilet Soap, 10c VsoUt Duka Soap, 25c Madiraiod Sim Snap, 25c Boqpaat Jesnice, 35c Blemish Soap, 25c and all the podu I st advertised brands. Our buying power in eon- junction with 7000 other Rsxall stores usually enables us to save you something on the cost. One thing is certain-you gut SOAP QUALITY beta. The Test o f a Hand Brush ia tha Satisfaction It Grvaa—tha Wop It Lasts If you want a brush of the lasting kind, oas that will give good service after many months of oso, one that will bs a good brush when it is old, here is where to tray it—and at the right price. We have a pleasing variety from which to make your choice. PRICES FROM 25c UP Fuhrman’s Pharmacy ¡eacitsm Coquille, Ore Barley Floor Harry Black, who has bam tha caahiar of tha Cooa County Bank (Inca its formation aoasa months ago, laft Barley Meal on tha afternoon train Friday for Marshfield, where ha will take up a Com Flour position as bookkeeper in tha (hip yards. Ha will be succeeded by Gao. E. Tonney. Com Meal Friday arming tha Epworth League of the If. K. church mat at tha home of C. C. Carter for their monthly Hominy business meeting and social. After a short business session the members adjourned to the lawn where a very ■r Milo Maize Meal pleasant evening was a peat in play­ ing various outdoor games. Probably the largest crowd of Myr­ tle Point people gathered in our little city for some time was on last Satur­ day afternoon in honor of the first anniversary of our entrance into the Great War and the opening of the Third Liberty Loan drive. On this occasion at least a thousand people were present, over six hundred march­ ing in the big Patriotic Parade, the Home Guards, Bed Cross and school childrm. formed particularly conspicu­ ous units in the parade. After this all met near the intersection of Spruce and Fourth streets where addresses were made by a E. Mulkey, of Co- quille, end Mel G. Duncan, of Marhs- field. Claud Gilee, as chairman, then opened the big drive for Liberty Bonds. In less than half an hour 96,- 600 in bonds had bom sold. Our quota is 966,000. Watch us get H. There are no slackers In Myrtle Point. Sunday afternoon another/patriotic meeting was held at the Unique The­ ater. Private O’Rourke, of the Can­ adian Infantry, told some of his cx- periencee on the French front and John McComb, ex-district attorney of Portland, gave an addreas showing why we should by Liberty Bonds. Two Phones—691 Front and C Streets . Coquille, Oregon Both talks were very much enjoyed. Sunday evening the churches ef HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR LIBERTY BOND ? GET IN EARLY AND Myrtle Point met in a union patri­ otic service at the Christian church. HELP PUT COQUILLE OVER THE TOP. Back the Boys with Your Dollars. Buck of the pastors gave addresssskm various patriotic subjects. The tint tional airs were played by the Ander­ son Orchestra. * Word was received hers Sunday Tuesday the Fairview donation to that Clarke Fensler, one of our own tha Armenian Relief was brought in boys fighting for Uncle Sam, has been and turned over to Chairman Norton. commissioned a lieutenant. Con­ It amounted to 932.25. gratulations! Andrew Christensen reports that WHAT TO USE TO the Cooa Bay Cheese factory, of which PREVENT APPENDICITIS he is owner, is now receiving 26,000 pounds of milk daily. CoquUle people should know simple Lyle Nosier drove to Coquille Sat­ buckthorn baric, glycerine, etc., as urday afternoon with several of his mixed in Adler-i-ka, flushes the EN­ high school friends. TIRE bowel tract so completely that The Board of Directors for the appendicitis is prevented. ONE Myrtle Point schools met at the High SPOONFUL Adler-i-ka relieves ANY School Saturday night They have CASE sour stomach, gsa or consti­ now hired all but one of the teachers pation because it removes ALL foul for next year. Following is the par­ matter which clogged and poisoned tial list: Superintendent, A. L. Barn­ your system. The INSTANT action hart; High School teachers, Miss Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins and daugh­ supriaes both doctors and patients. Olive Rosche, Miss Myrtle Tobey, ter, Mrs. Claud Gilee, returned home Mrm. John Gary entertained a group C. J. Fuhrman. Friday from San Francisco, where of young people Wednesday evening Mrs. Giles has been confined to a in honor of Miss Mabel Lundy’s fif­ hospital for some tima. MA Gilee’ teenth birthday. ( ondition ia much improved and it ia Wednesday evening the Home now hoped she will soon haveStwfast, Guards hold an election of oAcers. health again. R. A. Annin motored to Broad bent Saturday. The Sophomore Class of M. P. H. S. will entertain tha ramaineder of tha High School in a big party Friday night. Saturday a deal waa cloaed whereby Commencement at Norway. Mr. Calvin Shields, of Bancroft, be­ The of the Norway school comes the owner of the Russell Yoak- will give pupils ENTAL Hygiene a Commencement Pia yet in sm ranch. ia the science of three eeenee, entitled “Just Plain Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dot,” at tha Norway hall Saturday, taking proper care of entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. April It. Tha performances will the month and teeth mooting on Monday night for the pur­ Davidson L. Gary, and Dr. and Mrs. Richmond to promote (sad health. pose of making arrangements to buy and daughter, Barbara, of Coquille. commence at 6:60 sharp. Everyone some now hose for the fire depart­ Mrs. P. W. Laird and Mrs. C. A. come. ment They ordered Chief Masson to Davidson spent Thursday in Marsh­ Cast of Characters buy 600 feet of the boat grade. This field visiting tip public schools. Mrs. Mrs. W ilson.....................M av Bird will make 1200 feet of good hooe be­ Claud Nosier substituted in Mrs. Da­ sides that used for the chemical. The vidson's place in the local school. proposition for placing the fire gong Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Davidson, on the Methodist church bell was also Misses Greens and Agnes Mc­ discussed and a committee appointed Cracken Lola were Coquille visitors Satur­ te look into the matter. ... I tha Clinton day. 96600 of the 94000 quota has bean Mias Zelma Strang was here from ....E lb ert Doan raised by selling Thrift Stampe. The Coquflk Monday having dental work ry,..Charlie Bird small deficit is due to the opening of Hasel Schroeder I the Liberty Loan driva, but the bal­ dona. She visited with tbs Max 5a- Violet Hatcher ance will be raised soon. Ora Carter has the honor of having sold the most Thrift Stamps in Myrtle Point. Dr. W. Ite Pemberton is furnishing the upstairs of the K. H. Hansen resi­ dence for a hospital. This will help him te take ears of his increasing business more easily. Mrs. J. T. Royer waa in town Mon­ day from Prosper. The General Sciame club of the Plenty on Hand for the Present Just received a limited supply of Also small amount of Busy Comer Grocery Did Caesar Have His Dentist? D YCLE COMPANY N e. Cenai S t. CWCAOO that “Nature the fea,” hut can help Na-