PAGE N. SLOGANS STATEWIDE TO - “ X j State Liberty Loan Headquarter«, Portland, Oregon, ' V ---------- C M te s tin tt F o r Liberty Lose Prize Widely Scattered. ~ April 6, m s . BVKRV COUNTY AND TOWN IN ORBOON I t REPRE* gENTED IN THB M ATERIAL BUB. MtTTBO TO COMMITTEE. NEARLY T o Ten Thousand Fallow Workers te r (M -U b a rty L o u la Oregon: We act out today upon the aooomplishment o f a tremendous task— the raising o f Oregon’s share of that part o f the National D a t e » « Food known as the Third Liberty Lean. Let » . each one, take to the work la hand with our heart* confidant of ... -, % j B l o g » » from OT«r the entire state but one ultimate result— VICTORY. were submitted fo r u m 1» tho Third Let » keep constantly In mind that a prompt and overwhelming sub­ Liberty L o u campaign, in tho rocont scription to the Third Liberty Loan Bonds la exacted of ue. Faltering la this ¡slogan con toot, for tho hoot o f which a |M Liberty Bond io to ho awarded duty la virtually equivalent to an expression of wlHlngaeee to abandon our opening day, April A boys who are In the trenches, suffering and fighting for ue. ! | " » " » g tho s l o g » » which woro con­ sidered by tho committee u poesesm Thoroughly sweep the field oa tke can vasal N o man should 1 ing high m erit and worthy of especial solicitors to come e seoond time la this e ffo rt « mention, are tho following which ora In soliciting eabecripttou eee that they are enrolled before leaving representative of the entire elate: Open your pnrae — help kill tho task of this magnitude well begun la half dona. co n e, Mias Haxel McCoy. Dufur; buy With the Spirit o f the First Line Trenches let every man and worn a bond that binds Democracy, W. P. do hie or her duty. MeMasters. MUls City; the Kaiser "This war," » i d President Wilson, “ must be won. not by the Government I groans at Liberty Loans. Nettle Page Scofield. New berg; Liberty Loans are but by the strength o f tha American people.” / „ Liberty's stepping stones, Mrs. J. D. In tha spirit of “ W B -W ILL” we w ill win. Slater. La Grande; bury the Kaiser Blnoeroly yours. with Liberty Bonds. Geo. A. Barden. Grants Pass; Uphold the colors with . EDW ARD OOOKINOHAM, barty 'dollars, »M rs. Edward Hill. Robert B. Smith, Executive Chairman Oregon State tarshfield; Over there our boys are State Manager. Central Liberty L o u Committee. watching, H. K. Donnelly. Salem; Break Liberty's chains—invest your g a l » . B u s » Fisher, Dallas; Sow bonds reap victory, Miss Elva 8. Hall, Vaaora; Build freedom's foun­ dation with Liberty Bonds, C. E. Logs­ don. Junction City; Our country's ar­ mor—Liberty B o n d a ge. W . Collier. Milwaukte; The Liberty Bond Is vic­ tory's wand. H. E. Allen, Hillsboro; Gold were dross with freedom’s loos. Count that day lost, whose low de­ -:'r. ■ ■ scending sun, sees nothing done to beat the Hun, both by T. P. McAn- drows, Baker; Tour little mite may win the fight. Mollis B. StrUght. Ore­ gon City; Protect your h o r n » with Liberty L o n » . Lonna Powell. Baker; Buy a bond— bridge the pond. Mrs. H. M. McKenna. Astoria; W e ll bridge i WILL OUR TOWN WIN AN HONOR FLAG? SIB ;; foiÛSSi TUinwd W W l K i r t C*'.yLTA This Is Oregon's official slogan— T ls Freedom's Call; Lead Tour AIL Defend yourself. If you can't go acroas to fight, you can do the next best thing by Investing In Liberty Bonds to keep your boy— your neighbor's boy— on the firing 1 1 » To Protect Tour Country To Perpetuate American Freedom To Keep the Demon Hdn From Tour Door. W e » n ' t act too quickly. The danger is Imminent W e will be tardy at best Don't stop to think, any more than you would stop to think whether to strike back If you were threatened by an assassin. W ill you Jeopardise your liberty by falling to do your duty! He who hesitates Is most assuredly lost All that your forefathers fought and died for Is lo s t A ll that the patriots o f 11 fought for Is lost This Is your great opportunity. Use It and Take your place as a real American. FIGHT, BOY OR BE NO SUCKER; SHOW WHY BEA BACKER That's What We're Up the Third Loan. It’s up to thia—fight, buy or show In order to stimulate individual subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan, to create community activity and to mobilise, systemlxe and unify the Initiative and energy o f cttlsens and districts In the accomplishment of a national purpose, an honor flag and honor roll system h » been adopted by , the Treasury Department for the Third Liberty Loan. This system Is outlined by the Department as follows: 1. A specially designed honor flag, officially adopted » the Third Liberty Loan flag, w ill be swarded to all communities upon their attainment o f their assigned quota. 1 A small Individual poster, containing a reproduction of the honor flag and a blank for the name of the subscriber, will be awarded to each subscriber for display in his horns. 5. A large honor' roll, containing at the top a reproduction Of the honor : flag and the slogan, "H elp Our Town Win the Right to Fly Thia Flag,” and below space for the names o f all subscribers, will bo posted In a conspicuous ; place In the community. ; 4. A large honor flag will be awarded to each state upon the attainment or Its quota, the state flag to contain the » m e s of those subordinate groups which have attained their quotes. 6. A national honor flag will be unfurled at Washington on which will be presented the return* from all the states. In the Twilight Zone of War Financing. (B y John W. K elly) »v a r y American who can afford to - ^ " w o ^ e r e T h r e l f e n c d b v l o y a y a Liberty Bond will be expected 0^ ,h£ P de£ e d to p roteetthem If he refuses the searchlights of ^ * high, tight fence. All .bile opinion will he so turned upon * ? * '! ? '* ^ m that he may be put Into the poet- w“ but not on of having to explain why he de- , . _ . . les the government the use of hie ' Thg farmer w u fagged, twilight irplua money. If the plans of the approaching and Instead of nail- atlonal Liberty Loan headquarter* ln* «*P remaining boards he drove : Washington are carried out. ( the sheep and decided to take a Information regarding the standing chance. In tho morning he discovered o f every Individual, his worth, his In- the ravages caused ln the flock by the 00 me, his Red Cross activities, » « m y marauder* the fence he hadj amounts which he has subscribed to built for protection was no protection, the First and Second Liberty L o s » , because when twilight came he failed war work which he has done, his to finish 1L Don’t permit your patriotism to suc- M tiiotio attitude, and other details, w ill an be carefully listed on a que»- cumb to the twilight sonel tlonnatre which will be kept on file In the twilight there la a «lacking by the government of industry, a tendency to take thing« Questionnaire«, prepared ln Bpo- Indifferently—to that, kane for two In Eastern Washington,' Having performed a good day's contain 94 questions. One has to be work, twilight find* a man tired of filled out for every man. woman and the heat and the harden*, ready to child above IS years of age. Among rest and oongratnlate himself on hi« the Inquiries were, nationality, pres- accomplishments. •at occupation, » m e of employer, The Third Liberty Loan 1« In the ether trades or occupations qualified twilight sons of war flnsfelng. ln. Liberty Loan subscriptions, earn- Twice have the people of Oregon lags. Red Cross war funds. Red Cross labored lndefatlgably and accompllsh- members In fam ily, miscellaneous war ed a groat work In oversubscribing donations, war activities engaged In, tke state’s allotment patriotic attitude, general reputation. Now cornea the real test—now la to Opposition to war work. If any. disclose whether they still have the Considering the fact that Oregon's vigor and patriotic strength hereto- percentage appears to be rather low (ore displayed. la comparison with other federal die- It remains to be seen whether they trteta, the local Liberty L o » Commit- will consider their duty performed 9 » feels that It amy be necessary to and are content to slacken, to take adopt some such m enu here o f re- things Indifferently, to loaf on the Job minding the people that they most do of patriotism. something to 'sa ve the reputation o f After a day la the fields it requires themselves and their state. Cards are' spunk and pluck to tackle additional bow being prepared. The Information work la the twilight. The m u who tor t h e » card* w ill be gained by the determine* to press the labor a little captains o f the different city pro- further—to make a real finish to the etnets. after the cards have been as- day's stunt, la doing something for signed to their proper districts by hlmeelt. And so Is K with those who Postal employee. In the rural dl%. .have helped In the previous bond flo- tricta over the state, the wqyk o f la- tatlons. There la a bit more to do bm dextag the Inhabitants has been going (ore turning in; a little more exertion an for some time. and patience sad drain on the re- Aathorisatlon for obtaining tea la- source«, formation c o m » from Washington. But If patriotism la not lulled Into Sss. The Prise wtdntng phrase was won by Florence B. Hoyt of Portland. It la used ln all advertising o f the Third Liberty Loan In Oregon. Many of the other s l o g s » from all over the state are used ln connection with the car­ toons being run by the Oregon pres*. Oregon writers and illustrators have all donated their best servioea in aid of the Third Liberty Loan. PUT IRON IN OUR S OULS! The Spirit e f ths First L I » Trenches Needsd In Loan Drivs. “ A little more Iron ln our souls,” was the appeal made by Late Young ln Des Moines recently, “a little more o f the spirit of our soldiers, s stimulus that will give us a relentless and un­ dying determination (o wipe the Ho- heuollern monster from the face of the earth.” American people are noted for their complacency, their seeming willing­ ness to enjoy the fruits of their pros­ perity, leaving to others the task of fighting their war for them. They do not stop to realise the enormity of Germany’s crime and the Intense seri­ ousness of the present world war of self-preservation, the supreme test of oar manhood and onr civilization. Our soldiers are doing their part, but, says Mr. Young, “ how pitiful are Red Cross oontributloM, Liberty Bonds and Y. M. C. A. gifts compared with the sacrifices and anfteringa of our soldiers. W e have comfort, hap­ piness. the ties and a ffe c t lo » of.home. But they, like immortal Alan Beeger, have their Tendesvoaa with death.'” “W e a n proud," he continues, “ that America h u met her dnty, true to her beet traditions. And may Ood grant that throe o f » at home tell not in t e » Slagle obligation to our soldiers, te n r Alitas, te our couatryl" Fifteen -Per Cent e f the Population Should Subscribe to 3rd Loan. The fact that Oregon In the First and Second Liberty L o a » shows a percentage of only 9.77 per cent of -the population subscribing to Liberty Loans, which was less than the a v e r age for the United States, and oom- . pares unfavorably with other states, makes It necessary for at least I t per .cent of the population to subscribe to the Third Liberty Loan, ln order to ibring Oregon into the same «tending as her slater states. ' Oregon’s 9.77 per cent of Liberty Loan subscribers la Insignificant be aide N ew 1 Tork's 19.94 per cen t Chi­ cago’s 19.99 per cent and Minneapolis' ¡19.04 per cent ' Canada’s recent “Victory Loan” campaign, translated Lpto the United States method o f aoeountlng. shows ¡a percentage of 14.1 of the population subscribing for bond«. Headquarter« o f the Third Liberty ¡Loan of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District are in Receipt of letters, call- !tng attention to the fact that many 'banks have subscribed to previous | loans «0 liberally that their capacity la somewhat curtailed, and .It w ill be .necessary for is per cent of the tn- : habitants o f a given community to subscribe to the loan In order to ful­ fill the desired quota. With the well I diffused prosperity on the Pacific ¡Coast. It la felt that this should not 'be difficult, and from the couatry dis­ trict» there should be n higher p er “ Quotas for different districts will be announced w ith in - a le w days,” ■ays State Chairman Cooklngbam. The quota of the state la $19,496,000. Portland will he alloted approximately half the amount or 91,000,000. While It la apparent that a $3,000,000,000 loan can be absorbed more readily by the people o f the United States than if the loan had been placed at twioe that earn, nevertheless I wish particu­ larly to impress upon our small army of volunteer workers and upon every cltlsen of Oregon that R will be no puny teak to raise 91S.000.000.” The Republic’s Battle Hymn. Harry Van Dyke, former American minister to the Netherlands, and now a chaplain ln the United State* serv­ ice; has composed an additional stan- sa for the “ Battle Hymn of the Re­ public." Hero it Is: “ W e have paaeed the cry of anguish from the victim* o f the Hun “ And we know our country’s peril If the war lords w ill la done— "W * will fight for world wide freedom till the victory Is won; “ For God la marching on.” Stanfield, Or. (T o the Editor.)— I read with a thrill Mr. Van Dyke’s ad­ ditional stans* to “ The Battle Hymn o f the Republic,” and. with the vision o f say only eon. Just passed 90, u he left u a tew months ago, anger to go over and do his bit to help avenge the wrongs o f Belgium and France, I am constrained to add two more s ta n s » » my interpretation e f America’s an­ e w «« to the cry o f anguish. W e have pledged our lives and for- tuaea < T o help freedom's c a n » advanoa. Subscribe to loan, protect your horns; Mies M yrtle Bates; Can you deny while others die, A n » L eville Mo- Phereon; Bonds are better than Prum slan fetters, Ruth Helen UnderkUL HOW R ETU R N S A R E N O T ED Map System to Be.Used During Third Liberty Loan Drive. R e t u r » from the varloua oountles I of the state will he Indicated at the Oregon State Central Liberty L e u headquarters, Portland, on a color aeheme map, » w ill »va ry town and district ln which n quota has hem I assigned, by a yellow thumb tack. I The count!as w ill have a large heeded tack and the districts a »m ail yellow te. As aeon as one-half o f the assigned quota h u bean reached In each town or district a red thumb tack w ill r e place the yellow asm oa the map. Similarly with the countlee on the state map. Each county headquarters w ill have their own map with the county divided Into convenient dim tricta which are to he bulletined 11km wise. When the full quote in each Iowa and district 1« attained It w ill be des­ ignated by a blue thumb tech. This system w ill afford u accurate check and w ill Indicate th o u countlee and districts o f the state which are doing the most effective work In the Third lib e r ty L o u Campaign. In each town and district a solicitor w ill be sent out with the Government household questlenulro upon which Is written pertinent facte concerning the Individual's ability to subscribe. Should the person be unable to sub­ scribe one-half o f the amount wu- mated that ha la abla to, » yellow card will be seat Into district head­ quarters. When more tkdfe one-half lees than the full aasignmeat h u 1 received a rod card replaces the yellow, and a blue card te w e d wham full quote of tke Individual h u . 1 subscribed. This system glvss accurate and detailed cheek ( g 7 person and the state end county headquarters w ill know exactly « M l he expected and what la betas The seeeter mop at Washington, a C„ Win indicate the advance is each • and the entire country. m vt;