The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, April 05, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    For Your War Garden
Ereryone will want r i i c c for the Liberty Day
Parade Tomorrow. rJLn w ^ It is the appropriate
occasion for showing where you stand.
Hoes..................._50c to 75c
Shovels ______ $1.20 to $1.50
Spades_______ ____________ $1.
We ha*e them in qoantitiet or by the single flag.
-------- YOURS
Poll-Easy Garden Cultivator.......... .............
Three-Prong Cultivator Hoe - ___ ____
All sises at from
Corrugated Unkinkable Garden Hose,
any length..... .................. 18 c per foot
3 for 5 Cents to 50c Apiece
Child’s Garden Sets
Who W ill Get the W arrant*?
celebration, but a Cooe Bay
The County Court spent considera­
affair in which North Bend would
ble time Wednesday in discussing the
figure aa prominently as her neigh-
matter o f the payments to be made to
Ladd A Harris fo r building three draw-
b rid gee over the sloughs north o f
Coos Bay last summer on the coeat
highway north.
The contractors, owing to the large
and unexpected increase in the wages
o f labor and cost o f materials, stand
to lose considerably on these con­
tracts. They have given security in
a bonding company to insure that the
county shall not be liable fo r materiel
or labor. They hdVs also borrowed a
considerable sum from the First N a­
tional Bank here, agreeing to secure
the lean by assigning their warrants.
Basida this, though that does not a f­
fect the case, they borrowed $2,000
without security from Ned Anderson,
o f Marshfield.
The bank, o f course, wants the war­
rants issued in payment fo r the work
according to contract.
So does the
security company which is going to
be held responsible fo r whatever is
doe fo r labor and materials above
what the contractor* have paid or can
p *r
Then the county’s interest* hav* to
be safeguarded, as a fte r paying for
other J ay about tha work o f the as­ ths work in full it will also be held
sessment board which is now making responsible i f claims fo r material
aa fa ir and equal an assessment o f the and labor are not paid.
The outcome o f the discussion of
real estate as is humanly possible, he
stated that he did not expect they this matter was ths conclusion that
would complete their work before the the warrants issued must be turned
over to the security company, thus
Asked then, whether it was pro­ making its responsibility fo r thv un­
posed to use the new valuation* in paid claims unquestionable.
levying the taxes o f 1918 ho seid that
was tha intention.
More W ork lu Less Time.
The tax rolla will have to bo
W. E. Crane, who is logging down
written before the new values have the river, is reported as saying that
been recommended in n considerable he cut nearly a million feet more o f
percentage o f the county, but after timber last month under the 8-hour
using them aa fa r as they a n availa­ day rule than he had ever done before
ble, it w ill be easy to ascertain the with the seme sised crew.
percentage by which values have so
E. B. Johnson says that at his mill
far been increased by the new board. h en, the cut was not as much in eight
Then the
will raise all real hours as it had been in nine but that
estate not yet impacted by tha board the nine hour shift produced more
in the same percentage.
lumber than when they w e n working
While this will not be as fa ir and ten hours.
For March ths average
equitable an assessment for the re­
mainder as could be mads aftar the
new board has acted, it will be much
nearer that than assessment on the
old figures would be.
Caa’t Win By a Fluke.
Raad Taxes T o Be Fought.
In the matter o f the Coquille-Myr-
The bop* that the special road taxes tlo Point basket ball claims J. W.
voted ia about a dozen road districts Noblet ‘to in receipt o f a copy o f a
in this county last fa ll might bo paid letter written by A . C .. Strange, of
the State Board o f Control o f School
proveniente without any legal ob­ Athletics, in which he gives it as his
seems opinion that the claim that Myrtle
doomed to disappointment. W * learn Point should be given the champion­
that Attorney John D. Goes has bees ship because the Coquille boys played
employed to take the question o f the a game on the floor o f the Marshfield
legality o f thoee election* into court gymnasium cannot be allowed.
and tha matter will, o f course, be car­ urges that the championship be set-
ried up to tho Supreme Court. "
Ia view o f this proceeding, a law Coquille
enacted at the lest session o f the lag-
On Friday, March 19, the “ Liberty
W ar 8avings Society” called a meet-
ins hi which they rendered e special
program before the high school. The
program consisted of:
. T h rift Speech— Audrey Stanniger.
Trio— Marvel Skoals, Gladys Nos­
ier and June Willey.
A t the end o f the program the war
savings service bedgee were explained
by Mr. Noblet and a committee con­
sisting o f Meymie Do Long, Marvel
Skssls and Gladys Nosier were ap­
pointed for the pnrpoee o f selecting
a program for the next meeting which
will take place in about two weeks.
The eighth grade under the guid­
ance o f Miss Treadgold visited the
Creamery Tuesday and were gracious­
ly received and shown over the entire
plant. While them they had the op­
portunity o f seeing the crqpm tester
Mr. Almack has been tfivited to at­
tend a State Educational conference
to be held at Eugene the 27th, 28th
and 29th o f June end to deliver an ad­
dress on “ Making Better Citisens by
Teaching Social Science.”
The books from all ths various
grades have been collected end taken
to the general library on the second
floor. Hereafter students taking out
books will secure them there.
The greet event o f the season, tha
Junior and Senior banquet, w ill tsk f
place A pril 6th at the Chase resi
denes. The guests ere to meet at the
home o f Nellie Johnson and w ill be
escorted to the banquet by the Jun­
iors. Toasts will be given from the
table and a short program w ill be
rendered fo r the entertainment of
those in attendance. This is to be a
Hoover banq uet and the Junior* in all
plans ere carrying out this scheme.
Mrs. Brandon was a visitor in Miss
Spencer's room.
The Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth
grades w ill form a living flag in the
Frederick Dolton is a new pupil in
Mias Griffin’s room.
Letter Wilson, who has boon sick
with pneumonia, is improving.
Edgar Emery has been absent from
school on account o f sicknes.
Evelyn Oerding is the first member
o f the Third Rainbow regiment in the
Fifth grade. She has been one o f the
first to enter in the other two regi­
The girls o f the Fifth grade are
making quilt* out o f the outing scraps
and the boys are cutting gun rags.
The Fourth grads took a walk in
the woods Friday afternoon.
The average ownership o f the
Fourth grade in T h rift stamps is
Sitka Docks Loadod.
R. A. Wemich, o f the Sitka Spruce
Co., said this morning that it was un­
certain how soon the double shift
operation o f the plant would be start­
ed on account o f the car shortage.
Yesterday five cars were spotted at
the dock rad If they should receive
that many daily for a week the con­
gestion on the docks would be relieved
and they would be ready to put on
one full eight hour shift and a third
o f a crew for the other eight hours in
addition to the present force. A t the
present time every foot o f their im­
mense docks is stacked high with
M yrtle Point.
Mrs. C. A . Sehroeder Entertains
Mrs. C. A . Sehroeder entertained
some o f her friends at Easter dinner
last Sunday at her house on the M yr­
tle Point road. N eatly tinted Easter
eggs served as place cards and the
artistic coloring and names mad*
this a unique variation from the usual
cards. About thirty people aat at the
table and the edibles were strictly o f
the Hoover variety, but were unusual­
ly appetising nevertheless. The en­
tire occasion was just another one o f
the always enjoyable gatherings fo r
which Mrs. Sehroeder is noted.
O ver $10,000 a Day.
During the last seven days the tax
force a t the Sheriff’s office have made
out receip t»-fer $78,000, an average
o f over $10,000 a day. They are two
days ahead o f last year’s schedule,
having made out 600 more receipts by
April 4th this year. A great mess o f
mail remittance« are awaiting atten­
tion among which is the $81.144 which
the C. A . Smith Co. sends in fo r the
first half o f its 1917 dues.
Methodist Church.
Study Service at 10 e. m. There
is a place fo r you.
A t the 11 o'clock service new mem­
bers will be received into the church,
end the sacrament will be adminis­
The thought w ill be “ The
Church’s Task.”
* Epworth League at 7.
“ Understanding and Doing Christ’s
W ill.”
Evening service begins at 8. Sub­
ject, "W h y 1 Am a Christian.”
Monthly Business meeting o f the
church Monday evening.
Teacher Training Class Tuesday ev­
Prayer service Wednesday evsning
at 8 o'clock.
S. G. Rogers, Pastor.
Heazlet Hall to usod so often now
for public gatherings o f all kinds that
we wonder what will take its place
when It is put to its form er use as
a furniture store.
A big tent might
be rented fo r the coming summer, but
something different will be required
when the rainy season begins again.
Calling Cards, 100 fo r $1.00.
St. James Episcopal Church
Sjnday school at 10 a. m.
Christian Science Society.
Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Sunday school at 9 JO a. m.
Free public reading room open ev­
ery day, except Sundays and holidays,
from 2 to 4 p. m.
Corner Third and Hall streets
Christian Church.
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Morning Worship at 11 a. m.
Christian Endea vor a t OrSO p. m.
Evening service at 7:S0 p. m.
You are cordially invited to all
these aervicee.
A . J. Whiddon, Minister.
Presbyterian Church.
The Celebrated
Bergmann Shoe
Awarded Gold Medal
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
The strongest and nearest waterproof
8hoea made fo r Loggers, Cruiser*.
Miners, Sportameli and Workera.
Theodore Bergman
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
621 Thurman St.
Portland, Oregon
Teaching service from 10 t o l l a. m.
Morning service at 11 a. m. Sub­
ject, “ God is Able.”
Evening- services e t 8 p. m. Sub­
ject, “ A Son Restored to Mother.”
Rev. J. A . McVeigh, pastor.
N ot Quite Up to Our Quota.
W H IT E LEG H O RN EGGS fo r set­
ting fo r sale at $1.60 for 16. Leave
The report o f the Coquille district
orders at Coquill* Garage A Sport­
W ar Savings Stamps conynittee to
ing Goods House.
the county committee this week shows
that this district is still behind its
P IA N O FOR S A L E — Leaving town.
quo's o f $6,000 a month. Ths sals
W ill sell my $426 mahogany case
fo r ’ ths first three months o f ths year
Cook piano for $160 cash. Bargain
is approximately $14,000— $4,000 be­
fo r anyone desiring to buy a good
hind the quota.
durable piano. Inquire at this of-
For the Simpson prise, in the class
to which Coquille belongs, it is unof­
ficially announced that Mabel Grush FOR S A L E — Two lota with small
was the winner last month, although
house five blocks cast o f postof­
the returns will not be canvassed un­
fice. Fine location on high ground.
til tomorrow.
In addition to that
Price $860. Ask the Sentinel about
baby bond she will receive one do­
nated by the Commercial Club for
FOR S A L E — 110 acres o f land at
leading in Coquille.
head o f Fishtrap; 2 % million feet
nf mixed timber on it, red and white
cedar and fir; also grasing land.
$20 an acre. M. T. Clinton, Arago.
LO ST— Last Saturday a child’s brown
corduroy velvet coat. Finder please
leave at Sentinel office.
FO R S A L E — Having sold our Gravel
Ford lease we w ill sell our milking
machine, used only 6 days. Price
$160. Also one 1% horse power
Monarch engine. Phone 427. C. O.
King, McKinley, Oregon.
F A R M FO R S A L E — 186 acres, 20
acres o f bottom in cultivation; 60
acres hill land in grass. 2 miles
from Coquille. George Colvin, Co-
quille, Oregon.