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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1918)
' ■ ■ «» -i 4 f e » : ; ■ .. ........... FACS s a • t j . ‘ ■ **-*•• .- W'1’.- * V-«v‘ *v ’■ ¡.„..«ab mm M W W J M S i' N E W FAVO IN COQUILLE h u created a aen- t agrees that it ia a combination o f them all— a supreme achieve m en t _ , . U ntil you've heard The Brunswick, you can’t o f this instrument o v e r Its sound chamber is built ____________ f __ _______ seasoned wood. So the tone is fu ll and th ro aty n ev er nasal. W e especially recommend Pa the records on The Brunswick. W e furnish a sound-box fo r Pathe records without extra cost Music lovers say there is no better combination to be found than The Brunswick Phonograph and Pathe records. In The Brunswick w e offer a fa r better phono graph at a slight reduction in cost. And our terms make it easy for you to have a Brunswick today and opjoy it. W e are alw ays glad to play The Brunswick for you end ex plain its merits. This doeelnot obligate you to buy. We ora anxious for every one to know about It end tell others. I ; . ‘ ■ 3.1 Come in today and ask to heve your favorite records played. P rice « $70 to $175 E A SY TERM S M l away. , 18; awqy i North Bond 7; away 16; away. on the part o f m s « M yrtle Poiat 171, Opponents 84. people as to why Mm geam Not m odi In that on which to born M yrtle Point and Coquille a claim fo r ih e played at Marshfield on the >latioe «T ¡evening e f March 22rtL So, in the silly nod unworthy o f true ¡hope that I may Set the facts e f the Beth teases have played i dearly before them, I am writ- the Marshfield fieor this year, and __ this communication. 1 fool that it Isn't the neutrality o f the wooden after rending it end then laying aside or that is in question but the' at any prujudees which they may have mosphere end attitude o f the specta |aiid judging it from the fasts that tors. [they w ill arrive at the same conclu- As to the referee, Mr. Gary usg ■ that we did. I know that the rested Mr. Long, but when the Co | citizens e f Coquille are fair-minded enough to h e « both sides o f a case quille management found that the lat ter was a dose friend e f the M yrtle before passing judgmont, and I feel -ertain that they w ill see the view- Point coeeh, if not a relative, they insisted point which the M yrtle Point people M"8 1*1* on their rights to an abeo- . «u - * - .. - THE B R U N S W I C K Plays All Records lodging from r*- P elt-lin e Business In almost every business nowadays you will find some place where an in conspicuous little electric motor is speeding up the work or providing conven ience for workers or patrons. have taken. - l lutely When new* reached me o f the fire at Coquille, I fe lt the loae eery much M®5* — far I realised that it would be hard y fo r the Coquille team to practice Nosier, I since their hall had burned; so when I th**n ' I Mr. J. W. Noblet and several of the f*™ 8 Coquille Basket ball team came to fonrtI>s M yrtle Point Monday, March 18, to , u" [talk over the pending game Mr. Bara- hart, superintendent o f sheools, offer- hf d , ed the use o f the Oaks PavUlion to champl1 them for practice purposes; and 11 W“ P*1 also invited Mr. Noblet to bring up W th his team and use the hall at any itme r" atlf r o f day which they chose, assuring him tha S* n that 1 would see that there wore no I M yrtle Pointers a t the hall to watch R Iv w thorn practice. Mr. Noblet declined A rriv the invitation stating that he was go- preaider iag to have the team practice up-1 ^ . ^ stairs at tha Heaslet Hall in Coquille, Rjvertoi as it had fom erly been used as a bas-1 a?0j j, , ket ball court. cording Consequently, when I received word A . pete: (from a Marshfield man) on the fol- f or the lowing Wednesday evening to the ef- feet that the Coquille team was prac- L . . ticing on the Marshfield Gymnasium stalled court— which had previously been I bad air H a s y o u r e s t a b lis h m e n t an electric worker on the payroll? Oregon Power Co. Phone 71 * M «io PATHE’S LATEST We have just received Information from the Path# Company, o f e Hat o f ten recares which a n to be on ■ release o f Ihe Mey issue, and era to go on sole just as soon as the stock is received. The records have already left the factory. Get your order, in « t once for any o f th . following new record.: Buy s BUSH Car *875 20816 The Darktown Strutter.’ Boll.Arthur Field., accordion Ac. In T h . T-»~< O’Yamo Y am o.. .Arthur FiekU, accordion Ac. 20188 One Day In June.................................... Campbell A Burr I ’m Sorry I Mode You C ry...................... H arry McCUakoy 20201 The W ild, W ild Women............................... .E u g e « Mack Chin, Chin, C h in a m a n .......................... Passim . Quartet 20188 Lorrain. ................................................... W illiam . G iv. M » th . Right to L o r. You ............ ..........Sterling You...................... Sterling Trio 20200 Whm the “ Yonks” Come Marching illiam s . [«ch in g Home Warwick W illiam Tom, Dick and Harry and Jack....... . Eugene Mack Mock ...................... Eugene 20187 Keep Cool, the Country'. Saving Fual....... Fuel...........Arthur Collin. ; Itegretful Blum ....................................... i - Arthur FUlda — ............... " T 1 20821 My Sweetie, Medley, Fox T ro t............... boudini Boudini Bros. Brm. Ac. Ac. A Scotch H igh -B a ll................. ....... Boudini Bros. Accordionists 20820 Going Up, from “ Going Up,” i," M Medley. edley..Am .American erican Rep. Bop. Bond Band Midnight W aite .................................American ................. American Rep. Rap. Band American Rep. Rep. Bend Band 20819 When You Come Bock, One > Step.......... Step.........American .................... American American Rep. Rep. Band Band Story Book Ball, Fox T rot,................. 20818 Wisconsin Forward Forever, r, M March,. arch,...Am . . American erican Rep. Band Naval Reserve March........................ .................. American American Rep. Rep. Band Band It’s a World-Beater at the Price A beautiful five-passenger Touring Car. Standard ri-w iraf * '" 1 throughout. Complete equipment. rtouign; superb finish. 1 why, i f it was impossible to practice f Circuit Judge in this disttrict should 1 1 there, dM he not U k . h i. Umn to the C okTb. nomtoated f o f th M u X North Bend floor to practice; and L reme bench in May They are A J I ™ “ Ot “ Otifled that Sherwood, of this city, and J o h r/ a * * Mlr8hfteld| ;- »**» L. A . U lM v irt, o f Msrah- « floor for practice T lfleld 11 I also understand that it is claimed | that J postively refused to have any- Um . . a . | one else officiate as referee, except “ “ ' U W T ° 3r 1 Private F. L. Long, of the U. S. Ms-1 J“ P Yoakam is in receipt o f the 1 rinse. I wish to cerrest this opinion. followiB> letter from a young men 1 I did agree with Mr. Noblot, to his who U8od live with him but is now 1 choice o f a referee— Mr. Robinson, o f| 'n the u - s - Navy: 11 Marshfield— by stating that it would Newport, B. L, Mar. 80, ’18. - i be satisfactory with me to have Mr. I “ How are you and every body? I • Robinson umpire one half o f the 1»m »till traveling. I don’t know 1 »nme, and referee one half, and Mr. where I am going but, believe me, I x I Long should referee one half and urn- t » ra »«r e on my way. v a * n . - 'i.H 3 pire the other half. It was only be-1 I am on a battleship and just got » a >Sa » a » » a » a * M a i a i M <>» W cause Mr. Noblet would not agree to I back lrom European waters. We left -i ■ il .. i ------------ ----- - j.------- j..... this that there were no officials chos-1 England on the fourth o f this month .^nd- rvt'w'd Delay in construction Ien- and got in Newport last night W ell, necessitated by acceptance w ill post- My Uam * » * remdy to play on Sat- |JcP' wh®" Sherman said “ war was pone commencement o f work until six urday «venlng, March 28, and would I 1’®**’” **• *ur® knew what he was weeks or two months Mr. Dewar I hmve plwywd had it not been for the ®»*>ut. thought. About 800 new poles w ill Lfte t * considered we had not Th®r® " * thousands o f wounded be put in. accorded fa ir pU y; and when M d le rs In London and Liverpool and The old circuit which has been tn |an »thletic contest cannot be played I thousands more coming from the service about twenty years w ill bo without on® ,id® taking an unfair ad- front. Butjmy, Jap, the U. 8. is rais- retained. Its deterioration has been v* nt*V® ®f the other, then I believe inC the devil with German submarines the cause of the new work but it is r * 1* 1 It is wise policy not to play. H>® North Sea. still to be used when needed.—-Coos I f* r ** • Championship is con-1 ^® convoyed two American sub- Bay Times. eeraed, I realize that under ordinary marines to England and then convoy- C Coquille Furniture Co. He Has Bagged 14 Beam. W. R. Coy, Euchre creek’s cham pi on hunter, has killed 14 bears this winter, and neediest to m y their will be no shortage o f great« fo r frying doughnuts in the Coy home for some time to come, says the Port Orford Tribune. These bears are found in the oak woods, where, during a season like this when there has been a big acron crop, they get very fa t on the nuts. Mr. Coy keeps several dogs that are dead medicine for a bruin whenever they trike his trail. No matter how long the chase, or where it leads, Coy is right behind his dogs when the bear takes to a tree. Sometimes it means lying out in the hills over night without blankets op provisions end the weather cold and stormy, but the dogs have done their pert and their owner never flunks on them by not going to them at the tram. Mr. Coy is one o f Curry’s stalwart sons physically. W eighing shout 226 pounds, he gets around in the woods as light as a small man, yet he w ill take a 200 !b hog on hie back and carry it out o f a steep canyon with scarcely an effort. Ji *1 * More Soldi«- Loggers. ” T T , . bot 0,8 u» ht ^ 1 « the above facte, and after Too much snow in Washington tim- careful consideration, then and ber country is the reason why Ser- only then, did I claim the champion - geant C. Abery and the eighteen en- ship fo r M yrtle Point because we had listed men who arrived Monday night a total o f more points against our on. with him from tha Vancouver bar- ppnents in the eight ganfifl*Than did racks are at work in the Powers the Coquille team. Signed. John L. ermps in Coos county instead o f at Gary, Athletic Coach, Myrtle Point. Keeriston, Wash., where- they were I Ore. two months in the woods, says the ______ their way to Powers where they make on violation of« rt the fourth detachment and bring the * To Have Now Telegraph Line. Two Western Union inspectera are in Coos county estimateing the coat o f construction o f a now line between Marshfield and M yrtle Point through Coquille. E. B. Dewar and H. A. Dur 1er aie these inspectors who were at Del nur Monday to check up on poles and other installation equipment needed fe r the placing o f the second circuit. Estimates must bo submitted to Saa Francisco office bet w ill undoubtedly be «cap tad and work ordered it la n killed ia Ore- hunting seaMa ■ w « in Coes •VTw ’ K W A ï * W ' V J. >4 ür f f f l b U m a, Y ou can't make a mistake in buying this exceptional car tor $871 Now here I d Am erica can you find its equal at the price. Remember that the B U S H Is not an experiment B U S H Cars have been in service for years. They have proved themselves to be all that w e say about them. Y ou can throttle the B U S H engine down to tw o miles an hour on high. Its action la smooth and sw eet f l’l a humm er! •ce h for yooimlC Compere . h with any othar ^ BtfSH k ^ car t ealHnc for ¿ration TODAY. LOREN KNIGHT, AOKNT ron COOS. CURRY. AND DOUGLAS C O U N T IE S W ou ld M ake 80,004 U h l o f V c s L the plaintiff and the defendant, and Some one ha. figured it out that i f for ao' h and furthar rclj e{ “ the calve, that are knocked in the *° * • ^ may «com meet and equi- head at birth by Coos county dairy-. _____ men were fed until they were six is summons is served upon you weeks old and reach * a weight o f thereof w ^ C o q u ille 66 or 70 pound, they would furnish , Val'* y Hon' neat enough to supply all the lumber , F' * Jud* » ®* camps o f Coos county for months— ^ above «"titled Court duly made 80,000 pound, at least. On the other a" d en U m l ° " lha 25th d» y “ arch, hand the dairymen figure that they would lose much more on butterfst . , Stanley, than they would make on veal by Attorney fo r Plaintiff. Residence adopting that policy. and P®*®«*® »¿dress, Coquille, Ora- Far a good many years The Amaricmi Minnie M. Goodman, Defendant Tobacco Company have been conducting a To Minnie M. Goodman, the above series of experiments having as their named defendant: object the improvement e f — « t i . . In the Name o f the State o f Ore gon. You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cans« within six weeks from the date e f the first publication e f this summons, tow it: within six weeks from the 29th day o f March, 1818, the same being the date o f the first publication o f this summons; amP,on»hip Z Strong and durable. I poedy > If you want speed— buiH for firs and fuel economg. tically laval land, or one-third o f the land in cmaller tracts that is ptowoble. L T. Weekly ia circulating the pati-