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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1918)
 ' J Î * ’ ' > • ■ V *; & ... The S en t , . A - * - 1*17. Jaa. 21. 1*12. of teal Bread B Y H. W «no* min SHEET T h e tin s fa r o f ths taxse o f 1*17 w ill aspiro one week from today, an Friday, A p ril 2. Unless they a re paid on or before that day sa interest a lty o f eae per east w ill apply, mma thtag w ill happen oa the e f every aaoath sa long aa unpaid. Besides that i f h a lf is M t paid oa or befors 6, a worse thing will happen is a penalty o f five per oent in tion to the in terest w ill apply a f th at data. Rssaeatber yon turn only until A p ril 2 to pay the first h a lf w ithout beginning to g o t in V E S T M UCH D E PE N D S O N US. A m wa go »bou t our daily t u lu In wace and la fitjr man am dying: «va ry ainute on the battlefield* o f Europe a seve civilisation. Our own gallan t as horrible to the history o f c iv il or U r t o and at 20, 20, bombarded tm and children in them wan- w ith the sole ob ject o f in flictin g suffering. A ll this >»■« bean done not in and pas sion, bat b y the calculating fe ro d ty o f soldiers. ” T h fc The above was not w ritten, though it m ight have been, yesterday, la st weak, last month, or last year. It ap peared in the English F ortn igh tly Re view February, 1171, shortly before the surrender o f Paris. Frederick Harrison, the w riter, is s till alive. Its sere true then, ere true Julius Ceaser in his Commen taries narrates events which show that even before the tim e o f Christ the Gormans demonstrated the pos- o f a ll the rudiaMnts o f tiy ir “ kultur.” It to no new thing; and hundreds o f thousands o f men w ill have died in vain in this war i f this sinister thing is not absolutely and u tterly exterm inated forevci by the forces o f civilisation arrayed it. fc eegjiy wnri quickly made with the aid of ROYAL BAKING POWDER If used three *im*R a week in place of white bread by the 23 familtoa in the United States, it would save m ore than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. O ar saw Had, The Provost Marshal General baa ordered “th at ‘man actively, assidu ously and com pletely engaged in planting or the cultivation o f a crop,’ but who are listed in class 1 and with in ths new quota, should bo d a te rs d and dem araliW an arm y. Pood is until ths and e f ths new quota.“ strength, and w ithout a perpetual supply o f strength the w orld w ill stand in danger o f totterin g, weaken- luff fa llin g in to uttar chaos. A man cannot figh t, think or w ork, i f he o f bread a day m ay hurt a little , but is hungry. U m A llies today are prac remember it ’s a life or a lim b the tica lly w holly dependent upon the Upon this boys a t the fro n t are risking. Pain United States fo r food. less patriotism won’t help much. Cut nation rests the responsibility o f pre down on wheat and sweets until it servin g the w orld from Prussia nism. This is the task o f the people o f this hurts. nation.— to produce and save food S ake at w ar-savings stamps havo enough to keep a steady stream at ee- run as high aa $2,000,000 a day. This ssntial supplies m oving towards the amount provides the Treasury fron t so long as it shall be necessary about one-tenth o f the entire amount to w age this war. I f a t any tim e we now being expended by the N ation fo r fa il in this, we must in evitably go the war. W hile $2,»00,000 is only 2 down, w ith tbs A llies, to defeat. This cents a day fo r every man, woman, is no exaggeration, but a serious fa c t and child in the country, the entire It is the purpose o f the U . 8. Pood cost e f the w ar is but 20 Adm inistration to bring the realisa capita a day. ______ tion o f this fa ct home to every Am er ican man, woman and child, and to Restriction in the nao o f enlist the active aid o f our hundred w hite flour, if continued fo r a year m illion people in producing and sav tw o, m ay result in deereasing doctor’s in g food. The Food Adm inistration is bills. Excessive asset not asking you to it only fatten s the doctors’ poekot books. It tlous food fo r another equally nutri is assy to form injurious habits o f tious food fo r another equ illy nutri eatin g and dislike a suggestion to re tious food, thus saving the vita l form . W o p refer to pay the doctors' staples needed by our arm ies and the blis. Now U ndo 8am says reform arm ies and the peoples o f the A llies. and we don’t want to ba W e must, during the next three Florence W est. months, save wheat especially. Our surplus has already been skipped The t iiid lib erty loan to open A p ril abroad, and a hundred m illion bushelf 2, w ill bo fo r 22,060,000,000, and all over-subscriptions at 4M par cent in terest. Bonds o f the first loan, bearing 3V4 wheat, you are contributing towards per cent interest, and o f the seco the hundred m illion bushels needed lorn at 4 per cent, m ay be converted over there by our figh tin g men and into tka now bonde, but thoee o f the the exhausted people o f Belgium, third loen w ill not be convertible into Prance and England, who have fo r any future issue. m ore than three years been bearing ^ Oregon men had anticipated a call the brunt o f this w ar. Keep this fo r a t least six billion dollars a in mind and bring it before the mind* eoi.sequentiy figured qn raisin g fifty o f your thoughtlees friends and neigh m illion dollars in O re jo «. This w ill bors.” a tou t eut it in two, m aking the state’s G E R M A N S A L W A Y S SA V A G E S . quota about 226,000,000, t o t o f eow an effo rt w ll bo made to fa r exceed “ E very villa g e th ey have passed this. through has been the victim o f what is only organised p illage. E very city has been practically sacked, ran sacked on system ; its eitisens plun- White modKaaboeSUt. "Beet War Tima Beeipee” R O Y A L B A K IN G PO W D E R OO., D ep t H , In U s announcement o f his candi dacy fo r renom ination Gov. W ithy- tars. ■ : - '*• ‘ combe w ell says: According to a report from N ew Oregon has given tw enty thousand York and Chicago o f some o f the fffc - o f her sons to the grea t w orld war. tents o f this parcel post m atter to These men ace the dower o f our the troops, a 12-hour inspection o f the young manhood and w e have no clear- parcel poet as it was being searched oe duty than that o f lo ya lly support fo r inflamambles and, exploeivea dis- ing them, providing fo r their health cloeed, am ong other things, 1,642 and com fort'an d safeguarding their boxes o f matches, 261 cans e f solidi m orals. I hall continue to render fied alcohol, 224 cigar ligh ters (a ll o f thorn every service in m y power. these o f the greatest menace to the Under our form o f governm ent the safety o f the s U p ), 1,248 cakes, 8*18 conduct o f a foreign w ar devolves on packages o f candles, 1222 bars o f the President o f the United State*, chocolate, besides countless scores at who is com m ander-in-chief o f the useful, as w ell as useless, articles, in A rm y and N avy. I shall do every eluding a bouquet o f a rtificia l flow thing in m y power to assist the Pres ers, a baby ou tfit and a bottle o f whis ident in m aking the power o f this key. country effective in th e great world The question this state o f affairs con flict I shall particu larly exercise raises is : W hy send apples and every power and authority which I possess to prom ote a maximum effi ciency . in our local industries which are related to the w ar activities. No; other duty i* so pressing or a t this tim e so im portant as th at o f winning the yrmr. N o sacrifice is too grea t i f a t practically wholesale prices. The question w ill have to ba an swered by the relatives o f the sol- diers, or it w ill, o f m ilitary necees vast quantities at matches, which en danger the ship and which is a pen iten tiary offense to place even in the domestic m ails? Tw o-thirds o f the articles found in a 12-hour inspection tour when work ing the soldiers’ parcel poet are on General Pershing’s canteen lis t and sold in retail quantities to the soldiers GOOD NEWS. I t is reported that Gardiner is hav ing m ore trouble w ithin Lor schools. A short tim e ago ono o f tLe teachers resigned fo r th i alleged cause o f poor hoalth, and a new tenchey was em ployed in o ir place. The news comes now that this one was diccharged last week fo r pro-German remarks and feelin g.— Umpqua Courier. known to man, tha savings bank book is th e w ill w United mates army first af ths samps in tha try hi mm to tm days, asrmillag to com « in one that handiest in days o f trouble. G et one o f those books by opening an account w ith this bank. It doesn't taka much to start an account and it w ill grow sm asingly i f yon g ive it at- FARMERS & KRCHUnS BANK Com m ercial and Saving Deposita - - - - OREGON LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete \ Estimates for all kinds of building GLADLY FURNISHED TOO M UCH S E N T T O S O LD IE R ?. That the parcel poet mails to sol d i « « in France are grea tly burdened by reason at so many unnecessary ar ticles being m ailed, and that there m ay arise a necessity fo r curtailing the parcel poet p rivilege to soldiers shown in the follow in g statement not by the postoAce depart m ent Recently a governm ent transport reached France carryin g to the sol d i « « a t ths fro n t 715,980 le tte n and 886,840 pieces o f parcel poet and newspapers. The le tte n weighed 814 tons and the parcels and p a p a « in excess o f 118 tone. B y reason o f the balkiness o f the m ail, this ship ment took up in excess o f 12,000 cub ic foot o f space on the tran sport This means a slice o f the/ ship’s cargo space 100 foot long, 10 fo o t high, and 12 fe e t wide. The 718*80 le tte n went Into 846 sacks but the pieces o f pared poet aad p a p a « requ ire« 7.452 sacks. When this m ail was un loaded a t a French port the le tte n fillod com pletely one o f the small F rssx * ca n , which a n h a lf the sics at ths Am erican m all ca n , but the paresis and p apen required a train o f 19 eo n . The m ail that is unloaded from the «hips m ost frequ ently w a it days at tha port before c a n can ba spared the heavily hardened railroads la France to ity , be answered drastically by tho authorities in France charged with the responsibility fo r the success of this w *r. Of All the Books C O Q U ILLE I shall stand in the future, as in the past, fo r rigid law enforcem ent and fo r a cleaner and greater Oregon. Oregon is firm ly com m itted to the principles o f prohibition and equal suffrage and, w hile they are no longer issues in this state, I shall continue to g ive these causes m y fu ll support. E very legitim ate phase at state de velopm ent should be supported, but at this tim e when our country is en gaged ip the most terrib le w ar in the world’s history the m ost rig id econo m y should be observed. 138 Wfflkm S l , New York FOOD w ill w in the w a r G O VEBNO R’S P A T R IO T IC W ORDS Tbs Coquille people did the W heat i : YOUR ORDER E. E. JOHNSON will have our special attention have alw ays given grea t satisfaction. I couldn’t recommend them too high ly.” . P rice 60c a t a ll dealers. Don’t sim ply ask fo r a kidney rem edy— get Doan's Kidney P ills— the same that Mrs. Strattan had. Foster-M ilbum Co., M fgrs., Buffalo, N . Y . a IT s E asy to Sehd Him poach o f Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug _ Tkat’a thn tobacco fo r hhn—Real Gravely Ckwwmg Plug—condensed q u a lity -th e moot tobacco satisfaction in the smallest space, ready lo giro him tho solid comfort o f tobacco wherever be happens to be. JBem eay m u a stow s* Real Gravely Flee. and he w01