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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1918)
• - % kY .H A BCH M .ttia. PAGE This MtobratkM li to take throe days, July 4, B and 6, a.»d will be held at Marshfield. It is promised that H You can se* it bake all over. Re shall be the binest patriotic celebra Pursuant to tbs request of the State Cups and Saucers, per set lieves that worry, knowing when it is Superintendent of Schools, war sav tion ever held in Coos County. Plate«, per get.........J......... properly done and the pleasure of serv Each local in the county is asked ings societies will be formed in all of Soup Plates, per s e t ......... to name one of its members as a rep- the upper grade rooms. The “Liber Vegetable Dishee........ ...... ing direct on table. scntative in the county committee ty” society has already been organ Mush Dishes, per set . which will meet at Marshfield Satur ised and held its first meeting Fri A 12-piece set of Fry Oven Glass for $1.00 Fruit Dishes, per set.. day evening, March SO. to make ar day. It is the first thrift society or Sugars and Creamers. down and a small payment each week. Here gan zed in Coos county sad one of tne rangements. Butter Pistes, per set is a list of the pieces: This is not going to bo any small first in the state. Pie Plates, per s e t.... i town affair, but a Coos County Loyal Londy Church is first in the speed 1 Pie Plate • 1 Shirred E g g Dish Legion celebration. The Marshfield test in typewriting held this week. 1 7-inch Casserole 6 Custard Cups Chamber of Commerce, the County The students in the local schools 1 Baking Dish 1 Pudding Dish Red Cross, the Honor Guard Girls and have addsd approximately $1000 worth of war savings stamps to their every patriotic organisation in the MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. county are going to cooperate with holdings sines February 22nd. Mabel Crush has sold over 2400 thrift the L. L. of L. L. The circular continues: “We will” stamps since March 0th. have a base ball tournament for three The Juniors are busy preparing for Red Cross N otes. enod. It Is advisable that each cnay- days, and a prise or probably $100 to the Senior reception which will be tar, branch and auxiliary be kept sol Red Cross activities wars resumed vent with a reserve of funds in the the winning team; there will be log given Saturday, Apr! 6. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE again this mask, the rooms being treasury. rolling contests, foot races, auto The Latin Club met Thursday af . closed last week that the members motor boat racing, boxing ternoon, March 21, from three to four. This suggesting is mads with no raoes, might devote their energies to collect thought matches, falling contests, cable splic There were six present. They spent of discouraging enthusiasm ing garments for tbs Belgian relief. of productcn, but merely to point out ing contest, prise drills by the soldier an enjoyable hour mostly spelling. That everyone responded most gen Hist Ifrancial difficulty may some teams, splendid Marriage Licenses. Methodist Church. music by nil the bands Miss Genevieva Chase, missing the erously to this appeal was evident times result from unregulated produc fn the county; barbecue least number of words, received a March 22—George M. Carr and dinners each This will be East«: Snnday and from the fact that over 1400 lb were tion. All Rad Crops activities should day, free vaudeville shows, and other prize, s little booklet entitled, “Love special features are arranged. Georgia P. Bell, both of Marshfield. shipped from here. And the great always be conducted on a reasonable like entertainments nil free to the and Friendship.” At the eloee of the Sunday morning at 8 a. m. the Ep- They were married at Emanuel Rec majority of these garments were good basis of relation to resources. meeting Miss Newell served refresh members of the L. L. L. L. There tory March 23rd by Rev. Jay Claud worth League will hold a Sunrise —outgrown, rather than outworn,— ments strictly of -the Hoover order. Black. will be no* faker concessions allowed; Prayer-eervice in the East Church, to and will, if allowed to reach their des The Northwestern Division has the only concessions allowed will be Those present were Misses Ada New which all are invited. • March 22—Charles B. McDuffee, of uniformly exceeded its allot tination, bring warmth and comfort qnite ell, Genevieve Chase, Thelma Richard Bandon, and Louise Bundy, of Co- held by the County Red Cross Organ At ID the regular Sunday School. ment and wishes to continue to do so, isation and Honor Guard Girls, so son, Mildred Neely; Elisabeth Church At 11 a apodal Easter service: the quiile. providing National Headquarters is that*any money spent for souvenirs, and Ross Fredenburg. pastor will speak on, “The Easter March 28—Harold Utterback, of willing, but present advisee are “Keep refreshments, The members of the local branch to etc., will go to the Red Leslie Schroeder, former pupil, vis Faith and Message.” The following Powers, and Margaret Viola Lund, of quotas slloted.” are being solicited for contributions Branches and auxlieries which find Cross funds.” ited the high school Monday where he special music will be rendered, “Hail- Coquille. They were married here on of 26 cents sach month for six months themselves .ovsr producing or strain The various locals arc requested, if spoke to the student body at the as Easter Mora,” by Beirly, sung by the March 24 by Rev. 8. G. Rogers, with toward s knitting fond. It has be period. He stated in his talk choir; “Hark, Hark, My Soul,” by Mrs. Owen Knowlton and Raymond their finances will plsase take they have any athletes, to got them sembly come imperative to obtain money in ing that Oregon in her athletics had been Shelley, duet, sung by Mrs. Hamden D. Lee at witnesses. started to training and to organize each stops to remedy this condition some way for yarn and this amount as base ball teams and relay race teams, having the same ^trouble that Coquille and Miss Bay; “Awake, Glad Soul," March 26—Pearly Oliver Lund and seems best to meet the conven from each member would ba sufficiest, ience of their respective communities. and at the same Urns to pick out hurd- has been experiencing with Myrtle by Carrie B. Adams, sung by choir. Jerusha May McLauglin, both of Pow- it is believed. Mrs. Ben Currie is in In Marshfield the number of working lers, runners, jumpers, log rollers, ca Point the last week. Epworth League at 6:30. charge of this drive and anyone who boors The announcement was mads Wed , At 7:16 the evening service begins March 25—Ernest Peterson, of ble splicers, fallen, etc. have been reduced to overcome desires to help fat this, will planes no the tendency toward exceeding our It is expected to raise $10,000 to nesday at assembly that all school with a special Easter program by Hauser and Wilde Fulton, of Haynes tify Mrs. Currie. Everyone should be should bs sat up one hour be the children and young people of the Inlet Workers ate engaged at the finance this celebration. ' Every log docks glad to contribute whether a member quota. ger in the Legion is asked to put up ginning Monday morning, April 2, by Sunday School. This special program March 26—C. E. Bashaw, of Br.ker, local headquarters .from two until of the Rod Cross organisation or not, four every afternoon excepting Sat n dollar and Mhrshfield promises to order of the government for the pur lasts 46 minutes nt the close of which Oregoti, and Lena Melville, of Marsh and soma a n doing so. pose of saving daylight. All stu there will be n union evangelistic ser field. urday instead Of working from one add $2 for every one the loggers eon- dents plsase observe this new regula vice nil the churches uniting. It is March 28—O. C. Rier, of Lost Val tribute. T. J. Thrift, of Coquille, will until five as was done formerly. tion and be sore to get up early. desired to make this the crowning ser ley, Ore., and Mrs. Mildred Cooley, of be the treasurer of the fund. The slides sent ia by the university vice of the week and of the day. The North Bend. They were married yes A logger poet is also in demand, certainly help swell the fund, ia order one who will try his’hand at writing this week showed various scenes on choir will assist with special music terday at the court house by Judge that others may have the yam to do n song for' the Loyal Legion. The agricultural subjects, such as the beef, at this service and there will be a Watson. with. beet of these songs will be published wool, pork, and dairy industry of the Gospel message. Mrs. Wimer, of the Roy district, You will eertainly attend some ser in the Coos ooonty papers and prises sfiste. contributed $1.60 to the yam fund ' The pictures of the basket ball team vice on Easter Sunday, if you have New Cases in Circuit Court. will be also swarded for two or three and Mrs. Judith Collier, »2.60. McKinley Red Croon. were taken Tuesday for the Laurel. no church this church invites yon. at the top. Mareh 26—Charles E. Cathcart vs. 8. G. Rogers. Pastor. Elfia The list of workers at our Refi The reports from locals down the — The High School la preparing to Cathcart. Suit for divorce. make n one hundred per cent parti Cross last Thursday were as follows: river all indicate a very favorable re March W .Smith vs. Meademee Geo. Glenn, L. A. Law- ception of the idea and H is probable cipation in the patriotic parade April St. Janes Episcopal Church. David A. 26—Gertrude Smith. Suit for divorce. home, Lee Mast, Mack Baker, Emms that the meeting tomorrow night will 6th. March 28—H. E. Anderson vs. Enon Sunday School nt 10 s. m. Susie Abell and Mildred Norton are On Tuesday in Easter Week, April M. Harris. Ingram, Anna Wilcox, Oscar Bunch, be s rousing one. Amongst the articles of clothing for Alva Brown, Wat. Forbes, Arthur Secretary Robert, of Local 16, says both absent from school this week there will be a Celebratioff of the March 28—Virginia Wado Fraser the Belgian relief wen a few things Brown, Otto Prey and Miss Mildred that the funds raised by the Legion on account of sickness. Susie has 2nd, Holy Communion at 7 s. m. and 9 a. vs. H. W. Fraser. Suit for divorce. which were deemed unsuitable for Mast Will be in the neighborhood of $10,000 new been sick with the grip for about m. The former service is specially March 26—Bird L. Nosier vs. Ruby Our chairman, Mrs. Walter Low- and that they are figuring oa n crowd two weeks, but expects to be able to for those whose business Nosier. 8ult for divorce. borne was on the sick list and not of 16,000. The impossibility of pro return to her studies some time next arranged prevents them from attending the lat able tak e with us this weak. viding accommodations for a fraction week, while Mildred has had a slight er service. Be it noted that Christian McKinley has bean having a siege of that number here is all that pre attack of appeadicitis. The Celebrated practice requires all Communicants to of measles, but as no new eases have vented Coquille from being given con The K. K. War Savings Society was communicate at least three times a been reported far two weeks, wt hope sideration in selecting the place to organised Wednesday. Members year of which Easter must be one. from the Fourth and Fifth grades, they are over. hold the celebration. Evening Prayer and Sermon 68 in nil, joined. The president is at Choral Awarded Gold Medal Our secretary road a letter to our 8 p. m. Tuesday. Mary Esther Johnson and the secre Auxiliary from the Coquille Branch P. P. L E. San Francisco, 1915 These services will be conduced by Utter back-Lund. tary, Katherine Wernich. commenting on the work which was There was the Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Rec a happy home wedding sent In a wank ago, saying it was at the Lund home of Eugene, by permission of the The strongest and nearest waterproof here at 11 o'clock Serious Auto Accident in Douglas tor beautifully dona. This is very en last Sunday mor.iing Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers, whan Harold T. E. Gill, of this city, whose fam Bishop of the Diocese. Sewing hours at the work rooms couraging as it was our first work. will be from 2 to 4 hereafter, and it While ws have some excellent seama- Utterback, of Powers, and Miss Mar ily are still living nt Roeeburg until Miners, 8portsmen and Workers. Presbyterian Church. is urged that the workers be there stresses we feel that much credit is garet Viola Lund, youngest daughter the school year closes, has just re before 2 so as to begin work prompt due our inspector, Mrs. L. A. Law- of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Lund, were ceived news of two or his sons having Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m. ly. This is necessary if much is to boros, who ia very thorough in her united in marriage by Rev. 8. G. Rog been seriously injured in an automo Morning eervice nt 11 a. m. Sub ers. After the ceremony s wedding bile accident. Francis Gill, four ject, “The Resurrection.” be accomplished. work. Keep Your Feet Dry Use The lunch was served and the bridal par years old, had started down the street Evening, union services nt the Ta Bergmann Mr. Richard McCarthy donated ty Water-Proof Shoe OiL took the train at 2:80 for their Methodist church. $1.00 this week. to moot his mother who was coming home at Powers where Mr. Rev. J. A. McVeigh, pastor. At the dance Saturday night 76 future Theodore Bergman from a neighbor’s. Philip Gill, Utterback holds the position of en home ware present. Everyone had a very gineer 12 years old, followed to ess that his Shoe Co. the employ of the Smith little brother was not hurt and nt Christian Science Society. 421 Thurman Manufacturing enoyable time and we realised $53.80 Powers in Logging St. Pert la ad, Oregon Co. available for the groat Patriotic pa after expenses ware paid. The Chaa. Critser, of Melrose, Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. Da. present were: Mr. and Mrs. once saw towards rade April 6th. Every member most Oyster our sapper was cooked and served F. Those him in n car going Wednesday evening meeting nt 8 C. True and children, Frankie and coming participate in this parade—one and at the Aasen Bros.’ Cook house. at high speed. GUI boy o’clock. all are must help make this an over The Red Cross wishes to thank all Frances; Mrs. Owen H. Knowlton, of jumped to snatch The the older one Sunday school at 9:80 a. ra. whelmingly successful patriotic dem those who helped In getting np the Coquille; Mrs. A. Stewart, sister of away from in front of the younger public reading room open ev car bat was the groom; Mrs. McLr.nghlin and too late. Both of them ware run ery Free onstration. Our Government expects day, Sundays and holidays, us to show our colors on this occa pecially the Aasen Bros, for donating daugtor, Frances, and Mr. Raymond down. Philip was ran over and soma frdm 2 to except 4 p. m. Lea, all of Powers, and Fred Lorenz sion and the Red Cross organization the milk, coffee and pickles and the projection under the machine caught Corner Third and Hall streets. Lost—a gold ear screw, somewhere in by virtue of their importance in the use of their kitchen and dining room and Camilla Lorenz, of Coquille. in his overalls and dragged, him for tKe business part of town. Leave Mrs. Knowlton and Mr. Lee acted s hundred great war ia to have a prominent nt the Cook house. along the rock ballast Christian Church. at the Sentinel office and receive re v place in the parade hero and every Our Rad Cross now has the funds as matron of honor and groomsman. ed roadway. feet Almost miraculously he Bible School at 10 a. m. ward. where. And we need nil the badges on hand to covar all expanses up to escaped from death and broken bones, Morning Worship at 11 a. m. we have and more too, so do not neg the present time. Probate Court. though so badly bruised and scratched Christian Endeavor nt 8:80 p. m FOR SALE—Having sold our Gravel lect thin little matter. — Notwithstanding the short notice C. R. Barrow, as attorney, has filed that Ford lease we will sell our milking he had to be carried home. Fran- Evening service nt 7:80 p. m. McKinley sent quite n large bundle n petition for the appointment of n machine, used only 6 days. Price You are cordially invited to all The ladies of the local Red Croes of clothing in to Coquille Saturday for guardian for Lloyd 8. D. McAdams, $160. Also one 114 horse power will serve dinner, April 8th, in the W. the French and Belgian children. Monarch engine. Phone 427. C. O. Lula S. McAdams, Henry McAdams, A. J. WUddon, Minister. O. W. hall, 60 cents per pints. Eat Arride Shepherd from Camp Lewis Chaa. C. McAdams, Annie F. Mc King, McKinley, Oregon. lltf there and help finance n good cnose— is house en a week’s furlough. Adams, Marguerite N. McAdams and Garden planting is tbs order of the you’ll gut year money’s worth tool FARM FOR SALE—186 acres, 20 Mrs. Wilcox received word from Bonnie V. McAdams, children of the ty here now. It’s boon too wet to acres of bottom in cultivation; 60 her son. Grant, that he has been sent late Samuel H. McAdams. >t seeds in ns early as is usually scree hill land in grass. 2 miles to Now Lenden, Conn., and is now from Coquille. George Colvin, Co A petition was filed Mareh 21 for quille, Oregon. the administration of the estate of The carcasses of the deer shot Just after Gov. Withycombe closed the sea Geo. F. Mullen, e t Myrtle Point. The estate consists of $5,000 rosi and $800 son Inst fell have since been held in personal proparty and the appraisers odd storage pending the recent trial aro J. L. Laird, E. E. Weakly and W. of the men arrested for killing them. Warden J. M. Thomas says the meat will now ba sold nt public auction and FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good sec the money turned into tbs Red Cross ond hand split hickory boggy cheap. treasury. Light one horse rig. Inquire nt Bergmann Shoe