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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1918)
.1 ím HÍM w G — ■ - w to two BY U SING Monople C offee a late hour. Packed h Economy Quart Fruit Jars L Ü ^ ’ y coffee slothing for o f 8*7 o f 781 lb. with s Ml s i i s l s l weignt WE guarantee MONOPLE COP- FEE to give you satisfaction and to equal any 40c coffee packed in An 11-Hour Day B n «, A fter the coffee has been used out o f the jar it can be used for canning fru it Why buy coffee in tin when .you can get a useful container at the same price? Try a Can of MONOPLE COFFEE aad Satisfy Yourself aa to Its Quality SUGAR! Don't use sugar in making Syrup. Use MONOPLE CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP -------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------------- W. B. LYONS Pfesae 2M w ill b e adopted by th e G rocerym en a t ty-flve jm n , Mr». Andrew Nystrom and children eame Monday evening from Spring- field to visit relatives here. ' ' H. F. McCracken stopped at the M yrtle Point Hotel Friday on his way to his homestead. 0 . N. Graven, from North Bend, was in oar city Saturday on hie way te Portland. J. C. Cray, o f Powers, was in town C. Davie, o f Bandon, waa at the M yrtle Point Hotel Monday. W illie W arner was in from Gaylord Monday. X. D. Near, the mail clerk, register ed at the Myrtle Point Hotel Monday. J. P. Beyers, the assessor, was in our elty T w ria y , • -— Mrs. Pearl Mans W ard is buying fru it trees from our nursery stock to take to her homestead. The members o f .the M. E. Sunday It Pays to Paint /£ME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT It gives groat durability and lasting beauty. It ia most economi cal to use, because it takes lorn and lasts longer. Let us show you suitable color combinations for your house end estimate the amount o f paint required, whether you buy or not. " Fuhrman’s Pharmacy ^ ta» Coquille, Ore. Commencing Monday, April 1st This store will t • f- - Mrs. Harold B argelt is very sick at the homo o f her parents in this eity. Mrs. W . T. Dement and daughter made a business trip to Coquille Mon- day. We see the o f J. H. Winters once more on the register at the M yrtle Point Hotel. 8. D. Gibbs and Mrs. L. Wackman were b a n Saturday from North Bend. Ed Northip, o f the logging camp at Powers, registered at the M yrtle Point Hotel Sunday. N. E. Landretb was in town Satur day on hie route to Bridge. Fred Uliner passed away Monday evening at the boms o f his sister, Mrs. George Miller. He waa «6 years and 6 months old and has been quite feeble for a number o f years being totally blind for some time. He has made his home here with his sister for several years. J. A . Parrish was in from Dement Creek camp Friday. Leonard P. Hoogbruin, the "M on- Una Kid,” registered at the Myrtle Point Hotel Friday with two big boxaa o f candy, one under each arm. Glad to see you, come agaia. We are glad to aoe our friend, Billie Hendricks, on the street again. Miss Helen Whitaker came Satur day from Eugene to spend her Easter vacation with her parents. J. P. Beyers, o f Coquille, la now busy finding out how much property the people o f M yrtle Point have. E. Hoff and A. P. W. Barnett were here Wednesday from Elmira. Anton Jacobson, o f Coqnille, was in town Wednesday. J. A . Merriman, from Eugene, was in our eity this week. We see the name o f C. Davie, o f Bandon, on the M yrtle Point Hotel register Wednesday. The Southern Coos County Ameri can has favored the people o f Myrtle Point with a daily war service bulle tin. Committees are busy this week with questionnaire cards. P. M. Theobald, o f Eegene, was here Wednesday. We also And the names o f Clyde CHICAGO Thusday to purchase a large bill o f goods o f Berry A Schrooder. The infant daughter o f George Mathewson was buried at Norway Wednesday. Hale and Kodmond, home photog raphers, were here visiting the hemes o f Myrtle Point this week. . * . ' * 1 . , . «.V , — * Open at 7 a. m. and Close at 6 p. m. Except Saturday - - We believe that our customers can be served satisfactorily in eleven hours and we ask the co-operation of the public in this move for better working conditions. Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets CYCLE COMPANY I lk C M lft, Coquille % James McDonald, from Eugene, registered at the M yrtle Point Hotel Sunday. T. Fallot and D. J. Dowd were in from their tie campe on H all's Creek Monday. They report their camp to Painting your buildings will immediately increase their value many times the amount o f your investment, in paint. Negleet to paint meant loss by deterioration and decay. lam bor and repairs are more expensive now than ever before. Protect your property from depreciation by pointing with On aecount of the tabor situation and to enable the merchants and their employes to do their full share of the work n ^ r y in carrying out the various war measures in aid of our govern ment in its time of need Coquille, Oregon W eek’s Market Report. Mr. W eod has given up the place that ha had ranted from Mr. Moreen fo r a year and la now hocking logs fo r Mr. Chaney. Too follow ing ia th > market report fo r Monday, March 2«, sent out by the Union Stock Yards at Portland: Cattle receipts fo r the week, includ ing today, 1400. The condition of the cattle trade today and yesterday i* very strong, top steers have sold and are quoted at 12.00. The market ha* not shown up very well in a quality way this week, moat o f the offerings being o f rather an off-grade. This off-grade stuff has been selling at fu lly 26c higher than it sold last week. Demand from both packers and butch ers ia insistent and trading is along vary active lines. quotations are: Good to choice steers 11.00 to 12.00; medium to good steers 10.00 to 11.00; common to medium steers 8.60 to 10.- 00; choice cows and heifers 9.00 to 10.00; common to good cows and heif ers 8.09 to 9.00; canners 4.26 to 6.26; bulla 6.00 to 9.00; calves 7.60 to 12.00; stoeksrs and feeders 9.60 to 10.60. Hog receipts fo r the week, includ ing today, 2200. Trading is very in active and sluggish chiefly on account o f the poor quality o f offerings. Most o f the hogs com ing «re unfinished, locking weight, and fat. Demand is not as keen ms it was last week at this time. Quotations ^are: Prime lights 16.85 to 17.00; prime heavies 16.60 to 16.86; pigs 14.75 to 16.75; bulk 16.85 to 16.90. Sheep receipts for the week, none. Lambs and killing sheep are still in a very strong position, with feeders very much in demand. Quota tons are: W estern laiqhs 16.00 to 16.50; valley lambs 14.60 to 16.60; yearlings 13.00 to 18.60; wethers 12.60 to 18.00; ewes 9.00 to 12.00. Join the "T w o Brood Sow in Every Farm” movement. Mrs. Ham msrloff, who disd in Ore Mrs. J. D. Laird visited her daugh gon City, was buried in Gravel Ford ter, Mrs. Earl Endioott, o f Sumner. Arthur W ilson, grandson o f Mr. this week. Mr. Frank -'S trong and Harry and Mrs. W . B. Mater, ia a mechanic’s Kranta are now working fo r Mr. mate in the navy. Chaney. From an item ia "Endeavor W orld” Arthur Moreen has moved home Baron Pickleaheim, who commanded after living in the home all winter. and wrote the "Adventures o f the Bald Hill and Gravel Ford had a U-202,” German submarine, has been game o f basket ball in the little rad captured and ia fat a British camp. Ha barn laat Saturday n igh t admitted that ha lied when he said in The house students were at the his book that British hospital ships carried active troops, and that he him Summerlin home Sunday and all en self saw this through his observation joyed a fine dinner which eras cooked by Mrs. Summerlin. Mrs. J. D. Bennett also gave a Mg "F ighting German Spiaa,” by French Strother in the W orld’s Work dinner fo r the home students, teachers and Mr. Simmona. for March is an eyeopener. Read it School will close this weak March and get acquainted with German •Oth at the Academ y owing to unex (Am erican) citizen*. "Single Men In pected circumstances. Barracks,” in the earns magaxine Mr. and Mrs. Haynol will make Cal proves that Uncle Sam takas better care o f the soldier than the civilian ifornia their next home aa soon as school is o u t tabes cars o f him self. Mr. Christensen It planning to take If those folks who are feeding on some treatment fo r hie ill health in windbubble breakfast food would try baked potatoes instead, they would Bandon aa soon aa school closes. The Academy raised their new flag find substantial Ailing; help out home industry and aava a few grains o f pole last Tuesday with the help o f the creamery men, and now the new wheat for our boys in France. The German barbarian and the "un flag that was given to the school is waving in the brasses. speakable Turk” vie with each other Miss Hasel Radabaugh moved from in making records fo r themselves aa her headquarters la Kattail avenue to Mr. Ben's. The Billie S God and the Turk God Mr. Harnieh was in town on a bu st are tw o o f a kind; twins, both from ness trip last week. the womb o f hell. Lenina and Trotsky have “ resign ed." That is exactly what Judas Is cariot did, resigned, after he had re BIG SURPRISE TO MANY ceived the thirty pieces o f silver. That ia the treacherous, traitorous coward’s IN COQUILLE character every tim e to betray w ith,a People are surprised at the IN idea and receive the thirty pieces a t STANT action o f sim ple buckthorn silver. B. A . Easton. hark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad- U r-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so com plete ly it relievos AN Y CASE sour sto- » » « h , gas or constipation and pre ▼«•to appendicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant action o f A dlor-i-ka sur- P*1*oo both doctors and patients. It foul m atter which poisoned fo r months. C. J. Fuhr-