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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
V C O Q U ILLS , PAOS Thrift MINOR MENnON. Telling Abort People sn Events in the City sná County. birthday of the school’ j A film “ Over Cut o u t the w hite breed and re- »pect yourself. Genial H enry Huggins from the Bay yesterday. was or L . A . L iljeqviat same over M arshfield Tuesday afternoon. fro _ Sergeant aw l M rs. M are Shelley w a n In town fo r a fa w b o o n Monday. A ttorn ey John D. Gese was over M a n U s till a t C a n y Lew is aad had from the Bay yesterday on lega l busi- a few days' furlough during wnich ha visited hone folks and introduced Paul P e ttit went over to N orth his bride to th en . Bend Tuesday to taka medical treat- J. N . L ittle, fath er o f M rs. E . A . Brenner and M iss Jetta U ttle , can s in fr o n Hutchinson, Kansas, Monday “ O ver the Top1 evening fo r an extended v is it w ith his week’s Sentinel, daughters, and i f he Ikes the county read tt. A ll the new things in Spring M il w ill remain perm anently. linery at Mrs. Burkholder’s next Sat Mrs. Louisa Chase, m other o f M. J. urday, March 28. Hartson, who has been visitin g him J. V . Shuck went to M yrtle Point fo r several weeks expects to leave W ednesday and expects to be busy Monday fo r Portland, where she w ill remain fo r a couple o f weeks and then there a ll summer. return to her home in Oehkosk, W is. Charles E. Strang has removed to Crim inal proceedings have been in Roseburg, Oregon, where ha is now stituted against A . E. Shuster, o f m aking his home. N orth Bend, form er justice o f the M rs. 8. V . Epperson went to Marsh peace in D istrict N o. 1, on account o f field on Saturday to attend the Food his having failed to turn over to the Conservation Conference. county about |700 in lines he had col Hugh Harioeker stopped a t Eugene lected. on his way out to jo in the colors last Notwithstanding a ll the calls fo r week to v is it Rev. F . G. Jennings. money now, people s till have cash O. C. Letter, a prominent Portland to spend fo r jo y riding. One Marsh newspaper man, has been selected as field dealer has ju st shipped in six L . J. Simpson’s campaign secretory. carloads o f automobiles, the largest consignment ever brought to Coos F ive tons o f grass hay wanted by county. W . H . Mansell You can s till g et the Oregon Farm - Lost a t Masonic hall a week ago dark plaid belt from mackinaw seat. or fo r three years by paying fo r the Finder please leave a t Sentinel o f Sentinel fo r a year in advance. A great many o f our readers have al- fice. ready taken advantage o f this extra Superintendent Raymond E. Baker ordinary o ffer and there's s till room was over a t M arshfield Saturday at fo r hundreds more. tending the food conservation meet L. W . Cochran, o f Parkersburg, yes ings. terday bought the K elley confection W anted before A p ril 16, good, white ery oto T aylor street o f L C. Fred- potatoes, any number e f ears, be- rick i, taking p ow ciiin n tween Pow ers and Eugene. H. W . This confectionery has alw ays en joy Coats. ed a good business and d e have no J. J. Stanley w est down to Bandon doubt M r. Cochran w ill increase i t this m orning to attend the annual Mrs. L . L . Albee and daughter, m eeting o f the Bar Association thia Maude, are goin g to sta rt tom orrow evening. ' m orning fo r M iles C ity, Montana, Hon. C. R. Barrow went down to where M rs. Albas has a m arried Bandon by the fou r o’clock boat this daughter. Indeed she has tw o daugh ters in that state and w ill spend the slimmer with them, probably return in g here in the fa ll. 8170 worth S f W ar Sav in g C ertificates. E velyn Oerding, o f Coquille, has sold |60 w orth o f T h rift Stamps and is tko second) to secure membership in Hm second “ JUinbow“ Regim ent. The Coes R iver school at its last report had 8819.26 worth o f W ar Sav ings Stamps. The school has an en rollm ent o f 87. The M yrtle Point echoed with an enrollm ent o f 291 had 1487.89 worth ob baby bonds and th rift stamps. The Sitkum district began Its cam paign with an order fo r 860 worth o f W 8. 8. The same district gave 824.- 76 fo r the Arm enian fund. Bunker H ill with 126 pupils 8*00 invested in w ar savings stamps. This school also has 6 members o f the Ruin bow Regim ents. The Beaver H ill school w ith 26 en rolled has shown its patriotism to the extent o f 8186.84. The teachers own most o f those. A moot rem arkable record in sales manship was made by pupils o f the Bandon school in the week from March 1 to 8. During this tim e the follow in g sal Dora Dibbleo ....................... 8067.20 Lester P e r r y ........................ 164.00 M ary K ay ............................ 186.30 Ines Pom eroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86.64 Lena D e v e re u x ..................... 62.00 Later returns o f sales mde by Ban don pupils are as follow s: Dorothy Bean ................ ....8290.00 Alden G riffith ...................... 68.00 W ilbpr W arren .................... 63.00 This make a total o f 12 pupils o f the Bandon schools who are members of the F irst or Second Rainbow Rei?i Lew is Anderson is the latest mem ber o f the second Rainbow Regim ent reported from North Bend. This i school has reported 6 members up to i The follow in g are records o f d if : feren t schools that have reported: Lnmpa, 1 « pupils......................$ 27.27 Em pire, M pupils, . 7 . . . ; . . . . 189.13 Fishtrap, 21 pupils, ............. 61.67 Randolph, 16 pupils, ......... 61.46 Riverside, 11 p u p ils ,........... /■ 26.62 Sumner, 21 pupils, ................. 80.00 A llegan y, 16 pupils, . . . . . . . . 84.76 N ew Lake, 8 pupils, ............. 10.00 E talks, 14 pupils, ................... 21.90 Eastside, 116 pupils......... ; . . . 61.26 Pleasant View , 16 pupils, . . . . 16.27 Remote, 11 pupils, ................. 10.01 M arshfield pod North Bend high schools have each arranged to take their H igh School Glea Clubs out to assist in some o f the T h rift Stamp m eetings being held in nearby die- treta. The Coquille high school has promised to do likew ise when the aee- o..d campaign is made in that vicinity. It is probable that every high school in the county w ill have a T h rift Glee Club or Quartet to help the cause along. Ned C. K elley is in receipt o f le t ters from his w ife and daughter, who have gone back to Palm Springs in Southern C aliforn ia but are expect in g to return to Coquille as soon as it gets warm weather again here. Ila also learns from Mrs. P . C. L eva r that bar daughter is doing nicely a fter “ Dew drop in“ a t M rs. Burkholder’s another operation on the glands o f kinat O. C. Jensen was Saturday, March 28, F irst N ational her neck, about three weeks ago. C ircuit Court here on ap Bdnk Bldg. peal from Justice Stanley’s court. The Meets Our Boys la the City. case related to some second hand fu r County Commissioner G. J. Arm strong was here Wednesday on his Dr. C. W . Endicott returned Sun niture Jensen had sold to a man return from the Bay, goin g down to day evening from attending a d in k named Dave Dennis, who rented a Bandon that afternoon. at Portland last week. W hile there house from Mrs. Bledsoe. When he “ O ver the Top” w ill begin in next “ w Kenneth and P erry Lawrence le ft between tw o days Mrs. Bledsoe took the goods'. Jensen claim ed he ek’s Sentinel. 'Y o u w ill want to who bad ju st been released from quar antine a t Camp Lew is. H e also ac still owned them but the C ircuit Court read i t companied Hugh H arioeker when the Judge G. F. Skipworth Is eoming la tter was taking his physical exam here soon to try some eases in which ination fo r enlistm ent in the aviation Judge Coke is disqualified, but the Raney Gain« Freedom. eorpe. Hugh passed a good exam ina tim e has not y et been fixed. tion and was probably sent to Texas Frank 'R aney, the boy accused o f Clean up day w ill come pretty soon. fo r training the middle o f this week. shooting C. H. Carson in the Powers Bettor call Davis, the junk He wants to go to France as a flier around in tim e. Don’t fo rg e t he buys but should he fa il to pass the tests fo r rags. that service w ill go in as a m otorcy “ Over the Top’ w ill begin in next clist in the aavttion corps. week's Sentinel, You w ill want to His Knee Struck i Snag. read i t Wednesday afternoon W . O. M at Yesterday F. E. McKenna shipped his household goods to Marshfield, thews, o f F girview , brought in his son, where .h e fortu nately secured a W illiam , suffering from a severe con house, notwithstanding the scarcity o f tusion o f the knee. W hile running the young man slipped and fe ll, his knee vacant houses on the bay. More Food Literature. striking a knot and some o f the lig a A . J. Sherwood wont out to Salem ments being torn loose. This resulted A supply o f new Food Conserva Wednesday to try a case in the Su in suffusion o f blood. Dr. Ham ilton tion literatu re has been received in preme C ou rt H e expects to visit relieved that and" says he does not Coquille and is being distributed at Portland before returning. think the leg w ill be stiffened by the the Red Cross rooms and elsewhere. accident The young man is still It is divided into lots consisting o f a Mrs. Burkholder is showing Spring M illin ery next Saturday, able to walk. new home card and three leaflets, two March 28. o f which contain recipes. A ny lady Yesterday and today have given us ideal spring weather again and shown us what southwestern Oregon has up her sleeve a t this season. N ew is the accepted tím e to plant garden. H. M. Shaw. M. D ; E ye, Ear, Neae, and Throat specialist, w ill ha a t Bax- handling a ll is one that w ill fa vo r and result in the highest effi ciency in Rad Cross, T h rift Stamps, Lib erty Bond, Y- M. C. A ., R e lie f or other campaign. The idea ia to have a permanent W ar Board fo r the par ted o f the w ar. The Board proper w ill consist o f about flvo man, cor responding to too executive commit tees named fo r each drive o f the past. Thia Board w ill have a chair man and secretary and under the di rection o f the Board there w ill be a group o f six to ten team captains, each team to be composed o f six or m ore field workprs. W ith this organisation perfected all that w ill be necessary when a call comes is to n otify the captains who w ill see their team m em ber» and work can start next day. Each team w ill have charge o f the same territo ry fo r each d rive and w ill know who make a patriotic response to each call and who are the pro-Huns. A com plete record w ifi bo kept o f the extent to which every man and woman in town responds, as w ell as the children on T h rift Stamps and R elief donations. | That the various campaigns w ill be conducted store easily and quickly un der the supervision o f such a perm a nent W ar B o a r! is certain, and wo look to see the plan adopted. tax fo r 1918, at the bargain counter price o f |260, which is considerably leas than it cost us. I f you want to own your home come and see us. H. W . Young. Timely Helps for House Cleaning Furniture Polish Household Ammonia fo r polishing Scouring Soap Laquerctte Powdered Borax fo r renew ing sur face f j. Boraxa Bath Tub Enamel O C edar Polish Chloride Lime Floor Stains Cresoieum Best and safest Floor Paints Floor Varnish D isinfectant PATHEPHONES The Best Talking Machine P L A Y A N Y M A K E O F DISC RECORDS' Knowlton’s Drug Store N t o CaMfi in Circuit Court. March 2— M aggie Jean Hendricks vs. Ludlow Carlton Hendricks. Suit fo r divorce. . March 2—J . O. Stem m ier v t. Glenn Mac|iado Kearney and- W illiam K ear ney, bar husband, Bessie Machado Broulotto, Jason W . Machado, Law rence D. Machado and Bennett Tru st C o, adm inistrator o f the estate o f Jason D. Machado, deceased. Suit to foreclose trust deed. March 2— Charles Strang va. E. G. Pel-ham. March 6— G oldie H arry va; Jos. L. H arry. Suit fo r divopta. March 9—J . C. Young va. Carl Smith and w ife aad Charles Hutchin son. Transcript on appeal. March 11— G eorge Corley va. B. F . Stage and E. L. Stags. March 12—Charles I. Reigard vs. Katherine M. Thimsen. March 9— Charles Barrows apd Vernal Lamb, both o f Bandon. March 11— G. Smith, o f M arshfield, and M yrtle Helm , o f N orth Bend. March 12—Charles A . W illiam s and Minds Ham ilton Butler, both o f North Bond. March 12— Raymond Char 1 m Chasa and Elbina Edna Johnson, both o f Coquille. . March 12—John T . Pooler, o f Geth- mon, Monroe C o , M ississippi, and Rosa M. M elrose, o f Em pire. Meeting« Begin Sunday Night. A series o f evangelistic m eetings is to begin a t Horsey H all Sunday ev ening, March 17, at 7:46 and to be continued there nightly b y-E va n gel ista F. R. Dennison and H. J. Han son. They a rt going to talk about Jesus, aa Savior, aa Lord, and as ex ample. W hile these preachers a nounce that they have “ postively ~no connection with Mormonism, Russel- ism, H oly Roll ism or other modern extravagances,” they M are their de nominational ism to be discloeed by their discoursee, if a t aU. METHODIST CHURCH Thursday, Mch. 21,7:30 p.m. Coquille, O regon Geo. W. Morrow of Michigan Subject: “ O ver the T op fo r a D ry Am erica” ' Hear him on ' ’W A R -TIM E P R O H IB IT IO N ,” a atop to ward Constitutional Prohibition, at the “ P A T R IO T IC DRY R A L L Y ” conducted by the Anti-Saloon League. Dr. Georgs W. Morrow, the famous Michigan orator and lecturer, who has twice crossed the continent in recent years, •peaking on behalf o f National Prohibition for the Anti- Saloon League o f America, IS COUNTED O NE O F T H E AB LE ST SPE AKE RS NOW ON TH E A M E R IC A N P L A T - .FORM. A ll A re W elcom e Adm ission Free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — — ------------- -----------------------------------------------------■ COM M ENTS O F TH E PRESS Mr. Morrow is o most earnest, energetic and forcefu l w orker in (be cause which he baa espoused. I have heard him before greet audiences;, and he was like a lion waked out of/a sleep. I have m et him often fsee to face and he was as gentle aa o woman. Ha has the spirit both o f fairness and o f figh t, and a vigilan t foe has never been able to unhorse him.— From Rev. James M. Berkley, D. D., D etroit, EX-M O D EH ATO R P R E S B Y T E R IA N G E N E R A L A SSE M B LY. Mr. Morrow io s remarkable speaker in many ways. His person ality is pleasing and commanding. He is a scholar, highly educated and a capital story teller.—Coorier, Addison. Michigan. Hooverized Luncheon. The Wednesday afternoon club was entertained this week by Mrs. C lar ence Tuttle. The luncheon served at 1:80 was strictly according to Hoov er in its construction, but the variety o f the dishes served and their appe tising character testified to the culin ary abilities as w ell as the pa tro t ic sentiments o f the hostess. . The afternoon was devoted to cards, Mrs. N . N . Neiman and Mrs. H. C. Gets winning the prises, which were also o f a patriotic character. “ O ver the Top“ w ill begin in next week’s Sentinel. You w ill want to read it. W ar Economy on Streets. who receives m ore than one lot is n Officer M iller has been at work this quested to hand the surplus to week givin g the planking on F irst friends, and any lady who has received street another goin g over. When that none can have her share by applying planking was repaired a year ago we all said that would be last o f that sort o f thing and hard surfacing would have to come a fter another year o f Reduction in • Prices. T o reduce Optical stock. F or 80 wear. But now there is no thought o f days only!- Commencing Monday, anything there except repairs until March 18th, 26% cut on all spectacles “ this cruel w ar is over.“ F. E. McKenna came over from the Bay Monday to tost out the new mo tors at the Sitka m ill, and as they proved satisfactory electric power is now being used down there. Last Saturday M r. and M rs. F. C. Puraley welcomed the advent e f a daughter, Louise Frances Pursley, to brighten and blesa their home. She tipped tbs boom a t 614 pounds. Wmr Board. by J. R. Norton a t a _____ Club m asting fo r SCENIC NEWS o f the (F rid a y ) “ L Tonight im ber Lands” serial. Saturday, March 16th, Irena Hunt and T rian gle playera in “ M aternal Spark.” 6 reels and comedy. In ad dition to the above wo hove o tw o reel production, “ O ver H ere.” See a virgin fo rest converted into a m ilitary camp fo r 40,000 men in 62 days. See three huge buildings, accommodating 900 men, erected in 27 m inute.. The grM t M ilitary film o f the hoar. Old soldiers end their w ires ad m itted fre e ; P ric e . 0 end 26c. Sunday, the 17th, Roy S tew art in “ One Shot R om .“ Monday, the 18th, W a . Duncan and Carol Hollawmg. again with pa in that wonderful serial, “ Vengeance and the Woman.“ Came and got o 10c ticket free to apply on the be ginning o f the serial, “ Secret o f Snb- and eye glaases. Thia is fo r stock on hand, (n o t ordered.) Take advan Serial Will Begin N ssl Week. tage o f the reduced price and g et first “ O ver the Top,“ Sergeant Em py’s class goods. This sale ends Monday, grMt story o f his w ar oxporioncM on A p ril 16th. Cash only. the western front w ill begin in the W ednesday, the 20th, the last ep- V. R. W ilson, Sentinel next week. Everybody, who Mode of the “ Fatal R ing.” ** O ptom etrist.’ hasn’t read it w ill »rant to. T all your ¡ Thursday, too 21st, Douglas F air C alling Corda, 100 fo r 81.00. AT " C O Q U ILLE P O S TO F F IC E . M ollo Départ. Marshfleld and Eastern M yrtle Point 8:80 o. a . ; P ow er» M arahfield Bandon 6X0 s. a . ; A rago (b y b oet) 6.40 a. m. 7:26 p. a . 2.00 p. a . 8.66 p. m. 4:00 p. m. x :0o p. a . M oite A rrive. M yrtle Poin t Pow er» Marahfield B*n d °n | 6:12 a. m.; 4:16 9:00 9:00 a. a . ; 7:40 4:00 p. a . a. m. p. a . p. a . Eyes Tested Oases nt« U n rt M m onwcinsT "Sa mm » te n o r Coqullte, Oregon