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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
Í.H , f. • 2*2; Gravai Favi A tm éetej. TOP BV 9crf*t A rthur Guy Em pty *• V Serg't Empey’s vivid and grip ping story of the great war will be printed in installments in this paper. Twenty-seven chapters of excit ing adventures and heart-stirring actioin events that befell this one man from the time he pasted from civilian life to trim hie place in the human wall that atanda between civilization and frightfuQneaa. • r — FRIDAY, MARCH U, IMS. Ta O pysge G erm an Propagaada. Miss Muriel Lsndrath to out of The American Defense Society, fas school this week with s hod eeU. widening the acope of its activities Mr. Chaney has Ms donkey engine throughout the nation, haa appointed at Gravel Ford now, and will seen be Mrs. C. R. Borrow as a messbar-of the pulling toga. —' ~ : .j* \ the Woman’s National Committee, A birthday party «as given at tbs to represent this district. horns of Mr. King ia honor of Lyman In spaakiag of the society*» a*—» King, on his Slat birthday. The and the contemplated campaign in guests were Misses R. Bengal, M. this city, Mrs. Barrow, in bar first Sister, Carrie Tibbott and May King, eommunication ah the society’s rep- Messrs. Gant, BOI Mast, Walter resentative, brings home with decid- od force the need ter immediate ae- Bunch and Parry Stona. Mr. Maroon hao boon hauling wood tion. this week that the Academy boys cut for the school. Mr. Carter was in Myrtle Point this weak on a business trip. Mr. Cromwell'« two sons and dough "In this war, if yon cannot go to tor have started to the public school the front yon will want to w t * at homo, MpocUlly now that oar own this wash. Mtoa Hasol Radabaagb was losses aro boginning to bo fait, and aw aro at laat actually realising the Saturday and Sunday visiting war. Germany is mobilised to the folks who live s t Arago. Frank Moser, who has been work hut man and woman, and if America ing in Marshfield, to visiting in Grav is to win this arar, we most also mo el Ford this week. bilise thoco here at hows every H. Christensen and Mrs. J. B. Hay- man and aroman. Service at home nai wore guests st the home of Mr. does not necessarily mean that you Colvin Saturday evening. must give op your family obligations Mrs. A. Bright and John Culbert or the time neeescary for earning son wore up to McKinley to see Mrs. your livelihood. Such service can and Chas. Heller who has boon very ill should be given in your spare time. the lost week. Mr. Harntoh end family wore call “The first thing you can do is to ers fct the home of Mr. Clayton Sun concern yourcolf with the desperate day. activities of the German Empire in Ray Bennett was in Myrtle Point this country, 8ome of these activi- to got treatm ent from the doctor for ties are political; others are industrial cramps amps in Ms hands. —attempts at dynamiting our war Earl Simmons has been sick this plants and burning buildings. Sttil eejt and could not teach classes one ethers are in the realm of propaganda Serg’t Empqy io an American W iW ' I Buy a BUSH Car *875 It’s a World-Beater at the Price A beautiful five-passenger Touring Car. Standard construction throughout. Complete equipment. Latest design; superb finish. Skoog and durable. Speedy if yoa wont spaed» built far firs and fool economy. Yoa can't mobs s mistake hi buying this exceptional car for $87$. Nowhere in America can you find its equal at the price. Remember that the BUSH is not an experiment. BUSH Cora have been in service far years. They "have proved themselves to be aU that we say about them. ' You clti throttle the BUSH engine down to two miles an hour on high. Its action is smooth and sweet. It’» a hummert In it fcr IN T H IS N E W SPA PE R Chamberlain’s Cough Bern« orite for Colds. J. L. Easley, Mscon, DL, lng of Chamberlain's Coos says. “During the pest flf it has been my sister’s favi cine for colds on the lungs, have taken it s number of < suffering with s cold and relieved me promptly.” i h with any other c i wM soy that the BUSH It a i TODAY. LOREN KNIGHT, CoquiUe, Or who enlisted In die British Army on hearing of the sinking of the “Lusitania.0 He writes in a atndghtfeeward way of Ua own experiences “over them,” of fee fife in which our own O VERTH ETO P W U Be f t la tid E PAGE -in ANY line o f Business few days at Myrtle Point Mrs. Emily Schroder and Mrs. Olaf Aasen want to Myrtle Point Friday to receive instructions in regard to the Bed Crocs knitting for Arago auxil iary. Little Erma Sehroeder accompanied Miss H. Martins Olson for the week end 1st North Bend. 1 m I™ /’ *nT line of business I there to room for labor-saving W short - cuts. Electric motor driven devices to perform rou tine tasks increase profits by releasing skilled hands for more intricate work. Isn’t there something YOU do every day which a motor eon do for you ) «¿L O O The CoquiUe VaUey Sentinel for ONE YEAR and the Oregon Fanner for THREE YEARS, aU for $1.50 EVERY SUBSCRIBER paying $1.50 in advance for the Sentinel, from this date until further notice, will re ceive the coming 52 issues of the Sentinel and 156 issues of the Weekly Oregon Farmer for that amount. THIS IS THE GREATEST Club Offer we have ever been able to present to the firm ers of the CoquiUe VaUey and we believe many of then will be glad to take advantage of it. To Prosecu te Food Hog*. Some housewife in Marshfield is headed for trouble, the kind that has a fine end a penitentiary sentence a t tached, says the Ceos Bay Times. L. A. Liljeqviat, chairman of the Marshfield Council of Defense, hoe reported the ease to W. B. Ayer, state food administrator, and ia watting OREGON POWER CO. Phone 71 M 911 Coo* B ay Boys to S iberia. According to a rumor at Marshfield the boys of the Coos Bey Coast Ar tillery company, who recently went from Fort Stevens to Sen Francisco, are bound for Siberia. The report came from one of the boys to the ef fect that they were receiving n whole new outfit of fur costs and leggings, regular hard winter weer. He did not know their destination, but the iknd of clothing made them believe that the Greet Northern was not bound for France. There were about five thousand aboard her.—Coos Bay Printers, A ttention! Any ope who would bo interested in securing fonts of eight, ton, or twelve-point century expended, almost as good aa new, could be accommoda ted here at very reasonable prices. News and job cues by the dozen. Racks thrown in. Small paper cuttor and good foot stapler also for sale. Adress H- W. Young, Oregon. 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $1.50; TWO FOR PRICE F0 ONE TW Sstotfoal orurywudi far gag your mi TW Oragaa Fan«* gvtry weak for Three Years, al far Mfiy................................................................ £ 4 mm tts ) rvniny « w w B___L,, p _____i. Send All Ordere to W. Y ou ng, C oquille, O r e g o n g i t- m.