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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
•• ■ I s t the 12 la the Basket B all gam * o f the be played a t Coquille to no doubht, bs one of (M y rtle P o in t) fa tha ■ o f the year. T h k Med by the H igh Schm l pupils o f y rtle Point, mtder the title “ Dm w ays; Arst, K w ill afford our rip to Coquill#,“ appears an a rticle 8168,970.09 boys tm excellent practice gam e; sea- irp ortin g to )w an account o f the 41 J 7 ond, R w ill g iv e us an opportunity to trip to C oqufflt on the orension o f the r e t-a Uno oa our playing w ith other CoquiUe-M yrtle Point basket ball e f the state, as the Oregon no. The article deals but sligh t have played w ith all the ly w ith the real trip but enters into principal high schools in the W il- s considerable explanation as to lam ette valley. M yrtle Point was defrauded out o f s * ■; A Today M r. Alm ack wont to Marsh- d ea rly won gam e. N ow 1 am « fleld to attend the M yrtle Point baa- un- eat that the author and p i ket ball gam e and to act as judge o f others are en tirely m isinform ed as to the debate between M arshfield and (oth er than U. & ): the trm tecta as shown by the rec Eugene. \ jte d ftd ft! CftllfttftTftl fo r ord. Paragraph Gum states, “ W o It is expected that ths champion- sta te, or other deposits (p orta l excluded) AT are firm ly convinced that ws won the ,| 12A00.00 bills payable............................................... gam e and i f our boys had been pro o Securities other than U . 8. fessional crabbers the stock.) owned unpledged.............................. 88,700.70 have been changed. I t 61,600.70 T ota l boada by many o f the people o f Coquille 9. Stock o f Federal that M yrtle Poin t won the 1,800.00 subscriptioa) .......... ....... beginning to end." H ow it happens 82,700.00 10. * Value o f banking boom ---- that the author la so firm ly convinced M 00.00 11. Furniture sad Ax te rm ......... can bo explained in om o f tw o ways. 21,000.00 IS. Law fu l reserve w ith Federal He (ah a) was not a t the gam e or i f IS. Cash in vault and uot amounts dm from nation a t the gam e was unable to am the day afternoon a t the high school al banka................................................................ gam e as it was played. In ritbej building. Tha principal features o f 18. N ot amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust event I w ill submit fo r your conoid tha program was “ Lem on Plan Mak « « —pesU s other t e a included in Item s 18,14,16 oration and inform ation the follow in g ing,” by M r. Noblat, and “ O ral Teach IS. Checks on other banks in the same city or town foots: in g," by Miss Spencer. as reportin g bank (oth er t e n Item 17) The gam e was played regu larly Tha G irls’ Glaa Club has started on T o ta l o f Item s 14. IS , I f , 17 and IS 87,487.9« with competent reform and umpire th eir commencement m ask. Six o f 19. Chocks on beaks located outside o f city or town whom fairness the supporters of the g irls sang Tuesday a t Balia Me- 644J1 Guflta's fonarsi. A trio has also been either team would hardly have the 20. Redemption fund w ith U. 8. Treasurer and dm started fo r tha L ib erty bead cam- tannarity to question. A im played from D. 8. Treasurer. in the presence o f about 660 people. 21. In terest earned but not eaDeetod— approxim ate I f there was any w rong decision or Tha B iology elaae a t present are — on N otes sad B ills Receivable not post d m . N o t roper w rong action on the part o f any ofik planning 0a the dissecting o f a fish. 22. W ar Savings C ertificates end T h rift Stomps ial or anyone elm I confess I did no actually ow n ed ............. ........................ ............ 1,821.61 Tw o o f tha members o f t|fc» class, Londy Church and Carol Bahskopf am it, nor did I hoar o f anyone rise want Ashing today in hops o f secur seeing i t I am swwrs that the conch TO TAL. . i ......i . .,..Y V r ... o f the team was, ju st a t the conclu in g tha required specimens. LIABILITIES sion o f the game, under the im pres On Tuesday at tha assembly period 24. Capital stock paid I n . . » - a , . , . , « . . - , 8 60,000.00 sion that a score made by om o f Co- a W ar-Savings Society' o f tha high 26. Surplus fund................. ............................... 10,000.00 quills's players a fter the w histle school was organised; Fred Lorens 28 a Undivided p ro fits ................................. ............ 4,160.44 blew had been counted. This appar b Lam current expanses, interest and taxes paid. 1,994.99 2,466.46 being elected president; M r. Noblet ent error was explained by the official vice-president and Carol Bahskopf 27. Interest and discount collected or credited, in ad secretary. The purpoee e f this or scorer to the coach and to tha players vance o f m aturity and not earned (approxim ate) N ot in tha Coquille Club room about an 28. Am ount reserved fo r taxes a ccru ed ................... 1,600.00 ganisation is to prom ote system stic hour a fte r the gam e had bean played. th rift and to refrain from unnecessary 80. C irculating notes outstanding ............ . 12,600.00 expenditures. This is perhaps the And a t that tim e tha players sad 88. N at amounts d m to banks, bankers, and trust Arst organisation o f its kind in Coo* coach expr essed them selves as being companies (oth er than included in item s 81 or 82 6,189.44 county. Regular m eetings w ill be satisfied and w * expected them to so T otal o f itaasa 82 and 88............... .................... 8,188.84 held at which th rift program s win be inform their supporters. This erron Demand dspssMa (oth er than bank deposits) sub eous im pression was gotten from the ject to Reserve (deposits payable within 88 d a y s): score book as kept by the M yrtle On Thursday m orning at the assem 84. Individual deposits subject to chock ................... 218,724.70 b ly parted M r. Ahnack entertained Pont scorer. A ll fa m ilia r with 86. Certificates o f deposit dm la lam than 80 days ing are aw are that w e have a line (oth er than fo r money b o rro w e d )..................... 46,777AS the high school by reading several on which to kmp the score o f each 86. Certified checks.......................- ....................... .. 6.70 selections o f w ar poetry. player and at tha conclusion o f each The A ssembly period on Wednesday 38. State, county or other municipal deposits secur the number o f scores mads by ed by p le d g a e f assets o f this b a n k .. . . . . T . . . . 86,887.24 was taken up by the regular sing any individual player B u y bs ing, the student body learning the T otal demand deposits (oth er than bank de D uriag tha last h a lf a Co- differen t parts o f the national anthem. posits) subject to Reserve, Item s 84, 85, 86, 87, quills forw ard threw a basket that did The General Boieses clam are per-, •8, 89, 40. aad 41................................................ *800,346.47 form in g the experim en t an the g e m not count; in the Inst minute o f the play our center threw a basket that T O T A L ................................................................. *388,941.66 ination e f seeds, such as radish, e o n , The M yrtle Point beans, and other seeds. The second did count. State o f Oregon, County o f Com, as: scored this fa ir score to the forw ard clam in Science have Just completed I, L. H. Hssard, Cashier o f the above-named bank, do solem nly swear the study o f the yeast plant, in which instead o f to the center. Th at error that the above statem ent is true to the bast o f my knowledge and b elief. considerable urn has been made o f the gave the impression to the M yrtle L. H. H A Z A R D , Cashier. Point follow s that wo hod boon cred compound mieroecope. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th day o f March, 1918. ited w ith 2 potato that wo had not Thom who spend the noon hour at J. S. Barton, N otary Public. made. Tha total as kept by tbs at- M y commission expires March 7,19*1, the high school amuse them selves by elaborating on the artistic draw ing o f fieri scorer fo r Coquills was the same Correct— A ttest'- A . J. Sherwood, C. T . Skoals, a C. Sanford. as that kept by the M yrtle Point > Directors. M r. Douglas found on the board in score-keeper, but it was kept on the the Science room. From evidence shown it m ay be judged that some proper line or to the credit o f the No. 29. real cartoonists m ay be found as a proper player aad whan this explana R E PO R T O F TH E C O N D ITIO N OF tion was mads to the players and to T o m y that the Coqiulle Are ware by-product o f the B iology clam, TH E very lucky in shooting baskets in the The girls o f the Sixth grade have the coach from M yrtle P oin t they gam e w ith Bandon last F riday even been knitting Belgian squares. Both generously acknowledged defeat and ing dose not begin to tall the story. boys and girls o f the Sixth grade are we fr it that everyone was satisfied. a t Coquille, in the State o f Oregon, at The Anal score was 60 to 12, and as W e, o f the Coquille H igh School, cutting gun rags and knittin g squares tha close o f business March 4, 1918. 'requently has happened this mason fo r the soldiers. regret that anyone should bo o f the the local team g o t better as the gam s RESOURCES Miss M argaret Lund from Powers opinion that they wore defrauded out That they are better has entered the Eighth A . Loans and Discounts......... * 67,809.33 Progressed. o f s gam e at Coquille, and w o re stayers and have greater endurance O verdrafts, secured and un The children at the Seventh grade gret much m ore to know that anyone secured....................... 8.10 would be tha conclusion arrived a t by should acknowledge to us that tha They Bonds and W arran ts......... 27,780.71 thorn who fo llo w the gam e. gams was satisfactory and then later Banking H orns................. 12,600.00 have also this year had — «-» llynt rush into prin t and seem s m o f un Furniture sad F ix tu re s ... 6,000.00 coaching and them tw o causes have fa ir treatm ent or words im plying contributed to — n - g u alm ost in D m from banks (n o t re such treatm ent. I perhaps have not vincible team. serve banks) understood the moaning o f the wo. A crowd o f about 100 came on the D m fi crabbing” or “ professional crab 11,728A0 excursion from Bandon and fo r the bers.“ I am o f tha opinion that the Arst h alf o f the gam e them rooters Checks and other -upporters o f the M yrtle Point high item s.......................... 401.40 ware vociferous to an ■"■■■i« g degree. school basket ball team w ere not But when the Alm ack machine gath fo r elm rin g righ tly inform ed I f the article in 879A4 ered momentum they subaided until question represents their Q. P . Club. 13,688.98 their section o f the ga llery was as Thor* is no ground There was such a large number o f «84A8 silent as a tomb. prospective old maids in the High game could bo protested nor has there The locals showed good team work, School that thorn personages decided ever been. W o know tha hall is not T O T A L ..................... $190,813.32 excellent offensive end defensive play to form the now flourishing Q, p regulation also, but it is the same and there never was any question ex hall w * have been playing in fo r L IA B IL IT IE S cept as to the sim o f the score. But club. They solem nly swore not to de several years, aad as to anyone from Capital stock paid in ........* 26,000.00 there is s till a tendency to attem pt sert th eir order, therefore never to Coquille saying that M yrtle Point Surplus fu n d ...................... 1,000.00 star plays individually by some e f the pet m arried. the gam e from begtaning to ond, The members are M argaret Cun Undivided profits, lorn ex w ill m y that I have ningham, pres.; Pauline Cham, vice- penses and taxes paid 190.08 pree.; Thelma Richardson, sec ; Mnx- sayings sad besides i Individual deposits subject ine M cG ilvery, trees.; Irene Khne, o f opinions are no| w orth anything to chock................... 79,864A8 N ellie Johnson when brought against cold facts. Demand certificates o f de The gam e betw een the Sitka Club sergeant-at-arm s; A championship gam s w ill bs news editor; Elisabeth Cruch, poet p osit.......................... 1,677.88 five and the Bandon A ll-stars was T im * and Savings Deposits 22,184.98 aim one-sided, resulting IS to 6 fo r laureate; Chrystal L a fferty, business played, in 'a ll probability, mart F ri day night 1st w een Coquille and M yr m anager; and Carol Bahskopf. the Sitka team. tle Point on a neutral floor aad while Th eir m otto is, “ Seek pleasure in T O T A L ...................«190318A2 Tonight M yrtle Point and Marsh- dependent o f the illu sive man.” ’ A there la no donbt in m y mind what Aeid play the Anal gam e o f the S tate e f Oregoa, the decision w ill be, I w ill assure yon County o f Coos, as ule at the Bay and should M yrtle constitution w ill soon be drawn up by the staff. o f om thing, should Coquille bo un L R. H. Mast, Cashier o f tha above- Point win, that team and Coquills w ill lucky enough to lorn the gam e you “ lig h t stately maidens solemnly namsd bank, do oolsmnly swsar that play o ff the tie, probably next Friday swore w ill not road any article* in any pa Should M yrtle Point th r a bore statem snt la trm to the at Bandon. per o f Intim ations or innuendo o f how lorn tonight, it leaves Coquill* undis T o bo old maids foreverm ore. bm t o f my knowledge aad b riief. i wore cheated out o f the puted champions o f the Com County They w ill not g ig g le as all flirts do R- H. M ast, Caakier, . gS LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE I ef 1917): Farmers & lerchaits Bank Subaeribod and sw era to befors me high school association. Tonight aim tMfc U niversity o f O re this 12th day o f M ardi, 1918. gon Freshman team plays the Co W . C. Chase. N otary Publie. qu ill* high school five at Masonic H.i| (M y commission expires N or. 8,1819) Correct— A tte e t: J. E. Norton, - r, , ^ Geo. A . Galline Ctafi* 18 « fer U M ms A a w ell-w isher aad active ,jr t a r o f high school athletics I am sorry that any publicity o f this die- gatisfaction was perm itted to got into print, as this is not a tim e aad surely the high schools o f the towns are not the agencies to p re a o i mi Tha county basket boll ia a more to the good fellowship that U otfl this n ew “ smoko*! w as mode you could never have a real Burley tobacco cigarette. It's the beet yet IT'S T O A S T E D T h e toasting brings out the rtslnimis flavor of that fine old Kentucky Burley. Y ou never tasted anything so a g re e a b le — th in k w h a t roasting does tor peanuts. ■ m m m m J HYDRO-CARBONITE THE HIGH GRADE ROOF AND IRON PAINT Sold Continuoumlv for Orer .15 Yearn USES Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects Bridges and buildings, Preserves-Fence Poets, Pro tects Inaide of Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls, Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons and Farm Implements. Should be used on all surfaces subject to severe conditions. H r M i OHIO CLEVELAND, A WORD to the WISE W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d nifty L e tte rh e a d s* C ir c u la r s E n v e lo p e s , o r other a d v e rtisin g m atter, The Coquille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill the bilL W e also have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine P a pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give you something neat for your office stationery J ¿ -J :> r rc - V SENTINEL PRINTING is QUALITY PRINTING WOMAN’S STATEMENT W ILL HELP COQUILLE “ I hated cooking becam e w hatever I ate ga ve me sour stomach and a bloated fa d in g . I drank hot w ater and olive oil by the gallon. N othing helped until I tried sim ple buckthorn bark, glycérine, e tc , as m ixed in Ad- ler-i-ka.” Because K flushes ths E N T IR E bowel tract com pletely A dlsr-I- kn relieves A N Y C A S E sour stomach, gas or constipation and prevent* ap pendicitis. The IN S T A N T action is a kâ j .