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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
M Fork Mora Latten W ho Ara F lfk U a g F ar Ua la Fraaee Naw. Chatty Latter Fran Fart SiL sense extracts from a lat hy Benjam in A . M to Uve la C oquille, to his Has D ella M. Strang. M r. enlisted in the aviation crop« e year ago, but ow ing to an excess o f recruits in that corps he has been tran sferred to the balloon company H o is now sick w ith the moss] F ort BUI, Oklahoma. H e m ys: Some o f the boys in the censor won’t lot thorn w rite shout what interests them most have little to M y in their letters; not so C lare J. Minton ye, of the A m exforce In France. H ere is n latter ju st reestved from him by Frank Burkholder, which Our w ard m aster is soom story te ll ia dated sim ply, “ France, Feb. 10, er. Ho was ju st tellin g about a man 1918:” , v iI S who was absent minded. H e came home late and washed his hands and Although I ’ve not heard from you face, threw the pan and w ater in the I ’m goin g to w rite again and thank bed and jumped out the window. you fo r lettin g some o f m y aid school I had a letter from sister, Laura, mates end friends know where I w aad also H ay, a fe w days ago, they Yes, alw ays was, w s m ove so much think I'm a hero, g o t fooled, ha. that our m ail ia worn out follow in g us around the w orld. Some o f it w*Jl W ell I'm tw enty-fou r years old now. never catch up until w e are back When I joined this eerriee, I didn't home. I must te ll you th at I g o t a think I'd liv e another year, but I ’m few U tters from “ Sentinel” rentiers. still plu ggin g aw ay, and perhaps I One was from a “ Jackie” Guy K elley, never w ill hear a canon fired. I'm be was than on the A tlan tic coast o f gettin g a ll over the excitem ent o f w ar the United Staten. . now, begun to thiak its a ll a Joke, but Would you like to know som ething when anyone gets to thinking (h at o f this historical old country? O f they nearly alw ays g e t fooled. course, it isn’t perm issible to map it W ell le t the old K aiser come. I ’ll or locate any thing. T o start, tha tell him th at he’s the od gra y whisk clim ate is like that o f tha Cascade ered d evil I ’ve been looking fo r, ha, mountains in Oregon, n little colder than Coos, but gives it a good s i run fo r m oisture. Th is w in ter there was m ors snow than usual. The Frenchman tells us France waa a the w ar, but the heavy figh tin g the la st tw o w inters has caused m ere rain and snow. Even now w ith sprin g opening up, a fte r a heavy bombard ment, a ligh t rain w ill fa lL Oh, the soil is quite d ifferen t from Coos. A black gumbo about fou r to aix inches thick meats the first glance, but from there down as fa r as I ’ve soon, is a m ixture o f sm all s o ft rocks and be fo re mentioned gumbo which it is al m ost im possible to m ake a w all in w ithout tim bers. N o, it isn’t a ll le v e l; in fa c t very little o f it is, some vary high and rocky mountains w ith lots o f railroad tunnels, w hile In th e low - are long leveee and canals. Tbs people are vary d ifferent in appearance and customs in different localittes. Tbs fou r "Coquills boys that w e n together ere scattered as though a 76m shall had fa ll an and them. “ C urly” Larson is the only I ’ve seen. “ M att” K arrigan was sat- ta n g ms row wrtn r a ta , out is asw in n train in g camp. H arry O erding and “ Slim ” M ichels a n accounted fo r and w ere a t ------ -- w ell it isn’t on the m ep, anyw ay they’ll te ll about their trip afterw ards. ; I hear an aeroplane overhead. I t is all righ t though. D id you ever watch an eagle soar around wai chance to swoop down upon som ething on the ground. By the w ay. I goin g over to the aviation field this p. jh to see soom relics o f “ F rits ’* ” b ig birds. A m erica oughtn’t to any a about w ar m aking hard tim es. They have not begun to fe e l it end by all th at's good and bad I hops they won’t have to. The w ar drove d e e r to the core righ t from the sta rt h en . I w ill finish this now b e fo n “ h it tin g the kip.” M y lig h t is only about ten minutes long tonight and that is a ll the tim e there is le ft b e fo n ligh ts out. From H a r r y Oerding. Mrs. J. H ..O erd in g is ju st in re ceipt o f e letter from her eon, H arry, dated Feb. 10, from which w e a n per m itted to make the follow in g ex tracts: I surely appreciate a le tte r a t pres ent m ore then ever. W henever mail comes to camp everyth in g brightens up to a high pitch, end the poor fe l low that gets le ft is pitied. I also received e latter from L _ She w rote it from M arshfield and told about her v is it a t Bandon end Co quille, she su n thinks that HownrJ Jr. is ju st about t t I w ee down to mm o f th e towns to day (Su nday) w h en th a n a n con siderable Am ercian soldiers; to m * it was in teresting to watch tha automo biles and Fords pass by, aad hear the English language spoken on every corner. M oat o f the towns ere sm all but they a n very d ose together. A ll toe buildings a n mada o f stooa and a n in some cases quite artistic. • The streets, as a rule, a n whaling and narrow. A t a ll the towns when th a n a n soldiers th * Y . M. C. A . can ba found and w e never miss a chance to g o to them. M ost o f them have a canteen in connection end sell a fe w Am erican products, such as chocolate, jam etc., end w e alw ays buy about a ll they w ill g iv e us, (th a t ia to e fa ilin g o f the Am erican soldier, he wants to eat all the tim e.) You d e not h a w to w orry about us fellow s not gettin g to sal crooking “ Th e W atch Saeomd “Rainbow” Regimefft. The follow in g circular to teachers sent out by J. A . Churchill, state su perintendent o f public instruction, w ill interest a ll the children who 4m ve been sellin g th rift stam ps: Enrollm ent in the Junior Rainbow Regim ent was competed M arch 2. During the past fe w days the names o f not less than one hundred boys and girls have been reported to U3 each day, who have sold $60.00 worth or m ore o f th rift stamps. W e have de cided, th erefore, the organise the Sec ond Rainbow Regim ent. A n y boy or g irl who has purchased or sold $60.00 w orth o f th rift stamps and who is not enrolled in the F irst Reg imen t, is entitled to membership in the Second. A n y member o f the F ife t Regim ent m ay become a mem ber o f the Second Regim ent by sell in g or purchasing $60.00 w orth o f stamps a fte r M arch 1, 1918. A child m ay sell a part o f the $60.00 w orth o f stamps, and purchase the balance. W e shall not bo able to send achievem ent pins to members o f the Second R egi ment, but w ill send to each one an a t tractive certificate o f memberhsip and a souvenir roster o f the R egim en t A s soon as a child is eligib le fo r mem bership, sead his name to your county superintendent H e w ill report the names to this departm ent Please announce this to your pupils, and when doing so, urge the purchase o f the stamps by the children them selves. W hile w e must help the sale o f th rift stamps, and use the schools to bring the im portance o f the cam paign to every home, our prim ary in terest, as teachers, is to encourage habits o f th rift and patriotism among the children them selves. They should, therefore, be encouraged to invest their savings in th rift stamps from now until the end o f the war. Factory Not All Commandeered. The Theo Bergmann Shoe M fg . Co., o f Portland, Ore., has been awarded an order by the U. & Signal Corps, Spruce D ivision, through its contrac tors, the W arren Spruce Co., Grant Sm ith-Porter Bros. Co., and the A ir plane Spruce aad Lbr. Co., fo r ap proxim ately 4000 pairs o f L o g g er and Cruiser Shoes fo r the Government Spruce eampa. That departm ent o f the fa ctory de voted to the m anufacture o f L o ggin g Shoes has been commandeered fo r the fillin g o f this order. The order w in be filled practically com plete during March and w hile it w ill delay to a certain extent the fillin g o f orders fo r th eir regu lar com m ercial trade, the «M a y w ill only ha fo r tw o or three weeks as they have Increased their w orking fores considerably to take care o f. th eir increased b etim es aad in anticipation o f fu rth er Government A t the request o f a number i f m y trip filled w ith all to * w ish was enjoyed by friends I hereby announce m yself ai a candidate fo r nomination to the o f id Baa Shields, fo r m erly o f Bandon but now residing flee o f Repr esenta tive ia th * L egisla tiv e Assem bly, from Coes County, to * near B ancroft, M ys th * W orld. About a month ago they, in company with F ifth Repr esenta tive, D istrict; subject to th* decision o f the voters o f th * sevsrni others w orking fo r Contract Republican P a rty a t the Prim ary or Frank Fish o f B ancroft, started Election, to b* bold on th * 17th day o f w ith e railroad tie drive down the R a y, 1918. river to Cedar Point. The drive con And I hereby announce m y P lâ t tained between 13,000 end 16,000 ties, rai in a few short, torse sentences end in various rapids end shoals fa ir that can he easily understood: jam s w ere form ed, upon which Stand by tha boys a t th * fro n t with the efforts o f several men w ith peev- every dollar and every ounce o f en iee and pike poles had to be em ploy ergy. W in th* w ar fo r L ib erty end ed before the tim ber would move. The Humanity. Make tha w orld safe fo r crow follow ed th * ties in row boats, innocent women and helpless children. picking up stragglers end breaking F or the S tate:— Sane business leg When the rapids around Sug islation. Clean m oral legislation. ar L o a f w ere reached e ll o f the crew Keep Oregon to th * fro n t where she w ith the exception o f John and Ben belongs. A lw ays stand fo r tha righ t, Shields took to the rock bank, lettin g though you stand alona. th eir boats down stream by meant o f C. R. Barrow. long ropes, and m aking long detours over rough pitches o f th * canyon w all on fo o t How ever, this method looked too slow fo r the Shields boys, and th eir c ra ft to the m iddle o f the stream , th ey started down the canyon. O ver fa lls, round rocks end sw irlin g eddies the rowboat waa N O TIC E TO C O N TR AC TO R S. lushed by the an gry waters end Messrs. Shields baled w ater and guid H ighw ay Construction, Coes County, ed w ith a rudder oar. About m idway o f the rapids th* Sealed hids fo r the construction o f c ra ft was hurled upon a flat rock in mid stream and partly filled w ith wa The Fox B ridge over the N orth Fork ter, the sudden stop p ilin g the occu o f the Coquille R iver near the lin e pants on to th * rock also. A s luck between Sections 16 and 22, Tw p. 28 Coos would have it, the boat was not dam S. R. 12, W. Oregt _ aged greatly, and a fte r a b rief re it County, to “ g e t th eir w ind," they started b i ceived by the County Court o f said down stream . I t took fou r «lays fa r County, a t its office in the Court the crew to 'g e t the d rive around Sug House, Coquille, .Oregon, until 10:00 a r L ea f. The exploit o f the Shields o’clock A . M. A p ril 4th, 1918. N o bid w ill be considered unless ac brothers, which sounds lik e a b it from the pages o f pioneer loggin g days in companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or the Central W est, is spoken o f as one certified check fo r an amount equal o f daring by parties who have viewed to at least 6 per cent, o f the total the sw irlin g w aters o f the Spring amount o f the bid. A corporate surety bond w ill be re .reshots rushing around too base o i the b ig mountain in the upper reaches quired fo r the fa ith fu l perform ance o f the Coquiile river above M yrtle o f the contract in a sum equal to one- P o in t T h eir’s is said to have been h alf the total amount o f the bid. Proposal blanks and fu ll inform a toe first rowboat trip down the can yon, to the knowledge o f old tim ers. tion fo r bidders m ay be obtained at “ And next tim e,” Mid John last the office o f the County C lerk o f said County, or a t the office o f the Road- week, “ w a ll probably w alk.” master, in the Court House, Coquille, The Com m ercial Club moots every Oregon. W ednesday evening a t 7:80. one invited. E very deposit o f $16.00. The righ t is reserve« or all proposals or to i R E D E M PTIO N N O TIC E . posai or proposals tie AU Coos C«|paty Road warrants m û County. drawn on Road D istricts, $-4-6-6, wiH C O U N TY C Q U R T O F itation a t m y office in be paid on COOS C O U N TY . Coquille, Oregon. N o interest w ill be allowed on any o f these warrants a f County Judge. ter the 16th day o f March, 1918. Geo. J. Arm strong, Dated this 16th day o f March, 1918. County Commissioner. T. M. Dimmick, A rch ie Philip, 9t4 County Treasurer. County Commissioner. A ttest: . L. W . Oddy, N O TIC E County Clerk. The F airview Telephone association 6t8 Coquille, Oregon, March 7th, 1918. ,1s endeavoring to close up all its a f fa irs . A ll persons having claims against said company are requested to present them fo r paym ent on or before A p ril 1, 1918, and a ll persons owing the company w ill ‘please rem it the amount due to the secretary. 9 tl R. J. H olverstott, Sec. Redem ption N otice. A ll Coos County W arrants drawn on the general fund, and indorsed p ri or to July 1st, 1916, w ill be paid on presentation a t m y office in Coquille, Ore., no interest w ill be allow ed on any o f these warrants a fte r the 22nd o f Fob. 1918. Dated this 21st day o f Fob. 1918. T . M. Dimmick, 8t4 County Treasurer. Professional Cards J. A . R IC H M O N D P H Y S IC IA N aad SURG EO N. Richmond-Barker Building. Coquille, Ore. Phones, Oifiee 626, Res. 214. W ar Pavings and Thrift Qt« tamps ill Uystemize I indy Ua vingt By investing in these stamps you not only lay a solid foundation for your future financial independence, but are rendering timely assistance to your country in time of need. Be a Patriotic Saver • . * . * W e Sell them First National Bank OF COQUILLE, OREGON STOVES STOVES STOVES Quick’s lias a large variety of Cook Stoves and Ranges. Wood and coal Heaters. elbows and dampers. Dishes, Granite ware. F U R N IT U R E Jean Beds, Spring Mattresses and Wooden Beds. Chairs, tables, square and ronnd, English Breakfast, Kitchen Queen. TELEPHONE OFFICES Are authorized Thrift Stamp selling stations. This profitable, simple, and safe investment, draws four per cent interest, compounded quar terly, with the privilege of turning it into mon ey upon ten days notice. Save for those who are fighting for you, and do “ your bit” to WIN t h e : W AR Coos and Carry Telephone Company Service F ir s t THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE th st he* operated continuously sine* its establishm ent some fourteen years eg o baa been your Laundry. Rain or shine, good tim es and bed, it has been on th * job. W * have a number o f custom ers that have patronised it continually from th * beginning. W * ere g ra tefu l fo r this appreciation o f our service. Our aim is to im prove the service in every w ay possible. W * wash e v e ry thing washable. C O Q U IL L E L A U N D R Y * W . C. C H A S E IC E C O M P A N Y A H gagM K M M W ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW Richmond-Barker BMg CoqniUs________________ Oregon DR. Q . W . L E S L IE Str. Elizabeth Bandon to San Francisco Fmra, P in t daw-410. . Satie frees Ceetral Waieheea* Cempeey J. L W ALSTBOM. Agee*. Beedee, Ore. D R . C. W . E N D IC O T T E. & E. T. Kruae, M g n ., 24 Calif. S t , S. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. J. J. S T A N L E Y F or reliable A bstráete o f T itle and inform ation aboat Coo# County R eel E steta see ABSTRACTS Ora. A . J. S H E R W O O D ATTQffM V AT U W t National Cards, too tsr $L60. Pipes, I Does Yonr Subscription Date Need