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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
■ • . A»*, h ■ , » ■ ▼ALLEY Sentinel FRIDAY. BARCH I*. .. . * that I And The u ro , mm m * » ■W W W at the Crn^ata tamp* ta ■tad te mora than \ to bear an the govern - daily a virago that must SIA!Ata L A Laua B R R n f who iuive reject- if O reffai Is te rendi I ed the eocoanut oil concoction to te o f $17,000,000 by January am to say it M all right and 1919. • / Ifce eondonaarim o f the north- The state unleeif the stuff on the coun effort to s| Portland, MuKao whole hustaaae looks anything mah county, whs*» the falling down Is but good to the people who have been buying Liberty Loan bonds and eon- to other war activities. We ; WB MUST BATH V *t want our boys to the trenches It’s 60-60 new on the fit m. W heat flour can only be bought to be com polled to flavor their coffee • concoction o f shimmed milk how, Stats Food Adm inistrator Ayer, ioeboaut o il; and we certainly announced last Monday, by >uytag an equal quantity o f flour substitutes at hops that the $766,000 o f adulterated •tuff wIR be left in the hands o f those the same time. And your | resorted to so contemptible a ild rather split s sack fo r fraud and that {hay will bs farced to make it leas than 4$ pounds food it to the pigs. to sell you a fu ll one. Wo That waa one ease where according a very critical period aer to trustworthy reports, the profiteers lota o f poopie are going actually starving. It is not triad to put ouo over on our boys and only • matter o f patriotism but o f got rich by furnishing them the sort humanity to Uvs as largely as posst- o f rations ws have bssn in habit of m vegetables, * poultry products fosding to swine. For shame. T o our thinking the Portland Cham ssa food. A few pounds now r o f Commerce is doing itself no o f flour saved by each individual bora will moan a whole lot to our allies In credit by trying to help the conden men put that sort o f a thing over England and Francs and also in Hol- men out o f the pit they have fm ined •*** the Scandina digged for vian countries- j in the United States floor it would amount to JL f KACH FAM ILY a m d one I cup o f wheat «ton 28,000 barrata. If this rawing waa mad« 5,500,000 pounde, or mora (I mo 2Î.000 hm h. H ount to three times • week, H would amount to »sa,0003>00 »50,0003)0 pounds, or 4,377,000 barrale in e jrear. „ ivtag and rouHy help to win You can do your ahare in sffscting this earing « meal t today and baking in ito the wwr by omitting white bread from one meal place muffine or corn bread made according to this thie recipe: i C o n Meal M uffins ROYAL BAKING POWDER C O , DEPT. R , 135 William S t, New York FOOD WILL W IN THE W AR rate o f taxation will be determined by the Aeseeeor after be haa received the lists from l\is deputies. Mr. Shriver states that the amount o f tax FARM LABOR IN OREGON ABOUT THE CONDBNBARl^S Already about $0,000 o f the 32,- The follow ing from a recant issue o f the Portland Telegram presents 000 producing farm s o f Oregon have •ids o f n case that is o f a goad reported to i. W . Brower, who is in N e Market F or Hides. deal o f interest, especially in a dairy charge o f the state farm labor sur- Lest week a farm er was in the eity aad the results are being gurn section like the Coquille Valley: with a eew hide to sell. He couldn't et Salem. Advance data sell i t He could not get an offer of sheets indicate a W. D. B. Dodson, secretary o f the any kind. The proprietor o f one of increase in the winter wheat Chamber o f Commaroo, haa filed a the meat markets said to him : a prospective increase telegram to the Oregon delegation ks “ I will not buy it at any price be asking fo r immediate feder o f spring sowing. cause I have a carload that I ca n t Mr. Brower is working in coopera al protection fo r the condensed milk sell at any price.” industry o f the W illamette valley and tion with the Federal and Public bu Yet shoes and all leather goods go rn, which have thus far been able state as a whole. Mr. Dodson repasts up and up while the tanneries are what has bssn printed before, that to supply practically every demand, curtailing the ou tpu t” An apparent labor several o f tbs condense rise have fail fo r farm labor. No wonder people grow l at condi H i»'S o m e districts cut ed because o f no outlet fo r their pro tions that ask them to >dig deep for the acreage, but the proposed duct; that others ere ju st struggling war support and perm it them to be o f exem pting all farm help robbed fo r trust profits.—Corvallis end likely will be forced to the second draft until after har- eloee shortly while grant stocks o f encouragdd the milk are piled up in war*- in Portland and at other With the winding up o f the Indian A great increase in the use o f la points about the state. Mr. Dodson office affairs at Roaeburg, the fact the value o f this milk thus bor saving machinery on the farm came to light that a Curry county stored at more then $760,000. Com- has tended still further to reduce the Rogue river Indian woman was the Farm n g on the situation, Dodson threatened labor shortage. possessor o f $7,700, the proceeds o f tractors and two-men combines are says: / “ The government should take our being ordered in considerable num milk at marhst price, or alee afford bers in seme districts. Farm wages are higher than last shipping facilities te storage centers. With the approach o f spring, when year, but a scale o f $10.00 a month A cting under instructions from the production o f milk Is vastly in with board has been agreed upon as County Assessor J. P. Beyers, E. M. Harvest Shriver, o f this city, is listing the per creased. the problem is intensified. fa ir alike to all parties. Under present conditions there is wages will range slightly higher, de sonal property under a new if not nothing but ruin ahead fo r the eon- pending upon the character o f the radical plan. M r. Shriver’» orders end the consequent loss o f a are to first ascertain the true value The U. S. Department and the A g of the property then deduct the de I industry, fo r farm ers will slaughter their herds when the mar ricultural College have Joint supervi- preciation from wear and other nat ket ceases. There would be nothing ural causes. This plan is raising the Oregon. Mr. Brewer maintains his values from 100 to 1000 per cent. The n fo r them to do. In the telegram sent to the Oregon offices in room 704, Oregon Bldg., delegation we ere asking that they Portland, which is headquarters fo r AFTER FOUR YEARS. put the matter directly up to Food the city war garden drive. Administration Hoover fo r immediate ^Cappy Hicks” action end protection, if production is to continue.“ Everyone who has read the “ Ceppy Ricks” stories in the Saturday Poet will be interested in the follow ing to many o f ua. One good result due to the war is Mrs. Amelia Lempke, 402 F S t- from the pen o f Archie Whisnant in the putting under cultivation o f two Grants Pass, O ra, says: “ I suffered from rheumatic pains and there were million acres of land not heretofore times when I could hardly get around cultivated in England. The parks and “ Louis J. Simpson has been identi I eras so stiff and lame A t night I hunting grounds o f the heretofore idle fied with the lumber interest on the lay awake for hours on account o f the rich are being reduced to the same Pacific Coast from California to Pug pains, which gen t from one part o f my body to another. I got up in the am ount But the idle rich are doing et Sound. A t one time in the history morning so stiff and lame it was all I thatr part, too, in filling graves on It is well known that the govern o f the industry the name o f Simpson could do to kosp up. I tried many ment demand is what has stimulated was a name to conjure with in mat medicines and also used liniments but the condensary business and enabled ters pertaining to the lumber game. without the slightest rolief. I finally the conder series to outbid the butter “ Mr. Simpson's father, Captain A started taking Doan’s Kidney Pills. 11 and cheese factories on the price o f M. Simpson, was practically the first eras helped from the first and a lm ost1 before I knew it I was free from the 1 milk. This is what enabled the North lumberman and the first shipbuilder trouble.” (Statem ent given in 191$.) Bend Condensary to put the Coos Bay on the C oast His character was tak- A Later Statement. On March 20, 1916, Mrs. Lampke Cheese factory ca the blink last year; dh by Peter B. Kyne in his inimitable said: “ I am glad to confirm my form and also what led Mr. Conway to at portrayal o f 'Cappy Ricks.’ er endorsement o f Doan’s Kidney tempt to transform the CoquUle “ Mr. Simpson would make an ideal IMUs. I have never had anything Creamery into a condensary. executive o f the state o f Oregon. His give me so much relief as Doan’s.” The high prices the condenseries personality if delightful and his abil Pride 60c at all dealers. Don’t were able to pay fo r milk, owing to ity as an executive is unquestioned.” simply ask fo r a kidney remedy— get Doane Kidney Pills— the same that the government contracts they secur Mrs. Lempke had. Foster-Milburn ed st big figures, had another ecd Co., M fgra, Buffalo, N. Y. Trotsky’» Year to K a u a i. altogether different effect at the same From Capper's W eekly, time, i f ws may believe the reports folks at Girard a n not sur- published in the Portland papers and to road o f Prussian diplomats which also came to us from men whose business requires them to keep waiting im patiently fo r Trotsky to Trotsky lived posted on the prices o f dairy products. keep an appontment. According to those reports the high at Girard in 1908-09, and waa a ■her o f the staff o f the Socialist papw. the Appeal to Reason. It Was ■aid that ha was not fond o f Once he went to the office at five min ts 5 p. m., and when the quit ting hell sounded five jninutes later ’ he Jammed the lid down on Ua he had written Just four lines as his day’s work. “ Time is for slaves," Trotsky would say. and he tag Increased from $30,000,000,000 to it so often it became almost $64,000A00A00 in the last four yean . byword with the Appeal staff. Regiment” Is be- g tbs sellers o f I schools o f Ora te be M 1st ep ta actually aaeesaed w ill probably lower, rather than higher, but that it will be more nearly uniform .— CBos Bay Harbor. Of All the Books known to man, the savings bank book la the one that will some in handiest days o f trouble. in Got one o f these books by opening an account with this bank. It doesn’t take much to start an account and it will grow amaxingly if you give it at tention. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Commercial and Saving Deposito COQUILLE OREGON LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete Estimates for all kinds of building G LAD LY FURNISHED YOUR ORDER will have our special attention E. E. JOHNSON He Gels Days of Comfort oat of m pouch of Beal GRAVELY Chewing Ping Real Gravely Plug is such good tobacco (just enough sweetening to fla v o r), that a plug of Real Gravely hats much longer n an an ordinary plug, and gives the cam- satisfaction of g ood tob a cco. r.a . Va. s- I