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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1918)
The original grant o f land to tho state o f Oregon fo r the construction o f a wagon road from C o m Bay to Roseburg was made by an act o f Con gress approved March 8, 1869. Tho first section o f this act granted alternate sections— the odd numbered ones— fo r three miles on each side o f the road. This was tho lim it, three sections per m ile, but the land could be taken to a distance o f six miles, whore the odd cactions within three mites had keen already appropriated. This grant amounted to 106,006 acres o f which 87,600 is in C o m coun ty and 7600 in Douglas county. From tho C o m county lands 4,600 se n s were sold, leaving 88,000 still unsold. So it appears that C o m county still has more than 18 tim es as many acres o f those grant lands ss Douglas. Tho a t ount of taxes now duo on those L ds are in somewhat sim ilar pro portions in tho tw o counties. In C o m county the original taxes for the years from 1808 to 1816 amount to 8833,686.46, and the total o f taxes, interest and penalties to $866,688.96. In Douglas county tho taxes unpaid are $82,468.46 or with interest and penalty added, M3.162.63. Here C o m ’ claim is about nine times as large as Douglas’. But to the total tax given above for C o m county we must now add $88,698.36 fo r the levy o f 1917 sad $28,086.87 more as interest on the taxes before that year, with $1,- 829.82 as penalty on the unpaid taxes o f 1917, after A pril 1st. This al together aggregates $436,268.69, which the county df C o m will have against the W agon Road land grant on account o f taxes on# month hence. If tho bill sow before C onfines or something along tho same 11 m fails to pass at this session aqd the status o f these lands remains to be decided by and run tho total up to over h alf n million dollars. It looks to us as if C o m county had a great deal more at stake in this land grant than any other body o f any nature, sort or character. It is proposed by this bill to give the Southern Oregon company $232,- 000 for its oquity in those lands which is only »bout half what C o m has com ing under its terms. Dougins county has only one-ninth C o m county’s in terest. A s to tho present value o f those lands it is estimated at from $10 to $20 an aero or a total o f a million and a half dollars. It w ill take ju st about half this amount to pay the taxes com ing to the two counties and the $60,000 it is expected to coot tho Unit ed States under the -Chamberlain bill to take charge o f thorn. Tho other half amounts to $760,000 end this it proposed to divide as fc i One quarter to tho school, road, and port districts o f C om and Doug las counties, which would mean $170,- 000 more fo r C om county. Then another quarter would go to tho general school fund o f the state, of which we should got about $6,000. The other h alf or $875,000 would go in the proportion o f 4 to 1 to tho gen eral reclamation fund o f the United States and to the general fund in the United States treasury. Thus ws have, under'the terms of > this bill $610,000 possibly com ing to C o m county, perhaps $76,000 to Douglas county; $160.000 to bo divided among all the state with irrigation prM pects; $37,600 to go to tho Unit ed States treasury, and $187,600 is to go into our state school fund. Glance over those figures again and note that C o m county, with elevjn- twelfths o f tho grant in ith borders, stands to got over 40 percent o f tho $1,800,000 the lands are supposed to be worth and that no other state or county—nor even the general govern ment is going to got 6 per cent o f that fo r Cooa. 8 » we hop* Judge Watson will succeed in securing the propmsd eonferenca a f the o f the state and o f the two counties espeecielly interested at Salem; and that we shall be represented at W ashington by the beet man who can be secured. And further that if we fa il in getting any- thing more the and pen- alties due us, we still urge the pass age o f e bill which will settle ell questions at issue between the gov ernment end the Southern Oregon company eo that those taxes will be paid. W e don’t want to lose the M M ,000 by haggling fo r more. That would bo like the dog dropping the bone in his mouth fo r tho chance o f securing its reflections in the water.' Congress may at any tim e put this matter over fo r another year if wa don’t know when wo have got enough and, Hke Oliver Twist, keep asking fo r more. And tho mare our tax bill exceeds half a million the loss likely we shall be to got anything. 7\ Drive for $6,000 a Month. The W ar Savings Stamps drive, which has been delayed for various reasons, is to start next Tuesday, tbs 18th in st and continue until the follow ing Monday evening. The lo cal committees wore appointed a month ago and since that time nil the rural committees have been appointed and meetings have been held in every locality in the district. Coquille is still behind her monthly quota o f $6,- 000 which continues fo r the year, but the drive next week should bring the total up to date. GOING TO KEEP TAB Tho w w drive comm itteo höre is arranging to keap what is practica!- ly a eard Index on everybody. Every sub-committeeman will be supplied with a book in whick ha w ill make a record o f what every individual has ccntributed to tho national cause in this emergoncy. It- w ill be set down whether ha is a messbar o f the Red Craes or not; how «mich be has sneot Examiner Sanfotd Here ta Pat Hia O. K. on Approved Rialm —945,600 Asked Here. 3. A . Sanford, representing the A t the Methodist church here teat Federal Land Bank, o f Spokane, baa Saturday night Arthur M. Churchill, o f Portland, chairman o f tha food eon- nervation commission in this state, addressed n crowded audience on food have been applied for. Thoae whose saving and war conditions in Europe applcations are approved by him will today, telling how fa r we are as yet constitute ths Coquille National Farm coming short o f doing our whole duty Loan Association, which will probably in saving food for tho people o f Eu consist o f ths follow ing members; rope, and how grave tho situation in C. E. McCurdy, Fred Noaler, Geo. the war sone whore it will take our Lester, 8. L. Lafferty, Frank E. W il utmost efforts t o / prevent Germany lard, W . B. Rohrer, Joseph M. Hodge, from mastering tho world. Geo. S. Davis, Vanes G. W eekly, Lee Ho explained why It was that all Mast, M. T. Aasen, J. P. Johnson, E. the substitutes we are asked to use H. Hamden, Geo. Falconer, F. B. in order to save wheat to send to pur Phillips. armies in Europe, to our allies and to The loans asked for by those men the starring-people o f other nations— aggregate $46,500, "hnd when the or why those substitutes cost so much ganisation is perfected, each o f them more than tho white flour we are ask will hold stock in ths local association ed to forego using. j ; '■ to tho amount o f five per cent o f his The crowded condition o f tho rail I m d , or sharas o f a par value o f $2,- roads and tha difficulty o f getting corn here from the com growing sec Loans are only made up to Q0 par tions have something to do with this. cent o f tho appraised value of tho Then again n large percentage o f our lands which furnish the security for them, so that the values o f the frost before It was mature and can farm s to warrant the amount o f loans only be used now fo r stock food. The chief reason, though, is that mentioned must be nearly $100,000. The average o f tho fifteen loans tho demand for com meal, rye flour, asked fo r in tho Coquille association, barley flour, Mtornal and rice flour if tho full payments requested are has been multiplied as our people have approved by Mr. Sanford, will bo patriotically tried to use them in 18,000, tho largeat $6,000, and tha place o f wheat flour. So there ha>e smaltest $400. Only one application, not boon m ills enough or machinery however, is fo r Isas than $1,000 and enough to supply tho additional quan tity o f such flours as wore needed. only five are for leas than $2,000. Large loses» have been incurred, too, in attem pting to instantly change Th« Ch—a» Twalve. wheat flow machinery to tho produc The follow ing ars the m u m s o f the tion of barley flour. With a drop of twelve -men the local board hero ex one-half in the call fo r wheat flour, pects to send out to fill C o m county’s È* save tha wheat to send to Europe quote o f the call ju st made for 95,- then cornea tha need o f producing fuU tituto fleura In undreamed of for m ilitary I quantities and this can’t ha done 17— EmU Haiaeth, Eugene. Conference Next Week. Judge Watson says that ex-Govern or Oswald W est, who has been at W ashington, D. C., looking after the 0 . 4 C . land grant business, will start for Oregon next Monday. A s soon as he reaches Portland tho Judge ex pects Governor W ithy com be to issue a call at once for the suggested conference o f tho representatives of tho state and tho counties chiefly in terested in the C o m Bay W agon Road land grant. These are the county judges and district attorneys of Douglas and C o m counties and the governor and attorney general o f tho state o f Oregon. This conference is expected to bo held at Salem week after next; and Congress will proba bly take no action on tho Chamber- lain bill providing for the purchase by the government o f tho Southern Ore gon company’s interest in these lands until this conference has had an op portunity to preoont tho facts on which those counties and tho state base such claims for a percentage o f tho sale o f tho wagon road lands as the ponding bill proposes to give Still at the Treogh. Council May Close Scenic. W W . J 88— John Arthur Hunter, Los An- But it is no longer up to us to say whether wo w ill take the position that 86— Antonio Ala Conti non, Lakeside. ws don’t care what becomes o f our elites, or how many o f our follow hu 44— Bert Ocheltrae, Phenix, Ore. 47— Robert Henry Lang,- Marshfield. man beings starve to dM th and that 48- =-Tom Corwin Smith, Marshfield. we are going to oa f white broad be 62— Robert E. Paris, Fullertcn Cal., cause we like it and it is the chM pest. sick with the measles Already our grocers have decided 61— William Daniel Mackay, Beater to soli no customers in town Hill. more than 10 pounds o f wheat flour Inquiry at the office at the C om at one time, and then not to toll that county local board today discloses unless he buys ten pounds o f substi that is possible that four or five o f the tutes at tha same time. twelve here listed may not be avail Mr. J. E. Norton tells Os that peo able.. One is in the list o f those ple who, in buying ths wheat flour whose papers have not yet been re and tho substitute, sat white broad turned. Tho cases o f two others have and throw tho substitutes to the chick been referred to tho district military ens or the dog, are liable to severe board fo r'a ctio n ; the examination o f penalties—line and imprisonment. another has been postponed on ac There is no disposition to enforce count o f his being on the sick list and the law harshly and inflict these pen Philip Sheridan Emery, o f Marsh- alties, but if people will not listen to field, is one o f tho chauffers whom e f reason and understand that wa must forts are still being mads to place in do team work at tho table as wall as the auto service. on the battle fields o f the war, we The next six from whom vacancies are going to lose and a victorious will probably bo filled in the cases o f Germany may treat us ju st as she tho first 12 are: did Belgium and Servia and the por 66—J. W illiam Richardson. tions o f other countries those Huns 74— Herman G. Prey. have overrun. 81*—Cary L. Jensen. Heaven forbid, but if they should 82— Halbert R. Segur. •vsr bo picking up our babies on the 106— Charles Epp. points o f their bayonets and cutting 108— Niles H. Galusha. o f the hands and slitting tho tongues of our daughters because they re Shorter Hoars for Pool Halls. fuse to prostitute themselves to the soldiers who have been commanded to There is a strong sentiment in Co make war as {rightfu l as possible, quille for the closing o f all lounging how would you, who insist on white resorts during tho day as 6 war meas bread and four lump# o f sugar in a ure. This is a time when every man enp o f coffee now, ever forgive your in the United States should be pro selves. Save, save, save, everyone o f ducing something for tho country’s yon white it is possible to help wtn welfare. There is no nood fo r any the war, by putting a curb on your idle man and if one is unable to work appetites. If you fa il to do eo you in the lumber camps or mills bo can may live to curee the day you were at least make garden. In Portlahd and at other points in the state the pool and card rooms have been closed from midnight until 6 o’clock the next evening, the d os ing order to bo in force until tho first o f October. There is no disposition to interfere with anyone’s business, but the ides Is to prevent idlers from wasting time which should bo devoted to pro duction. Those people who insist by hook or by crook In getting more than -------------- a------------- their share o f wlmat floor may very The last basket ball game o f the likely bring such a condition that none o f ua will get any. For war season hero tonight between Coquille saving some fam ilies are going with- and U. o f Q. Freshmen. ,.U M -------- — - 1 1 * m nr v»»/ w u n u i J ________U . u oesn i a.4 . 1 — 1 - tninK a.1. - me Scenic tkMter is sufficiently protect ed against Are and them is n possi bility that it may bo closed in the near future. With film service con tracted for SO days in advance that he must pay $200 for, whether he shows the Aims or not, Mr. Pendleton thinks he would certainly bo the goat in such a cast. PHILIP TO TALK FOR COOS Myrtle Point. The high approachea to that bridge are above that portion o f the old roadway on which the pe titioners reside and that road will have to bo widened where tho ap proach conies down to the surface in order to allow those men a way ou t The court will negotiate with W. ». Graham to secure the additional right o f way required. District Attorney Hall was in structed to begin tho proper legal proceedings to recover tho funds o f tho county illegally held by form er Justice o f tho Psace A . E. Shuster, o f North Bond. A petition was presented for a fligh t change in tho location o f tho road across the Bear Crash valley at tho W . J. Haga place near Parkers burg. The matter was referred to tho county surveyor fo r a report. The request o f John Connolly to bo appointed constable at- Powers was denied, the office still be ing held by Q a om ------- 1 ’ The state Mghway eommiaaion zneets at Salem today to open bida for $600,000 mors of the state bond issue for roads votod last year. Wa anderstand tho U. & government haa given permission for tho aale of this amount o f bonds, though carefully ragulating all auch salea in Order that money enough may be left SMking Investment to float tha Liberty Loan iaeuea nocoaaary to pay war axpensM. • . stern ps; how much ho has contributed 22— Phil Sheridan Emery, Mafstifleid to the Rod Cross, tho Y . M. C. A. and other relief organisations— hi short ju st what ho has soon fit to invest in the United States o f Am erica, which has sheltered and protected him and furnished him tho opportunity to on- jo y nil the blessings o f liberty his whole life long. In such n record ss this everyone will see at a glance who ere the slackers and will begin to ask the reason why. The scheme outlined has been adopted for tho entire county organ ization fo r all war drives, but was devised by the loaders in the work for the Coquille district. It will make a groat record for future years, showing just who put their whole heert into tho work o f our country end for fra# government in the world. Wednesday Fire Chief Anderson was called up into the form er club room in the Golden building above Harry M iller’s pool hell to see how doe# a call that wooden row on the south side o f .Front street had just had. I f the room is still used as a club room M Is sadly In nood o f a janitor, as dirt and rubbish wars ev erywhere in evidence. The trouble that day was that some one had thrown a discarded pair o f trousers right against tho stove pipe which comes up through tho floor from tho room below. It was Inevitable that they should take fire, and in burning they had started a fire in the flooring. This was discovered and put out by the people in the pool hall, but if It had started later the story we have to tell might have needed bigger headlines than this does. Where a row o f old wooden buildings make such a tinder box ns we have there, more care ought to ho taken to see that flroe are not invited, as one cer tainly was on Wednesday. . . . . «. for the road bond issue ref erred to that the commission will foil justified in accepting, that tc an open ques tion. Still tha probnbilitiM appear to be that there will be such bids, and for that reason the County Court has decided to bo represented at that mooting o f the commission, so that if the bonds are sold C om county’s claim under tho bond law shall bo presented and pressed when it comes to appropriating the funds to bo de rived from ths bond sale. Wednesday after coM ultation by phone between the members o f tho county court it was decided that Com missioner Archie Philip should bo present at Portland today when tho commission moots, and ha started by yesterday morning’s train. Band, with three children, was al lowed a pension o f $20 par month. Mrs. Daisy E. Andrews, o f North Bend, a widow with one child, was al lowed a pension of $10 por month. G. G. Swan was appointed coneta- blo in tho Gravel Per® distrit, to All out tho unCxpirod term o f J. L. Croo- For the Third Liberty Loan. Wm. E. Steward, o f Riverton, was a caller this morning. Ho is the first man we ever saw walking about with a broken neck. March 7, 1917, a log struck him and cracked his skull ss well ss broke hte neck. For four months he was paralysed and he remained for over a year in a hos pital at Sultan, Wash., whence ho has just returned. His head is supported by a plaster cast enclosing his neck, making a rather inconvenient collar. Mr. Steward is in fair health other wise and has gained over 80 pounds in weight since his accident. Ha is hoping that tho time will come when only a stiff nock will remind him o f the time when he was eo near death. He had been engaged ia logging in Washington for seventeen years past. The County Clerk was instructed to advertise fo r bids fo r the bilding o f the Fox bridge over the North Fork in the Loo neighborhood. Tho bids will be opened at tho April term o f the County Court. J. S. Sawyer was appointed Road- master for the remainder o f the year 1918, to succeed R. B. Murdock, whose resignation takes effect March 16. Carries a Broken Neck. The executive committee fo r tho third Liberty Loan Bond campaign fo r the Coquille district met last Sat urday night and made preliminary plans for handling the drive which will probably begin April 6— the an niversary o f tho United States’ en trance into tho war. Teams will bo named for every section o f the dis trict to secure promises to subscribe to the bond issue. For tho SpM kers' Committee to handle the educational end o f tho campaign the follow ing gentlemen were appointed: L. J. Cary, J. E. Norton and J. S. Barton. , Tho publicity committeo, which is also educational, and w ill have ehargo o f the local advertising, consists o f H. A. Young, A . B. Robert, W. H. Lyons, J. L. Smith and Jno. W . Len- Barrow for Representative. Elsewhere in tMs issue appears the announcement o f Hon. C. R. Bar- row ss a candidate for nomination as the republican candidate fo r the legis lature in the primariM next May. Mr. Barrow haa already served one term as representative and knows the ropes. Wa believe he can be more useful in that capacity fo r having the knowledge and experience there eb- tained. W e know he ia fervently pa triotic and baartily la favor o f strin gent laws far evil doers. that wo ought to support s Coquille man fo r this position, and we are sure that Mr. Barrow haa especial qualifications fo r the place. More Money Meet Be Raised. Yesterday afternoon J. E. Norton tent a draft fo r $609A0 to Ben Sell ing, treasurer fo r Oregon o f the A r menian R elief. This is ju st half o f the Coquille district’s quote and in dicates that there will have to ha an other day devoted by tha committee to raising funds fo r this most wor thy and immediately needed charity.