The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, March 08, 1918, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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• •: /, a* Jf • r v . K . .i» •
Telling About
Érente in tho City ami
D. Cari
for ti
March 11. I te
ary will probably
on tho 18th.
and foggy
have beau the rule this
March winds with a chilly
I# Croix dg
a t hia
a t night.
in this city at
He fell sufi*
During the day ho
of pain in the
Cte heart a
ham subject far
have bom
I te funeral services were held at
the ElliBgaen Undertaking pariera at
8 JO o'clock yeoterday afternoon,
by A. J. Whiddon, the Christ-
aa the river will want to
attend that barn banqast at N*al *
Lux’s near Parkersburg on Saturday
next week, the 18th Inst There
Dayne Hndson
be a half fare excursion rate on
ing from a week’s visit at Cottage the river
boats, 60 sente for tho round
W. E. Crsine, ti CrainaTa Camp, ra- Mr. and Mrs. O. , *i\:
Pertlaad by Wedneaday to Bandon tho first F.
they export te resida. Mr*. Sasith re­
L ost-A heavy silver thimbU vrfth cently returned from an entended vis­ When younç he worked for moi *
a gold band. Finder pisase raturn to it in Oklahoma, while Mr
time m a logger, but he ha* orar ainco
the Sentiael office.
in a shipyard at
been engaged in tho blacksmithing
buainesa. Ho was aarriad in 1899 to
C. L Reigard and L. A. Lfljeqvist Beach, California.
«ere over bere Wedneaday attend- Mrs. Ida K. Owen has Just received Nallta Elliott, daugbter of Charte. El­
ing the Circuit Court.
lettera from her cousin, Orris liott, ni thia city, who aurvivea him.
of Port Orferd, who is with Thcy becamo tho paronta ot aeven
The Fratia perjury case fram the
children «ho now range from 18 to
smewhoro in Franca,” but flve
Bay is set for trial in tito Circuit
yeara of âge, aa foilowa: Lloyd
Court han teusorww.
Chariea, Annie, Mar-
receipt of n sweat­ guerito Henry,
Raed the annouaeemont oí A. K. er Mrs. Owen the
and Bosnie.
Peck, as a candidato for representa­
He la alao aurvived by hia mothcr,
L. J.' Jones, of Cottage Grave, spent Mrs. C. A. McAdams and «aa one
tiva, in another cohunn.
with his form- of a fafeily of 18 children, of whom
8ampie septos ef the Sentiael seot the night here Tuesday
B. Phillips.
Mr. and throe aixtora are
flve brothera
to yoor frauda who aro not subeerbers Jones recently sold the Cottage Grave
atill living, aa foilowa:
ií you wül
mill to C. MeC. Johnson, of
this city, who to removing It to Roods- Curry county; Mrs. Mary Mnlrthili,
Clean up day will
Bettor cali Davia, the Junk man, port and sotting it up there.
of Index, Wash.; and Thomas, George,
I in tima. Don*t forgot ha buya Receives Croix de Guerre.
William, John, Sarah and Nannie, all
G. W. Harry, who is getting ont of Coquille.
ship knees in the Bridge neighbor­
hood, was in town Wodnmday to visit
Circuit Court C u m .
with Us son, Joseph I*, who has an­ During the first ton days of the
te tho army as a track driver February term of tho Circuit Court
Thursday morning. Mr. hero which convened on Monday of
Mrs. J. T. Harrigan, of Marshfield, Harry has another
sen already in the last week eleven Jury cases were tried,
is visiting with friends here «hile army,
the twelfth trial being now in pro-
Mr. Harrigan is servng as a Jurar in
Chas. H. Bnrggraf, of Albany, Ora^ grees. Thia look, like expedition.
the Créait court.
was s Coquille visitor Wodnmday. Ho The ease of M. H. Dement, of Myr­
Mrs. Eldon LangMs, of Bandon, was
architect of the court house tle Point, against the Southern Pa­
passed through hers Wednesday on. and the
high school bilding bora cific for daaaagea caused 'by «May in
her way to G ruta Pass to visit her twenty years
ago, in 1898, and this the shipment of a lot of cattle was
sister, Mrs. 8. E. Chastin.
was his second trip bock’sines then, tried here thia week, the Jury giving
H. M. Shaw, M. D , Eye, Ear, Noee, lie found it ranch mors convenient the plaintiff a verdict for $689.70. The
and Throat specialist, will be at B u ­ getting boro now than it was in 1898 amount he sued for $148080.
ter Hotel, Coquille, on Thursday,
walked in or rode a !> .ycle The case of Geo. H. Johnson
March 21st. Glasses fitted.
7t2 from Roeeburg.
against C. B. Zook, of Bandon, for
services, was tried in the Circuit
A. T. Morrison, whose mother was
Court here yeoterday. The plaintiff
aued for $299 and secured a verdict
point of death, yesterday received the
for $206.
welcome news that she Is improving..
The suit of Chan. M. Smith vs. Geo.
- Mica Theodosia Hayter, of Myrtle
Dafoe tried here this week, in
Point, was in town Saturday attend­
the plaintiff asked for $1826,
ing to legal m atters relative te the
in favor of the defendant.
estate of her brother, William L. Hay-
It took a good deal of time at the
court house to secure a Jury for tho
trial of Frank Haney, the boy accused
of shooting E. H. Carson at Powers
last October. The regular panel was
exhausted and it was necessary to
secure several talesmen before the
box was filled this afternoon.
Flickering Lights Sunday Night
For about two hours last Sunday
evening Coquille alternated between
darkness and light, the light* being on
for a few minutes and then Off for
ten. The trouble was at the Smith
mill in Marshfield where a loose pack­
ing on a generator allowed the en­
gines to flood, thus blowing out the
automatic switch. The plant wdl
carrying a heavy load at the time and
it was about 8:80 before the repairs
W. B. Cambila Tuesday morning
took charge of the M. McDonald bar­
ber shop on Front street, succeeding
Wm. Buell, who quit tho business to
take up ranching on the Siuslaw west
of Eugene. Mr. CambUn comes from
E. E. Fraedricks has resigned his
position with tho Farmers’ Union
Store and today shipped his Household
geode to Bridge where be owns a trail
improved ranch. A. L. Nosier's to
the new face in the atora.
L. A. Liljjeqvist, chairman of tho
Corn County Council of Defense, to
in receipt of an official notice from
State .Council of Defense that
i to one delivery per day.
4tt will pay cash for Red Cedar
Belts and Logs.
Sitka Sprues Co.
ef tu a city, read
lim e and salpher for spraying fruit trees
should be used NOW.
Form aldehyde and C orrosive
S ublim ate f o r tre a tin g g ra in
seeds, po tatoes, etc., before p la n t­
These paeparations are recommended by the
Oregon Agricultural College and are the best for
thia country.
Garden Seeds in Bulk
Knowlton’s Drug Store
Winner of Actress’ Popularity Contest
lflSS EFFIE JOHNSON, leading lady with THE ATHON
COMPANY, which comes to the Scenic Theatre for 3 Nights
prise in the big popularity contest at
Los Angelas last winter. She also
received special'mention for having
the largest variety of handsome
gowns. In fact, it is said tLat she is
the best dressed woman on the coast,
requiring five massive trunks alone
for her gowns worn in the produc­
tions of the A than Company. This
company claims to be the only one of
Hs kind in the entire world, giving
a variety of entertainment never be­
fore attempted by u y ether organl-
A Mighty Poor Gamble.
Holding potatoea for a raise, or in
Wall street parlance "going long” Is
about the poorest sort of a gamble we
ever heard of, and yet that Is Just
«hat «e hear many Mg growers are
doing no« in this county, when the
only part of the cotin try in which u y
market can possibly be found for
them is in New Mexico and Ariaona.
Mr. Coats is now advertising for them
here, on a co-operative basis with a
minumum price of 60 c u ts per hun­
dred assured, but he wants only 20,-
bushels. He says that govern­
Mian Frizeea Out Again. 000
ment regulations restrict Urn to a
Miss Elvira Frixeen, who has been profit of 16 percent on his venture.
sick for several months, is able to be
out again u d for the past two days
ha* spent the afternoons on duty at
the office of her father, August Fri-
seen. Her many friends are welcom­
ing her return to health.—Coos Bay
A force of Government employes
from the headquarters in Portland
arrived in Glendale the first of the
weok and are busy cruising the O.
* C. grant land timber which will be
thrown on the market sdon, says the
Glendale News.
Ben McMullen has charge of the
crew here, and when uked by the
News reporter regarding the opening
of the land, Mr. McMullen stated that
the timber would be offered for sale
immediately—Just as fast as they can
finish cruising and reports are filed—
probably in about 80 days. He alao
said that the timber and land in this
vicinity would be the first offered for
sale, and the Government is planning
to rush this work through as fast as
people of Southern Oregon, who have
been waiting a number of yean for
the grant lands to be opened for set­
Spray Your Trees
Now is th e tim e to
has the honor of having won
the contest for the most pop­
ular actress appearing in Los
Angeles last winter. While
this company was playing an
extended engagement in Cal­
ifornia, the Los Angeles Ex­
aminer offered a prize for
the most popular actress,
giving so many vote* with
each paper printed. When
the returns were counted, it
wm* found that Mi** Johnson
was the lucky one. She also
received special mention for
having the largest variety of
handsome gowns. In fact,
it is said that this little lady
is the best dressed woman on
the coast, requiring flve mas­
sive trunks alone for her
gowns worn in the produc­
tions of the Anthon Company.
This company claims to he
the only one of its kind in
the entire world, giving a
variety of entertainment nev­
er before attempted by any
other organisation. Be at the
Scenic Theatre Sunday Night, March 10, and look them over. Mr. A thon
uaee for hia motto “your money’s worth, or your money back,’’ which
seems to be about the.fairast proposition one eould with for.
The largest sale of O. à C. timber
to occur et Koeeburg since the land
waa wrested from the railroad’s own­
ership by the Government, waa held
at the Goevmment land office in that
city when the timber from a section
of land in the vicinity of Mohawk,
eastern Lane county, waa sold.
David and H. C. Auld, eastern Lane
county sawmill men, wore there and
ware the sole bidders a t the timber
sale last Monday, their price of $1.26
per thousand bast being accepted in
lien of competition. The figures bid
makes the total purchase price of the
timber $18,78186, or $88.26 per acre.
The title te the land remains vested
in the Government. Recent definition
of official policies leads to the conclu­
sion that this land, like other rail­
road timber land, will either be re­
forested under Government supervi-
F irst Snow of Season.
- The ground was whitened by an
inch or more of snow on Monday
we would have said this winter, only
that winter is over. In fact, ¿here
was snow three mornings in succes­
sion. Sunday morning tho fire on the
hills north of town were loaded with
it, the white and green together giv­
ing a wonderful holiday effect Tues­
day morning there was only enough to
whiten roofs and bridges
Malls Depart.
Marshfield and Eastern
6.40 a. m.
Myrtle Point 8 JO a. m.; 7:26 p. m.
2.00 p. m.
8.66 p. m.
680 a. m.; 4:00 p. m.
Arago (by boat)
1:00 p. m.
Mails Arrive.
Myrtle Point 0:12 a. m.; 4:16 p. m.
9:00 a. m.
9:00 a. m.; 7:40 p. m.
* 4:00 p. m.
Ejes Tested
H eazlet
H all
rd ay WEEK
N ig h t
"«« n m J
te ta r
O^Wlto, Orago0
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